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Answer Key - LET General Education Reviewer

This is an answer key to the following reviewer:

1. What is the missing term in the series? 2, 5, 11, 23, 47,

Answer: b. 95
Solution: Let x be the missing term.

2, 5, 11, 23, 47, x

Let’s calculate the difference between two consecutive terms:
11 − 5 = 6
23 − 11 = 12
47 − 23 = 24
Note that the next difference is twice the previous difference. Following
this pattern, the difference between x and 47 is 2(24) = 48:
x − 47 = 48
x = 48 + 47
x = 95
2. A store owner makes a 25% profit by selling an item for P 800.00. How
much is his profit?
Answer: d. P160.00
Solution: Let x be the original price of the item. Then
Profit = 25% of x = 0.25x.
Since Original Price + Profit = Selling Price, we have
x + 0.25x = P 800
1.25x = P 800
x = P 640.
Therefore, Profit = 0.25x = 0.25(P 640) = P 160.

AA Tutorials

3. The simplest expressions for 4220 is .
Answer: a. 1
240 240 240 240
= = = =1
420 (2 · 2)20 220 · 220 240
4. If the ratio of women to men in a meeting is 4 to 1, what percent of
the persons in the meeting are men?
Answer: b. 20%
no. of men no. of men
% men = ×100% = ×100%
total no. of persons no. of men + no. of women
1 1
= × 100% = × 100% = 0.2 × 100% = 20%.
1+4 5
5. Joel repacks a 60 kg sack of sugar into small packs of 750 g. How many
packs can be made?
Answer: d. 80
1000 g 1 pack
60 kg = 80 packs
1 kg 750 g

6. How much bigger is 29 than 92 ?

Answer: d. 431
Solution: 29 − 92 = 512 − 81 = 431

7. What is the average of 12 , 14 , and 13 ?

Answer: d. 1336
+ 14 + 1
12 13 1 13
= = = 3 = · =
3 3 3 1
12 3 36

8. The product of 2 numbers is 36, and their ratio is 14. Which of these
is the smaller number?
Note: I think this item has a typographical error.We will assume that
the ratio is 4, because if the ratio is 14 then the answer is not found in
the choices.
Answer: c. 3 (assuming the ratio is 4)

AA Tutorials

Solution 1: Trial and error method: If x = 3, then the larger number

is 36
= 12 and their ratio is 12
= 4.

Solution 2: Algebraic method: Let x and y be the two numbers,

where x < y. Then xy = 36 and xy = 4. So y = 4x and substituting y
to the first equation, we have x(4x) = 4x2 = 36. Then

4x2 = 36
4x2 36
4 4
x =9
x2 − 9 = 0
(x − 3)(x + 3) = 0
x − 3 = 0 or x + 3 = 0
x = 3 or x = −3
We only take the positive root (x = 3) because we are dealing with
natural numbers.

9. An arithmetic book is 2 21 cm thick. How many copies can be placed in

a meter long shelf?
Answer: b. 40
100  cm
 1 book
1m = 40 books
1 m

10. What is the smallest positive number that is a multiple of both 12 and
Answer: c. 84

2|12 14
6 7
lcm of 12 and 14 = 2 · 6 · 7 = 84

AA Tutorials

11. 40% of 35 is what percent of 140?

Answer: c. 10%
Solution: 40% of 35 = 0.40(35) = 14
14 is what percent of 140?: percentage = 14, base = 140, rate = ?
percentage 14
rate = × 100% = × 100% = 0.1 × 100% = 10%
base 140

12. An employee earning P 9, 200.00 a month will receive 15% increase next
month. How much will his/her new salary be?
Answer: c. P 10, 580
Solution: Raise = 15% of P 9, 200 = 0.15(P 9, 200) = P 1380

New Salary = Old Salary + Raise = P 9, 200 + P 1380 = P 10, 580

13. In a certain school, the ratio of boys to girls is 3 to 7. If there are 150
boys and girls in the school, how many boys are there?
Answer: a. 45
Solution: no. ofno.boys
of boys
and girls
= 3+7 3
= 10
(( 3 boys
150 boys
((and girls
((( (( = 45 boys
10 ( ((and
((( girls

14. A park has a triangular shape. It has a base of 12m and a height of
9m. What is the area?
Answer: d. 54 sq. m.
Solution: Area = 21 bh = 12 (12m)(9m) = 54 m2

