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Research plan

Who are the ‘users’ in your context? What are the experiences your user has with food in your context?
Customers, staff, families, children, students etc. ? What are the services provided for your user in your context?
Choose 1 user to focus on for your project. Who is providing the service for your user? (Coles, local government, UTS…)
What tangible and intangible services do they provide for your user?
What is the journey of your user?
What is their experience at the beginning, middle, end of the journey?
What are the interactions that take place?
What’s working/not working? Issues and pain points?
What are the artefacts?

To conduct interviews and observational
research to understand:
• the narrative of your chosen
user and food in [context];
• the end-to-end journey your
user experiences;

•  nd how the surrounding
services support / don’t
When will you conduct your research? support / disrupt your user’s Where will you conduct research?
interactions throughout that
Peak vs non-peak periods, special events, weekends vs weekdays, am vs pm…) UTS grass area, Broadway Coles… get specific.

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