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Die Baumeister des Colosseum

Klaus-Jurgen Wrede

Set up game as presented in rulebook (use picture as guide).

1 - Place the game board in the middle of the table.

2 - Each person receives a starting land tile board.
3 - Each player places their wooden piece on the left-most wheel on the top land tile.
4 - Place the cards with resources in 4 different piles on the table.
5 - Place the consul at his starting place by the fountain.
6 - Place the 16 storage (tent) tiles in the middle of the board.
7 - Shuffle the tand tiles with the Roman I, placing them as shown aside the board.
8 - Shuffle and keep the numbers II and III in separate drawing piles.
9 - Shuffle Colosseum building tiles, but keep them in 3 drawing piles with A, B or C.
10 - Place the first 4 tiles with an A on the game board as shown.
11 - Place the box on the table with the building area on top of it.
12 - Place some tiles with VP 1, 2 and 4 on the last 3 places of the Colosseum building area.
13 - Place the other VP in a stock on the table.
14 - Each person may start with a resource card of his choice.
15 - Choose your 1st player. The 2nd player gets 1 VP, the 3rd player gets 2 VP and the 4th player gets 3 VP to
start with.

The Game

On a player’s turn a player MUST move the consul piece clockwise. The first step is free, but movement
after the first step requires moving your wheel marker one step to the right for each extra step taken. See
your top land tile with a farm and wheels on it. If you don’t have any wheels on the right left, you can’t take
an extra step.
But then again, you may also pay 1 VP to take a step, so you can still make that extra move if you wish and
pay for it.

Depending on the space where the consul stops, the player can have 1 action.

A – Expand your storage (hand limit)

If the consul is next to the pile of storage tiles, you may pay 1 resource card from your hand and receive a
storage (tent) tile which allows a player to have a greater number of cards in hand. Everybody start with a
hand limit of 4 cards so every extra tile on the right of your starting land tile board expands your hand limit
with 2 cards.

If the consul is on a place with the two actions B OR C you have to choose an action and can not play both

So, OR

B – Expand your Land tiles and produce resources.

Take the land tile closest to the game board in the column associated with where the consul stands. The
player must place the land tile into their display (building next to similar land tile types out to the right of
their starting land tile board). If you don’t have that type of land yet, place it under your starting land tile
board and start a new row of that type of land.

Push the row of remaining tiles towards the game board. Land tiles only get refilled when the entire column
is empty. If a new row (4 tiles) are taken from the pile, the first tile is the tile who offers resources. If all the
tiles with the number III are already used, no tiles are placed here and no extra resources are collected by
the players. (see below).

This also triggers a RESOURCE COLLECTION for everyone. The new land tile that is closest to the board
denotes the resource to be collected. EVERY PLAYER gets resource cards of that type (water, forest, etc.)
equal to the number of tiles of that resource they have in their play area. (three water tiles = three water
cards). The tile taken by the active player can be used directly for an extra resource. Take cards in turn
order. If there are no cards left the player get no resources. After taking cards, you need to discard DOWN to
your hand limit.

If the top most tile to score is a farm with wagon wheels on it, that resets the wheel marker to the left-most
wheel. If the player takes a wagon wheel tile, he expands the number of wheels he can use to take an extra
step with the consul.

NOTE: The tile taken does not trigger the recourse collection, the tile who remains and is closest to the
board does.

You don’t have to take the action. If you can’t or won’t take resource cards, neither replace your marker to
the wheel on the left, you get 1 VP.


C -Buy a Colosseum building tile

Take the Colosseum tile from the game board if the consul is next to it. Pay the requested resources with
cards from your hand and earn the VP as shown on the Colosseum tile. Then the tile gets placed into the
next slot in clockwise order on the building area . Three of any one resource can be ONE of another type
of resource. The resource cards who are used go back to the stock piles. You can keep the VP secret from
the other players. If a player builds on one of the last 3 building spaces, he gets the extra VP bonus tiles.

A new Colosseum tile is taken from the stock pile and placed on the game board.

D - Choose which land tile triggers for resource collection.

In this spot the active player does NOT get a new land tile, but everyone collects resources of the type
chosen as explained above. Also the action of placing the markers on the wheels to the left is possible.
There can be placed other tiles on this spot if you choose to play a variety (see below).

Game End

When the Colosseum is completed, the game ends.

Along with the VPs earned for building the Colosseum, players receive 4 points for having the solo majority
of tiles in EACH of the wheel/tent/land tile types. Ties for first mean each player gets 2 points.
Finally, players receive 1 point for every 3 resource cards they still have in hand. If there is a tie, the player
with the most cards still in hand wins. If there is still a tie, both players win.

Varieties (see pictures rulebook)

- Get 1 VP.
- Just reset the wheel markers to the left.
- Get 1 resource card of your choice.
- Change your cards 2:1 with the piles.
- Get the land tile on top of the coming pile and add it to your starting land tile board.
- Choose which land tile (or wheel) triggers for all players (like normal, see above).

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