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Mendoza, Alyssa Marie G.

Properties of Life formed by polymerization (a polymer is a large molecule that is made by combining smaller units Cell Basics
called monomers, which are simpler than macromolecules). An example of a macromolecule is
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) (Figure 6), which contains the instructions for the structure and
All living organisms share several key characteristics or functions: order, sensitivity or response functioning of all living organisms.
to the environment, reproduction, growth and development, regulation, homeostasis, and energy All living organisms in the kingdoms of life are composed of and depend on cells to function
processing. When viewed together, these characteristics serve to define life. normally. Not all cells, however, are alike. There are two primary types of cells: eukaryotic and
prokaryotic cells. Examples of eukaryotic cells include animal cells, plant cells, and fungal
cells. Prokaryotic cells include bacteria and archaeans.
Some cells contain aggregates of macromolecules surrounded by membranes; these are
called organelles. Organelles are small structures that exist within cells. Examples of organelles Cells contain organelles, or tiny cellular structures, that carry out specific functions necessary for
Organisms are highly organized, coordinated structures that consist of one or more cells. Even include mitochondria and chloroplasts, which carry out indispensable functions: mitochondria
very simple, single-celled organisms are remarkably complex: inside each cell, atoms make up normal cellular operation. Cells also contain DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic
produce energy to power the cell, while chloroplasts enable green plants to utilize the energy in acid), the genetic information necessary for directing cellular activities.
molecules; these in turn make up cell organelles and other cellular inclusions. sunlight to make sugars. All living things are made of cells; the cell itself is the smallest
fundamental unit of structure and function in living organisms. (This requirement is why viruses
are not considered living: they are not made of cells. To make new viruses, they have to invade
In multicellular organisms (Figure 1), similar cells form tissues. Tissues, in turn, collaborate to Cell Reproduction
and hijack the reproductive mechanism of a living cell; only then can they obtain the materials
create organs (body structures with a distinct function). Organs work together to form organ Eukaryotic cells grow and reproduce through a complex sequence of events called the cell cycle.
they need to reproduce.) Some organisms consist of a single cell and others are multicellular.
systems. At the end of the cycle, cells will divide either through the processes of mitosis or meiosis.
Cells are classified as prokaryotic or eukaryotic. Prokaryotes are single-celled or colonial
organisms that do not have membrane-bound nuclei or organelles; in contrast, the cells Somatic cells replicate through mitosis and sex cells reproduce via meiosis. Prokaryotic cells
Sensitivity or Response to Stimuli of eukaryotes do have membrane-bound organelles and a membrane-bound nucleus. reproduce commonly through a type of asexual reproduction called binary fission. Higher
organisms are also capable of asexual reproduction. Plants, algae, and fungi reproduce through
the formation of reproductive cells called spores. Animal organisms can reproduce asexually
Organisms respond to diverse stimuli. For example, plants can bend toward a source of light, In larger organisms, cells combine to make tissues, which are groups of similar cells carrying out through processes such as budding, fragmentation, regeneration, and parthenogenesis.
climb on fences and walls, or respond to touch (Figure 2). similar or related functions. Organs are collections of tissues grouped together performing a
common function. Organs are present not only in animals but also in plants. An organ system is
a higher level of organization that consists of functionally related organs. Mammals have many Cell Processes - Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis
Even tiny bacteria can move toward or away from chemicals (a process called chemotaxis) or organ systems. For instance, the circulatory system transports blood through the body and to and Cells perform a number of important processes that are necessary for the survival of an
light (phototaxis). Movement toward a stimulus is considered a positive response, while from the lungs; it includes organs such as the heart and blood vessels. Organisms are individual organism. Cells undergo the complex process of cellular respiration in order to obtain energy
movement away from a stimulus is considered a negative response. living entities. For example, each tree in a forest is an organism. Single-celled prokaryotes and stored in the nutrients consumed. Photosynthetic organisms including plants, algae,
single-celled eukaryotes are also considered organisms and are typically referred to as and cyanobacteria are capable of photosynthesis. In photosynthesis, light energy from the sun is
microorganisms. converted to glucose. Glucose is the energy source used by photosynthetic organisms and other
Reproduction organisms that consume photosynthetic organisms.

All the individuals of a species living within a specific area are collectively called a population.
Single-celled organisms reproduce by first duplicating their DNA, and then dividing it equally as For example, a forest may include many pine trees. All of these pine trees represent the Cell Processes - Endocytosis and Exocytosis
the cell prepares to divide to form two new cells. Multicellular organisms often produce population of pine trees in this forest. Different populations may live in the same specific area. For Cells also perform the active transport processes of endocytosis and exocytosis. Endocytosis is
specialized reproductive germline cells that will form new individuals. When reproduction occurs, example, the forest with the pine trees includes populations of flowering plants and also insects the process of internalizing and digesting substances, such as seen
genes containing DNA are passed along to an organism’s offspring. These genes ensure that the and microbial populations. A community is the sum of populations inhabiting a particular area. with macrophages and bacteria. The digested substances are expelled through exocytosis.
offspring will belong to the same species and will have similar characteristics, such as size and For instance, all of the trees, flowers, insects, and other populations in a forest form the forest’s These processes also allow for molecule transportation between cells.
shape. community. The forest itself is an ecosystem. An ecosystem consists of all the living things in a
particular area together with the abiotic, non-living parts of that environment such as nitrogen in
the soil or rain water. At the highest level of organization (Figure 7), the biosphere is the Cell Processes - Cell Migration
Growth and Development
collection of all ecosystems, and it represents the zones of life on earth. It includes land, water,
and even the atmosphere to a certain extent.
Cell migration is a process that is vital for the development of tissues and organs. Cell movement
is also required for mitosis and cytokinesis to occur. Cell migration is made possible by
Cell Theory is one of the basic principles of biology. Credit for the formulation of this theory is interactions between motor enzymes and cytoskeleton microtubules.
Organisms grow and develop following specific instructions coded for by their genes. These given to German scientists Theodor Schwann, Matthias Schleiden, and Rudolph Virchow.
genes provide instructions that will direct cellular growth and development, ensuring that a
species’ young (Figure 3) will grow up to exhibit many of the same characteristics as its parents.
The Cell Theory states: Cell Processes - DNA Replication and Protein Synthesis


Even the smallest organisms are complex and require multiple regulatory mechanisms to
 All living organisms are composed of cells. They may be unicellular or The cell process of DNA replication is an important function that is needed for several
processes including chromosome synthesis and cell division to occur. DNA
coordinate internal functions, respond to stimuli, and cope with environmental stresses. Two transcription and RNA translation make the process of protein synthesis possible.
examples of internal functions regulated in an organism are nutrient transport and blood flow.
Organs (groups of tissues working together) perform specific functions, such as carrying oxygen
 The cell is the basic unit of life.
throughout the body, removing wastes, delivering nutrients to every cell, and cooling the body.  Cells arise from pre-existing cells. (They are not derived from spontaneous

The modern version of the Cell Theory includes the ideas that: 2.3 Cell structure and function (ESG4S)
In order to function properly, cells need to have appropriate conditions such as proper
temperature, pH, and appropriate concentration of diverse chemicals. These conditions may,
however, change from one moment to the next. Organisms are able to maintain internal
conditions within a narrow range almost constantly, despite environmental changes,
through homeostasis (literally, “steady state”)—the ability of an organism to maintain constant  Energy flow occurs within cells.
Cell theory (ESG4T)

internal conditions. For example, an organism needs to regulate body temperature through a
process known as thermoregulation. Organisms that live in cold climates, such as the polar bear  Heredity information (DNA) is passed on from cell to cell.
The cell theory developed in 1839 by microbiologists Schleiden and Schwann describes the
(Figure 4), have body structures that help them withstand low temperatures and conserve body
heat. Structures that aid in this type of insulation include fur, feathers, blubber, and fat. In hot
 All cells have the same basic chemical composition. properties of cells. It is an explanation of the relationship between cells and living things. The
theory states that:
climates, organisms have methods (such as perspiration in humans or panting in dogs) that help
them to shed excess body heat.
In addition to the cell theory, the gene theory, evolution, homeostasis, and the laws of
thermodynamics form the basic principles that are the foundation for the study of life.
Energy Processing
 all living things are made of cells and their products.

