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Denial of Hadeeth in Hanafi Usool from certain Sahaba

(Abu Hurairah and Anas ibn Malik ‫)رضي هللا عنهما‬

Accordingly in Hanafi book Usool
ashShashi (refer English translation follows
below) they deny accepting Saheeh Hadeeth
from the companions of the prophet like
‫ ﷺ‬Abu Hurayrah and Anas ibn Malik (
‫ )رضي اهلل عنهما‬and say that accepting Qiyas
(analogy) is better than accepting the
Saheeh Hadeeth of these Sahaba
All this on a false pretense that these sahaba
were weak in Fiqh (understanding) and
Ijtehad (diligence), for the sake of proving
the Qiyas of their sectarian scholars by
hook or by crook.
Ask yourself who has the right to decide
whether and which of the companions of
the prophet ‫ ﷺ‬were weak in Fiqh and
Ijtehad? The hanafi scholars?

The companions of the prophet about whom

it was revealed:
‫ضوا َعن ْ ُه‬ ِ ‫ر‬
ُ ‫ضيَ اللهَُّ َعن ْ ُه ْم َو َر‬ َ
“Allah is pleased with them and they with
Him” Quran 98:8

This is how they spread lies in the name of

religion, all in the name of Andhi Taqleed
(blind following) saying that the
comprehension of their scholars is better
than that of the sahaba. May Allah guide us
to the straight path.

Who are the hanafi muqallids to belittle the understanding of companions of the prophet ‫ ? ﷺ‬That too a sahabi
like abu Hurairah (‫)رضي اهلل عنه‬, subhanallaah, who was considered a mufti amongst the sahaba for 23 years, who
narrated so many ahadeeth, to whom the tabieen flocked for gaining knowledge of religion. (Refer: Siyar alaam
alNubala of Imam adhDhahabee 126, and alIsabah fi tamayyiz assahaba of Hafidh ibnHajr pg. 75)
Allahu mastan
English Translation

They even go to shameless lengths of misquoting hadeeth to defend their scholars. (Please refer actual hadeeth as
follows) saying that abu Hurairah remained silent in front of Qiyas (in urdu: khamosh ho gaye). These words are
not present in the hadeeth.

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