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United States OF Amerien Department of Transportation - Federal Aviation Adntinistration Supplemental Type Certificate AN imber SV02S80LA This tfewie ssundée ner International 1.1.C 875 West 8th street Azusa, CA 91702 C0 thal the change ta the pe disign fo the following prodteetwith Me lonitalons amd emnditivas thrnfor peed hereon mects the aincerthinessciguivants of Tart I* of the Federal. tvation Reguleinns Copinat Dratuct Type Corifente Vinibor KS¥ELI Maho KVR Mode KURI2-201 Yesenplioa of Type osign t hange: Installation of main deck cargo loading system in accordance with FAA approved Ancra International LLC Controlled Data List DL84231, Revision E, dated October 21, 2013, or later FAA approved revision. Linitatioas and Conditions The installation should not be incorporated in any aircraft unless it is determined that the interrelationship between this installation and any previously approved configuration will not introduce any adverse effect upon the airworthiness ofthe aircraft. STC STOI76INY must be installed in conjunction with this installation. A copy of this STC must be included in the permanent records of the modified aircraft. Ifthe holder agrees to permit another person to use this certificate to alter the product, the holder shall give the other person written evidence of that permission “Certification Basis: Certification basis is set forth in the Type Certificate Data Sheet including: Regulations at the latest amendment (25-0 through 25-123): 25.23, 25.29, 25.301(a)(b), 25.303, 25.305(a)(b), 25.471. 25.561, 25.601, 25.603. 25.605, 25.607. 25.609. 25.613(a)(b). 25.619, 25.621. 25.625(a)(b), 25.787, 5 855(d), 25.1301, 25.1529, 25.1557(a. 25.793, 25,853(a). 14 CFR 26.11 (This modification does not affect Electrical Wiring Interconnection Systems), 14 CFR 26.47 (This modification does not affect or create Fatigue Critical Structures) Tis certificate uni the sipporting dala which ts the basis for ypproval shall rrmnin tn ffict untilourrenitered sespenited revobed on termination tale is olherwise eitdMished ly the Cdboinistoater of the Fedeeul. teviation Crtuinistootion Late of aptintion — Npril29, 2013 Yate risund- Ochober 29,2013 Late of issunnce October 21, 2013 Yate mundeds Ocrober 23, 2013; December 05, 2016 he. heuinistaton By rvcion of Manager. Airframe Branch Los Angeles Aircraft Certification Office Any lraton of th mf phe Bo Fas of teeing $1.00 or mprooiment vot eedng jars oF nk Ta rom vie aioc ines “st mayb aad ance wh ARDEA

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