All organisms use a source of energy for their metabolic activities. Some organisms capture
energy from the sun and convert it into chemical energy in food (photosynthesis); others use
What Are Cells?
 new cells are created by old cells dividing into two.
chemical energy in molecules they take in as food (cellular respiration).
Cells are the simplest unit of matter that is living. The two primary kinds of cells  cells are the basic building blocks of life.
Levels of Organization of Living Things are eukaryotic cells, which have a true nucleuscontaining DNA and prokaryotic cells, which
have no true nucleus. In prokaryotic cells, the DNA is coiled up in a region called the nucleoid. The cell theory applies to all living things, however big or small. The modern understanding of cell
theory extends the concepts of the original cell theory to include the following:
Living things are highly organized and structured, following a hierarchy that can be examined on
a scale from small to large. The atomis the smallest and most fundamental unit of matter. It
consists of a nucleus surrounded by electrons. Atoms form molecules. A molecule is a chemical
structure consisting of at least two atoms held together by one or more chemical bonds. Many
molecules that are biologically important are macromolecules, large molecules that are typically  The activity of an organism depends on the total activity of independent cells.
Mendoza, Alyssa Marie G.
 
Image of cyanobacterial cells forming a filament composed of dissimilar cell types. Most of the
Energy flow occurs in cells through the breakdown of carbohydrates by The openings in the cell wall are called plasmodesmata which contain strands of cells are small, but one is round and different in morphology. This larger cell is a nitrogen-fixing
respiration. cytoplasm that connect adjacent cells. This allows cells to interact with one another, allowing cell.
molecules to travel between plant cells.
 Cells contain the information necessary for the creation of new cells. This
information is known as 'hereditary information' and is contained within DNA.
Cell membrane (ESG4W)

 The contents of cells from similar species are basically the same.
Components of prokaryotic cells
The cell membrane, also called the plasma membrane, physically separates the intracellular
DNA (the hereditary information of cells) is passed from 'parent' cells to 'daughter' cells during cell
division. You will learn more about this in the following chapter: Cell division. space (inside the cell) from the extracellular environment (outside the cell). All plant and animal
cells have cell membranes. The cell membrane surrounds and protects the cytoplasm.
Cells are the smallest form of life; the functional and structural units of all living things. Your body There are some key ingredients that a cell needs in order to be a cell, regardless of whether it is
contains several billion cells, organised into over 200 major types, with hundreds of cell-specific Cytoplasm is part of the protoplasm and is the living component of the cell.
prokaryotic or eukaryotic. All cells share four key components:

1. The plasma membrane is an outer covering that separates the cell’s interior from its surrounding
The cell membrane is composed of a double layer (bilayer) of special lipids (fats) environment.
called phospholipids. Phospholipids consist of a hydrophilic (water-loving) head and 2. Cytoplasm consists of the jelly-like cytosol inside the cell, plus the cellular structures suspended
Some functions performed by cells are so vital to the existence of life that all cells perform them
a hydrophobic (water-fearing) tail. The hydrophobic head of the phospholipid is polar (charged) in it. In eukaryotes, cytoplasm specifically means the region outside the nucleus but inside the
(e.g. cellular respiration). Others are highly specialised (e.g. photosynthesis).
and can therefore dissolve in water. The hydrophobic tail is non-polar (uncharged), and cannot plasma membrane.
dissolve in water. 3. DNA is the genetic material of the cell.
4. Ribosomes are molecular machines that synthesize proteins.
Figure 2.9 shows a two-dimensional drawing of an animal cell. The diagram shows the structures Despite these similarities, prokaryotes and eukaryotes differ in a number of important ways.
visible within a cell at high magnification. The structures form the ultrastructure of the cell. A prokaryote is a simple, single-celled organism that lacks a nucleus and membrane-bound
The lipid bilayer forms spontaneously due to the properties of the phospholipid molecules. In an organelles. We’ll talk more about the nucleus and organelles in the next article on eukaryotic
aqueous environment, the polar heads try to form hydrogen bonds with the water, while the non- cells, but the main thing to keep in mind for now is that prokaryotic cells are not divided up on the
polar tails try to escape from the water. The problem is solved by the formation of a bilayer inside by membrane walls, but consist instead of a single open space.
because the hydrophilic heads can point outwards and from hydrogen bonds with water, and the
hydrophobic tails point towards one another and are 'protected' from the water molecules (Figure
2.11. The majority of prokaryotic \text{DNA}DNAD, N, A is found in a central region of the cell called
the nucleoid, and it typically consists of a single large loop called a circular chromosome. The
Figure 2.9: Diagram of the cell ultrastructure of an
nucleoid and some other frequently seen features of prokaryotes are shown in the diagram below
animal cell.
of a cut-away of a rod-shaped bacterium.

We will now look at some of the basic cell structures Figure 2.11: The lipid bilayer showing the arrangement of phospholipids, containing hydrophilic,
and organelles in animal and plant cells. polar heads and hydrophobic,
Image of a typical prokaryotic cell, with different portions
non-polar tails.
of the cell labeled.

Cell wall (ESG4V)

_Image credit: modified from "Prokaryotic cells: Figure
Recall the structure of lipid 1" by OpenStax College, Biology, CC BY 3.0_
molecules from the previous
The cell wall is a rigid non-living layer that is found outside the cell membrane and surrounds the chapter on the chemistry of
cell. Plants, bacteria and fungi all have cell walls. In plants, the wall is comprised of cellulose. It life. Bacteria are very diverse in form, so not every type of
consists of three layers that help support the plant. These layers include the middle lamella, the All the exchanges between bacterium will have all of the features shown in the
primary cell wall and the secondary cell wall. the cell and its environment diagram.
have to pass through the cell
membrane. The cell
membrane is selectively permeable to ions (e.g. hydrogen, sodium), small molecules (oxygen, Most bacteria are, however, surrounded by a rigid cell wall
Middle lamella: Separates one cell from another. It is a thin membranous layer on the outside of made out of peptidoglycan, a polymer composed of linked carbohydrates
carbon dioxide) and larger molecules (glucose and amino acids) and controls the movement of
the cell and is made of a sticky substance called pectin. and small proteins. The cell wall provides an extra layer of protection, helps the cell maintain its
substances in and out of the cells. The cell membrane performs many important functions within
shape, and prevents dehydration. Many bacteria also have an outermost layer of carbohydrates
the cell such as osmosis, diffusion, transport of nutrients into the cell, processes of ingestion and
called the capsule. The capsule is sticky and helps the cell attach to surfaces in its environment.
secretion. The cell membrane is strong enough to provide the cell with mechanical support and
flexible enough to allow cells to grow and move.
Primary cell wall: Is on the inside of the middle lamella and is mainly composed of cellulose. Some bacteria also have specialized structures found on the cell surface, which may help them
move, stick to surfaces, or even exchange genetic material with other bacteria. For
instance, flagella are whip-like structures that act as rotary motors to help bacteria move.

Secondary cell wall: Lies alongside the cell membrane. It is is made up of a thick and tough
layer of cellulose which is held together by a hard, waterproof substance called lignin. It is only Fimbriae are numerous, hair-like structures that are used for attachment to host cells and other
found in cells which provide mechanical support in plants. surfaces. Bacteria may also have rod-like structures known as pili, which come in different
varieties. For instance, some types of pili allow a bacterium to transfer \text{DNA}DNAD, N,
A molecules to other bacteria, while others are involved in bacterial locomotion—helping the
bacterium move.
Take a moment and look at yourself. How many organisms do you see? Your first thought might
The human body cannot break down the cellulose in be that there's just one: yourself. However, if you were to look closer, at the surface of your skin
cell walls because we do not produce the enzyme or inside your digestive tract, you would see that there are actually many organisms living there. [Are fimbriae considered pili?]
cellulase. That’s right - you are home to around 100 trillion bacterial cells!

