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Ulllted States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 5,901,669

Phelps, Sr. [45] Date of Patent: May 11, 1999

[54] VARIABLE PRESSURE ONCE-THROUGH 4,704,992 11/1987 WaryasZ ............ . . . . .. 122/4 D

STEAM GENERATOR UPPER FURNACE 4,987,862 1/1991 Wittchow et a1. ........ .. 122/6 A
HAVING NON-SPLIT FLOW CIRCUITRY 5,201,282 4/1993 Albrecht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 122/23523

_ _ 5,347,955 9/1994 Wittchow ...... . . . . . . . . .. 122/6 A

[75] IHVGHIOII Calvlll E- PhelPS, SF-,Akf0n,Oh10 5,560,322 10/1996 Fitzgerald ............................. .. 122/6A

[73] Assignee: The Babcock & Wilcox Company,

New Orleans> La- Primary Examiner—Teresa J. Walberg
Assistant Examiner—Jiping Lu
[21] Appl' NO‘: 08/417’167 Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Daniel S. Kalka; Robert J.
[22] Filed: Apr. 5, 1995 Edwards
[51] Int. Cl.6 .................................................... .. F22B 37/00 [57] ABSTRACT
[52] US. Cl. ............. .. 122/6 A; 122/235.11; 122/235.12;
122/235.14; 122/235.15; 122/235 .24; 122/511 Aonce-through steam generator having single pass non-split
[58] Field of Search ........................ .. 122/235 .11, 235.12, ?uid ?ow upper furnace circuitry With a one to one connec
122/235-14> 235-15> 235~22> 23524> 2352i tion of tubes of the loWer furnace spiral or vertical tube
6 A’ 511 assembly being connected to the vertical tubes of the upper
[56] References Cited furnace assembly to prevent steam Water separation and
provide a fully dralnable ?oW circuit.
4,465,023 8/1984 Wagner ................................. .. 122/6 A 7 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets

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U.S. Patent May 11,1999 Sheet 1 0f 2 5,901,669