15. The length of a new piece of chalk is about .

Answer: c. 10cm

16. If 50% of x is 20, what is 30% of x?

Answer: b. 12
Solution: 50% of x = 0.50(x) = 20
0.50x 20
0.50 0.50
x = 40

Then 30% of x = 0.30(x) = 0.30(40) = 12

AA Tutorials

17. Which of these fractions has the greatest values?

a. 45 b. 16 7
c. 10 d. 58
Answer: a.
Solution: a. 54 = 0.8 b. 16 9
= 0.5625 c. 10 7
= 0.7 d. 5
= 0.625

18. Which of the following is exactly divisible by 3 and 11?

a. 357404 b. 114345 c. 991111 d. 135792
Answer: b. 114345
Solution: Take a look at each of the numbers and add their digits. If
the sum is divisible by 3, then the number is divisible by 3.
a. 3 + 5 + 7 + 4 + 0 + 4 = 23 b. 1 + 1 + 4 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 18
c. 9 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 22 d. 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 2 = 27
Since only 18 and 27 are divisible by 3, only 114345 and 135792 are
divisible by 3. Next, divide each of these numbers by 11.
114345 135792
b. = 10395 d. ≈ 12344.7273
11 11
Since the result of dividing 135792 by 11 is not an integer, it is not
divisible by 11. Therefore, only 114345 is divisible by both 3 and 11.

19. If the variance of distribution is 25, then the standard deviation is .

Answer: b. 5 √ √
Solution: standard deviation = variance = 25 = 5

20. Which of these numbers is greater than 41 ?

a. 0.04 b. ( 12 )2 c. 18 d. 0.04 1

Answer: d.
Solution: Let us convert 14 into decimal so that we can compare it to
other numbers: 41 = 0.25
a. 0.04 < 0.25 b. ( 21 )2 = 122 = 14 = 0.25 c. 18 = 0.125 < 0.25
d. 0.04 = 14 = 100
= 25 > 0.25

21. If x3 is odd, which of these is true?

I. x is odd
II. x2 is odd
III. x2 + 1 is odd
a. II only b. I and II only c. I only d. I and III only
Answer: b.

AA Tutorials

Solution: The product of two even numbers is even. Also, the product
of an even number and an odd number is even. This means that if we
multiply two numbers and one of them is even, their product is even.
Note that
x3 = (x)(x2 )
Suppose x3 is odd. If either x or x2 is even, then x3 is even, a con-
tradiction. Therefore, both x and x2 should be odd. An odd number
added by 1 is even, so x2 + 1 is even. Therefore, only statements I and
II are correct.

x3 = (x)(x2 )
1 = (1)(1)
27 = (3)(9)
125 = (5)(25)

22. Three times the first of three consecutive odd integers is 3 more than
twice the third. Find the third integer?
Answer: d. 15
Solution: Note that the difference between two consecutive odd inte-
gers is 2. For example, the difference between 3 and 1 is 2.
Let x be the first odd integer. Then the second odd integer is x + 2
and the third odd integer is (x + 2) + 2 = x + 4. Translating the given
problem into an algebraic equation, we have:

3x = 2(x + 4) + 3

3x = 2x + 8 + 3
3x = 2x + 11
3x − 2x = 11
x = 11
Therefore, the third odd integer is x + 4 = 11 + 4 = 15.

23. A senior class of 50 girls and 70 boys sponsored a dance. If 40% of

the girls and 50% of the boys attended the dance, approximately what
percent attended?

AA Tutorials

Answer: b. 46%
no. of students who attended
Solution: % attendance = total no. of students
× 100%

40%(50) + 50%(70) 0.40(50) + 0.50(70)

= × 100% = × 100%
50 + 70 120

20 + 35 55
= × 100% = × 100% = 0.46 × 100% = 46%
120 120
24. What is the smallest positive integer that has 6, 8, and 10 as factors?
Answer: d. 120

2|6 8 10
3 4 5
lcm of 6, 8 and 10 = 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 = 120

25. Joseph has more money than Mila but less than Billy. If the amounts
held by Joseph, Mila and Billy are x, y, and z respectively, which of
the following is TRUE?
a. z < x < y b. x < z < y c. y < x < z d. y < z < x
Answer: c. y < x < z

26. How many ounces of pure acid must be added to 20 ounces of a solution
that is 5% acid in strength?
Note: The % acidity in the resulting solution is not given so we cannot
solve this problem.

