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Integration of Economic Education on student routines: Implementation

Pumping Student Models

Masnurul Hidayat1
Universitas Negeri Malang,

This research is a learning model development and testing of the effectiveness of the learning model Pumping
Student. The research method are used model development of R&D and Class Action Research. This research was
conducted in MA NU Mu'allimin Malang with research subjects are XI IPS with 35 students. The results of this study
are a) learning with Pumping Student models which can integrate the interests and talents of students can provide a fun
learning and giving freedom to students showing their expression, b) Pumping Student provides container and
understanding to students to develop their interests and talents toward of professional c) results of the study found that a
learning follow the flow of thought and desire of students (interest and talent) is able to facilitate the students to understand
the material being taught, d) implementation of learning model Pumping student is able to improve student learning
outcomes, it proved their increase the thoroughness of learning outcomes in cycle II and III.
Key Word: Economic Education, Student Routines, Pumping Student Models

1. Background
Learning is a process conducted by the interaction of teachers and students with the aim to develop the
potential of the learners. These potentials are interest, talent and knowledge. Gagne explained that the learning
process is done with the purpose to develop and acquire knowledge (cognitive), mastery of skills
(psychomotor) and attitude (affective). Corey (in Syaiful, 2011: 61) explains that learning is a process where
learners are given a stimulus that will produce a response to changes in behavior. Before giving the stimulus,
first educators must manage the learning process. This is agree with the explanation of Dimyati and Mudjiono
(2009) that learning is an activity performed programmatically in the instructional design created by educators
to create learning activities become active and emphasis on the provision of learning resources. This means
that before doing the learning, teachers must create a learning concept that appropriate with characteristics of
learners and the material to be taught. Therefore, effective and efficient learning is learning that have the
characteristics of a pleasant (Wena, 2010). When learning to do fun then learners will easily accept the material
There are many innovative learning model that is oriented towards active learners. Where the model
requires that students are in a safe condition, comfortable and be able to counter the interests and talents of the
students. As we know that the interests and talents is an ability and willingness of a person associated with
something they like. Therefore, in an important learning to implement learning model that adapts interests and
talents. For example, a student who loved music and was studying economics. Then these students will be
more motivated if the learning economy integrated with the music. Teachers can create an economic learning
media by using music as a mediator of learning. In addition, the material described can also be integrated into
students' everyday (contextual).
Quantum learning model is a learning model that provides real experience in the lives of young people
who provide a fun learning to help learners improve their independence in learning. Quantum learning rooted
efforts from DR. Georgi Lozanov (DePorter, 2004: 14), a Bulgarian educator who experiment that quantum
learning referred as "suggestology" or"suggetopedia". The principle is that the suggestion can and do affect
the outcome of the learning situation and every detail anything positive or negative to give suggestions. This
way can unite the elements that at first glance are not seem to have similarities such as entertainment, games,
color, positive thinking, physical fitness and emotional health. But all these elements work together to produce
an effective learning experience.
Model contextual learning is a learning model that links between the materials in routines. Through this
model of learning expected of students more easily and quickly understand the material being taught. Berns
and Erickson (2001: 3) explains that contextual teaching and learning is a learning concept which requires
teachers to connect the content of subject matter with real world or the current situation. In line with this, Nur
(in Enoh, 2004) also makes clear that contextual learning model greatly assist teachers in teaching in the
classroom, where the material provided relating to real-world situations that can provide motivation and
knowledge significantly to learners. Therefore, this contextual learning model will provide motivation for
learners to learn, it is because the learning they do relates to their routines.
Based on these explanations it is considered important to apply quantum and contextual
learning. Therefore we need a learning model that integrates quantum and contextual learning model which in
this case is a learning model Pumping Student.
Pumping Student learning model is a learning model that integrates the interests and talents of students
with the material being taught, especially in economics matter. Pumping Student in value able to be
implemented on the material of economics because this material is the material includes students' routines. If
we look at the definition of the economics, the economics is the science of human behavior and actions to meet
their needs vary and evolve with existing resources through the choices of activities of production,
