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An Analysis on Cloud Computing Security Issues and Challenges


Cloud computing UCTION infrastructure with

environment used in The success of less expenditure and

many organizations cloud computing space. Pooling of

such as hospitals, in the current resource: The service

education, business field gives an provider provide the

center because of opportunity for consumer with asset,

its low cost, high attackers to equipment and space

availability and attack business to access and store

scalability features. It and industries. data in the cloud.

also used to solve Cloud connection Broad network

the delay, provided by access: The network

infrastructure, cloud computing access are available

accessibility.Cloud the attacker can over wide range we

user Transfer the cause damage could use anywhere

files to the cloud from any from the location

storage to store the location by own using phone tab

files. security and to the cloud Fig .1.1 laptops etc.. Rapid

privacy is an located by elasticity: The

discovering a Characteristic of service is calable
important issues
secured cloud cloud security that, it could used
.cloud user are
computing We have five limitless by
interested to move
environment is fundamental provisioning the
files to the cloud to
important to the attributes of cloud capacities and
choose security
cloud computing security are self- eliminate in a time
option that are
servers and cloud service,pooling of consequent.
sufficient and robust
user. a problem resource,broad Measured
at the same time.
in the current network service:The services
Cloud service
situation there is access,Rapid provided to the
providers can use
no combination elasticity,Measured customer are
them to build and/or
and protocols for service Self-service: measured for equality
offer better cloud
the security and The cloud user can in time to serve all the
privacy for cloud arrange their own consumer at the same

computing computer for specific time .The service can

services. period of time. it has controlled and reveled
ric, cloud environment to to the consumer .

store a files and Exiting algorithm:

It is the essential tool for Symmetric
protecting the data.
key Algorithm – it
Encryption algorithm: It converts
the data
into performs Proposed System:
small piece by using “the come
key” and
in two
only types,
cloud mathematical Nowadays Cyber
user have the key to decrypt
stream theanddata.
In operations to conduct Criminals can easily
Symmetric key encryption: only
one key isStream
used substitutions and access data storage.
to encrypt and decrypt the data.
on bits transformations to In Personal Cloud
is known as asymmetric key encryption
stream or
two the plaintext. Storage important
keys- private and public keysstream.In
are used.symmetric data, files and
Public and Private
Public key is used for encryption
and private
you key
use records are entrusted
Keys – these are a
is used for decryption [1]. the same key for to a third party,
pair of keys where
There are a number of existing techniques used to
both encryption and which enables Data
one is used for
implement security in cloud storage. Some of the
decryption of your Security to become
encryption and the
existing encryption algorithms which were
data or message. A the main security
other for
implemented in research work are as follows;
Symmetric issue in Cloud
Encryption Scheme Computing. In Cloud
Encryption key is known to
As 5 Ingredients Storage organization
algorithm: public and private
Plaintext,Encryption data or personal data
Encryption key only known to
Algorithm,Secreate is stored in cloud and
algorithms define user .so there is no
Key Cipher-Text And accessible from
data transformations need to distribute the
Decryption multiple distributed
that cannot be easily keys before
Algorithm[8] and connected
decrypt by transmission[9].
resources that
unauthorized users. Asymmetric Ciphertext – this is
comprise a cloud. To
SQL Server allows encryption the encrypted or
provide secure
administrators and scrambled message
communication over
developers to choose produced by
encryption is quite
distributed and
from among several applying the
the opposite to
connected resources
algorithms, are algorithm to the
the symmetric
authentication of
including DES, plaintext message
encryption as it uses
stored data becomes
Triple DES, using key.
not one key but a pair
a mandatory task.
TRIPLE_DES_3KE Decryption
of keys: a private one
Y, RC2, RC4, 128-bit Algorithm – this We have proposed a
and a public one.
RC4, DESX, 128-bit algorithm generates combination of two
Plaintext – this is the
AES, 192-bit AES, the ciphertext and the different security
text message to
and 256-bit AES. matching key to algorithms to
which an algorithm
produce the eliminate the security
is applied.
Symmetric plaintext. challenges of
encryption Personal Cloud
Storage. We have text and creates a 64- known public key the encrypted
taken a combination bit plaintext, and cryptosystems for data.
of algorithms like: same 56 bit cipher key exchange or 3. Client
DES and RSA. DES key is used for both digital signatures or receives this
(Data Encryption encryption and encryption of blocks data and
Standard) is a decryption[3]. The of data[4]. RSA decrypts it.
symmetric key encryption process is algorithm is Since this is
algorithm, in which a made of two asymmetric asymmetric, nobody
single key is used for permutations (P- cryptography else except browser
both boxes), which we algorithm. can decrypt the data
encryption/decryptio call initial and final Asymmetric actually even if a third party
n of data. Whereas permutation, and means that it works has public key of
RSA is an sixteen Feistel on two different keys browser.
asymmetric key rounds . Each round i.e. Public
algorithm, the uses a different 48- Key and Private
The main goal is to
algorithm that uses bit round key Key. As the name
maintain the cloud
different keys for generated from the describes that the
user security and
encryption and cipher key according Public Key is given
availability at any
decryption purposes. to a predefined to everyone and
time at any place to
A user can upload algorithm . ). The Private key is kept
retrieve the data files
Text file in Personal Data Encryption private.
stored in the cloud
Cloud Storage. When Standard (DES) is a An example of
storage .Cloud
uploading file DES block Cipher which asymmetric
security maintains
and RSA Encoding is designed to cryptography :
the data files of user
schemes are used to encrypt and decrypt 1. A client (for
encrypt data[2]. blocks of data example
cloud virtually to
consisting of 64 bits browser) sends
DES(data provide expenditure
by using a 64-bit key its public key
Encryption and no space. Cloud
[5,6]. to the server
Standards computing brings us
and requests
Algorithm): the approximately
for some data.
At the encryption infinite computing
RSA Algorithm
2. The server
site, DES takes a 64- capability, good
RSA is designed by encrypts the
bit plaintext and scalability, service
Ron Rivest, Adi data using
creates a 64-bit on-demand and so
Shamir, and Leonard client’s public
cipher text, at the on, also challenges at
Adleman in 1978. It key and sends
decryption site, it security, privacy,
is one of the best
takes a 64-bit cipher legal issues and so
on. To welcome the 3. G. Devi*1 , M. Students’ Conference University of Basra,
coming cloud Pramod Kumar*2, on Electrical, Iraq
computing era, “Cloud Computing: Electronics and
solving the existing A CRM Service Computer Science, [8] Symmetric Key