27. The value√
of 187 is approximately .
Note: 187 = 0.45 ≈ 0.5 is not in the choices. Let’s assume that
there is a typographicalq error in the given problem. Suppose what the
examiner meant was 187
. Then

7194 √
= 38.47 = 6.2 ≈ 6

Answer: b. 6

AA Tutorials

28. Michael is 15 years older than his brother Rafael. However, y years ago
Michael was twice as old as Rafael. If Rafael is now x years old and
x > y, find the value of x − y.
Answer: c. 15

Now y years ago

Michael x + 15 (x − y) + 15
Rafael x x−y

Michael’s age y years ago = Twice of Rafael’s age y years ago

(x − y) + 15 = 2(x − y)
15 = 2(x − y) − (x − y)
15 = x − y

29. What percent is 43 of 56 ?

Answer: b. 90%
Solution: The problem is asking for the percent(rate) given the per-
centage ( 34 ) and the base ( 65 ).
percentage 4 3 6
rate = × 100% = 5 × 100% = · × 100%
base 6
4 5

18 9
= × 100% = × 100% = 90%
20 10
30. What is the median of the following numbers? 8, 5, 7, 9, 9, 1, 8, 10, 5,
and 10.
Answer: b. 8
Solution: Let us arrange the numbers from lowest to highest. There
are 10 numbers so the median is the average of the 5th and 6th terms.

1, 5, 5, 7, 8,8, 9, 9, 10, 10
8+8 16
Median = = =8
2 2

AA Tutorials

31. A certain pole casts a shadow 24 feet long. At the same time another
pole 3 feet high casts a shadow 4 feet long. How high is the first pole,
given that the heights and shadows are in proportion?
Answer: c. 18 ft.

h : 24 = 3 : 4
4h = 24(3)
h = 18

32. What is the ratio of 4
to 35 ?
Answer: d. 5 to 12
4 1 5 5
3 = · =
4 3 12

33. The perimeter of an isosceles triangle is 42 in. The 2 equal sides are
each 3 times as long as the third side. What are the lengths of the
three sides?
Answer: d. 18, 18, 6
Solution: Let x be the length of the third side. Then the two equal
sides are each 3x long. The perimeter is the sum of all sides, so:

3x + 3x + x = 42
7x = 42
7x 42
7 7

Therefore, the third side is 6 units long while the two equal sides are
each 3(6) = 18 units long.

34. Which of the following will give the same values as a(b + c − d)?
Answer: c.
Solution: a(b + c − d) = ab + ac − ad

AA Tutorials

35. If x + 6 = 9, then 3x + 1 = .
Answer: b. 10
Substitute x in 3x + 1:
3x + 1 = 3(3) + 1 = 9 + 1 = 10

36. If a certain job can be finished by 18 workers in 26 days, how many

workers are needed to finish the job in 12 days?
Answer: b. 39
Solution: This problem deals with indirect or inverse proportion.
1 1
18 : =x:
26 12
The product of the means equals the product of the extremes:
1 1
(x) = 18
26 12
x 18
26 12
12x = (26)(18)
12x (26)(18)
12 12
x = 39
37. If x4 − 2 = 22, what is the value of x?

Answer: d. 96
− 2 = 22
= 22 + 2
= 24
x = (4)(24)
x = 96

AA Tutorials

38. A box is 12 inches wide, 16 inches long, and 6 inches high. How many
square inches of paper would be needed to cover it on all sides?
Answer: b. 720
Solution: Surface area of a box (SA) = 2LW + 2LH + 2WH
SA = 2(16 in.)(12 in.) + 2(16 in.)(6 in.) + 2(12 in.)(6 in.)
SA = 384 sq. in. + 192 sq. in. + 144 sq. in. = 720 sq. in.
39. P 8, 000.00 is invested at 12% simple interest. What is the amount at
the end of 2 years?
Answer: d. P 9, 920
Solution: The simple interest formula is I = P rt, where P = Princi-
pal, r = annual interest rate, and t = time in years. Then the amount
at the end of t years is equal to the principal plus interest:
A = P + I = P + P rt = P (1 + rt)
A = P (1 + rt)
= P 8, 000(1 + 12%(2))
= P 8, 000(1 + 0.12(2))
= P 8, 000(1 + 0.24)
= P 8, 000(1.24)
= P 9, 920

40. If x2 + 3x + 10 = 1 + x2 , then x2 = .
Answer: d. 9
x2 + 3x + 10 = 1 + x2
3x + 10 = 1
3x = 1 − 10
3x = −9
3x −9
3 3
x = −3
Then x2 = (−3)2 = 9.


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