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1. Risk-transfer mechanism that ensures full or partial financial compensation

for the loss or damage caused by event(s) beyond the control of the insured
party. Under an insurance contract, a party (the insurer) indemnifies the other
party (the insured) against a specified amount of loss, occurring from specified
eventualities within a specified period, provided a fee called premium is paid.
Mecanismul de transfer al riscului care asigură compensarea financiară totală sau parțială a
pierderii sau daunelor provocate de evenimentul (evenimentele) care depășește controlul
asiguratului. În cadrul unui contract de asigurare, o parte (asigurătorul) despăgubește cealaltă
parte (asigurată) pentru o anumită sumă de pierdere, care rezultă din eventualele evenimente
specificate într-o anumită perioadă, cu condiția plății unei taxe numite premium.

 Insurance is a means of protection from financial loss. It is a form of risk

management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent, uncertain loss.
Asigurarea este un mijloc de protecție împotriva pierderilor financiare. Este o formă de
gestionare a riscurilor utilizată în primul rând pentru a se proteja împotriva riscului unei pierderi
contingente și incerte.
2. Assure- to tell someone confidently that something is true, especially so that
they do not worry
Pentru a spune cuiva cu încredere că ceva este adevărat, mai ales pentru ca ei să nu-
și facă griji
Ensure-to make something certain to happen
Pentru a face ceva sigur să se întâmple
Insurance- an agreement in which you pay a company money and they pay
your costs if you have an accident, injury
Un acord în care plătiți bani unei companii și vă plătesc costurile dacă aveți un
accident, un accident
insurance adjuster- a person whose job is to check facts and information
relating to an insurance claim and to decide how much money the insurance
company should pay:
insurance agent- a person or company who gives advice about
and sells insurance for an insurance company or number of insurance companies
insurance bond- a bond where the investment is paid as a single payment into
a life insuranceagreement from which the person who owns the bond receives
a regular income
insurance broker- a person or company whose job is to
give people independentadvice about what insurance is available from
different companies, and toarrange insurance for them

4. Whether it is auto, medical, liability, disability or life, insurance serves as an

excellent financial protection and wealth-preservation tool. Having the right kind of insurance
is a critical component of any good risk-management Insurance is a contract, represented by a
policy, in which an individual or entity receives insurance policy or reimbursement against
losses from an insurance company. The company pools clients' risks to make payments more
affordable for the insured. Insurance policies are used to hedge against the risk of financial
losses that may result from damage to the insured or her property, or from liability for damage or
injury caused to a third party. Business requires special types of financial plan that insure
against specific types of risks faced by it. Two of the most important components of all insurance
policies are the premium and the deductible. A policy premium is simply its price, typically
expressed as a out of pocket cost, The premium is determined by the insurance company based
on the business' risk profile. The second important monthly cost is the deductible. Whenever
you make a claim, you are required to meet a minimum out-of-pocket expense, or deductible,
before the insurance company pays for your losses. Deductibles can apply per-policy or per-
claim depending on the insurer and the type of policy. Policies with very high deductibles are

a person who calculates how likely accidents, such as fire, flood, or loss ofproperty,
are to happen, and tells insurance companies how much they
shouldcharge their customers.
Assessor someone whose job is to judge or decide the amount, value, quality, orimportance of
(asesor) something:

to say that something is true or is a fact, although you cannot prove it and
other people might not believe it

consequential a loss of money that happens as a result of something wrong or illegal that
loss someone else has done

cover to put or spread something over something, or to lie on the surface of something:
a person or company whose job is to give people independentadvice about
what insurance is available from different companies, and
toarrange insurance for them

a person who works for an insurance company and decides how

loss adjuster much moneyshould be paid out in each case of something having
been damaged or lost

a set of ideas or a plan of what to do in particular situations that has

policy beenagreed to officially by a group of people, a business organization,
a government, or a political party

policyholder a person who owns insurance for a car, home, etc

premium an amount of money paid to get insurance:

product the fact that a company is responsible when a customer is injured or harmed by
liability one of its products

a situation in which a member of the public is hurt or damage is caused to

public liability
theirproperty by a company's actions or products

insurance bought by an insurance company to protect itself against

largedemands from its customers

risk used to mean that you are responsible for any damage, loss, ordifficulty:

6. Translation
1.The ghinion is only dull against stupidity. (French Proverb)
2. The first risk factor is ignoring the risk. (Alvin Toffler)
3. Whoever fails to keep his possessions is a friend of the thief. (Proverbs and
Armenian Thoughts)
4. Lucky we face and we call it a chance. (Benjamin Disraeli)
5. Short-term outlook long-term perspective.
(John Naisbitt, Megatendinte, Edit Pol, Buc., 1989)

G. Insurances ended the year 2016 with a profitable growth of 16%, 5 points
above the market level, and at the same time managed to generate sustainable
profit for the third consecutive year. Thus, last year the company subscribed
premiums in the amount of 932.3 million lei and registered a profit of
approximately 30 million RON. At the same time, the net insurance
recommendation rate reached 66 in 2016, compared to 55 in 2015, and
customer satisfaction to 92%, according to the IRSOP study conducted in
September 2016.
National Union of Insurance and Reinsurance in Romania - UNSAR is a
professional organization established in 1994, based on OG 26/2000, on
associations and foundations. The Union was set up at the initiative of a group
of 13 insurance and reinsurance companies and currently has 17 full members
as well as 5 associate members. Under the Association Statute, UNSAR is a
non-governmental, non-governmental, non-governmental, non-profit
organization created to develop and expand cooperation and co-operation in
insurance and reinsurance.
Within the Association there are several sections and committees that meet
periodically to discuss the current technical problems of the Union's activity
and propose solutions to solve them. In addition to UNSAR, the Arbitration
Body, independent of the body, is working to settle amicably the differences
between insurers.
UNSAR is a member of some international associations:
• Member of IUAI (International Association of Aviation Insurers), 1996,
International Union of Aviation Insurers
• Member of the IUMI (International Maritime Insurance Association) in
1997, the International Maritime Insurance Union
• Full member of the European insurance and reinsurance federation since
In zilele de navigație și navigație rudimentară, vestea era deseori proastă: navele ar fi naufragiat,
iar comercianții ar fi ruinați. Deși asigurarea navelor și a mărfurilor poate fi urmărită înapoi la
fenicieni, la căminul lui Lloyd's sa născut asigurarea marină modernă. Un proprietar de nave ar
scrie pe o foaie de hârtie detaliile unei călătorii propuse - numele, traseul și portul de apel al unei
nave, valoarea căruței și a încărcăturii sale și suma pe care a fost dispus să o plătească
La sfârșitul secolului al XVII-lea, marinarii s-au adunat la cafeneaua lui Edward Lloyd, în Turnul
Street, în apropiere de Thames Waterfront din Londra, bârfe, cărți de joc și afaceri. Cafeaua,
apreciată pentru puterile sale terapeutice, era un banc o ceașcă. Stilouri, cerneală și hârtie erau
gratuite, așa cum au fost știrile oferite de alergătorii lui Lloyd, care se scurgeau înainte și înapoi
între cafenea și docuri, colectând cele mai recente informații despre nave și încărcăturile lor.
Până în 1771, deși Edward Lloyd a fost mult timp mort, numele său a rămas pe măsură ce a făcut
tradiția de a face afaceri din bănci din lemn, grupate în cutii dreptunghiulare, în jurul unei încăperi
mari. Cei care beau cafea, care se îmbogățiseră în cabine și bănci în jurul camerei, mulți dintre ei
proprietarii de nave, ar decide apoi, cât de mult ar exista vreunul dintre riscurile pe care erau
dispuși să le accepte în schimbul primei. Un "asigurător" își va scrie numele pe carnetul
proprietarului navei sub informația de expediere (prin urmare, termenul de subscriptor)

Ich haben Marius

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