FIG. 1


U.S. Patent May 11,1999 Sheet 2 0f 2 5,901,669

FIG. 2

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1 2
VARIABLE PRESSURE ONCE-THROUGH The bypass system includes steam-Water separation
STEAM GENERATOR UPPER FURNACE equipment, such as a ?ash tank or vertical separator(s) and
HAVING NON-SPLIT FLOW CIRCUITRY performs the folloWing additional functions:
1. Controls the pressure and temperature of the steam
leaving the boiler during start-up to conditions suitable
1. Field of the Invention for the turbine, condenser and auxiliary equipment.
The present invention relates to steam generators in 2. Provides means for recovering heat ?oWing to the
general and in particular to such steam generators of the bypass system, during start-up and loW-load
Once-Through or “Benson” type also knoWn as the operations, utiliZing the feedWater heaters or a furnace
Universal-Pressure boilers Which have spiral and vertical recirculating pump.
?oW furnace circuitry. 3. Provides means for conditioning the Water during
2. Description of the Related Art start-up Without delaying boiler and turbine Warming
The Universal Pressure boiler or the Once-Through operations.
boiler, derives its name from the fact that it Was developed 15 4. Protects the high temperature (secondary) superheater
to be applicable functionally at all commercial temperatures against shock from Water during start-up.
and pressures, subcritical and supercritical. Numerically the 5. Provides means for relieving excessive pressure in the
boiler parameters and operating conditions are as folloWs: system after a load trip.
Range in capacity, steam output about 300,000 lb/hr to an Prior art variable operating pressure once through boilers
undetermined maximum exceeding 10,000,000 lb/hr. 20 or steam generators use furnace tube circuitry Wherein the
Operating pressure subcritical, usually at 2400 psi con heated ?uid ?oWs from either vertical or spiral furnace
stant throttle pressure, and supercritical usually at 3500 tubing located around the total perimeter of the loWer part of
psi constant throttle pressure. Variable operating pres the generator to vertical tubing located in the upper part of
sure from the boiler feedWater pumps to the turbine the generator. With loWer furnace spiral tubing construction,
throttle valves, over the operating load range is closely 25 headers, bifurcates, trifurcates, bottles, or other ?ttings Were
identi?ed With the “Benson” boiler and its spiral fur located in the transition Zone of the boiler and Were used to
nace. split the ?uid from the spiral tubes into a greater number of
Steam and reheat temperatures as required, usually 1000 vertical tubes. Thus ?uid ?oW leaving a spiral tube Was
F. Constant steam temperature can be maintained to usually split into tWo or more paths. Spiral tube connections
minimum once-through load With any fuel. Constant 30 at their upper termination in the furnace rear Wall used a
reheat temperature can be maintained to an intermedi more extensive combination of headers and other ?ttings to
ate load With any fuel, including coal, oil, or natural split each spiral tube ?oW into multiple paths to form the
gas. construction for the furnace arch, front screen, pendent
Operational control is completely automatic, including convection pass sideWalls, ?oor, and sometimes, the rear
pumping and ?ring-rate control and steam temperature con 35 screen tube components. Furnaces recently equipped With
trol. all vertical tubing that operate variable pressure are com
The principle of operation is that of the once-through or mercially available, but their reliability and availability are
“Benson” cycle. The Working ?uid is pumped into the unit currently being experienced. Furnaces With all vertical tub
as liquid, passes sequentially through all the pressure-part ing can be designed With non-split ?oW circuitry for the
heating surfaces, Where it is converted to steam as it absorbs 40 upper front and sideWalls, but the rear Wall ?oW is split to
heat, and leaves as steam at the desired temperature. There supply the various paths in the doWnstream upper furnace,
is no recirculation of Water Within the unit and, for this e.g., the arch, screens, and pendant convection pass Walls
reason, a drum is not required to separate Water from steam and ?oor.
above the minimum once-through load or “Benson Point”. It is necessary, When splitting a subcritical pressure steam
The furnace is completely ?uid cooled. The ?ue gas side 45 Water mixture ?oW path as in the upper furnace tubing, that
may be designed for balanced draft or pressure operation. the doWnstream component receiving the split ?oW be
Ash removal may be either dry or Wet. Reheaters for single designed for steam-Water separation. This requires added
or tWo-stage reheat may be incorporated in the design for the ?uid ?oW pressure loss to be built in to ensure for static
reheat cycle. stability. Tubes that receive all Water, or a mixture With
Gas tempering, if used on pulveriZed coal ?red units, 50 signi?cantly less than average inlet steam quality, may not
