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Slot 2 : CEFR



Class : Preschool SJKC Pekan Lama

Date : 12.6.2018 (Wednesday)
Time : 9:15 am – 9:45 am (30 mins)
Number of children : 25 person
Module : CEFR – My Food
Standard/ Focus : Communication – English Language
Content Standards : BI 1.1 Listen to and identify sounds
BI 1.2 Listen and respond appropriately
BI 1.3 Listen, understand and respond in avariety of contexts
Learning Standards : BI 1.1.2 Listen to and respond to stimulus given:
(ii) Voice sounds
(iii) rhythm and rhyme
(iv) alliteration
BI 1.3.3 Listen to and respond to oral texts
BI 1.2.6 Listen to and recite poems and rhymes
BI 1.3.2 Name favourite things and activities
BI 1.3.3 Listen to and respond to oral texts
BI 1.3.4 Participate in talk about familiar activities and experiences
Pillar Intergration : Tunjang Ketrampilan Diri
KD 2.3.3 Berinteraksi dengan yakin
Elements Across The Curriculum:
Higher Order Thinking Skills : Analyse, Apply, Connecting
Creativity : Ideas generation, linking
Moral Values : Cooperation, Brave, Rational, Hardworking
Entrepreneurship : Willing to give immediate responses
ICT : Learning through ICT
21th Century skills : Communication, Critical thinking

Learning Objectives:
At the end of the learning session, children will be able to:
1. Recognise food such as meat, rice, noodles, bread, egg, vegetables and fruit correctly with guidance of picture
2. Listen and follow simple instructions

Prerequisite knowlegde : Children learn food before this

Teaching Aids : Flashcards
Multiple Intelligence Focus : Verbal Linguistik, Interpersonal, Logic-mathematic, Visual-Spatial
Vocabulary : egg, bread, noodles, meat, vegetables, fruit

Preparation (±5 Remembering Activity 1 1. Children recall the lesson they learnd before HOTS : Recall
minutes) with guidance of teacher
MI: Interpesonal

Imagination Engage Activity 1- Chant a chain 1. Teacher announce the game, e.g. Let’s play Teaching Aids: Flashcard
(±10 minutes) chant a chain!
2. Teacher place the visuals in a line so all
children can see them HOTS : Relating
3. Teacher point to each visual and have
children chant the words e.g. a bread, a
meat, an egg, a chicken MI: Verbal linguistic
4. Teacher turn over one of the flashcards and
point to each flashcard again and the
children say the words, including the one
that is turned over
5. Teacher take another card away, and point
again with children chanting. Teacher
continue taking cards and pointing, until all
flashcards are turned over and the children
are able to say all the names of the objects
without the visual support
6. Teacher point to one of the turned ober
flashcards and ask What is it?
7. Teacher accept the children’s suggestions
and then check

Development Engage Activity 2 – What’s missing? Teaching Aids: flashcard

1. Teacher announce the game, e.g. Let’s play
(±15 minutes)
What’s missing?!
2. Teacher place the flashcards on the board
HOTS : Relating
and ask children to look at them carefully for
one minute
3. Teacher say close your eyes, and take a MI: verbal linguistic
flashcard away and say, open your eyes
4. Teacher ask What’s missing?
5. Teacher allow the whole group to chorus
which flashcard is missing

Action Engage Activity 3 – The pair game 1. Teacher announce the game e.g. Let’s play Teaching Aids: flashcard
the pair game!
(±25 minutes) HOTS : Relating
2. Teacher shuffle a set of two flashcards of
each image and then place them in an MI : kinesthetic,
orderly fashion on the board, picture side interpersonal
3. Teacher turn over one flashcard and say
what it is. e.g. it’s egg! Turn over another
and say what it is.
4. This can go two ways, they are the same or
they are different. If they are the same – It’s
egg. Hooray! They are same. Teacher leave
the flashcard face up. If they are different –
It’s bread! Oh, they are different! And turn
the flashcards face down again.
5. Teacher ask each child to turn over two
flashcards to find a matching pair

Closing (± 5 Engage Activity 4 – The mime game HOTS : Analyse

1. Teacher announce the game, e.g. Let’s play
the mine game!
MI: Interpersonal,
2. Model the game: do a mime and ask the
topic question
3. Teacher ask children to put their hands up
to show they know the answer and select a
child. If they guess correctly, say Yes it is!
and ask them to come forward as a

Teacher/ Guiding Lecturer’s Remarks :

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