^1start superscript, 1, end superscript

This means that your body is actually an ecosystem. It also means that you—for some definition
Figure 2.10: Scanning electron microscope of the word you—actually consist of both of the major types of cells: prokaryotic and eukaryotic.
micrographs of diatoms showing the external Archaea may
appearances of the cell wall. Scale bar: A, B, D: 10 also have most
um, C 20 um All cells fall into one of these two broad categories. Only the single-celled organisms of the of these cell
domains Bacteria and Archaea are classified as prokaryotes—pro means before and kary means surface
nucleus. Animals, plants, fungi, and protists are all eukaryotes—eu means true—and are made features, but
up of eukaryotic cells. Often, though—as in the case of we humans—there are some prokaryotic their versions of
Functions of the cell wall friends hanging around. a particular
feature are
[Are all prokaryotes single-celled?] different from

those of
The main function of the wall is to protect the inner parts of the plant cell, it gives \text N_2N, start subscript, 2, end subscript bacteria. For
plant cells a more uniform and regular shape and provides support for the plant body. instance,
 The cell wall is completely permeable to water and mineral salts which allows
archaea also
have a cell wall,
distribution of nutrients throughout the plant. it's not made
out of
Mendoza, Alyssa Marie G.
peptidoglycan—although it does contain carbohydrates and proteins. prokaryotic cells thanks to their structural and metabolic features—which we’ll explore in the next

Some cells also use geometric tricks to get around the surface-area-to-volume problem.
For instance, some cells are long and thin or have many protrusions from their surface,
features that increase surface area relative to volume^22start superscript, 2, end
Cell size

Typical prokaryotic cells range from 0.1 to 5.0 micrometers (μm) in diameter and are significantly
smaller than eukaryotic cells, which usually have diameters ranging from 10 to 100 μm.
What would it be like to live in a one-room cabin? Well, things would probably be pretty simple.
The figure below shows the sizes of prokaryotic, bacterial, and eukaryotic, plant and animal, cells You would eat, sleep, work, and relax in a single room—which might be a bit cramped, but would
as well as other molecules and organisms on a logarithmic scale. Each unit of increase in a certainly make cleaning the house a snap!
logarithmic scale represents a 10-fold increase in the quantity being measured, so these are big
size differences we’re talking about!
Prokaryotic cells, the simple cells of organisms like bacteria, are sometimes compared to one-
room cabins: they don't have internal membranes, so they’re like a single room with no walls to
Diagram of an animal cell with components lettered.
carve it up^11start superscript, 1, end superscript. If we extend this analogy to eukaryotic cells,
the more complex cells that make up plants, fungi, and animals, we'll find that they're a definite
step upward in the real estate market. Image modified from OpenStax Biology.
Graph showing the relative sizes of items from, in order, atoms to proteins to viruses to bacteria to
animal cells to chicken eggs to humans.
Just as a large family home is split into many rooms with different purposes (bedrooms, Diagram of a typical plant cell:
bathrooms, kitchen, living room, etc.), so eukaryotic cells contain a variety of different
compartments with specialized functions, neatly separated from one another by layers of
membrane. This organization lets each compartment maintain its own conditions, the ones it
needs to carry out its job.

For instance, compartments called lysosomes, which act as recycling centers for the cell, must
maintain an acidic pH in order to dispose of cellular waste. Similarly, structures
called peroxisomes carry out chemical reactions called oxidation reactions and produce
hydrogen peroxide, both of which would damage the cell if they weren’t safely stored away in
their own “room.”

The ability to maintain different environments inside a single cell allows eukaryotic cells to carry
out complex metabolic reactions that prokaryotes cannot. In fact, it’s a big part of the reason why
_Image credit: "Prokaryotic cells: FIgure 2" by OpenStax College, Biology, CC BY 3.0_ eukaryotic cells can grow to be many times larger than prokaryotic ones.

With a few cool exceptions—check out the single-celled seaweed Caulerpa—cells must remain
fairly small, regardless of whether they’re prokaryotic or eukaryotic. Why should this be the case?
The basic answer is that as cells become larger, it gets harder for them to exchange enough
nutrients and wastes with their environment. To see how this works, let’s look at a cell’s surface-
area-to-volume ratio. Prokaryotic vs. eukaryotic cells

Suppose, for the sake of keeping things simple, that we have a cell that’s shaped like a cube. Diagram of a plant cell with components labeled.
Some plant cells are, in fact, cube-shaped. If the length of one of the cube’s sides is lll, the What are the key features of eukaryotic cells? Unlike prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells have:
surface area of the cube will be 6l^26l26, l, start superscript, 2, end superscript, and the volume
of the cube will be l^3l3l, start superscript, 3, end superscript. This means that as lll gets bigger, Image modified from OpenStax Biology.
1. A membrane-bound nucleus, a central cavity surrounded by membrane that houses the cell’s
the surface area will increase quickly since it changes with the square of lll. The volume,
genetic material.
however, will increase even faster since it changes with the cube of lll. Introduction
2. A number of membrane-bound organelles, compartments with specialized functions that float in
the cytosol. (Organelle means “little organ,” and this name reflects that the organelles, like the
Thus, as a cell gets bigger, its surface-area-to-volume ratio drops. For example, the cube-shaped organs of our body, have unique functions as part of a larger system.)
cell on the left has a volume of 1 mm^33start superscript, 3, end superscript and a surface area 3. Multiple linear chromosomes, as opposed to the single circular chromosome of a prokaryote. What’s a cell? Well, on some level, it's a bag of goo. The plasma membrane—the outer boundary
of 6 mm^22start superscript, 2, end superscript with a surface-area-to-volume ratio of six to one, Eukaryotic cells are much more complicated than those of prokaryotes. They are packed with a of the cell—is the bag, and the cytoplasm is the goo.
whereas the cube-shaped cell on the right has a volume of 8 mm^33start superscript, 3, end fascinating array of subcellular structures that play important roles in energy balance,
superscript and a surface area of 24 mm^22start superscript, 2, end superscriptwith a surface metabolism, and gene expression.
Of course, a cell is ever so much more than just a bag of goo. It's a complex, highly organized
area-to-volume ratio of three to one. unit, the basic building block of all living things. And the plasma membrane and cytoplasm are
In the articles and videos that follow, we’ll take a tour through eukaryotic plant and animal cells, actually pretty sophisticated.
exploring the unique structures they contain and the role that each structure plays in the life of the
The membrane is a delicate, two-layered structure of lipids and proteins, and it controls what can
Image of two cubes of different sizes. The cube on enter and exit the cell. Similarly, the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell consists not only of cytosol—a
the left has 1 mm sides, while the cube on the Already know what part of the cell you want to visit? Use the list below to jump to your region of gel-like substance made up of water, ions, and macromolecules—but also of organelles and the
right has 2 mm sides. interest: structural proteins that make up the cytoskeleton, or "skeleton of the cell."

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the plasma membrane and cytoplasm.
_Image credit: modified from "Prokaryotic
cells: FIgure 3" by OpenStax College,  Plasma membrane and cytoplasm
Biology, CC BY 3.0_
 Nucleus and ribosomes

Surface-area-to-volume ratio is important because the plasma membrane is the cell’s interface  Endomembrane system
with the environment. If the cell needs to take up nutrients, it must do so across the membrane,
and if it needs to eliminate wastes, the membrane is again its only route.  Mitochondria, chloroplasts, and The plasma membrane

