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At the end of the 50 minute timeframe, the pupils will be able to:
1. Modify dissimilar fractions to similar fractions by finding the least common
2. Add dissimilar fractions
3. Actively participate in the class discussion
Topic: Adding Dissimilar Fraction
Reference: Grade School Mathematics 6 – p83 – p85
: Enjoying Mathematics p100 – p102
Code: M6NS-Ia-87.3
Materials: Bond paper, chipboard, Double adhesive tape, Manila Paper, Chart, Scissor and
Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

Teacher: Good morning class! My name Pupils: Good morning! Sir Teds
is Mr. Teddy Villaflores but you can call
me Sir Teds. I will be your teacher this
A. Preparatory Activity
Teacher: Do you know what jigsaw Pupils: Yes we do.
puzzle is?
Teacher: Do you know how to play Pupils: Yes we do.
jigsaw it?
Teacher: (Brings out jigsaw puzzle) This
is a jigsaw puzzle I want you to arrange. I
will need 3 groups consist of three
Teacher: (Picks 9 pupils that are raising
Pupils: (Discuss how to arrange)
hands to be in a group)
Teacher: Within a minute, I want you to
arrange the pieces to form the puzzle. Pupils in the game: Okay Sir (Finishes the
Teacher: What was the puzzle?
Pupil number 1: A pizza, Sir
Teacher: How many slices were these
pizza cut into? Pupils number 2: Into four two, four and
Teacher: Correct eight respectively Sir
Teacher: How many slices of pizza Pupils number 3: Only one piece Sir
remains in each picture?
Teacher: Correct (Teacher paste a
Teacher: What kind of number is Pupil number 4: A fraction, Sir
indicated at the puzzle?
Teacher: Good
Teacher: What is a fraction? Pupils number 5: It tells us how many parts
of a whole we have.
Teacher: Very good definition
Teacher: Do you know the parts of a Pupils: No, we don’t/ Yes we do
Teacher: (Paste the terms) These are the Pupils: (Listen and take down the term
parts of the fraction. defined)
Teacher: Numerator is the number in the
top which indicates what’s left or what’s
taken. Denominator is the number on the
bottom which indicates how many parts
was the whole divided. Fraction bar
divides the numerator and the
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
Teacher: Who among you has eaten a Pupils: (Answer what they have eaten)
pizza before? And what are the toppings?
Teacher: Let’s say that these are the parts Pupil number 6: It’s Shang Cai and Dang
of the pizza that (Pins the three character Ming Si and Madam Fang from Meteor
from Meteor Garden) these people ate. Garden
Can you identify the characters?
2. Presentation
(Showing illustration of dissimilar
fractions on the board)
Teacher: How much pizza did they eat? Pupil number 7: Those fractions have
But before we could proceed, compare the different denominators similar numerator.
three fractions first; what are the
similarities and differences?
Teacher: Good observation since all
fractions have different denominator
although similar numerator value, we
can’t just add them. Fractions having
different denominators are also known as
dissimilar fractions.
Teacher: What could we do to make them Pupils: We don’t know Sir./ Find LCD Sir.
similar in order to find the sum?
Teacher: We need to find the LCD
(Writes Least common denominator). We
search for the LCD to make dissimilar
fractions into similar fractions. Finding
the LCD has methods, some of these are
table listing of multiples, and division
ladder. Let’s say that I want to make ½,
1/8, and 1/4 to be similar fractions, we
will find the LCD using the two methods Pupil number 7: 2 4 and 8 respectively Sir.
Teacher: Let’s first use the table listing of
multiples method or listing method for
short. Let’s isolate the denominator of
both fraction and put it on a table. What
are the denominators of these fractions?
Teacher: Correct, we will find the
multiple of these numbers. Remember
that a multiple refers to the result of
multiplying a certain number, in this case
2, 4, and 8 with a set of number which
usually starts with one.
1 2 4 8
2 4 8 16
3 6 12 24
4 8 16 32

Pupil number 8: For 2 Sir it would be 4.

Teacher: Good since we have found the Pupil number 9: For 4 Sir it would be 2.
least common multiple, we can now use it
as the denominator for all fractions. To Pupil number 10: For 8 Sir it would be 1.
find the equivalent fraction of ½, 1/8 and
¼, we must figure out which whole
fractions would be multiplied in order to
convert this dissimilar fraction to fraction
having 8 as their denominator. We can
just look at the table to see what was
multiplied that resulted to the LCD. What
would be the number multiplied to 2 to
get 8 as the multiple? How about number
4? How about number 8?
Teacher: We could also use the fraction’s
denominator as the dividend and the LCD
as the divisor in order to get quotient that
will serve as the multiplier for the
numerator to convert the whole term.
(Shows the process)
Teacher: Let’s convert. (Illustrates the
Teacher: We then proceed to the second
method which is division ladder method.
We isolate the denominators just like on
the first two methods, then continuously
find factor from 2 or more numbers in the
ladder until all numbers has similar factor
which is one and itself. (Shows the
process) We will proceed doing the same
thing as the previous. (Shows process). Pupil number 11: 7/8 Sir
Teacher: Since all fractions have similar
denominator, we can now add. Just add
the numerator and copy the denominator
and check if both the numerator and the
denominator has similar factor in order to
simplify the term. What would be the
Teacher: Correct, that would be 7/8.
These people ate this much pizza.
3. Practice
Teacher: (Paste a bond paper with some
dissimilar fraction. Add)
Pupils: Cooperate with the group
4. Activity Follow the instruction
Teacher: Respect the opinion of others
a. Recall the standards to be Do the best you can
followed during the activity
b. Distributing the activity cards
c. Reporting of group leaders

Generalization Pupil number 11: First, isolate the

denominator. Then we find the LCD either of
Teacher: What are the steps in adding
the two method discussed. Next use the LCD
dissimilar fractions?
as the basis for the equivalence fraction.
Finally add the numerator and copy the
IV. Evaluation
Gusion and Roger are hanging together in the base preparing for a birthday
surprise. Its Teemo’s birthday and the two prepared a party. After surprising Teemo, they
proceed with the celebration. Gusion eats 2/5 of the cake, Roger eats 3/10 and the
birthday boy eats 1/4 of the cake. How much cake did all of them eat?
V. Assignment
Irene bought materials for her dress. She bought ½ meter of silk, ¾ meter of satin
and 3/5 meter of lace. How many meters of dress materials did Irene buy?

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