consumption, and or distribution in an effort to improve the quality of life. In the learning process of economics
subjects are given at the level of basic education as an integral part of Social Sciences. At the secondary level,
the economics is given as a separate subject. The purpose of economics subjects that the students have the
ability, among others: (1) understand a number of economic concepts to link events and economic problems
in routines, (2) featuring a questioning attitude towards a number of economic concepts, (3) establish wise
attitude, rational and responsible with the knowledge and skills of economics, management, and accounting,
and (4) make decisions that are in charge of the values of the social economy in a pluralistic society, both
nationally and internationally (Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2014: 14 ).
Economics subjects focused to make students able to actualize themselves in the economic behavior of
the students are required to study a more active economic events for current and happening in their routines
independently. In addition educators in this regard was also instrumental in providing learning resources that
match with characteristics of the learners. Therefore teacher should be able to apply and develop innovative
learning models.
The results of a classroom action research using model Pumping Student, suggesting that students are
motivated to learn when the learning materials integrated with their interests and talents. The results of their
study could exceed the standards of learning outcomes that have been set. The minimum standard of the value
in this school is 80. The students become more active and easily understand the concepts and theories of
economics are taught primarily matter concepts inflation and unemployment (trade off). Standard competency
which used in this school is related with Council for Economic Education (CEE) in 2010. Material Inflation
and unemployment set by the CEE is the learners are expected to use the knowledge to analyze and explain
the phenomenon of rising unemployment while increasing employment opportunities, identifying the types of
unemployment is causing serious problems in the economy, identify why people may be unemployed even
when the economy seems to be at full employment, analyze each case of unemployment and inflation to explain
who will be harmed and who will benefit from inflation.
2. Literature review
Pumping Student is a learning model that was developed and has been done on the effectiveness of the
test on the material in particular economics subject inflation and unemployment. The model integrates the
quantum and contextual learning model. The learning model is included in the idea of constructivism emphasis
on knowledge built by students. Therefore, in a literature review will be discussed on Quantum learning,
contextual learning and teaching model Pumping Student.
2.1 Quantum Learning
Economics subjects developed based quantum learning has characteristics familiarize learners learn a
comfortable and enjoyable. In accordance with that expressed by Bobbi DePorter that quantum learning is one
approach taken by their composition are various interactions that exist in and around the learning
situation. These interactions include elements of effective learning that affect the success of student
learning. Interactions between the individual components of education will change students' natural abilities
and talents into a useful learning success for themselves and their environment.
Quantum provides the benefits of learning can foster a positive attitude, enhance learning motivation,
self-confidence and make the learners as well as a special students. This is in line with the presentation of
Bobbi DePorter in his book entitled quantum learning that includes the term "Power What Can We Do For
Me” is the motivation gained from elections mentally between the benefits and consequences of a
decision. Therefore in the field of education, statement “Power What Can We Do For Me” can we apply to
provide learning to students, so they can be motivated to follow learning and knowing the benefits of learning
in routines.
Creating interest is a very good way to motivate the students to achieve learning objectives. In
accordance with the statement of Hamalik (2001: 158) motivation is "energy change in a (private) person who
is marked by the emergence of feelings and reactions to achieve the goal." As for the benefits to be gained
from quantum learning according Bobbi DePorter & Mike Hernacki (2011: 13) were "positive
attitude, motivation, life-long learning skills, confidence and success. "Therefore, while studying the draft
framework in economics subjects that can make the student as a privilege student as follows.
a. Grow. Growing interest of learners with "What’s In It for Me? "WIIFM", and the benefits of learning in
everyday life.
b. Experience. Create or bring common experiences that can be understood by all learners.
c. Label. Provide keywords, concepts, models, formulas, strategies, and an input.
d. Demonstrate. Provide opportunities for learners to "show that they know".
e. Repeat. Indicate the ways to repeat the matter and affirm "I know that I do know this.
f. Celebrate. Recognition for completion, participation and acquisition of skills and knowledge.
Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that a learning process is said to be already
using quantum learning if it has six draft framework above. Quantum learning can be applied to all levels and
types of education to produce students who are able to utilize learning in everyday life. More details can be
seen in figure 1.

