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1 Minggu/ Hari/ Tarikh : 17/MONDAY/23 APRIL 2018

2 Kelas/ Masa / Mata Pelajaran : 1 AMAN 1/10.20-11.20am/BAHASA INGGERIS

3 Tema / Tajuk Standard Pembelajaran (KOD) : Unit 2: Let’s Play!//1.2.4,2.1.5
4 Objektif Pembelajaran : To listen and do actions to demonstrate
5 Aktiviti PDP : Pre Lesson
1.Teacher give pupils some simple instructions, e.g.
Stand up. Sit down. Pass the ruler to your friend. Close
your book. Put your pen in your bag.
2. Identify the flashcards .Teach pupils the meaning and
pronunciation of robot..
Lesson delivery
1. Teacherasks 3 pupils to come to the front of the
class. Tell them that they are robots, and must move
like robots
2. Teacher gives robots instructions (e.g. Stretch, Put a
book on your head).
3.Divide pupils into groups of 4 and ask them to
continue the activity, at first with single instructions.
4. Teacher tells pupils to give a sequence of instructions
to the robots in their group. Make sure that everyone in
the group gets the chance.
5. Ask some pupils to demonstrate their robot
instructions to the whole class.
Post Lesson
Teacher asks each group to present their robot and give

6 Pengisian ilmu
6.1 : Ilmu/ Nilai Co-operation
6.2 : EMK /KB /BCB EMK: Language
7 Bahan Bantu Belajar : Word/flashcard, worksheet
8 Penilaian PDP : Pupils able to listen and do actions to demonstrate
9 Refleksi / Impak dan Kerjarumah : 3__/33 pupils achieved the LO
1 Minggu/ Hari/ Tarikh : 17/MONDAY/23 APRIL 2018
2 Kelas/ Masa / Mata Pelajaran : 2 ADAB 1/11.20-12.20pm/BAHASA INGGERIS
3 Tema / Tajuk Standard Pembelajaran (KOD) : Unit 7: Get Dressed/1.2.5,1.3.1
4 Objektif Pembelajaran : To read and say consonant clusters starting with the
sound ‘s’ in 3 words correctly and 2 simple sentences
with guidance .
5 Aktiviti PDP : Pre-lesson
1. Say some key phrases from the story and elicit
who says them.
2. Use these to recap the story .
Lesson Delivery ( SB page 87 )
3. Write stop on the board .
4. Pupils repeat Stop! after teacher .
5. Pupils find the speech bubble in the story .
6. Play the recording , pupils look at the picture ,
read and repeat .
Post lesson
Task 3 : Guess the word

6 Pengisian ilmu Ccleanliness

6.1 : Ilmu/ Nilai EMK: Language, i-Think
6.2 : EMK /KB /BCB Worksheet/workbook/audio
7 Bahan Bantu Belajar : Pupils able to read and say consonant clusters starting
with the sound ‘s’ in 3 words correctly and 2 simple
sentences with guidance .
8 Penilaian PDP : To read and say consonant clusters starting with the
sound ‘s’ in 3 words correctly and 2 simple sentences
with guidance .
9 Refleksi / Impak dan Kerjarumah : 3__/36 pupils achieved the LO
1 Minggu/ Hari/ Tarikh : 17/ISNIN/23 APRIL 2018
2 Kelas/ Masa / Mata Pelajaran : 4 ADIL 1/ 7.20-7.50 pagi/PENDIDIKAN JASMANI
3 Tema / Tajuk Standard Pembelajaran (KOD) : Unit 3: Kemahiran Asas Permainan (Kategori
4 Objektif Pembelajaran : Membimbing murid kemahiran melakukan kemahiran
mengadang dengan membayangi pergerakan lawan.

