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What is the ozone layer? To put it simply, the ozone layer is the earth's personal shield.
UV rays from the sun are our best natural source for Vitamin D. However, too much
exposure to this radiation presents us with a myriad of problems like sunburns,
premature aging in some cases, eye damage and have been linked with skin cancer. The
ozone layer, which contains high concentrations of ozone (O3), protects us by absorbing
most of this UV radiation from the sun. It is located as a thin layer in the earth's

Ozone layer depletion:

The layer has been in a steady state of decline of around 4% since the past 50 years or
so. In the Antarctic zone, the depletion levels are so high that there is a hole in the
ozone layer.

At its peak on Sept. 28, 2016, the ozone hole extended across an area nearly three times
the size of the continental United States. The purple and blue colors are where there is
the least ozone, and the yellows and reds are where there is more ozone. The hole in
Earth's ozone layer that forms over Antarctica each September grew to about 8.9 million
square miles in 2016 before starting to recover.

Causes of Ozone Layer Depletion:

The main cause of ozone layer depletion is the build-up of CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) in
the atmosphere. The depletion of the ozone layer is caused by the presence of chlorine-
containing gases which are called Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS).
⦁ CFCs
⦁ Halons – Used in fire extinguishers
⦁ Methyl Chloroform
⦁ Carbon Tetrachloride
⦁ Hydrofluorocarbons (HCFCs)
How do CFCs cause the depletion of the ozone layer?

All these ozone-depleting substances remain stable in the lower atmospheric region, but
as they reach the stratosphere, they get exposed to the ultraviolet rays. This leads to
their breakdown and releasing of free chlorine atoms which reacts with the ozone gas.
These free chlorine atoms react with ozone thereby leading to the depletion of the
ozone layer. One chlorine atom can destroy millions of ozone atoms before it
decomposes and this is why CFCs are extremely damaging to the ozone layer. The build-
up of CFCs is caused by many applications like the production of refrigerants,
anesthetics, aerosol sprays.

CFCs do not easily react with other substances. In fact, they break up only through
sunlight, which divides their molecules, causing the release of chlorine (Cl). Once the
chlorine is released, it is able to react with ozone (O3), to form chlorine monoxide (ClO)
and oxygen (O2).
Cl + O3 = ClO + O2
When the molecule of chlorine monoxide (ClO) meets another molecule of oxygen (O) it
breaks up, releasing chlorine (Cl), which can "destroy" another molecule of ozone (O3),
creating the catalytic cycle of chlorine.
ClO + O = Cl + O2
The industrial production of CFCs started in the 1920s, causing an average reduction of
the ozone layer of 3 percent.Fortunately, chlorine has "natural enemies" as well, such as
methane (CH4). Thanks to them, the natural ozone layer could recover over 50 years, as
long as CFCs are no longer used on a global level.
Effects of ozone layer depletion:
-Skin Cancer: exposure to UV rays from the sun can lead to increased risk for developing
of several types of skin cancers. Malignant melanoma, basal and squamous cell
carcinoma are the most common cancers caused by exposure to UV rays.
-Eye Damage: UV rays are harmful to our eyes too. Direct exposure to UV rays can lead
to Cataract problems, and also Photokeratitis or snow blindness.
-Damage to the Immune system: our immune system is also highly vulnerable to UV
rays. Increased exposure to UV rays can lead to the weakening of the response of the
immune system and even impairment of the immune system in extreme cases.
-Aging of skin: exposure to UV rays can lead to an acceleration of the aging process of
your skin. This will result in you looking older than what you actually are.
- Lead to difficulty in breathing, chest pain, and throat irritation and can even lead to
hampering of lung function.
-Declining numbers of the amphibian species from hampering the growth and
development in the larvae stage, deformities and decreases immunities in some species
and to even retinal damage and blindness in some species.
-UV rays also have an adverse effect on the marine ecosystem. It adversely affects the
planktons which play a vital role in the food chain and oceanic carbon cycle. Affecting
phytoplankton will, in turn, affect the whole ocean ecosystem.
-UV rays will also affect the plants. UV radiations can alter the time of flowering in some
plant species. It can also directly affect the plant growth by altering the physiological
and developmental processes of the plants.

Ways to bring down ozone layer depletion:

The whole world is vulnerable to it's after effects. That makes it important for each and
every one of us to take actions to reduce ozone layer depletion. At the individual level,
each and everyone also can contribute to reducing ozone layer depletion.

-Buying and using recycled products, saving of energy, using public transport can do a
lot in combating ozone layer depletion.

-Riding public transportation, carpooling, biking and walking are some effective
alternatives. Additionally, switching to vehicles that have electric, zero-emission or
hybrid engines.

-The most important thing that we can do is spreading awareness.

-make use of natural cleaning products or other eco-friendly alternatives

Our individual efforts will go a long way in saving the earth's blanket and keep our
planet earth livable for us and our future generations.

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