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SOUTH AFRICA NEXT WEEK Cantor Kusevitsky at Parkview-
RELATIONS WITH PALESTINE Sir Leon Simon, G.B., accompanied
by Lady Simon, is arriving in Johan-
'Greenside Synagogue ,
consists of Mr. H. L. Karnovsky
(president), Messrs. B. Kaumheimer
nesburg on Tuesday, October 14. Sir
Leon, who will lead the delegation CANTOR SIMCHA KUSEVITSKY,
who came from London to offi-
conducting the 1947 South African ciate at the Parkview-Greenside
and I. Shaffer (vice-presidents), Mr. Synagogue, combines an excellent
Leo Tager (chairman), Mr. H. Gold- Hebrew University Campaign, will
leave the following day for Cape voice with expert knowledge of litur-
berg (vice-chairman), Mrs. A. Franks gical interpretation. The tendency to
and Messrs. D. Dunsky, B. Gering, I. T·own, where the Campaign will be in-
augurated at a dinner to be held on convert the service into a mixture of
Gryngauz, E. Hechter, S. Jaff, H. compositions drawn from different
Rosen, W. Senior and H. Trope. Monday, October 20.
Of the other members of the dele- sources and painfully unrelated is al-
The Board is sponsoring the first together absent in Kuslevitzky's
Palestine Industrial Exhibition in gation, Miss Marcia Gitlin will leave singing. He has style and from be-
South Africa, which will be held in for Cape Town on Sunday, October
12, and Mr. Norman Lourie is ex- ginning to end his service is one har-
Johannesburg early next month. monious composition. The diction is
pected to arrive from Palestine within perfect and his lyrical tenor has a
The exhibition is under the joint the next week or two.
auspices of the Jewish Agency for mellowness which strains neither the
singer nor the worshipper. There is
Palestine and the South African Zion- In Johannesburg no over-emphasis in his prayer, with
ist Federation.
In Johannesburg the death of Mr. the exception, perhaps, of the truah
Mr. Herzl Zuckerman, the special Myer Leibowitz, the able and devoted motif-that trembling sound of the
repre,sentative of the Palestine Manu- chairman of the S.A. Friends of the shofar-which in v·ocal form has been
facturers' Association and of the Hebrew Unive,r sity, has dealt a severe made famous by Leibele Glancz.
Foreign Trade Institute of Palestine, blow to the cause of the University.
is collaborating with the Bo.ard in Cantor Kusevitsky's voice is so
the preparations for the holding <>f The members of the committee of the good and so melodious that he ought
Friends are determined to proceed not to resort to it too often. His
the exhibition. with their work for the campaign in "smooth singing" is a delight to the
the spil'it in which Mr. Leibowitz ear and moves the hearts of his con-
Special Donation by Mr. Lakier would have approached it, and they
have set their hands to the task
gregation. His rendering of the
Geshem prayer will long be remem-
MR. H. L. KARNOVSKY Mr. S. Per, a member of the ahead of them with vigour and enthu- bered by his congregation. It was
National Executive of the S.A. Jew- siasm. rich in. quality, warm in tone and full
The South African Board for Inter ish War Appeal, has brought in £120 of traditional praying which is the
as a special donation from Mr. Lakier The campaign in Johannesburg will
Trade Relations with Palestine, which be inaugurated at a dinner to be held backbone of chazanuth. His "hashi-
was formed recently to further trade of Brit'S. This is apart from Mr. venu" and "Melech Rachmon" are
Lakier's regular donation. on November 5. Mr. Louis Marks has
between South Africa and Palestine, accepted the chairmanship of the examples of the right traditional ap-
campaign committee and the Hon. Mr. proach to the liturgy. The overall
Justice L. Greenberg is Hon. Presi- impre'Ssion is that of an outstanding
dent of the campaign with Mr. Harry musical personality, with a warm
Lourie and Mr. S. Schneider as Hon. J e\vish heart, expre. sed through a
Vice-Presidents. The Vice-Chairman beautiful voice and excellent diction.
and Hon. Treasurer are respectively There! is no doubt that he repre-
Mr. S. Kessel and Mr. P. Crane. sents chazanuth at its best.

The Big Hearty To Appear at Concert

J.W.A. CHILDREN'S FETE AT Cantor Ku. evitsky has had consid-
el·able exp ·rience as a concert singer.
Handkerchief HOUGHTON His great st success was achiev d
The Houghton Branch of the J.W.A. when he appeared at the Albert Hall
Women's Section are holding a in 1945 on the same programm e ;vith
Children's Fete on Sunday, October Eva Turn r, Frank Titerton and
12, 1947, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the D.B.C. choir and orche ·tra.
51 West Street, Lo .ver Houghton. 'I he public will therefore look for-
There will be many attractions, such ward to h aring him at a concert
as a Punch and Judy, a conjurer, a which is bc:ing arranged by the
fish pond, and a bioscope show. Re- Magen David uom, and will be held
freshments include hot dogs, cold at the 20th Century Th atre on Sun-
drinks, ice cream and tea. There day, October 19. Other artists to ap-
will also be a competition for which p"ar with him at the conce1·t are
the prize offered i'S a handsome n w Hcdy Haas, well-known charadf'r
bicycle. The members of the public artiste and impersonator, Faivel
are assured that their children will Zygielbaum, the well-known drama-
spend a most enjoyable day at this tist, Jerry Idelson, who has written
Fete and at the same time they will a special arrangement of Jewish folk
be assisting a worthy cause. music for this concert, the Hazamir
vocal quartet, and Idelson's trio.
J.W.A. Meeting of Residents of
On Monday, October 13, a meeting All Landsleit from Bialystok and
of the residents of Berea, Yeoville, district and friends are cordially in-
Observatory, Bellevue and adjoining vited to tnke part in a ''Welcome
suburbs will take place at the Sive Meeting" to ·Dr. Shoshkes, the dis-
Hall, Hunter Street, Yeoville, at tingui ·bed BiaJystoker, who is now
8 p.m. on a short visit in this country from
Mr. Max J. Spitz, National Chair- the U.S.A.
man of the S.A. Jewish War Appeal, The meeting will bke place at the
will address the meeting and the film Carlton Hotel. on Sunday, the 19th
"Battle for Survival" will be shown. October, at 4.30 p.m.

Tiger Clothing Manufactur rs, Ltd.

(Incorporated in the Union of South Africa)

py AMI TradeMariQ
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at the Annual General Meeting of
Shareholders held on the 2nd October, 1947, a final dividend of 10 per cent.
(sixpence per share), ,·as declared payable to all Ordinary Shareholders
registered at the close of business on Saturday, 18th October, 1947, making
HANDKERCHIEFS a total dividend of 30 per cent. (one shil1ing and sixpence per share) in
respect of ihe financial year ended 30th June, 1947.
White and coloured for men and women For the purpose of ascertaining those entitled to participate in the
dividend, the Share Registerfl and Transfer Bool-s of the Corl'l.pany in
respect of Ordinary Shareholders will be closed from the 20th to the 27th
MEN'S 2/- WOMEN'S 1/3 October, 1947, both days inclusive.
Dividend Warrants will be posted on or about 7th November, 1947.
See Registered Trade Mark Label on every handkerchief P T R A., , o Too tal Guaranteed J Per G. SPEDDING.
Transfer Office: 243 Eloff Street Extension, Johannesburg.

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