controls gas temperatures entering the superheater and mini circulate suf?ciently. The ?oW may stagnate, reverse,
miZes slagging in these surfaces. Reheater steam tempera oscillate, or natural recirculation may occur Within the
ture is controlled by gas-recirculation, excess air, ?ue gas component. All of these cause furnace materials to overheat
split ?oW control, and attemperation, separately or in com if the pressure loss is not designed into the component to
bination. 55 ensure suf?cient forWard circulation. The additional pres
The once-through boiler is designed to require a minimum sure loss required for static stability for the prior art designs
?oW inside the furnace circuits to prevent overheating of caused higher plant heat rates due to the additional energy
furnace tubes during all operating conditions. This ?oW must consumed by the boiler feedWater pump-drive. The addi
be established before start-up of the boiler. Abypass system, tional pressure loss caused all upstream components, includ
integral With the boiler, turbine, condensate and feedWater 60 ing the loWer furnace, economiZer, and feedWater system to
system, is provided so that the minimum design ?oW can be the boiler feedWater pump to be designed for a higher
maintained through pressure parts Which are exposed to high pressure, and thus thicker Walled pressure parts and addi
temperature combustion gases during the start-up operations tional costs. These split ?oW circuitry designs caused steam
and at other times When the required minimum ?oW exceeds Water separation and resulted in some tubes receiving all
the turbine steam demand. The minimum ?oW for startup 65 steam, or a high quality steam mixture. The result caused the
may be established by a furnace recirculating pump or the upper furnace, including the furnace outlet headers and the
boiler feedWater pump. mechanical supports to be designed for an elevated tem
3 4
perature since the tubes receiving all steam absorbed enough BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
heat to be signi?cantly superheated over saturated steam In the draWings:
thermodynamic conditions. The tube material has less
FIG. 1 illustrates the upper furnace rear Wall circuitry of
strength at higher temperatures and hence they had to be
once-through steam generator.
thicker, more structurally supported, and upgraded to a
higher strength alloy material. The upper furnace enclosure FIG. 2 illustrates an alternate embodiment of the upper
tubes and membranes, and screen tubes also had to be furnace rear Wall circuitry of a once-through steam genera
upgraded to a higher oxidation resistant alloy material due to tor.
the higher design temperatures. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED
The prior art designs Were also non-drainable in some 10 EMBODIMENT
areas of the upper furnace rear Wall circuitry, especially
The present description is intended to disclose the pre
designs that attempted to minimiZe the number of interme
ferred embodiment of the present invention but is not
diate headers or other ?ttings connecting the loWer furnace
intended to limit it thereto.
tubes to the upper furnace tubes. Some portions of the upper
furnace tube circuitry Were constructed With pockets that did 15
The present invention relates to a once-through steam
not drain Water completely for maintenance purposes and generator assembly 10 Which is knoWn as a Universal
became susceptible to out of service corrosion. Pressure (UP) boiler. The Universal Pressure boiler is a
Thus it is seen that a fully drainable ?oW circuit Was high-capacity, high-temperature boiler of the “Benson” type
required Which Would reduce ?uid ?oW pressure losses, and that is functionally applicable at any boiler pressure. Firing
eliminate the heat transfer and material temperature levels may be by coal, either pulveriZed or Cyclone-Furnace-?red
and differentials caused by the split ?oW paths in the upper or by natural gas or oil, or other suitable combustible
furnace rear Wall circuitry of once-through boilers. material.
The Working ?uid, for example Water, is pumped into the
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION unit as liquid, and passes sequentially through all the
The present invention is directed to solving the problems 25 pressure-part heating surfaces, Where it is converted to steam
associated With prior art ?oW circuits as Well as others by as it absorbs heat, and leaves as steam at the desired
temperature. There is no recirculation of Water Within the
providing a single pass, non-split ?uid ?oW upper furnace
unit and, for this reason, a drum is not required to separate
circuit for a once-through steam generator that continuously Water from steam. The once-through boiler may be designed
connects the loWer furnace spiral or vertical tubes to the to operate at either subcritical, supercritical, or variable
upper furnace vertical tubes for variable furnace pressure pressures.
operation. To accomplish this aim, the upper and loWer The assembly 10 may be a unit complete in itself Without