Each patch of membrane can exchange only so much of a given substance in a given period of  Cytoskeleton
Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have a plasma membrane, a double layer of lipids that
time – for instance, because it contains a limited number of channels. If the cell grows too large,
its membrane will not have enough exchange capacity (surface area, square function) to support  Extracellular matrix and cell wall separates the cell interior from the outside environment. This double layer consists largely of
specialized lipids called phospholipids.
the rate of exchange required for its increased metabolic activity (volume, cube function).
 Cell junctions
A phospholipid is made up of a hydrophilic, water-loving, phosphate head, along with two
The surface-area-to-volume problem is just one of a related set of difficulties posed by large cell
hydrophobic, water-fearing, fatty acid tails. Phospholipids spontaneously arrange themselves in a
size. As cells get larger, it also takes longer to transport materials inside of them. These
Diagram of a typical animal cell: double-layered structure with their hydrophobic tails pointing inward and their hydrophilic heads
considerations place a general upper limit on cell size, with eukaryotic cells being able to exceed
facing outward. This energetically favorable two-layer structure, called a phospholipid bilayer, is
found in many biological membranes.
Mendoza, Alyssa Marie G.
[Close-up of a phospholipid] the cytosol. The cytoskeleton, a network of fibers that supports the cell and gives it shape, is also Some cell types have more than one nucleolus inside the nucleus. For instance, some mouse
part of the cytoplasm and helps to organize cellular components. cells have up to 666 nucleoli^11start superscript, 1, end superscript. Prokaryotes, which do not
Phospholipid, showing hydrophilic have a nucleus, don't have nucleoli and build their ribosomes in the cytosol.
head with phosphate group and
hydrophobic fatty acid tails Even though the cytosol is mostly water, it has a semi-solid, Jello-like consistency because of the
many proteins suspended in it. The cytosol contains a rich broth of macromolecules and smaller [How is the nucleolus related to cancer?]
organic molecules, including glucose and other simple sugars, polysaccharides, amino acids, ^{2,3}start superscript, 2, comma, 3, end superscript
As shown below, proteins are also an important nucleic acids, and fatty acids. Ions of sodium, potassium, calcium, and other elements are also
component of the plasma membrane. Some of them found in the cytosol. Many metabolic reactions, including protein synthesis, take place in this part
pass all the way through the membrane, serving as of the cell. Chromosomes and DNA
channels or signal receptors, while others are just
attached at the edge. Different types of lipids, such as
Introduction Now that we have a sense of the structure of the nucleus, let’s have a closer look at the genetic
cholesterol, may also be found in the cell membrane and
information stored inside it: the DNA. Most of an organism’s DNA is organized into one or
affect its fluidity. more chromosomes, each of which is a very long string or loop of DNA. A single chromosome
Suppose that you have a very precious piece of information. Let’s imagine that this piece of can carry many different genes.
information is a blueprint. In fact, it’s not just a blueprint for a house, or a car, or even a top-secret
An image of plasma membrane shows the phospholipid bilayer, embedded proteins, and fighter jet. It’s a blueprint for an entire organism – you – and it not only specifies how to put you In prokaryotes, DNA is typically organized into a single circular chromosome (a loop). In
cholesterol molecules. The membrane separates the extracellular space, outside of the cell, from together, but also provides the information that enables every cell in your body to keep eukaryotes, on the other hand, chromosomes are linear structures (strings). Every eukaryotic
the cytosol inside the cell. functioning from moment to moment. species has a specific number of chromosomes in the nuclei of its body’s cells. For example, a
typical human body cell would have 464646 chromosomes, while a comparable fruit fly cell would
Image Sounds important, right? You’d probably want to keep information this valuable in a secure spot, have 888.
perhaps in a protected vault where you can keep an eye on it. In fact, that’s exactly what
eukaryotic cells do with their genetic material, placing it in a membrane-enclosed repository called Chromosomes are only visible as distinct structures when the cell is getting ready to divide. When
the nucleus. the cell is in the growth and maintenance phases of its life cycle, the chromosomes instead
resemble an unwound, jumbled bunch of threads. In this form, the DNA is accessible to the
Eukaryotic DNA never leaves the nucleus; instead, it’s transcribed (copied) into RNA molecules, enzymes that transcribe it into RNA, allowing the genetic information to be put to use
which may then travel out of the nucleus. In the cytosol, some RNAs associate with structures (expressed).
called ribosomes, where they direct synthesis of proteins. (Other RNAs play functional roles in the
cell, serving as structural components of the ribosome or regulating activity of genes.) Here, we’ll In both their loose and compact forms, the DNA strands of chromosomes are bound to structural
look in a little more detail at the structure of the nucleus and ribosomes. proteins, including a family of proteins called histones (see picture below). These DNA-associated
proteins organize the DNA and help it fit into the nucleus, and they also play a role in determining
[Do all cells have just one nucleus?] which genes are active or inactive. The complex formed by DNA and its supporting structural
proteins is known as chromatin. You can learn more about DNA, chromatin, and chromosomes
in the DNA and chromosomes article.

credit: modified from OpenStax Biology

Left: image of a chromosome, showing how it is made up of DNA wound around histones and
The plasma membrane is the border between the interior and exterior of a cell. As such, it then arranged in loops and other higher-order structures. Right: false-colored and rearranged
controls passage of various molecules—including sugars, amino acids, ions, and water—into and The nucleus micrograph of chromosomes.
out of the cell. How easily these molecules can cross the membrane depends on their size and
polarity. Some small, nonpolar molecules, such as oxygen, can pass directly through the
The nucleus (plural, nuclei) houses the cell’s genetic material, or DNA, and is also the site of Image credit:
phospholipid portion of the membrane. Larger and more polar, hydrophilic, molecules, such as
synthesis for ribosomes, the cellular machines that assemble proteins. Inside the nucleus, OpenStax
amino acids, must instead cross the membrane by way of protein channels, a process that is
chromatin (DNA wrapped around proteins, described further below) is stored in a gel-like Biology.
often regulated by the cell. You can learn more about cellular transport in the membranes and
substance called nucleoplasm. Image at right
transport section.
is a
modification of
The surface area of the plasma membrane limits the exchange of materials between a cell and its Enclosing the nucleoplasm is the nuclear envelope, which is made up of two layers of work by the
environment. Some cells are specialized in the exchange of wastes or nutrients and have membrane: an outer membrane and an inner membrane. Each of these membranes contains two NIH; scale-bar
modifications to increase the area of the plasma membrane. For instance, the membranes of layers of phospholipids, arranged with their tails pointing inward (forming a phospholipid bilayer). data from Matt
some nutrient-absorbing cells are folded into fingerlike projections called microvilli, There’s a thin space between the two layers of the nuclear envelope, and this space is directly Russell.
singular, microvillus. Cells with microvilli cover the inside surface of the small intestine, the connected to the interior of another membranous organelle, the endoplasmic reticulum.
organ that absorbs nutrients from digested food. The microvilli help intestinal cells maximize their
To give you a
absorption of nutrients from food by increasing plasma membrane surface area.
Nuclear pores, small channels that span the nuclear envelope, let substances enter and exit the sense of just
[Microvilli and celiac disease]
nucleus. Each pore is lined by a set of proteins, called the nuclear pore complex, that control how important DNA packing is, consider that the DNA in a typical human cell would be
what molecules can go in or out. about 222 meters long if it were extended in a straight line. All 222 meters of that DNA are
squeezed into a tiny nucleus with a diameter of just 0.0060.0060, point, 006 mm. That's a feat
"geometrically equivalent to packing 404040 km (242424 miles) of extremely fine thread into a
If you look at a microscope image of the nucleus, you may notice – depending on the type of stain tennis ball" ^44start superscript, 4, end superscript!
used to visualize the cell – that there’s a dark spot inside it. This darkly staining region is called
the nucleolus, and it’s the site in which new ribosomes are assembled.