5 Aktiviti PDP: 1. Sesi pemanasan badan

2. Murid berpasangan. Seorang sebagai pengadang dan
lagi sebagai penyerang.
3. Pengadang berdiri di antara dua skital dan cuba
pergerakan penyerang daripada menyentuh skital.
4. Ulang beberapa kali.
5. Tukar peranan.
6. Ulang langkah 1 hingga 4 dengan membawa bola dan
bola pada skital.
7. Sesi menyejukkan badan.
6 Pengisian ilmu
6.1 : Ilmu/ Nilai Kerjasama
6.2 : EMK /KB /BCB Kreativiti dan Inovasi
7 Bahan Bantu Belajar : Bola, bakul, kayu hoki, dan skital
8 Penilaian PDP : Murid dapat belajar melakukan kemahiran mengadang
yang betul.
Semua murid mencapai objektif PDP
1 Minggu/ Hari/ Tarikh : 17/TUESDAY/24 APRIL 2018
2 Kelas/ Masa / Mata Pelajaran : 1 AMAN 1/ 10.20-11.20am/BAHASA INGGERIS
3 Tema / Tajuk Standard Pembelajaran (KOD): Unit 2: Let’s Play!/2.1.3,2.3.1
4 Objektif Pembelajaran : To ask and answer simple questions.
5 Aktiviti PDP : Pre Lesson
Teacher plays “Beat the teacher”. Use the question:
What’s your favourite toy? .
Lesson delivery
1.Teacher draw s the grid on the board
2.Pupils copy the grid. Ask them to review language
from the unit. Teacher asks the questions and Complete
the grid with the pupil’s answers.
3.Explain that pupils will find out information about
their classmates and complete the grid..
4.Pupils mingle or work in groups of 6 to ask and
answer and complete the grid.
Post Lesson
1. Teacher choose sentences the pupils to focus on.
2. Ask pupis what their friend’s favourite toy.
3. Class discussion.

6 Pengisian ilmu
6.1 : Ilmu/ Nilai Co-operation
6.2 : EMK /KB /BCB EMK: Language
7 Bahan Bantu Belajar : Worksheet/flashcard
8 Penilaian PDP : Pupils able to ask and answer simple questions.

9 Refleksi / Impak dan Kerja rumah : 3__/33 pupils achieved the LO

1 Minggu/ Hari/ Tarikh : 17/TUESDAY/24 APRIL 2018
2 Kelas/ Masa / Mata Pelajaran : 2 ADAB 1/ 8.20-9.20am/BAHASA INGGERIS
3 Tema / Tajuk Standard Pembelajaran (KOD) : Unit 7: Get Dressed/2.1.3,2.2.1
4 Objektif Pembelajaran : To sing a song independently or with guidance .
5 Aktiviti PDP : Pre-lesson
1. Task 4 : Identify the flashcards ( to review
clothes and colours )
Lesson delivery ( SB page 85 - review)
2. Call several boys and girls to the front of the
class .
3. Say one item that each wearing :She / He is
wearing ….
4. Pupils repeat . Write an example on the board
5. Use colours and arrows to show how questions
and short answers are formed .
6. Ask questions about the SB page 84 picture .
7. Pupils ask and answer the questions in open
pairs .
Post lesson
Review what pupils have learnt today.
6.1 : Ilmu/ Nilai Value: Helpful
6.2 : EMK /KB /BCB EMK: Language
7 Bahan Bantu Belajar : wordcards / pictures / worksheets / workbook
8 Penilaian PDP : Pupils able to use present continuous tense to talk
about what people are wearing in 3 words correctly and
2 simple sentences with guidance .
9 Refleksi / Impak dan Kerjarumah :
3__/36 pupils able to achieve LO and given enrichment
exercise (s).
1 Minggu/ Hari/ Tarikh : 17/RABU/24 APRIL 2018
2 Kelas/ Masa / Mata Pelajaran : 4 ADIL 1/ 7.20-7.50 pagi/PENDIDIKAN JASMANI
3 Tema / Tajuk Standard Pembelajaran (KOD) : Unit 3: Kemahiran Asas Permainan (Kategori Serangan)
4 Objektif Pembelajaran : Membimbing murid kemahiran memintas hantaran
bola dengan tangan, kaki, dan