furnace sections are designed With the same number of tubes auxiliary heat absorbing equipment, or it may constitute a
so that the ?uid ?oW paths can be connected on a one to one rather small part of a large steam generating complex in
basis through a transition Zone of the generator Without 35 Which the steam is generated primarily in the furnace tubes,
splitting the ?oW from any loWer furnace tube as it passes to and the convection surface consists of a superheater,
the upper furnace vertical tubes. Thus no headers, bottles, reheater, economiZer and air heater. In the latter case, a
bifurcates, trifurcates, or other ?ttings are required. drum-type boiler comprises only the steam drum and the
screen tubes betWeen the furnace and the superheater.
The circuitry forming the membraned tube enclosure for HoWever, the furnace Water-Wall tubes, and usually a num
the furnace Walls, arch, pendent convection pass ?oor, and ber of sideWall and support tubes in the convection portion
pendent convection pass front sideWall panels of the gen of the unit, discharge steam into the drum and therefore
erator are made of all Welded, ?ue gas tight construction, effectively form a part of the boiler.
including the front screen tube penetrations, since all adjoin In the case of the once-through boiler, there is no steam
ing parts noW operate at nearly the same temperature. drum, but rather an arrangement of tubes in Which steam is
In vieW of the foregoing it Will be seen that one aspect of generated and superheated. As seen in FIG. 1, the loWer Zone
the present invention is to provide a less costly and more 12 of a Spiral Wound Universal Pressure (SWUP) boiler has
reliable ?oW circuitry for a once-through steam generator a series of spiral tubes extending around the circumference
that operates With variable pressure. Which are connected on a one-to one basis through a
Other aspects of the present invention is to provide ?oW transition Zone 14 to a series of vertical tubes in the upper
circuitry for a once-through steam generator Which Will have Zone 16. It is necessary in all boiler designs to give proper
reduced temperature levels and differentials, reduced ?uid consideration to the performance required from the total
?oW pressure loss, and improved stability. complex.
Another aspect of the present invention is that the furnace With reference to FIG. 1, it Will be seen that in the single
rear Wall and arch junction is formed in manufacturing by 55 pass, non-split ?uid upper furnace circuitry of the present
pack bending since they Will be continuous circuits. Com invention the loWer furnace spiral tubes (18) connect con
tinuously to the upper furnace vertical tubes (20) in a
plex construction caused by joining multiple circuits is once-through steam generator designed for variable furnace
eliminated; thereby, improving construction and unit reli pressure operation. The loWer furnace may be designed With
ability. vertical tubing. The upper and loWer furnace (12, 16) is
Yet another aspect of the present invention is to provide designed With the same number of tubes, by using techno
a totally drainable ?oW circuitry for a once-through steam logical design information. The ?uid ?oW paths are con
generator to prevent doWn time corrosion of the generator. nected on a one to one basis through the transition Zone (14)
These and other aspects of the present invention Will be Without splitting ?oW from any spiral or vertical tube as it
more fully understood upon a revieW of the folloWing 65 passes to the upper furnace (16). Intermediate headers,
description of the preferred embodiment When considered bottles, bifurcates, trifurcates, or other ?ttings are thus not
With the accompanying drawing. required.
5 6
Since all adjoining parts operate at nearly the same drive energy consumption; thereby, decreasing fuel
temperature because there is no splitting of ?oW Which usage and eXhaust of combustion products and pollut
resulted in different heat transfer rates in the split tubing of ants into the atmosphere, and
the prior art devices, the circuitry forming the membraned (f) improve the arch-furnace rear Wall construction at their
tube enclosure for the furnace front, rear, and side Walls (22, junction since circuit splits are eliminated here; thereby
24, 26), arch (28), pendent convection pass ?oor (30), and reducing mechanical failure rates and outage time.
pendent convection pass front sideWall panels (32) are made
Certain modi?cation and improvements Will occur to
of all Welded, ?ue gas tight construction, including the front
screen tube (34) penetrations through the enclosures. those skilled in the art upon reading this description. It Will
be understood that such modi?cations and improvements
The present ?oW circuitry is not susceptible to corrosion have been deleted herein for the sake of conciseness and
from Water remaining in the ?oW circuit during any drainage
readability but are included in the scope of the folloWing