As mentioned above, ribosomes are the molecular machines responsible for protein synthesis. A
ribosome is made out of RNA and proteins, and each ribosome consists of two separate RNA-
protein complexes, known as the small and large subunits. The large subunit sits on top of the
small subunit, with an RNA template sandwiched between the two. (A ribosome looks a little like
a hamburger with a puffy bun on top, an RNA “patty” threading through it.)
Diagram and micrograph of intestinal cells, showing the protruding "fingers" of plasma
membrane—called microvilli—that contact the fluid inside the small intestine. In eukaryotes, ribosomes get their orders for protein synthesis from the nucleus, where portions
of DNA (genes) are transcribed to make messenger RNAs (mRNAs). An mRNA travels to the
ribosome, which uses the information it contains to build a protein with a specific amino acid
Image credit: OpenStax Biology. Micrograph is a modification of work by Louisa Howard. sequence. This process is called translation. Prokaryotes lack a nucleus, so their mRNAs are
Diagram of the parts of the transcribed in the cytoplasm and can be translated by ribosomes immediately.
The cytoplasm nucleus of a eukaryotic
Image of a ribosome with small and large subunits, with an mRNA bound and a polypeptide chain
The part of the cell referred to as cytoplasm is slightly different in eukaryotes and prokaryotes. In
Image credit: OpenStax being produced. A tRNA molecule
eukaryotic cells, which have a nucleus, the cytoplasm is everything between the plasma
Biology. is shown binding to the mRNA and
membrane and the nuclear envelope. In prokaryotes, which lack a nucleus, cytoplasm simply
bringing the appropriate amino acid
means everything found inside the plasma membrane.
into position for addition to the
How do you make a ribosome? Some chromosomes have sections of DNA that encode chain.
One major component of the cytoplasm in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes is the gel- ribosomal RNA, a type of structural RNA that combines with proteins to make the ribosome. In
like cytosol, a water-based solution that contains ions, small molecules, and macromolecules. In the nucleolus, new ribosomal RNA combines with proteins to form the subunits of the ribosome.
The newly made subunits are transported out through the nuclear pores to the cytoplasm, where Image credit: OpenStax Biology.
eukaryotes, the cytoplasm also includes membrane-bound organelles, which are suspended in
they can do their job.
Mendoza, Alyssa Marie G.
Eukaryotic ribosomes may be either free, meaning that they are floating around in the cytoplasm, carbohydrate group attached to the protein.
or bound, meaning that they are attached to the endoplasmic reticulum or the outside of the
nuclear envelope. (In the first diagram in this article, the red dots represent bound ribosomes;
endoplasmic reticulum with bound ribosomes is known as rough endoplasmic reticulum.) Micrograph and diagram of the endoplasmic reticulum. Micrograph shows the rough ER as a
series of membrane folds surrounding the nucleus. Diagram gives a 3D representation of rough
ER and smooth ER along with the cell nucleus.
Because protein synthesis is an essential function of all cells, ribosomes are found in practically
every cell type of multicellular organisms, as well as in prokaryotes such as bacteria. However,
eukaryotic cells that specialize in producing proteins have particularly large numbers of _Image credit: left, "The endomembrane system and proteins: Figure 2" by OpenStax College,
Biology (CC BY 3.0), modification of work by Lousia Howard; right, modification of "Animal cell Image showing transport of a membrane protein from the rough ER through the Golgi to the
ribosomes. For example, the pancreas is responsible for producing and secreting large amounts
structure" by Mariana Ruiz, public domain_ plasma membrane. The protein is initially modified by the addition of branching carbohydrate
of digestive enzymes, so the pancreatic cells that make these enzymes have an unusually high
chains in the rough ER; these chains are then trimmed back and replaced with other branching
number of ribosomes.
chains in the Golgi apparatus. The protein, with its final set of carbohydrate chains, is then
Since the rough ER helps modify proteins that will be secreted from the cell, cells whose job is to transported to the plasma membrane in a transport vesicle. The vesicle fuses with the plasma
Final fun fact: in a testament to the importance of the ribosome, the 2009 Nobel Prize in secrete large amounts of enzymes or other proteins, such as liver cells, have lots of rough ER. membrane, its lipids and protein cargo becoming part of the plasma membrane.
Chemistry was awarded to three researchers who mapped its structure and movements down to
the level of individual atoms using a technique called X-ray crystallography^55start superscript, 5,
_Image modified from "The endomembrane system and proteins: Figure 1" by OpenStax College,
end superscript.
Biology (CC BY 3.0), modification of work by Magnus Manske_
Smooth ER
Finally, the modified proteins are sorted (based on markers such as amino acid sequences and
chemical tags) and packaged into vesicles that bud from the trans face of the Golgi. Some of
The smooth endoplasmic reticulum (smooth ER) is continuous with the rough ER but has few these vesicles deliver their contents to other parts of the cell where they will be used, such as the
Let’s imagine you are a pancreatic cell. Your job is to secrete digestive enzymes, which travel into or no ribosomes on its cytoplasmic surface. Functions of the smooth ER include: lysosome or vacuole. Others fuse with the plasma membrane, delivering membrane-anchored
the small intestine and help break down nutrients from food. In order to carry out this job, you proteins that function there and releasing secreted proteins outside the cell.
somehow have to get those enzymes shipped from their site of synthesis—inside the cell—to
their place of action—outside the cell.
 Synthesis of carbohydrates, lipids, and steroid hormones Cells that secrete many proteins—such as salivary gland cells that secrete digestive enzymes, or
How are you going to make this happen? After a moment of panic in which you consider calling  Detoxification of medications and poisons
cells of the immune system that secrete antibodies—have many Golgi stacks. In plant cells, the
Golgi apparatus also makes polysaccharides (long-chain carbohydrates), some of which are

the postal service, you relax, having remembered: I have an endomembrane system! incorporated into the cell wall.
Storage of calcium ions
In muscle cells, a special type of smooth ER called the sarcoplasmic reticulum is responsible for
What is the endomembrane system? storage of calcium ions that are needed to trigger the coordinated contractions of the muscle Lysosomes
The endomembrane system (endo- = “within”) is a group of membranes and organelles in The lysosome is an organelle that contains digestive enzymes and acts as the organelle-
eukaryotic cells that works together to modify, package, and transport lipids and proteins. It There are also tiny "smooth" patches of ER found within the rough ER. These patches serve as recycling facility of an animal cell. It breaks down old and unnecessary structures so their
includes a variety of organelles, such as the nuclear envelope and lysosomes, which you may exit sites for vesicles budding off from the rough ER and are called transitional ER^11start molecules can be reused. Lysosomes are part of the endomembrane system, and some vesicles
already know, and the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus, which we will cover shortly. superscript, 1, end superscript. that leave the Golgi are bound for the lysosome.

Although it's not technically inside the cell, the plasma membrane is also part of the The Golgi apparatus [Why don't lysosomes digest themselves?]
endomembrane system. As we'll see, the plasma membrane interacts with the other
endomembrane organelles, and it's the site where secreted proteins (like the pancreatic enzymes
in the intro) are exported. Important note: the endomembrane system does not include When vesicles bud off from the ER, where do they go? Before reaching their final destination, the ^{1,2}start superscript, 1, comma, 2, end superscript
mitochondria, chloroplasts, or peroxisomes. lipids and proteins in the transport vesicles need to be sorted, packaged, and tagged so that they
wind up in the right place. This sorting, tagging, packaging, and distribution takes place in
the Golgi apparatus(Golgi body), an organelle made up of flattened discs of membrane. Lysosomes can also digest foreign particles that are brought into the cell from outside. As an
Let's take a closer look at the different parts of the endomembrane system and how they function example, let's consider a class of white blood cells called macrophages, which are part of the
in the shipping of proteins and lipids. human immune system. In a process known as phagocytosis, a section of the macrophage’s
plasma membrane invaginates—folds inward—to engulf a pathogen, as shown below.
The endoplasmic reticulum
Micrograph of the Golgi apparatus showing a series of flattened membrane discs in cross-section
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) plays a key role in the modification of proteins and the
synthesis of lipids. It consists of a network of membranous tubules and flattened sacs. The discs _Image credit: "The endomembrane system and proteins: Figure 3" by OpenStax College,
and tubules of the ER are hollow, and the space inside is called the lumen. Biology (CC BY 3.0), modification of work by Lousia Howard_

Diagram of
Rough ER phagocytosis, in
which the
The rough endoplasmic reticulum (rough ER) gets its name from the bumpy ribosomes generated by
attached to its cytoplasmic surface. As these ribosomes make proteins, they feed the newly engulfment of a
forming protein chains into the lumen. Some are transferred fully into the ER and float inside, particle fuses
while others are anchored in the membrane. with a
Inside the ER, the proteins fold and undergo modifications, such as the addition of carbohydrate allowing
side chains. These modified proteins will be incorporated into cellular membranes—the digestion of the
membrane of the ER or those of other organelles—or secreted from the cell. particle.

The receiving side of the _Image credit:

If the modified proteins are not destined to stay in the ER, they will be packaged into vesicles, or Golgi apparatus is called
small spheres of membrane that are used for transport, and shipped to the Golgi apparatus. The modified from
the cis face and the opposite "The endomembrane system and proteins: Figure
rough ER also makes phospholipids for other cellular membranes, which are transported when side is called the trans face.
the vesicle forms. 4" by OpenStax College, Biology (CC BY 3.0)_
Transport vesicles from the
ER travel to the cisface, fuse
with it, and empty their The invaginated section, with the pathogen inside, pinches off from the plasma membrane to form
contents into the lumen of a structure called a phagosome. The phagosome then fuses with a lysosome, forming a
the Golgi apparatus. combined compartment where digestive enzymes destroy the pathogen.