Economics material provides

recognition for the completion of
studying the material by inserting the
motivation phrase / word in the end of

Economics material provides Economics material have

new motivation or inspiration benefits of growing from
to always repeat the reading the concepts, facts,
material that has been learned principles and laws that
by the appearance of an Economics subjects have been learned.
interesting book. based on quantum

Economics material Economics material

provides an opportunity to provide direct experience
train the ability to answer in routines
the questions that are
available so that "shows Economics material
that they know". illustrated with an example
and symbol.

Figure 1. Development Economics Lesson

Quantum-based Learning
(Adapted from Bobbi DePorter: 2004: 15)

The figure indicates that the quantum learning expect changes from a variety of fields ranging from
learning environment that is class, enjoyable learning materials, balancing the ability of the left brain and right
brain, and streamline the learning time. Additionally, Bobbi DePorter expressed about the environment in the
context of the learning stage. "The environment is a way to organize teachers in the classroom, the lighting
color, arrangement of tables and chairs, plants, music, and all the things that support the learning process".
2.2 Contextual learning
Contextual learning on economics subjects will facilitate students in understanding the material. It also
will give the freedom to students in developing patterns of thought. There are five important elements that
need to be considered by teachers in using contextual learning that described by Zahorik (in Nurhadi, 2002:
7), namely a) activating knowledge, b) acquiring knowledge, c) understanding knowledge, d) applying
knowledge, e) reflecting knowledge.
a. Activating Knowledge. Teacher perform the activation of existing ones.
b. Acquiring Knowledge. Acquiring new knowledge of an overall study materials to be studied, then
watched as a detail. After that teacher can improvise on his knowledge then associate with real life.
c. Understanding Knowledge. Understanding of knowledge is done by arranging the temporary concept or
hypothesis, then validated the hypothesis and than the revised of the draft and expanded it.
d. Applying Knowledge. After such knowledge in a revised and expanded, then that knowledge practiced.
e. Reflecting Knowledge. To reflect on the knowledge expanded strategy.
More broadly Johnson (2002: 24) describes the eight components in contextual learning is "making
meaningful connections, doing significant work, self-regulated learning, collaborating, critical and creative
thinking, nurturing the individual, reaching high standards, using authentic assessment." Johnson (2002: 45-
46) also explained again that of the eight component, students will be able to do things as follows:
a. Become self - regulated: Learners are active in developing knowledge independently and in groups.
b. Make Connections: Learners are able connect between what is taught in school to real-life contexts, such
as when they get the material on the market.
c. Perform significant work: Learners perform work in accordance with the purpose that has been set. They
are able to make choices and produce a particular product.
d. Use creative anf higher order critical, thingking: Learners do the analysis, synthesis and problem
solving. Learners are also able to make decisions and think systematically.
e. Collabirate: Doing collaboration will help learners to work effectively in a group, but it also helps them
understand how they can influence others and help them to establish communication with other people.
f. Nurture the individual: Learners know, pay attention and have high expectations or motivation in
g. Recognize and reach high standards: Identify the purpose and motivate students. Show them how to
achieve learning objectives.
From these explanations, the model of contextual learning is a learning model that integrates the inquiry
learning, problem-based learning, project-based learning, cooperative learning and authentic assessment. This
was expressed by several experts including Glynn and Winter (2004: 52), Johnson (2002), Sears (2002), Sears
and Hersh (2000). Here is a summary explanation of the expert opinion.
a. Inquiry Learning. Through contextual learning, students can learn more knowledge. They construct their
understanding by doing an investigation of how and why a problem can occur. Therefore, this model
also integrate problem-based learning model.
b. Problem Based Learning. In this lesson the students are given a real problem. Through real problems
(contextual) learners can analyze and compare the related phenomenon that occurs with existing
theories. Solving these problems can be done by students on groups.
c. Cooperative Learning. In this lesson the students divided into small groups and focus on achieving
common goals through cooperation. Each student in the group can make a significant contribution to the
d. Authentic Assessment. Each learner will be given an evaluation or assessment linked to their appearance
or their performance or response they provide.
There are some basic principles that need to be considered by the teacher if you want to implement this
model. Mardapi (2004: 14) explains that the basic principles that need to be considered are: a) learning
emphasis on solving the problem, b) the learning is done by integrating content with contextual as events that
occur in the community or in learners routines, c) learning should be oriented towards assessments by
learners (self regulated learning), d) learning must place emphasis on the context of the daily lives of
learners (life skills education), e) learning should be oriented to learn together (cooperative learning), and f)
learning must use an authentic assessment.
2.3 Pumping Student Learning Model’s
As was mentioned earlier, that Pumping Student uses a model’s that integrates based on quantum and
contextual learning. The final goal of this model is easier for students to integrate the subject matter interests
or talents of students. Especially in the subjects of economics, which is expected later by implemented through
this model’s students who have an interest and talent can explore its capabilities into an interest and talent that
generates economic activity. For more details of how this model works, it can be seen in Figure 2, as follows.
Pumping Student