of the circuitry during a shut doWn of the generator. To
understand this feature reference is made to the heavy line
circuitry from the spiral furnace termination (36) on the rear What is claimed is:
Wall (24) to the arch (28). Multiple doWnstream components 15 1. In a once-through steam generator having a ?uid ?oW
in the upper furnace area are all supplied in parallel Without circuitry that includes furnace front, rear, and side Walls, the
splitting the ?uid ?oW from any spiral furnace tube and improvement comprising:
Without forming any horiZontal non-drainable Water pocket. a series of spiral tubes extending around a loWer furnace
Similar upper furnace construction may be used on a unit area of the steam generator;
With loWer furnace vertical tubing. The upper furnace (16)
a series of vertical tubes located in an upper furnace area
front and sideWalls are constructed vertically upWards to
complete these Walls Without the complications of supplying of the steam generator, said upper and loWer furnace
other doWnstream components before ?oWing to their areas of the steam generator having a same number of
respective outlet headers (38). tubes; and
25 said series of upper furnace vertical tubes being connected
The design heat absorption rate is approximately one
third on the top side (39) of the arch (28) as the underside continuously on a one to one basis to said series of
(40) of the arch (28) Which is fully eXposed to furnace loWer furnace spiral tubes in a transition Zone in an all
radiation. This alloWs the tube centerlines to be increased Welded, ?ue gas tight construction to prevent any ?uid
signi?cantly on top of the arch (28). This permits suf?cient ?oW splits.
tubes to be routed outside the setting at location (42) to 2. A generator as set forth in claim 1, Wherein said series
construct the front screen tube (34) and the pendent con of upper furnace vertical tubes is formed from a rear Wall
vection pass front sideWall (32) membraned panels. The arch transition.
tube circuit doWnstream of location (42) is constructed by 3. A generator as set forth in claim 1 further comprising
bending tubes and installing closure plates to seal Weld a series of upper furnace vertical pendant tubes situated in a
openings left by the rerouted tubes and designing the convection pass of the steam generator connected on a one
remaining arch circuit and pendent convection pass ?oor to one basis to said spiral tubes to provide a single pass ?uid
(30) to increase membraned tube centerlines. Rear screen ?oW.
tubes (46) are constructed as a continuation of the pendent 4. A generator as set forth in claim 3 further comprising
convection pass ?oor (30). The furnace rear Wall (24) dead
a series of upper furnace screen tubes situated in the con
loads are supported through mechanical or spring linkages to
vection pass of the steam generator connected on a one to
the front screen tubes (34) and to boiler top supports (50).
one basis to said spiral tubes to provide a single pass ?uid
Thus it is seen that the present invention Will provide the ?oW.
folloWing bene?ts: 5. A generator as set forth in claim 4, Wherein said screen
(a) substantially reduce capital costs for the upper furnace 45 tubes and said vertical pendant tubes are connected continu
rear Walls, including the arch, front screen tubes, pen ously on a one to one basis to loWer furnace tubing to
dent convection pass ?oor and sideWalls, rear screen provide a single pass ?uid ?oW.
tubes, and all the furnace and screen outlet headers by 6. Fluid ?oW circuitry for a once-through steam generator
reducing their design temperature requirements, and by comprising:
reducing their complexity of design; thereby, reducing a series of vertical tubes located in an upper furnace area
capital costs for materials, production, and of the generator;
construction, a series of spiral tubes located in a loWer furnace area of
(b) reduce material temperature differentials in adjoining the generator, said upper and loWer furnace areas of the
areas of the circuitry to improve thermal stresses; steam generator having a same number of tubes; and
thereby reducing pressure part failures and forced out
means for connecting said series of vertical tubes to said
age rates,
series of spiral tubes on a one to one basis to prevent
(c) improve furnace dynamic stability and reduce thermal any ?uid ?oW splits, said connecting means including
shock cycles; thereby, reducing pressure part failures an all Welded, ?ue gas tight construction.
and forced outage rates, 7. A ?oW circuit as set forth in claim 6 Wherein said
(d) provide all drainable circuitry; reduce susceptibility to connecting means further includes drainable surfaces in any
out of service corrosion; thereby, reducing pressure part connection of said tubing to prevent any Water retention
failure and higher forced outage rates, during a drainage of the ?oW circuitry.
(e) substantially improve plate heat rates by reducing
furnace ?uid ?oW pressure loss and feedWater pump * * * * *

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