As proteins and lipids travel Vacuoles

through the Golgi, they
undergo further
modifications. Short chains Plants cells are unique because they have a lysosome-like organelle called the vacuole. The
of sugar molecules might be large central vacuole stores water and wastes, isolates hazardous materials, and has enzymes
added or removed, or that can break down macromolecules and cellular components, like those of a lysosome.^33start
phosphate groups attached superscript, 3, end superscript Plant vacuoles also function in water balance and may be used to
as tags. Carbohydrate store compounds such as toxins and pigments (colored particles).^44start superscript, 4, end
processing is shown in the superscript
diagram as the gain and loss
of branches on the purple
Mendoza, Alyssa Marie G.
Lysosomes vs. peroxisomes is called the thylakoid space or lumen, while the fluid-filled space surrounding the thylakoids is work?]
called the stroma.
One point that can be confusing is the difference between lysosomes and peroxisomes. Both \text H^+H, start superscript, plus, end superscript
types of organelles are involved in breaking down molecules and neutralizing hazards to the cell. You can learn more about chloroplasts, chlorophyll, and photosynthesis in
Also, both usually show up as small, round blobs in diagrams. the photosynthesis topic section.
Electrons from fuel molecules, such as the sugar glucose, are stripped off in reactions that take
place in the cytosol and in the mitochondrial matrix. These electrons are captured by special
However, the peroxisome is a different organelle with its own unique properties and role in the Mitochondria molecules called electron carriers and deposited into the electron transport, a series of proteins
cell. It houses enzymes involved in oxidation reactions, which produce hydrogen peroxide (\text embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane. As the electrons move down the transport chain,
H_2 \text O_2H2O2H, start subscript, 2, end subscript, O, start subscript, 2, end subscript) as a energy is released and used to pump protons (\text H^+H+H, start superscript, plus, end
by-product. The enzymes break down fatty acids and amino acids, and they also detoxify some Mitochondria (singular, mitochondrion) are often called the powerhouses or energy factories of superscript) out of the matrix and into the intermembrane space. As protons flow back down their
substances that enter the body. For example, alcohol is detoxified by peroxisomes found in liver the cell. Their job is to make a steady supply of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the cell’s main gradient and into the matrix, they pass through an enzyme called ATP synthase, which harnesses
cells. energy-carrying molecule. The process of making ATP using chemical energy from fuels such as the flow of protons to generate ATP from ADP and Pi.
sugars is called cellular respiration, and many of its steps happen inside the mitochondria.

Importantly, peroxisomes—unlike lysosomes—are not part of the endomembrane system. That Although mitochondria are found in most human cell types (as well as most cell types in other
means they don't receive vesicles from the Golgi apparatus. You can learn more about how The mitochondria are suspended in the jelly-like cytosol of the cell. They are oval-shaped and animals and plants), their numbers vary depending on the role of the cell and its energy needs.
proteins are shipped to the peroxisome in the article on protein targeting. have two membranes: an outer one, surrounding the whole organelle, and an inner one, with For instance, muscle cells typically have high energy needs and large numbers of mitochondria,
many inward protrusions called cristae that increase surface area. while red blood cells, which are highly specialized for oxygen transport, have no mitochondria at
all.^33start superscript, 3, end superscript
Key points:

Where did these organelles come from?

 Mitochondria are the "powerhouses" of the cell, breaking down fuel molecules and capturing
Both mitochondria and chloroplasts contain their own DNA and ribosomes. Why would these
energy in cellular respiration.
organelles need DNA and ribosomes, when there is DNA in the nucleus and ribosomes in the
 Chloroplasts are found in plants and algae. They're responsible for capturing light energy to
Electron micrograph of a mitochondrion,
showing matrix, cristae, outer membrane, and
make sugars in photosynthesis. inner membrane.
 Mitochondria and chloroplasts likely began as bacteria that were engulfed by larger cells Strong evidence points to endosymbiosis as the answer to the puzzle. Symbiosis is a
relationship in which organisms from two separate species live in a close, dependent relationship.
(the endosymbiont theory). _Image credits: upper image, "Eukaryotic cells:
Endosymbiosis (endo- = “within”) is a specific type of symbiosis where one organism lives inside
Figure 7," by OpenStax College, Biology (CC BY
Introduction the other.
3.0). Modification of work by Matthew Britton; scale-
You may know that your body is made up of cells (trillions and trillions of them). You may also bar data from Matt Russell. Lower image: modification
know that the reason you need to eat food—such as veggies—is so that you have the energy to of "Mitochondrion mini," by Kelvin Ma (public
do things like play sports, study, walk, and even breathe. domain)._

1. The first endosymbiotic event occurred: The ancestral eukaryote consumed aerobic bacteria that
But what exactly happens in your body to turn the food energy stored in broccoli into a form that Cristae were once thought to be broad, wavy evolved into mitochondria.
your body can use? And how does energy end up stored in the broccoli to begin with, anyway? folds, but as Sal discusses in his mitochondria 2. In a second endosymbiotic event, the early eukaryote consumed photosynthetic bacteria that
video, they're now understood to be more like long evolved into chloroplasts."
caverns.^11start superscript, 1, end superscriptHere is a 3D reconstruction of a slice cut from a _Image modified from
The answers to these questions have a lot to do with two important organelles: mitochondria and mitochondrion: "Eukaryotic origins: Figure 4,"
by OpenStax College, Biology,
(CC BY 4.0)._

 Chloroplasts are organelles found in the broccoli's cells, along with those of other plants and
Bacteria, mitochondria,
algae. They capture light energy and store it as fuel molecules in the plant's tissues.
and chloroplasts are
 Mitochondria are found inside of your cells, along with the cells of plants. They convert the energy similar in size. Bacteria
also have DNA and
stored in molecules from the broccoli (or other fuel molecules) into a form the cell can use.
Let's take a closer look at these two very important organelles. ribosomes similar
to those of
Chloroplasts and

Chloroplasts are found only in plants and photosynthetic algae. (Humans and other animals do chloroplasts.^44start superscript, 4, end superscript Based on this and other evidence, scientists
not have chloroplasts.) The chloroplast's job is to carry out a process called photosynthesis. think host cells and bacteria formed endosymbiotic relationships long ago, when individual host
cells took in aerobic (oxygen-using) and photosynthetic bacteria but did not destroy them.
Through millions of years of evolution, the aerobic bacteria became mitochondria and the
In photosynthesis, light energy is collected and used to build sugars from carbon dioxide. The
photosynthetic bacteria became chloroplasts.
sugars produced in photosynthesis may be used by the plant cell, or may be consumed by
animals that eat the plant, such as humans. The energy contained in these sugars is harvested
through a process called cellular respiration, which happens in the mitochondria of both plant and Introduction
animal cells.

Image What would happen if someone snuck in during the night and stole your skeleton? Just to be
Chloroplasts are disc-shaped organelles found in the cytosol of a cell. They have outer and inner credit: "MitochondrionCAM," by Carmann (public domain).^22start superscript, 2, end superscript
membranes with an intermembrane space between them. If you passed through the two layers of clear, that’s not very likely to happen, biologically speaking. But if it did somehow happen, the
membrane and reached the space in the center, you’d find that it contained membrane discs loss of your skeleton would cause your body to lose much of its structure. Your external shape
known as thylakoids, arranged in interconnected stacks called grana (singular, granum). would change, some of your internal organs might start moving out of place, and you would
The space between the membranes is called the intermembrane space, and the compartment
probably find it very difficult to walk, talk, or move.
enclosed by the inner membrane is called the mitochondrial matrix. The matrix contains
mitochondrial DNA and ribosomes. We'll talk shortly about why mitochondria (and chloroplasts)
have their own DNA and ribosomes. Interestingly enough, the same is true for a cell. We often think about cells as soft, unstructured
blobs. But in reality, they are highly structured in much the same way as our own bodies. They
Diagram of a chloroplast, showing the have a network of filaments known as the cytoskeleton (literally, “cell skeleton”), which not only
The multi-compartment structure of the mitochondrion may seem complicated to us. That's true,
outer membrane, inner membrane, supports the plasma membrane and gives the cell an overall shape, but also aids in the correct
but it turns out to be very useful for cellular respiration, allowing reactions to be kept separate and positioning of organelles, provides tracks for the transport of vesicles, and (in many cell types)
intermembrane space, stroma, and
different concentrations of molecules to be maintained in different "rooms." allows the cell to move.
thylakoids arranged in stacks called
In eukaryotes, there are three types of protein fibers in the cytoskeleton: microfilaments,
_Image modified from "Chloroplast mini," intermediate filaments, and microtubules. Here, we'll examine each type of filament, as well as
by Kelvin Ma (CC BY 3.0)._ some specialized structures related to the cytoskeleton.
does that

