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SELECT [predicate] { * | table.* |

[table.]field1 [AS alias1] [, table.]field2 [AS alias2] [, ...] ] }
FROM tableexpression [, ...] [IN externaldatabase]
[WHERE... ] [NOT] [IN] (value1,[value2,[...] ] )
[GROUP BY... ]
[HAVING... ]
[ORDER BY... ]
[subqueryclause [subqueryclause [...] ] ]

The SELECT statement returns information from a database as a set of records without altering
the database. It searches the database, extracts the chosen columns and selects those records
that meet the criteria, sorting and grouping the results into a specified order.

A SELECT statement can be nested inside of another SELECT statement which is nested
inside of another SELECT and so on. When a SELECT is nested it is refered to as a subquery

At its simplest, you can use an asterisk ( * ) to select all of the fields in a table (in this case the
table 'Musicians' ):

SELECT * FROM Musicians;

Or you can be more selective and choose just one or a few of the fields in a table, and they will
be returned in the order listed:

SELECT MusicianName, Instrument FROM Musicians;

You can also have a query display a field under a different heading than the one used in the
table by establishing an "alias" with the reserved word AS:

SELECT MusicianName AS Musician, Instrument

FROM Musicians;

...and you can even have a query combine two or more fields from a table into one field in the
returned list under a new heading using the ampersand character:

SELECT Name, City & ", " & Country AS Location

FROM Customers;


You can use the WHERE clause to further focus your selection by specifying certain criteria to
be met by the values. The following example returns the names of all musicians who play the

SELECT MusicianName AS Musician FROM Musicians

WHERE Instrument = 'flute';

...and this example returns the names of all jigs in a 'Tunes' table:

SELECT TuneName AS Name, Source1 AS Recording FROM Tunes

WHERE TuneType = 'jig';

You can combine more than one criterion in a WHERE clause using any of the logical
operators. Here the query returns a list of all items which are blue and cost less than $100:

SELECT Item, UnitPrice AS Price FROM Products

WHERE Color = 'blue' AND UnitPrice < 100;
The optional, reserved word IN can be used either as a clause or as an operator.

If you want to get fields from a database other than the one you are currently working in, you
use the IN as a clause:

SELECT Name, Address

FROM PianoTuners IN USAPiano.mdb
WHERE state='TN';

If the database is a non-Microsoft Jet database, you must append a semicolon ( ; ) to the
database file name and enclose it within a pair of single ( ' ) or double quotes ( " ).

SELECT Name, Address

FROM PianoTuners IN "InstrumentTuners.xls;"
WHERE state='TN';

You can also specify a path and designate the type of file. Note the position of the ( ; ):

SELECT Name, Address

FROM PianoTuners IN "C:\Music\InstrumentTuners.xls" "Excel 5.0;"
WHERE state='TN';

When used as an operator, IN can determine if the values of a specified expression matches
any values in a specified list. This example determines if any piano tuners live in 'Knoxville',
'Nashville', or 'Memphis'. A pair of single quotes must enclose each value and commas must
separate each value:

SELECT * FROM TennPianoTuners

WHERE City IN ( 'Knoxville', 'Nashville', 'Memphis' );

You can also add a NOT. This causes the query to select all values other than those listed:

SELECT * FROM TennPianoTuners

WHERE City NOT IN ( 'Knoxville', 'Nashville', 'Memphis' );

The SELECT statement can optionally be followed by one of these four predicates: ALL,
DISTINCT, DISTINCTROW, TOP. These limit the number of records returned.

The ALL predicate is the default, but it is rarely used. Note that the following two code examples
yield the exact same results:

FROM RockAndRoll
WHERE Artist = 'Elvis';

FROM RockAndRoll
WHERE Artist = 'Elvis';

The DISTINCT predicate is used to omit duplicate values just in a field. Consider a table of
names, where you have the last name, "Jones", repeated numerous times. This code returns
only one "Jones":


FROM SongWriters;

The DISTINCTROW predicate is used to omit duplicate values in an entire record of fields. This
can be very useful when you use a INNER JOIN to join two tables together and you do not want
any duplication. This code create a table that does not repeat any of the last names:
FROM SongWriters INNER JOIN Performers
ORDER BY LastName;

The TOP predicate returns the specified number of records from the top of the specified table.
The following example returns the first 3 records:

SELECT TOP 3 MusicianName AS Musician, Instrument

FROM Musicians;

You can also carry out calculations on fields containing numeric values using the aggregate

AVG - average
COUNT - count how many items
MAX - maximum value
MIN - minimum value

This next example uses the COUNT function to count the number of items that have an entry in
the SalePrice field (i.e. they are on sale) and returns that number under the heading

SELECT COUNT(SalePrice) AS ReducedCount

FROM Products;

...and this next one returns current prices along with what the prices would be after a 10%

SELECT Item, UnitPrice AS CurrentPrice, UnitPrice * 1.1 AS IncreasedPrice

FROM Products;

...and this one lists all items that are reduced along with the price and the amount of the

SELECT Item, SalePrice AS Price, UnitPrice - SalePrice AS Reduction

FROM Products
WHERE SalePrice <> Null;

Of course, you may want to select fields from more than one table, and you can do that as well.
In this case it is best to precede a field name with the name of the table from which it comes,
followed by the dot operator ( . ). You must do this for fields of the same name, but from
different tables that are used in the SELECT statement. The following example uses two tables,
Task and Assignment, and returns the names of all Tasks belonging to Assignments that are

SELECT Task.Name, Task.TaskID

FROM Task INNER JOIN Assignment
ON Task.TaskID = Assignment.TaskID
WHERE Assignment.CompletionDate Is Null;

As an alternative to using the explicit INNER JOIN syntax, columns from multiple tables can be
combined in a single query by specifying the appropriate table list, and applying the filter
condition in the WHERE clause. This is illustrated in the following query, which returns the same
recordset as the previous example:

SELECT Task.Name, Task.TaskID

FROM Task, Assignment
WHERE Task.TaskID = Assignment.TaskID
AND Assignment.CompletionDate Is Null;

The optional GROUP BY clause groups into a single record all records that have identical
values in a particular field or combination of fields. The following example returns a list of the
different products in the Product field of Suppliers.

