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An infamous saying once stated "once someone or something is gone, you'll see its

worth." In connection to the short film entitled "Changing Batteries" by the word itself means
that by changing the batteries there is another life or if you recharge it there is a full energy
again. Unlike in real life, once you are in the point that everything has come to an end, we can't
bring back or go back in time. When I started watching this/the short film, I felt so emotional and
I started to think of my grandmother who died 2 years ago. While watching, a sudden flashback
of memories I had with her when she was still alive. All the things that I needed and wanted, she
always give it to me and it won't take even an hour until it she gives the luxury I wanted. In the
part when the robot put a batteries/battery inside the pocket of the grandma, trying to bring back
her life but it didn't worked is like what happened to me and my grandma. I remember the days
when my grandma is asking me to sleep next to her everyday and I always rejected her request.
Days passed, she passed away. It was one of my biggest regrets in life that I never granted her
request even once. When she died, that was the only time I granted her last request to me that I'll
sleep next to her. Seeing her inside a coffin was like someone's stabbing me in my heart
numerous times. I felt like something was missing and my life became incomplete. I can't go
back in time or use a time machine and bring back the days when she was still breathing just to
pay back all the sacrifices she had to me. With this experience I had, I just wanted to tell you that
learn how to cherish and treasure every moment we spend with our special someone because one
day, when his/her time comes to an end, it will become a beautiful memory that won't fade in
your heart forever.

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