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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Allen Blakemore

Monday, July 15, 2019 713-526-3399

Patrick Reports Over $11 Million in Campaign War Chest

$3 Million Raised in July 15 Reporting Period

HOUSTON TX - Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick will report raising over $3
million on his July 15, 2019 Texas Ethics Commission report, bringing his campaign
war chest total to over $11 million.

“I am grateful for all the support I have received and proud of this strong and clear
endorsement of the conservative policies I am fighting for — life, liberty and Texas
values, lean and efficient government and pro-business policies that are keeping the
Texas economy strong.

“I have spoken to hundreds of grassroots and business leaders across the state since
the legislative session ended in May and they are counting on me to continue the
fight to shrink the size of government, reduce taxes and oppose the job-killing
agenda put forward by liberals. I remain grateful for the opportunity to serve as Lt.
Governor and I look forward to continuing the work we are doing to make the
greatest state in the nation even greater.”


pd pol ad | Texans for Dan Patrick |

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