Observations Interest and Specify Material

Talent Students (Economics)
1 2

Providing an understanding
of how a way to ekonomikan Integrating the Material
interests and talents Interest and Talent
4 3

Figure 2 Step Model Pumping Economics Student learning

The first step is observation related to the interests and talents possessed by the students. Before
conducting learning activities, teacher observation whatever interests and talents possessed by the students. For
example, a student has the talent to sing and the other students have the talent to play the guitar, play drama. So
teachers prepare the economics materials using the approach according to their talents. Like making a song
lyric associated with an economy that will be sung by the student or make a play / simulations related to the
subject matter. The second step, define the creative subject. After observation, the next step is to define the
subject matter. The determination of this material tailored to the interests and talents of students, in addition to
the teachers also had to prepare a medium of learning, learning resources and scenarios studied. The third
step, when all was prepared, the learning can be done and the interests and talents of students can be integrated
into lessons. Malalui learning to counter his interests and talents, the students are happy and comfortable
conditions in the study. The fourth step, providing an understanding of how a way to ekonomikan interests
and talents. Interests and talents of students should be developed with the hope that students are able to develop
midat and talent into the professional realm, so that they can make money from these interests and talents. One
way to be done by the teacher is to provide guidance and motivation to develop their talents.
2.4 Research methods
The method used in this research is a classroom action research. The aim is to test the effectiveness of
the learning model Pumping Student. Previous Pumping Student learning model was developed
using research methods based development (R & D), adapted from the model Borg and Gall. Where according
to Borg and Gall (1989: 624) models of educational development is a process to develop and validate a product
of education. Where the results of the development of this education is not only to develop a product, but also
to find a solution.
Step Mechanism, Main Activities, Instruments and Outcomes

Research and Develop

information preliminary form
collecting Planning of product
2 3

Preliminary field testing

and main field testing Developing products pumping student learning
model economy