SELECT Product FROM Suppliers GROUP BY Product;


The HAVING clause is optional and qualifies a GROUP BY clause. It is similar to the WHERE
clause but determines which records are displayed after they have been grouped. The following
example displays a list of different items, along with their count, but only where there are more
than one.

SELECT Item, Count(Item) AS Tally FROM Products

GROUP BY Item HAVING Count(Item) > 1;


The ORDER BY clause can be used to dictate the order of the records returned. The following
example returns records listed primarily in order of tune type (jigs then reels), and then for each
type the relevant names are also listed in alphabetical order.

SELECT TuneType AS Type, Name FROM Tunes WHERE TuneType = 'jig' OR TuneType =
ORDER BY TuneType, Name;


In a multi-user environment utilizing secure workgroups, the WITH OWNERACCESS OPTION

declaration allows the query to be executed with the same permissions as the owner of the
FROM table
WHERE expression [NOT] LIKE 'string'

The LIKE operator allows you to compare values in a field to a string (or pattern) and see if
there is a match. In the first example, a list is created of authors who have written a 'Cook Book'.

SELECT AuthorName FROM BookList

WHERE BookType LIKE 'Cook Book'

By using NOT, you can select everything that does not match a specific string. Adding NOT to
the previous example will create a list of all authors in BookList who have not written a 'Cook

SELECT AuthorName FROM BookList

WHERE BookType NOT LIKE 'Cook Book'

The LIKE operator can use what are called "wild card characters" to create search pattern
strings. Here are five wild card characters:

Wild Card Description

* Any string composed of zero or more characters

? Any single character

# Any single digit

[] Any single character matching the specified set or range

[!] Any single character not matching the specified set or range

The use of wild card characters, in the form of a regular expression, can be a very complex
subject. Fortunately, there are several simple ways to use wild cards that are very useful for
pattern matching. By placing a * before and after the string 'Cook Book' (i.e., '*Cook Book*' ) you
can search for a book title that contains the string 'Cook Book'. The * will accept zero or more
characters in the book title before or after the phrase 'Cook Book'.

SELECT AuthorLastName FROM BookList

WHERE BookTitle LIKE '*Cook Book*'

Wild card characters can be combined together to create search patterns. In the next example,
the expression '[PT]*' searches for two patterns. It will look for all strings that start with a P and
have zero or more additional characters after the P. And it will also look for all strings that start
with a T and have zero or more additional characters after the T. So, Thompson would be
selected, but not Cussler.

SELECT AuthorLastName FROM BookList

WHERE AuthorLastName LIKE '[PT]*'

In the previous example, by adding a dash (-) between the P and the T, the search pattern will
look for all authors whose last name starts with P, Q, R, S, and T.

SELECT AuthorLastName FROM BookList

WHERE AuthorLastName LIKE '[P-T]*'
Here are a few simple examples of possible search patterns for numbers:

'[4-8]' Search for digits 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8

'[!4-8]' Search for digits 0, 1, 2, 3, and 9

'Chapter #' Search for digits 0-9 after the word Chapter
SELECT * | list FROM table
WHERE expression [NOT] BETWEEN value1 AND value2

The BETWEEN ... AND operator is used to specify a selection criteria by requiring an
expression to be equal to one of, or fall between the range defined by, two values.
These values can be numbers, characters, strings, or dates, but you cannot use any
wildcard characters. The characters, strings, and dates must be enclosed by a pair of
single quotes.

In this query, we search for song titles released during the 1980s:

SELECT * FROM SongTitles

WHERE ReleaseDate BETWEEN #1/1/80# AND #12/31/89#

By using the NOT operator, you can search for values that lie outside the range:

SELECT * FROM Instruments

SELECT fieldlist FROM table WHERE selectcriteria
[ORDER BY field1 [ASC | DESC ][, field2 [ASC | DESC ]][, ...]]]

The ORDER BY clause can be used to dictate the order of the records returned (i.e., how they
are sorted). The following example returns records listed primarily in order of tune type (jigs then
reels), and then for each type the relevant names are also listed in alphabetical order:

SELECT TuneType AS Type, Name FROM Tunes WHERE TuneType = 'jig' OR TuneType =
ORDER BY TuneType, Name;

You can specify descending order (the default is ascending order) by adding the reserved word
DESC after the field name. The next example returns a list of all items in ascending alphabetical
order along with their prices in descending numerical order:

SELECT Item, Unitprice AS Price

FROM Products
ORDER BY Item, UnitPrice des
SELECT selectstatement
(SELECT selectstatement
(SELECT selectstatement
( ... ) ) ) )

When a SELECT statement is nested inside of a DELETE, INSERT ... INTO, SELECT,
SELECT ... INTO, or a UPDATE statement, it is refered to as a subquery clause.

In this example we create a table of Medicare patients who also have dental insurance. The
social security number, ssn, is used as a key to compare the two tables, MediCarePatients and

SELECT * FROM MediCarePatients

(SELECT ssn FROM DentalIns);

If we use a NOT, we create a table of Medicare patients who do not have dental insurance:

SELECT * FROM MediCarePatients

(SELECT ssn FROM DentalIns);

There are three reserved words, ALL, ANY, and SOME, that can be used in subqueries to
make comparisons. However, Microsoft states that ALL and SOME are synonymous.

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