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Light Year is a unit of – Distance

2. Which is laughter gas – Nitrous Oxide
3. Density of water maximum at - 4° C
4. Which is called green house gas – Co2 Gas
5. Main component present in silver paints – White lead
6. Microphone is a device which convert – Sound into electrical signals
7. Fuse is an alloy of – Tin and Lead
8. What is Dry Ice – Solid Carbon Dioxide
9. Which slat is used for stability in coloring – Chromium salt
10. Which substance is semi conductor – Silicon and germanium
11. A normal eye can see objects – 25 cm from the eye
12. Yellowish colour of cow’s milk is due to – Carotin
13. Study of fossils – Paleontology
14. Which method is used in the production of vegetable ghee – Reduction
15. Centrifugal force is – Virtual Force
16. The exchange of gases during respiration by which process – Diffusion
17. Largest Planet in universe – Jupiter
18. Which colors of light have maximum velocity in the vacuum – R, B, G
19. Which is major air pollutant – Carbon Mono Oxide
20. Which is the minor air pollutant – Hydrogen
21. Unit of inertia – Mass
22. Chemical properties of an element are determined by – Electron Numbers
23. Cooking on hills take more time because – Low atmospheric pressure
24. The brightest planet – Venus
25. German silver is the composition of alloy – Copper, Zinc, Nickel
26. Petrology is the study of – Rocks
27. Tsunami waves are generated from – Bottom of Sea
28. Which iron ore has 72% of iron – Hematite
29. Which gas is filled in the electric bulb – Argon or Neon
30. Humidity of air is measured by – Hygrometer
31. pH of human blood – 7-8
32. The method in which energy is produced in the sun – Nuclear Fusion
33. Pure forms of minerals – copper
34. Epsom salt is used in – Purgative
35. Acid rain contains maximum amount of – Sulphuric Acid
36. Which gas is used for breathing by divers – Helium
37. Which material is supercooled liquid – Glass
38. Smoking is injurious to health because ti contains – Nicotin
39. Glasses used to see 3D films – Bifocal lenses
40. Bauxite is an ore of – Aluminium
41. An important ore of lead – Galana
42. Sourceo f energy in ecosystem – Sun
43. S.I unit of electric charge – Coulomb
44. Mass of earth -Kg 6×1024 Kg
45. What is the rate of change in velocity? – Acceleration
46. Hydraulic break works on the principle of – Pascal’s Rule
47. What principle does the aircraft work on? – Bernoulli’s Principle
48. Kilo Watt hours is unit of – Energy
49. Most Responsible gas for Global Warming? – Water vapour
50. Most Harmful gas for Global warming? – Methane

Important Instruments

Altimeter It measures altitudes and is used in aircrafts

Audiometer It measures intensity of sound
Barometer It measures atmospheric pressure
Pyrometer It measures high temperatures (Sun temperature)
Seismograph It measures the intensity of earthquake shocks
Raingage It measures Rain
Periscope It is used to detect the object above sea level (used in submarine)
Hydrometer It measures specific gravity of liquids or density of liquids
Dynamo It converts mechanical energy into electrical energy
Bolometer It measures heat radiations
Gyroscope It measures orientation based on angular momentum (Used in PUBG)
Galvanometer It measures the electric current of low magnitude
Hygrometer It measures humidity in air
Hygroscope It shows changes in the atmospheric humidity
Polygraph It is the instrument which detects lie
Lactometer It determines the purity of milk
Fathometer I measures depth of ocean

Important Inventions

Li s t of Al l I mporta nt Di s c ove ri e s and I nve nti ons

I nve n ti on I nve n tor Ye a r Countr y
E va n ge list a
B a ro me t e r 1 6 44 I t a ly
T o rrice lli
S t e am e n gin e
T ho ma s Ne wco m en 1 7 12 B rit a in
(p ist o n )
S t e am e n gin e
Ja m e s W at t 1 7 65 B rit a in
(co n d en se r)
B if o ca l len s B e n jam in Fran klin 1 7 80 US A
T e le gra ph M L a mm on d 1 7 87 Fra n ce
B a t t e ry A le ssa nd ro Vo lt a 1 8 00 I t a ly
T ra n sf o rme r Mich a e l Fa ra da y 1 8 31 B rit a in
G a lva n o me t e r A n d re -m a rie Am pere 1 8 34 Fra n ce
A le xa n d e r G rah am
T e lep ho n e 1 8 76 US A
B e ll
E le ct ric m ot o r Niko la Te sla 1 8 88 US A
T ap e re co rd e r Fe sse n de n P o u lsen 1 8 99 De n ma rk
L o ud sp ea ke r Ho ra ce S ho rt 1 9 00 B rit a in
O rvl le a n d W ilp u r
A e ro p lan e 1 9 03 US A
W righ t
A H Ta ylo r a n d Le o C
Ra d a r 1 9 22 US A
Yo u n g
T e le visio n (co lou r) Jo h n L e gie Ba ird 1 9 28 B rit a in
Je t en gin e S ir Fra n k W h it t le 1 9 37 B rit a in
J Ro b e rt
A t om ic b om b 1 9 45 US A
O p p en h iem e r
Hyd o rge n b o m b E d wa rd T e lle r 1 9 52 US A
Fo u n ta in pe n P e t ra che Po e na ru 1 8 27 Fre n ch
S af e t y p in W alt e r Hun t 1 9 49 US A
Re vo l ve r S a mu e l Co lt 1 8 36 US A
Re f rige ra t o r O live r E va n s 1 8 05 US A
E -Ma il S h iva A yya d u ra i 1 9 78 US A
Na rin d e r S in gh
O p t ica l Fib re 1 9 52 UK
K a p an y

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