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1.) What number is 15 less than 83?

2.) What is thrice three added to twice two?

3.) What is the smallest number that could go into the blank that will make the inequality true?

91 – __ < 87

4.) What is 12 minutes after 10:55 in the morning?

5.) Write <, >, or =.

10 ÷ 5 __ 10 ÷ 6

6.) If February 8 is a Friday, what day is February 16?

7.) What number should go into the blank?

15, 19, 23, 27, __, 35, …

8.) Which of the following is an equation?

a. 12 > 8 + 2
b. 1 + 7 < 9

c. 4 + 8 = 12

9.) Which of the following fractions is closest to 0?

a.) 1/2

b.) 1/3

c.) 1/4

d.) 1/5

10. A clock sounded bells at 3:15, 3:30, and 3:45 in the afternoon. At what time will be the next bell?

11.) Farah has 8 boxes of candies. In each box, there are 10 candies except one box with 9 candies. How
many candies are there in all?

12.) Fill in the blanks: 100 centimetres = ___ metres.


1.) 68
2.) 13

3.) 5

4.) 11:07 in the morning

5.) >

6.) Saturday

7.) 31

8.) c. equation uses equal sign; sentences that use > and < are called inequalities

9.) d

10.) 4pm or 4 in the afternoon

11.) 79

12.) 1

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