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Ministry Report

Jeba Sheela – M.Div. 3rd Year

Duration: 6th April 2019 - 5th May 2019

GGM’s Indian Missionary Church

As the requirement of the college I went to Lakshmipuram I was part of GGM’S Indian Missionary
Church at Lakshmipuram I went by the bus form college to Lakshmipuram. The bus as very
irregular I had very tough time by traveling by the bus. I started ministry after the Lunch at 1.00
PM. and finished ministry at 6.00.Pm along with Pastor and Pastor’s wife sometimes Pastor’s
daughters Join with us. They supported me to do ministry successfully. The church contains few
believers and some children’s.

At Ministry Place

When I look at the ministry place it was fully surrounded by seven Hindu temple the village people
were worshipping idolatry. While us visiting the house mostly we had conversation with women.
In some houses we prayed and most of houses only a little talk because we find huge rejection for
the Gospel. Nearly 90houses we visited and some houses we visited 2 – 3 times because of their
illness. Sometimes we get scold form the village people because they are very much bias in their
religion. But still some people showed their love by welcoming us. Most of the Grandparents
requested us to pray. Most of the people were accept our interaction but they reject the Gospel. In
every Saturday we did children ministry. Some kids were came to church through our ministry but
again the vacation started they stopped coming to the church.


By the Grace of God I completed my 30 days internship successfully. This was a new experience
while visiting the village Lakshmipuram. Even though there were rejection but still God Grace
some people were asked us to pray for them. Through this I learned how to approach the people
this will be useful in my future ministry.

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