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What are the "Offermations" that everyone

is talking about?

What are the "Offirmations"?

The affirmations are small, powerful, almost magical questions. They
look like nothing, seemingly simple questions, and yet it took several
centuries and three researchers, including two very bright minds, to
discover them.
Lucia Canovi invented them perfecting the "afformations" Noah St. John,
who were themselves an improvement over aff i rmation of Emile Coue.

The affirmations are questions in "why" and "we".

Why is it great?
Because in this way, critical thinking is bypassed. The question
presupposes that the problem is already solved.
Let's see immediately the difference between the three from an example:

 The famous phrase of Émile Coué is:

"Everyday, from every point of view, I'm getting better and better" (=

 Transformed by Noah Saint John, this sentence became:

" Why every day, in every way, am I getting better and better? »(=

 Transformed by Lucia Canovi, this question is more powerful:

" Why every day, in every way, are we getting better and better? »(=

As I told you earlier, such a question that begins with "why" presupposes
that yes, we are getting better and better. The critical spirit is somehow
neutralized, the important idea goes quietly behind.
The affirmations are different from the afformations only on one point:
the "I" leaves room for "us". Apparently it's a detail, but this change of
personal pronoun has really huge repercussions.
Because the presuppositions presuppose that the result we seek to
achieve is already achieved, they act on a subconscious, almost
subliminal level .
The affirmations are extremely effective, all the people who have tried
them are watching and rejoicing. They act on the brain by modifying
your inner monologue, which is actually an inner dialogue of
questions and answers.
Think about it for two minutes: when we talk to ourselves, we do it by
alternating questions and answers, questions and affirmations. This is
why the questions we ask ourselves determine, for the worst as for the
best, the quality of our lives .

"The quality of our life depends on the quality of the questions

we ask ourselves . "
Anthony Robbins, coach and best-selling author (Unlimited Power,
awakening your inner power)

"Successful people ask themselves better questions, and as a

result they get better answers . "
Anthony Robbins, coach and best-selling author
To think "I" is to think selfishly. By using "us" instead of "I", the
affirmations allow to act at the interpersonal as well as the
personal level .
And the "we" has many other benefits, many other benefits ... Remember
Barak Obama: who would have voted for him if he had proclaimed "Yes I
can"? It's the "we" that made her elected. The "we" carries an
extraordinary energy, the energy of the collective .
The affirmations put this energy at your service.

Conclusion : The affirmations are the simple and easy solution to change
our thoughts and modify our inner monologue .

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