5 Aktiviti PDP: 1. Sesi pemanasan badan

2. Murid dalam kumpulan kecil.
3. Murid A, B, dan C sebagai penghantar dan penerima
4. Murid X sebagai pemintas.
5. Murid A, B, dan C dibenarkan bergerak di antara
6. Murid yang menerima bola dibenarkan membuat
sekali sentuhan
sebelum menghantar bola.
7.. Murid X akan cuba memintas hantaran tersebut dan
jika berjaya
akan menggantikan tempat pemain yang gagal
8. Ulang beberapa kali.
7. Sesi menyejukkan badan.
6 Pengisian ilmu
6.1 : Ilmu/ Nilai Kerjasama
6.2 : EMK /KB /BCB Kreativiti dan Inovasi
7 Bahan Bantu Belajar : Bola pelbagai saiz, kayu hoki, dan skital
8 Penilaian PDP : Murid dapat belajar melakukan kemahiran mengadang
yang betul.
Semua murid mencapai objektif PDP
9 Refleksi/Impak
1 Minggu/ Hari/ Tarikh : 17/WEDNESDAY/ 25 APRIL 2018
2 Kelas/ Masa / Mata Pelajaran : 1 AMAN 1/8.20-9.20am/BAHASA INGGERIS
3 Tema / Tajuk Standard Pembelajaran (KOD) : Unit 2: Let’s Play/3.1.3,3.1.4
4 Objektif Pembelajaran : 1.To identify and name toys. 2. say a chant with the
5 Aktiviti PDP : Pre Lesson
Teacher review letters of the alphabet using plastic
letters by playing a game where teacher point to a
letter, pupils tell what letter it is. Then ask them to tell
a word beginning with that letter.
Lesson delivery
1.Play ‘I spy’ – Teacher thinks of a word for something
in the classroom they can see and says ‘I spy with my
little eye, something beginning with A’
2. The pupil who guesses correctly becomes teacher.
Pupils may need support with this so they match
phonemes and letter names.
3. Teacher writes letters on the board, present an
anagram. O-y-t (TOY)
4.Pupils guess the word and spelling.
5.Ask pupils to create their own anagrams. They may
need extra support in this as the letters need to be
Post Lesson
1. Teacher invite a boy to come to the front and choose
a flashcard. The pupil holds it up. Ask What’s his
favourite toy? What’s his name? How old is he?
2 Repeat with inviting a girl.

6 Pengisian ilmu
6.1 : Ilmu/ Nilai Co-operation
6.2 : EMK /KB /BCB EMK: Language
7 Bahan Bantu Belajar : Worksheet, dice, flashcards
8 Penilaian PDP : Pupils able to identify and name toys correctly

9 Refleksi / Impak dan Kerjarumah : 3__/33 pupils achieved the LO

1 Minggu/ Hari/ Tarikh : 17/WEDNESDAY/25 APRIL 2018
2 Kelas/ Masa / Mata Pelajaran : 2 ADAB 1/ 11.50-12.50pm /BAHASA INGGERIS
3 Tema / Tajuk Standard Pembelajaran (KOD) : Unit 7: Get Dressed/3.1.2,3.1.3
4 Objektif Pembelajaran : To Read and say the 5 words correctly and at least 2
simple sentences with guidance .
5 Aktiviti PDP : Pre-lesson
1. Review the characters ( the Four Super Friends
Lesson delivery ( SB page 86-87 - review )
2. Elicit where the four friends are at the
beginning of the story .
3. Play the recording and pupils listen and read to
find out who hasn’t got their cap and where it
4. Pupils compare their ideas in pairs before the
class check .
5. Play the recording again . Pause after each
frame to check comprehension .
6. Talk with the class about the value . Elicit what
he says .
7. Play the recording a third time .
8. Pupils listen and repeat .
Post lesson
Task 7: Listen and point
6 Pengisian ilmu
6.1 : Ilmu/ Nilai Value: Caring
6.2 : EMK /KB /BCB Language
7 Bahan Bantu Belajar : Audio/Workbook
8 Penilaian PDP : Pupils able to read and say the 5 words correctly and at
least 2 simple sentences with guidance .
9 Refleksi / Impak dan Kerjarumah : 3__/36 pupils able to achieve LO and given
enrichment exercise (s).
1 Minggu/ Hari/ Tarikh : 17/THURSDAY/26 APRIL 2018
2 Kelas/ Masa / Mata Pelajaran : 2 ADAB 1/ 7.50-8.50am/BAHASA INGGERIS
3 Tema / Tajuk Standard Pembelajaran (KOD) : Unit 7: Get Dressed/4.3.2,4.3.3
4 Objektif Pembelajaran : To review about clothes by spelling the clothes words
in 5 words correctly and 3 simple sentences with
guidance .
5 Aktiviti PDP: Pre-lesson
1. Review clothes ( TB page 84 )
Lesson delivery– review ( SB page 84 )
1. Check pupils know what to do.
2. They work in pairs , pointing and saying the
clothes and their colour as in the examples.
3. Elicit sentences around the class .
4. Pupils point to their own clothes and say the
colours in the same way .

