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Rangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons (BCPS)

67, Shaheed Tajuddin Ahmed Sarani, Mohakhali, Dhaka-12t2.

No.CPS-355120181 Date:03-06-2018

Schedule for FCPS Part-|, FCPS Part-ll (Final), Preliminary FCPS Part-ll, FCPS (Sub-

Speciality) final and MCPS written examinations to be held in July, 2018.



Subject Paper Date Time Venue

AII subjects Paper - I 01.07.2018 (Sunday) 9.00 A.lvl. BCPS,

Paper - ll 02.07.2018 (Monday) to Mohakhali,
12.00 Noon Dhaka-1212.

Subject Paper Date Time Venue
Anaesthesio logy, B iochem istry, Denti stry and Paper - I 03.01 .2018 (Tuesday) 9.00 A.1v{. BCPS,
allied, Dermatology .t Venereology, Paper - II 04.07 .2018 (Wednesda-v) to Mohakhali,
HaernatoIogy, [JistopathoIogy, Medicine and Paper - III 05.01 .201 8 (Th Lrrsday) 10.40 A.N,l. Dhar<a- i2 i2.

allied, Vlicrobiology, Obst. & Gvnae and

allied, Ophthalrnology, Otolaryngologv,
Paediatrics antl alliecl, Physical lvleclicine ct.
Rehabilitation, Psychiatry, Radiology and
irnaging, Radiotherapy, Sr-rrgery and allied
and Transfttsion Medicine
Program for clinical, practical & oral examinations fbr FCPS Parl ll (final), Prelirninary FCPS Part-ll. FCPS (Sub-
Speciality) firral anrl NICPS examinations rvill be notified in theNotice Board anclWebsite of BCPS rvell in aclvattce.
list of the exarrinees and the name of the venue of the clinical & oral examinations rvill be notiflecl in the notice
boarcl and rvebsite ( of BCPS day befbre examinatiott (after 8.3Oprn).

l'he,.\drnitCarcl for the saicl examinations rvill be issuecl be[vge! 20 to 30,Iune,2018. Please visit or-rr rvebsite
( ancl login to yoLrr passrvord protectecl profile and prir-rt your aclrrit carcl. Please contact

exarnination5 6lspartment if there is problerr related to dorvnloacl of the aclmit carcl. Admit CUfd iS,

esseutiul for entering the e.rsminstiort. hsll: No Admit Ca.rtl will he.
issued ctrter ffie*lleadline (3 0. 06. 20 I Bt.
, ,NJ

Prott-s.sor Nltl.,\zizu I [inhh:rr'
Ctrntrttl Iel' trI Erlttt itlut irrtts

. E.rlrninces
lggfruc//qn$ for ExA
arc recluestcLl to reprtrt no latcr than .30 rrtinLrtcs belbrc tlre schedLrle tintc.
'.r:.: :r'
Tentative Schedule for Clinical, OraI, Practical and OSPE to be held in July 2018.
No.CPS-355'2018,r Date: 03-06-2018

FCPS Part II (Final), Preliminary FCPS Part-II and FCPS (Sub-speciality) final examinations.