The membrane of a thylakoid disc

contains light-harvesting complexes
that include chlorophyll, a pigment that
gives plants their green color. Thylakoid
discs are hollow, and the space inside a disc Microfilaments
Mendoza, Alyssa Marie G.
Of the three types of protein fibers in the cytoskeleton, microfilaments are the narrowest. They microtubules play an important structural role, helping the cell resist compression forces. Image credit: modification of "Centriole," by Kelvinsong (CC BY 3.0)
have a diameter of about 7 nm and are made up of many linked monomers of a protein called
actin, combined in a structure that resembles a double helix. Because they are made of actin
monomers, microfilaments are also known as actin filaments. Actin filaments have directionality, The centrosome is duplicated before a cell divides, and the paired centrosomes seem to play a
meaning that they have two structurally different ends. Left: 3D model of a microtubule, showing that it is a hollow cylinder of proteins. Right: Cartoon role in organizing the microtubules that separate chromosomes during cell division. However, the
diagram of a microtubule, showing that it is made of two different types of subunits (alpha and exact function of the centrioles in this process still isn’t clear. Cells with their centrosome removed
beta). The subunits form dimers, and the dimers are connected in a spiral pattern to form the can still divide, and plant cells, which lack centrosomes, divide just fine.
Actin filament, a double helix-like structure made out of actin monomers hollow tube of the microtubule.
Image credit: OpenStax Biology.
Image modified from OpenStax Biology.
In addition to providing structural support, microtubules play a variety of more specialized roles in
Actin filaments have a number of important roles in the cell. For one, they a cell. For instance, they provide tracks for motor proteins called kinesins and dyneins, which
serve as tracks for the movement of a motor protein called myosin, which transport vesicles and other cargoes around the interior of the cell^44start superscript, 4, end Introduction
can also form filaments. Because of its relationship to myosin, actin is superscript. During cell division, microtubules assemble into a structure called the spindle, which
involved in many cellular events requiring motion. pulls the chromosomes apart.
We’ve spent a lot of time looking at what’s inside a cell. What, then, is on the outside? It depends
a lot on what kind of cell you’re looking at.
For instance, in animal cell division, a ring made of actin and myosin Flagella, cilia, and centrosomes
pinches the cell apart to generate two new daughter cells. Actin and myosin
are also plentiful in muscle cells, where they form organized structures of Plants and fungi have a tough cell wall for protection and support, while animal cells can secrete
overlapping filaments called sarcomeres. When the actin and myosin filaments of a sarcomere Microtubules are also key components of three more specialized eukaryotic cell structures: materials into their surroundings to form a meshwork of macromolecules called the extracellular
slide past each other in concert, your muscles contract. flagella, cilia and centrosomes. You may remember that our friends the prokaryotes also have matrix. Here, we’ll look in more detail at these external structures and the roles they play in
structures have flagella, which they use to move. Don't get confused—the eukaryotic flagella
different cell types.
we're about to discuss have pretty much the same role, but a very different structure.
Actin filaments may also serve as highways inside the cell for the transport of cargoes, including
protein-containing vesicles and even organelles. These cargoes are carried by individual myosin Extracellular matrix of animal cells
motors, which "walk" along actin filament bundles^11start superscript, 1, end superscript. Flagella (singular, flagellum) are long, hair-like structures that extend from the cell surface and
are used to move an entire cell, such as a sperm. If a cell has any flagella, it usually has one or
just a few. Motile cilia (singular, cilium) are similar, but are shorter and usually appear in large Most animal cells release materials into the extracellular space, creating a complex meshwork of
Actin filaments can assemble and disassemble quickly, and this property allows them to play an numbers on the cell surface. When cells with motile cilia form tissues, the beating helps move proteins and carbohydrates called the extracellular matrix (ECM). A major component of the
important role in cell motility (movement), such as the crawling of a white blood cell in your materials across the surface of the tissue. For example, the cilia of cells in your upper respiratory extracellular matrix is the protein collagen. Collagen proteins are modified with carbohydrates,
immune system. system help move dust and particles out towards your nostrils. and once they're released from the cell, they assemble into long fibers called collagen
fibrils^{1}1start superscript, 1, end superscript.
Finally, actin filaments play key structural roles in the cell. In most animal cells, a network of actin Despite their difference in length and number, flagella and motile cilia share a common structural
filaments is found in the region of cytoplasm at the very edge of the cell. This network, which is pattern. In most flagella and motile cilia, there are 9 pairs of microtubules arranged in a circle, Collagen plays a key role in giving tissues strength and structural integrity. Human genetic
linked to the plasma membrane by special connector proteins, gives the cell shape and along with an additional two microtubules in the center of the ring. This arrangement is called a 9 disorders that affect collagen, such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, result in fragile tissues that
structure^{2,3}2,3start superscript, 2, comma, 3, end superscript. + 2 array. You can see the 9 + 2 array in the electron microscopy image at left, which shows two stretch and tear too easily^22start superscript, 2, end superscript.
flagella in cross-section.
Intermediate filaments In the extracellular matrix, collagen fibers are interwoven with a class of carbohydrate-
bearing proteoglycans, which may be attached to a long polysaccharide backbone as shown in
Upper: Transmission electron micrograph of flagella in cross- the picture below. The extracellular matrix also contains many other types of proteins and
Intermediate filaments are a type of cytoskeletal element made of multiple strands of fibrous section, showing the 9+2 microtubule array organization. carbohydrates.
proteins wound together. As their name suggests, intermediate filaments have an average [More about proteoglycans]
diameter of 8 to 10 nm, in between that of microfilaments and microtubules (discussed below).
^1start superscript, 1, end superscript
Lower: Cartoon diagram of a motile cililum, showing the singlet
microtubules in the center, the outer doublet microtubules
arranged in a circle around the singlet microtubules, and the Diagram showing the extracellular
Intermediate filaments in a cell, forming a networks that holds the nucleus and other organelles in dyneins attached to the doublet microtubules. The whole structure matrix and its connections to the cell. A
place.Image credit: is surrounded by plasma membrane. At the base of the cilium lies network of collagen fibers and
a basal body, which is also made up of microtubules. proteoglycans is found outside of the
"The cytoplasm and cellular organelles," by OpenStax College cell. Collagen connects to integrin
(CC BY 3.0). proteins in the plasma membrane via
_Image credits: upper panel, "The cytoskeleton: Figure 5," by
fibronectin. On the inside of the cell, the
OpenStax College, Biology (CC BY 3.0). Modification of work by integrins link up to the microfilaments of
Dartmouth Electron Microscope Facility, Dartmouth College; scale-
Intermediate filaments come in a number of different varieties, the cytoskeleton.
bar data from Matt Russell. Lower panel, modification of
each one made up of a different type of protein. One protein
"Eukaryotic cilium diagram," by Mariana Ruiz Villareal (public domain)._
that forms intermediate filaments is keratin, a fibrous protein
found in hair, nails, and skin. For instance, you may have seen Image credit: OpenStax Biology.
shampoo ads that claim to smooth the keratin in your hair! In flagella and motile cilia, motor proteins called dyneins move along the microtubules, generating
a force that causes the flagellum or cilium to beat. The structural connections between the The extracellular matrix is directly
microtubule pairs and the coordination of dynein movement allow the activity of the motors to connected to the cells it surrounds.
Unlike actin filaments, which can grow and disassemble
produce a pattern of regular beating^{5,6}5,6start superscript, 5, comma, 6, end superscript. Some of the key connectors are
quickly, intermediate filaments are more permanent and play
an essentially structural role in the cell. They are specialized to proteins called integrins, which are
bear tension, and their jobs include maintaining the shape of embedded in the plasma membrane.
You may notice another feature in the diagram above: the cilium or flagellum has a basal
the cell and anchoring the nucleus and other organelles in place. Proteins in the extracellular matrix, like
body located at its base. The basal body is made of microtubules and plays a key role in
the fibronectinmolecules shown in
assembly of the cilium or flagellum. Once the structure has been assembled, it also regulates
green in the diagram above, can act as
which proteins can enter or exit^77start superscript, 7, end superscript. bridges between integrins and other
extracellular matrix proteins such as collagen. On the inner side of the membrane, the integrins
The basal body is actually just a modified centriole^77start superscript, 7, end superscript. are linked to the cytoskeleton.
A centriole is a cylinder of nine triplets of microtubules, held together by supporting proteins.
Microtubules Centrioles are best known for their role in centrosomes, structures that act as microtubule
Integrins anchor the cell to the extracellular matrix. In addition, they help it sense its environment.
organizing centers in animal cells. A They can detect both chemical and mechanical cues from the extracellular matrix and trigger
centrosome consists of two centrioles signaling pathways in response^{4,5}4,5start superscript, 4, comma, 5, end superscript.
Despite the “micro” in their name, microtubules are the largest of the three types of cytoskeletal oriented at right angles to each other,
fibers, with a diameter of about 25 nm. A microtubule is made up of tubulin proteins arranged to surrounded by a mass of "pericentriolar
form a hollow, straw-like tube, and each tubulin protein consists of two subunits, α-tubulin and β- material," which provides anchoring sites Blood clotting provides another example of communication between cells and the extracellular
tubulin. for microtubules^88start superscript, 8, matrix. When the cells lining a blood vessel are damaged, they display a protein receptor called
end superscript. tissue factor. When tissue factor binds to a molecule present in the extracellular matrix, it triggers
a range of responses that reduce blood loss. For instance, it causes platelets to stick to the wall
Microtubules, like actin filaments, are dynamic structures: they can grow and shrink quickly by the of the damaged blood vessel and stimulates them to produce clotting factors.
addition or removal of tubulin
proteins. Also similar to actin Image of a centrosome. The centrosome
filaments, microtubules have contains two centrioles positioned at right The cell wall
directionality, meaning that angles to each other.
they have two ends that are
structurally different from Though plants don't make collagen, they have their own type of supportive extracellular structure:
the cell wall. The cell wall is a rigid covering that surrounds the cell, protecting it and giving it
one another. In a cell,
Mendoza, Alyssa Marie G.
support and shape. Have you ever noticed that when you bite into a raw vegetable, like celery, it Functionally, gap junctions in animal cells are a lot like plasmodesmata in plant cells: they are Image credit: OpenStax Biology. Modification of work by Mariana Ruiz Villareal.
crunches? A big part of that crunch is the rigidity of celery’s cell walls. channels between neighboring cells that allow for the transport of ions, water, and other
substances^33start superscript, 3, end superscript. Structurally, however, gap junctions and
plasmodesmata are quite different. Desmosomes pin adjacent cells together, ensuring that cells in organs and tissues that stretch,
Fungi also have cell walls, as do some protists (a group of mostly unicellular eukaryotes) and such as skin and cardiac muscle, remain connected in an unbroken sheet.
most prokaryotes—though I don't recommend biting into any of those to see if they crunch. Like
the animal extracellular matrix, the plant cell wall is made up of molecules secreted by the cell. In vertebrates, gap junctions develop when a set of six membrane proteins
The major organic molecule of the plant cell wall is cellulose, a polysaccharide composed of called connexins form an elongated, donut-like structure called a connexon. When the pores, or
glucose units. Cellulose assembles into fibers called microfibrils, as shown in the diagram below. “doughnut holes,” of connexons in adjacent animal cells align, a channel forms between the cells.
(Invertebrates also form gap junctions in a similar way, but use a different set of proteins called
innexins.)^44start superscript, 4, end superscript