issues becomes Based on a Separate pp. 1-5, 2012. Cryptography:Curren

utmost urgency! Encryption and t Trends Preeti

Decryption using [6] Sriram Singh*1,Praveen

Reference Blowfish algorithm” Ramanujam and Shende*2 ,1.M.Tech

International Journal Marimuthu Scholor Csc Dept

1. Maha TEBAA*1, Chhatrapati Sivaji
Of Computer Trends Karuppiah,
Saïd EL HAJJI*2, Institute Of
And Technology "Designing an
Abdellatif EL Techonology Durg
algorithm with high
GHAZI*3, [4] Gurpreet Singh*1 ,India 2.Assisant
“Homomorphic M.Tech Research Professor Csc Dept
encryption Applied Scholor Dept Of Chhatrapati Sivaji
IJCSNS International
to the Cloud Computer Science Institute Of
Journal ofComputer
Computing And Engineering Sri Techonology Durg
Science and Network
Security”, World Guru Granth ,India
Security, VOL.11
Congress on Sahibworld No.1, pp. 106-111,
Engineering University Fategarh [9] Dr.Prema
January 2011.
Sahib Punjab India. Mahajan,Abishek
2. Shakeeba Sachdeva,2013,A
Supriya*2 Assiatant [7] Implementation
s.khan*1,prof.R.R Study Of Encryption
Professor Dept Of Of Symmetric
Tuteja*2 Security in Algorithm AES ,DES
Computer Science Encryption
cloud computing Andrsa For
And Engineering Sri AlgorithmsHaider
usingM.E. Scholar, Security
Guru Granth Noori Hussain*1
Dept. of Computer ,International
Sahibworld Waleed Noori
Sci. & Engg., Journals Of
University Fategarh Hussein*21.Departm
PRMIT&R, Sant Computer Science
Sahib Punjab,India. ent of Computer
Gadge Baba And Technology.
Amravati University, science , College of
[5] Akash Kumar
IndiaAssociate Education for Pure
Mandal*1, Chandra
Professor, Dept. of Science, University
Parakash*2 and Mrs.
Computer Sci. & of Basra,
Archana Tiwari*3,
Engg., PRMIT&R, Iraq2.Department of
Sant Gadge Baba Mathematics ,
ion of Cryptographic
Amravati University, College of Education
Algorithms: DES
India for Pure Science,
and AES”, IEEE

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