Main product revision and

Operational product revision

Product testing conducted through

Operational field action research in MA Mu'allimin NU
testing Malang
2.5 Trial Product
The activities carried out in the PTK are doing learning activities and then performed a pre-
test. Furthermore, we will be given an explanation regarding the model of economic learningPumping
Student and after that it will do an evaluation or post-test. In addition, students who become subjects of the
research were asked to fill questionnaire to determine the quality and attractiveness of the economy Pumping
Student learning model. Class sampled is 11 IPS complaint with the number of students as many as 35
students. In these trials used the stages of PTK in cycle I, II and III.
Cycle I
In the first cycle of observation related to the characteristics and interests and talents of
students. Researchers conducted observations related learning problems. In the first cycle, the problems found
are 1) students tend to dislike learning economy due to the learning model is used for this is only oriented
lectures and textbooks, 2) students tend to not pay attention to the teacher's explanation for the media used less
Preliminary observations in the first cycle by a student's response concluded that indeed the students
interest in learning economics is still lacking, because the learning method used is lectures. While on the other
hand want a model student learning fun.
Cycle II
In the second cycle, according to the observations in the first cycle, the learning method was
changed. The changes are done by collecting data on interests and talents of students (H-7 prior to the study)
and assigning students to bring something related to their talents, such as carrying a guitar for students who
have the talent to play the guitar and bring other equipment in accordance with flair they have.
At the time of learning in Cycle II, researchers formed the group in accordance with the talents possessed
by the students. After that, researchers gave motivational video, video related learning materials and then
asking students the content of the video. After that students begin lessons in a way acting talents they possess
which is then integrated with the learning materials.
The learning process in the second cycle is in full swing, where students are more active and productive
in the following study. The material taught mainly material inflation and unemployment is more easily
understood by students. At the end of the lesson is done post-test and the results were as many as 27 students
were able to answer the questions with the average value of 85. The 8 students scored below the standard of
Cycle III
After reflection, then in this cycle, the lesson is a simulation-based learning, where the concept of trade
off inflation and unemployment over emphasized. Students role play different kinds of roles associated with
their talent. As students who have singing talent was given the role as singer, who has an interest as a leader
assigned the role of government that set the course of the economy and students who have an interest as an
entrepreneur is given the role of businessmen, students who have an interest as an employee is given the role
of labor.
Results of cycle III are students understand how the flow of government in regulating the economy
(issuing monetary and fiscal policy). In addition, students also understand that trade off inflation and
unemployment in the short term is bound to happen that the higher the inflation, the lower the unemployment
After the post test, the result is a total of 32 students achieving grades above standards, where the average
value they get adaah 90. While three students scored 80 in accordance with the standard maximum
2.6 Pumping Implementation Effectiveness of Student
The technique used to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of pumping student learning
models are descriptive and qualitative analysis and descriptive statistical analysis.Qualitative descriptive
analysis technique used to process data from all subjects Riview trial dengancara classifying the information
of qualitative data in the form of advice and feedback.Descriptive statistical analysis techniques used to process
the data obtained through questionnaires in descriptive form percentage, while the formula as follows.
P= 𝑥 100%

P: percentage of validity
ΣX: the number of times each item answer = score acquisition
ΣY: the total number of scores / maximum score
100%: constant
Product development using a conversion rate of achievement with qualification: very worthy, worthy, less
worthy and unworthy, as presented in Table 1.
Table 1 Qualification Assessment validity
level of Achievement Qualification Information
86% - 100% very Decent Can be used without revision
70% - 85% worthy Can be used with revisions
51% - 69% Less Worthy Can not be used
<50% Not feasible Prohibited use
Source: adapted from Akbar and Sriwijaya (2010)
3. Results and Discussion
After careful research development by using R & D and test effectiveness through action research, the
economy Pumping Student learning models included in the category can be used with the revision. Where in
the implementation of Pumping Student learning model that is designed to counter the interests and talents of
students into the subject matter of economic achieve the following results:
a. Learning design in pleasant conditions so that students are motivated in the following study.
b. Students are active in the following study, it is reflected in the activities of students in conducting
simulations, explain or give opinions related to the material being studied.
c. The learning result in cycle II and III increased significantly.
In addition the results of the evaluation of the assessor (expert) consisting of education experts and
economic development experts learning model demonstrates the feasibility of pumping student's learning
model lakak for use in learning activities. This model also has met the entire component model proposed by
the experts. Pumping the model student and has been validated through a series of continuous research
activities to obtain the final product.
The test is done by giving a pre-test and post test to students. The results of the analysis of pre-test and
post test is the number of average (mean) pretest reached 50.055 (standard deviation 6.5656), while the average
is 78.138 posttest mean (standard deviation 8.9695). The results of the t-test of 22.922 is greater than t table of
1.994. This indicates that the pumping student learning model is effective in increasing the average score of
student learning outcomes. While from the descriptive statistical analysis to produce that prosesntase validity
is at the level of 82.50%. In accordance with the assessment criteria of validity, the products were tested in the
criterion of 70% - 85%, which means pumping student models that are in decent category, so it can be used
with the revision.
4. Conclusion
Based on the exposure that has been described previously, then there are several conclusions that can be
given, as follows:
a. Pumping Student learning model that integrates the interests and talents of students Dapa t provide
a fun learning and give students the freedom to show expression.
b. Pumping Student provides container and understanding to students to develop their interests and
talents to the professional realm, in the hope of class students are able to develop her interests and
talents into the professional realm.
c. Our research found that a learning follow the flow of thought and desire of students (interest and
talent) is able to facilitate students to understand the material being taught.
d. Implementation of this Student Pumping learning model can improve student learning outcomes, it
proved their mastery learning outcomes increase in cycle II and III.
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