Image of the plant cell wall, showing the network of cellulose microfibrils and pectins (with pectins
being particularly abundant in the middle lamella).

Image credit: "Plant cell wall diagram" by Mariana Ruiz Villareal, public domain

Most plant cell walls contain a

variety of different Image of the plasma membranes of two cells held
polysaccharides and proteins. In together by gap junctions. Where two connexons from
addition to cellulose, other the different cells meet, they can form a channel
polysaccharides commonly found leading from one cell into the next.
in the plant cell wall include
hemicellulose and pectin, shown
in the diagram above. The middle Image credit: OpenStax Biology. Modification of work
lamella, shown along the top of by Mariana Ruiz Villareal.
the diagram, is a sticky layer that
helps hold the cell walls of
adjacent plant cells Gap junctions are particularly important in cardiac muscle: the electrical signal to contract
together^{6,7}6,7start superscript, spreads rapidly between heart muscle cells as ions pass through gap junctions, allowing the cells
6, comma, 7, end superscript. to contract in tandem.

Introduction Tight junctions

Not all junctions between cells produce cytoplasmic connections. Instead, tight junctions create
If you were building a building, what kinds of connections might you want to put between the a watertight seal between two adjacent animal cells.
rooms? In some cases, you’d want people to be able to walk from one room to another, in which
case you’d put in a door. In other cases, you’d want to hold two adjacent walls firmly together, in
which case you might put in some strong bolts. And in still other cases, you might need to ensure At the site of a tight junction, cells are held tightly against each other by many individual groups of
that the walls were sealed very tightly together – for instance, to prevent water from dripping tight junction proteins called claudins, each of which interacts with a partner group on the
between them. opposite cell membrane. The groups are arranged into strands that form a branching network,
with larger numbers of strands making for a tighter seal^55start superscript, 5, end superscript.
As it turns out, cells face the same questions when they’re arranged in a tissue next to other cells.
Should they put in doors that connect them directly to their neighbors? Do they need to spot-weld
themselves to their neighbors to make a strong layer, or perhaps even form tight seals to prevent Image of the membranes of two cells held
water from passing through the tissue? Junctions serving all of these functions can be found in together by tight junctions. The tight
cells of different types, and here, we’ll look at each of them in turn. junctions are like rivets, and they are
arranged in multiple strands that form
lines and triangles.

Image credit: OpenStax Biology.

Plant cells, surrounded as they are by cell walls, don’t contact one another through wide stretches Modification of work by Mariana Ruiz
of plasma membrane the way animal cells can. However, they do have specialized junctions Villareal.
called plasmodesmata (singular, plasmodesma), places where a hole is punched in the cell wall
to allow direct cytoplasmic exchange between two cells.
The purpose of tight junctions is to keep
liquid from escaping between cells,
Image of two cells connected by a plasmodesma, showing how materials can travel from the allowing a layer of cells (for instance,
cytoplasm of one cell to those lining an organ) to act as an
the next via the impermeable barrier. For example, the tight junctions between the epithelial cells lining your
plasmodesma. bladder prevent urine from leaking out into the extracellular space.

Image credit: OpenStax Desmosomes


Animal cells may also contain junctions called desmosomes, which act like spot welds between
Plasmodesmata are lined adjacent epithelial cells. A desmosome involves a complex of proteins. Some of these proteins
with plasma membrane extend across the membrane, while others anchor the junction within the cell.
that is continuous with
the membranes of the
two cells. Each Cadherins, specialized
plasmodesma has a adhesion proteins, are found on
thread of cytoplasm extending through it, containing an even thinner thread of endoplasmic the membranes of both cells and
reticulum (not shown in the diagram above). interact in the space between
them, holding the membranes
together. Inside the cell, the
Molecules below a certain size (the size exclusion limit) move freely through the plasmodesmal cadherins attach to a structure
channel by passive diffusion. The size exclusion limit varies among plants, and even among cell called the cytoplasmic plaque
types within a plant. Plasmodesmata may selectively dilate (expand) to allow the passage of (red in the image at right), which
certain large molecules, such as proteins, although this process is poorly connects to the intermediate
understood^{1,2}1,2start superscript, 1, comma, 2, end superscript. filaments and helps anchor the
Gap junctions

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