Post lesson
5. Pupils work in groups and change the clothes
in the song .
Groups sing their new songs to the class , miming the
clothes as they say them and pretending to be really
cool cats .
6 Pengisian ilmu
6.1 : Ilmu/ Nilai Helpful

6.2 : EMK /KB /BCB EMK: Language, i-Think

7 Bahan Bantu Belajar : Worksheet/workbook/audio

8 Penilaian PDP : Pupils able to review about clothes by spelling the

clothes words in 5 words correctly and 3 simple
sentences with guidance

9 Refleksi/Impak:
1 Minggu/ Hari/ Tarikh : 17/THURSDAY/26 APRIL 2018
2 Kelas/ Masa / Mata Pelajaran : 1 AMAN 1/10.20-11.20am/BAHASA INGGERIS
3 Tema / Tajuk Standard Pembelajaran (KOD) : Unit 2: Let’s Play!/4.3.2,2.2.2
4 Objektif Pembelajaran : To write about favourite things from a model.
5 Aktiviti PDP : Pre Lesson
1.Teacher write word “toys” on the board, brainstorm
and write on the board. – bubble map
2.Pre-teach favourite by asking pupils which their
favourite toy is.
Lesson delivery
1. Teacher show the picture of the child. Elicit some
information about the child by asking questions:
What’s his/her name? How old is he/she? What’s
his/her favourite …?
2.Pupils can use their own ideas in their answers. Write
their suggested answers to these questions on the
3. Pupils work in groups of 4 (i.e. 2 pairs). In their group,
they should ask the other pair about their partner (in
the pair) using the questions above. They should note
the answer in their exercise book.
Post Lesson
1.Write anagrams of key topic vocabulary words on the
board, e.g. – r n t a i = train
2.Put pupils into pairs and ask them to work out the
words by completing the anagrams, provide a picture to
help them with meaning.
3. Class discussion.

6 Pengisian ilmu
6.1 : Ilmu/ Nilai Co-operation
6.2 : EMK /KB /BCB EMK: Language
7 Bahan Bantu Belajar : Worksheet, dice, flashcards
8 Penilaian PDP : Pupils able to write about favourite things from a