Dde Subject Days OSPE Clinical & OSPE

Date Oral Exam Venue
Date (Block-B)
8&9Julyl8 Psychiatry Sunday & Mondav 8 9 ltt floor
9& 0 Julv l8 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Monday & Tuesda\, 9 10 I't floor
9& 0 Julv l8 Radioloey & Imasins Nlonday & Tuesday 9 IO 2no floor
il ulv l8 Plastic and Reconstructive Surserv Wednesday 1l
l0 to 2 July l8 Microbiology Tuesday to Thursday t0 10,il&12 1" floor
l0 to 2 Julv l8 Preliminarv FCPS-II Medicine Tuesday to Thursday i0 lt&12 2no floor
l1&12Julyl8 Orthodontics & Dentofacial Wednesday & Thursclay tl &12
I2 Julv l8 Puhnonologv Thursday l2
l2 Julv 18 Neuroloqy Thursday 12
12 to l8 July l8 Obsteh-ics & Gl,naecology to Wednesday t2 14,15,16,11 1tt, 2"o &
&18 3rd floor
14 Julv l8 Neuro-Surqery Saturday 14
1.1 Jul1" t8 Conservative Dentistry & Saturday t4
l4 July I8 Urolosy Saturday l4
'14 & i5 Julv Oral & Maxillo-Facial Sursery Saturday & Sundav
I8 1,1& 15
l5 Julv l8 Cardioloev Sunday l5
15 & 16 Julv t8 Anaesthesiolosy Sunday & Nlondav 15 t6 al0
J l^ i-rof
15 ro 2l July l8 Surgery I Sunday to Saturday l5 17,18,19 & ltt & 2n't
2t floor
I6 to l8 Julv l8 Haernatolosy Monday to Wednesdav 16 16, t7& 18 2"u floor
l6 to l8 Julv l8 Dermatology &Venereology Monday to Wednesday t6 17 & 18 l
l7 to l9 .lulv l8 Ophthalrnology Tr-resday to Thursday t1 18&19 l " floor
19 July l8 Gvnaecological Oncoloqy Thursday l9
l9 July l8 Feoto-Maternal Medicine Thursday l9
l9 July l8 Paediatric Neurology & Thursday t9
19 to 25 july 18 lVledicine Thursday to Wednesday I9 21,22,23,24 1 st lnd 9-

&25 3rd floor

2lJuly l8 Paediatric Fiaematology & Saturday 2t
2lJuly l8 Neonatology Saturday 2t
.21 to 23 Jull, 1,3 Otolirryngoloqy Saturclay to Nlondav 2t 22 &23 1" f'loor
22 Julr- l8 Card iovascuiar Surser! Sunday 22
22 to 26 Jull' I Ii -fhursday
Paediatrics SLinday to 22 2,1,25 &26 I ,: cV

3rcl floor
23 JLrll l8 Orlhopaeclic Surger-v Morrdav /_)
2,3 &24 Julv l8 Prelinrinarv F CPS-ll Surcerv Mondav .t Tuesclav 23 24 1" t'loor
23to25 Juh l8 Histopathology Nlonclav to Wednesdav 23 23,2,1&25 I t loor
24 July 18 Gastroenteroloqy Tnesday 24
2,1 &" ?-5 Julr, '1'uesda-v
I8 Radiotherapy & Wednesrlal, 2rl 25 r Itoor
2,1 ct 25.luh, I8 I Prelirnintrrlt FCPS-It Obst. & Gvnac Tuesda\'& Wednesclav ?-rl 25 2n'r floor
25 JLrly l8 Ileproduitive Errdocrinology & Werjnesclal, 25
lnferti I itv
. t l,,L)l

I'r'o li'(sqr r' \ Icl. . \:r.izlr I K:r Ir hrr r'
(. r\t rll'Lrl lt:l' rrI I :rurn inatiOits
_/;:;q\ MOHAKHALI, DHAK A-1212

Date: 03-06-2018

Tentative Schedule for Clinical, Practical and OraI Examinations to

be held in JuIy 2018.

MCPS Examination

Clinical, Oral and Practical Subject Days

Exams Dote
l0& ll JLrly 18 Paecliatrics Tuesday & Weclnesda;i

11 July 18 Radiology'& Irnaging Wednesday

I I ct 12 July l8 Surgery Wednesday & Thursday

14 & 15 July l8 Ophthalmology Saturday & Sunday

14, 15 & 16 JLrly 18 Laboratory Medicine Saturday, SLrnday & IVlonclay

14, l5 & l6 JLrly 1B Medicine Saturclay, Sunday & fulonclay

l6JLrly l8 Psychiatry Nlonclav

16 July l8 Forensic Nledicine ,\londay

l6 July I B Otolaryrrgology i\[ondai,

lTJuly, l8 Dental Surgery Tuesciay

l8 July l8 Anaesthesiology Wednesclay

2t July 1B Dermatology & Venereology Saturdav

21,22 & 23 JLrly l8 Obstetr.ics & Gt,naecology Saturclay, Sunday ct Nlonclay

, l,ful
trry"." n{f u[.
Prol'bssor,\lrl. .\zizul Kuhhar
Control ler ol' Examinations

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