9 Refleksi / Impak dan Kerjarumah :

1 Minggu/ Hari/ Tarikh : 17/ KHAMIS/26 APRIL 2018
2 Kelas/ Masa / Mata Pelajaran : 5 AZAM 2/11.20-12.20 tgh /PENDIDIKAN SENI
3 Tema / Tajuk Standard Pembelajaran (KOD) : Modul 1: Mengenal Kraf Tradisional/4.11,4.1.2
4 Objektif Pembelajaran : Membimbing murid menghasilkan ukiran sabun
(pewangi kereta)
5 Aktiviti PDP: 1. Guru menunjukkan contoh ukiran sabun
2. Guru menunjukkan cara menghasilan ukiran timbul
3. Murid menghasilkan ukiran sabun mengikut
kreativiti dengan bimbingan guru.
6 Pengisian ilmu
6.1 : Ilmu/ Nilai Nilai: Kerjasama
6.2 : EMK /KB /BCB EMK: Kreativiti dan inovasi
7 Bahan Bantu Belajar : Sabun buku, lidi, pen marker
8 Penilaian PDP : Murid dapat mengenal pasti dan menyatakan
bahasa seni visual yang ada pada contoh ukiran.
9 Refleksi/Impak:
Semua murid mencapai objektif PDP
1 Minggu/ Hari/ Tarikh : 17/SUNDAY/29 APRIL 2018
2 Kelas/ Masa / Mata Pelajaran : 2 ADAB 1/9.50-10.50 am/BAHASA INGGERIS
3 Tema / Tajuk Standard Pembelajaran (KOD): Unit 7: Get Dressed/5.3.1, 2.1.5
4 Objektif Pembelajaran : To join the song with the correct words pronunciation
and in 2 simple sentences with guidance .
5 Aktiviti PDP : Pre-lesson
1. Review the clothes .( TB page 84)
Lesson delivery ( SB page 84 – review )
1. Pupils look at the picture . Elicit who and what
they can see.
2. Pre-teach cool for use with clothes. Elicit which
, if any , clothes on the flashcards are cool .
3. Play the recording . Pupils follow the song in
their SB.
4. Play the recording again , pausing after each
verse for pupils to repeat .
5. When pupils have learnt the song , practise it
with the whole class .
6. Use the karaoke version of the song for pupils
to sing in groups .
7. Elicit pupils’ understanding of other vocabulary
using the pictures.
Post lesson
Task 10 : Test your memory
1.1.16 Pengisian ilmu
6.1 : Ilmu/ Nilai Friendship
6.2 : EMK /KB /BCB EMK: Language, i-Think
7 Bahan Bantu Belajar : Worksheet/audio/Workbook
8 Penilaian PDP : Pupils able to join the song with the correct words
pronunciation and in 2 simple sentences with guidance
9 Refleksi / Impak dan Kerja rumah :
1 Minggu/ Hari/ Tarikh : 18/SUNDAY/29 APRIL 2018
2 Kelas/ Masa / Mata Pelajaran : 1 AMAN 1/11.20-12.20am/BAHASA INGGERIS
3 Tema / Tajuk Standard Pembelajaran (KOD) : Unit 2: Let’s Play!/5.2.1,1.2.2
4 Objektif Pembelajaran : 1. To sing a song with the class 2. To practise talking
about favourite things
5 Aktiviti PDP : Pre Lesson
1.Guessing game. Think of a toy. Say, e.g. It isn’t a
monster. It isn’t a go-kart. Mime to
help them guess. The ppl who guesses correctly thinks
of the next toy.
Lesson delivery
1. Teacher Put up/draw the toy flashcards/pictures on
the board. Ask the pupils what they are and review the
colours, e.g. It’s a red monster.
2.Show the pupils the flashcards of the two characters
in the text.
3.Ask the pupils how old they think the characters are.
4.Ask pupils what other information they remember
about the characters and to write a sentence in pairs
5. Teacher guides the pupils to write.
Post Lesson
1.Ask pupils to tell their partner which toy is their
favourite from the pictures on the board.
Ask some students to tell the class about their favourite
toy at home
2. Class discussion

6 Pengisian ilmu
6.1 : Ilmu/ Nilai Co-operation
6.2 : EMK /KB /BCB EMK: Language
7 Bahan Bantu Belajar : Word/flashcard, worksheet
8 Penilaian PDP : Pupils able to practise talking about favourite things
9 Refleksi / Impak dan Kerjarumah :
1 Minggu/ Hari/ Tarikh : 18/ RABU/2 MEI 2018
2 Kelas/ Masa / Mata Pelajaran : 1 AMAN 1/10.50-12.20pm/PENDIDIKAN KESENIAN
3 Tema / Tajuk Standard Pembelajaran (KOD) : Seni Di Sekeliling Ku
4 Objektif Pembelajaran : Membimbing murid menghasilkan boneka haiwan
5 Aktiviti PDP: 1. Memperdengarkan lagu ”Haiwan
Kesayanganku” dan bersoal jawab berkaitan
watak atau objek yang terdapat di dalam seni
kata lagu serta kaitkan dengan tajuk pelajaran.

2. Memerihal bahasa seni visual yang ada pada

contoh karya menggunakan peta i-think.(EK1)

3. Murid membuat proses menghasilkan karya

’Boneka Haiwan” berdasar kan buku teks ms

6 Pengisian ilmu

6.1 : Ilmu/ Nilai Kerjasama

6.2 : EMK /KB /BCB .Kreativiti dan Inovasi
7 Bahan Bantu Belajar : Audio, Buku teks ms 23, pensel warna/krayon, cawan
kertas , gunting, gam, batang aiskrim

8 Penilaian PDP : Murid dapat menyanyi lagu dan menghasilkan boneka

9 Refleksi/Impak: Semua murid mencapai objektif PDP.

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