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1. Analyze parts of the learning activities throughout Module 1.
2. Provide comments on each of the activities including its strength and weaknesses.
3. Share your opinion about the contribution of this particular module to improve your
professional competencies.
4. Write your work in the space available here.

1. Analyze parts of the learning activities throughout Module 1
a. Learning Activity 1 (Personal Letter)
This learning activity consists of five learning outcomes, that is:
1. to read a number of personal letters meaningfully.
2. to compare the social functions of a number of personal letters regarding the
context of situation, the target receiver, and the points of interests or importance.
3. to compare the structure of each of the report texts, including the layout, the structure,
and the detailed information.
4. to compare the lexico-grammatical features of personal letters by determining the
choice of words and expressions, the use of direct and indirect sentences, the tenses,
the fonts, the punctuation marks, etc.
5. to construct a personal letter and respond to the letter according to their context of
situation, social function, text structure, and lexico-grammatical features.
Here, as the learning material, there is a simple explanation about personal letter
includes the social function, text structure and also the lexico-grammatical features. This
learning activity also provides 3 examples of personal letter as a part of learning material to
achieve the learning outcomes. The three letters are different in the content. The first letter
is a letter from someone to her close friend who was not in touch recently. The sender
shared her experience in Malang during the holiday and her family conditions. The second
letter is a letter which was sent to get a new friend for practicing English skill, so the
content is simply about common topic to talk not in personal issue. The third letter is a reply
letter to be a pen pal, it also a talk between new friends, that’s why, the letter contains only
general information to discuss.
Despite the different content, the three examples of personal letter have the same social
function that is to build and maintain interpersonal relation with friends. Besides that, the
generic structure of the three letters are also the same, there are opening, content (body of
letter) and closing. From the three examples, it seems that letter 1 is the best example of
personal letter because it shows the complete generic structure starting from date of the
letter, opening (greeting), body of letter, salutation and closing. Different from the first one,
the letter 2 does not include the date of the letter, opening, closing, and there is no
information about the identity of the sender and also the receiver of the letter. Meanwhile,
the letter 3 has already had the whole structure needed except the date of the letter.
The last key feature discussed in this learning activity is the significant lexico-
grammatical features. The three examples of the personal letters mostly use simple present
tense, but some of the sentences are in the simple past because it is related to the talk about
past events such as in example 1 when the sender talks about her experience in the last
holiday. Pronouns are also used in the letters intensively, mostly in the form of personal
pronoun especially the first and the second singular person. The whole examples, in
addition, show the use of informal greeting such as Dear Fatima, Hello, Hi, and the informal
salutation such as best wishes, thanks and love.
This learning activity includes two videos about how to write a good personal letter and
some tasks that must be done by the learners to know about the understanding of the
b. Learning Activity 2 (Announcement)
The learning outcomes that are expected from LA 2 are:
 to read a number of announcement meaningfully.
 to compare the social functions of a number of announcement regarding the
context of situation, the target readers, and the points of interests or importance.
 to compare the structure of each of the announcement including the general structure and
detail descriptions.
 to compare the lexico-grammatical features of announcement by determining the choice
of words and expressions, the use of direct and indirect sentences, the tenses, the fonts,
the punctuation marks, etc.
 to construct an announcement according to the context of situation, social
function, text structure, and lexico-grammatical features.
Same as in the LA 1, in this learning activity, there is a simple explanation about
personal letter includes the social function, text structure and also the significant lexico-
grammatical features. There are also several examples of announcement included either in
the written form or spoken form. Both written and spoken are mostly similar related to the
key features. The purpose of announcement is to give information about a certain event or
activity to public or many people who might be the target of the event. The structure of
announcement is quite simple that includes only heading and detail information. In the
written form, it should be designed as attractive as possible and in the spoken form, it
should be well packaged by considering the content of the announcement, the
pronunciation and intonation of the announcers. In addition, this learning activity is not
only consists of examples but also several assignments to be done.
c. Learning Activity 3 (Analytical Exposition)
This learning activity provides some videos and example of analytical exposition
text as the learning material. Besides that, there is also the key features of the text that
consists of social function, text structure and significant lexico-grammatical. There are
also a number of assignments that is arranged steps by steps so, at the end of the learning,
the learners are able to construct the analytical exposition text well. Based on this LA, to
create a good analytical text, it is important to make the make the topic is clear enough to
be developed as a thesis so the target readers are interested to read. Next, since this text
aims to persuade the readers, the writers need to give some arguments which are supported
by the details information based on the fact. As the last part of the text, the writers should
give conclusion about the topic being discussed and restates their position (agree or
disagree) to convince the readers.
d. Learning Activity 4 (Hortatory Exposition)
Hortatory Exposition is another text that the goal is to persuade the readers if something
should or should not be done. To understand the learning material, learners can watch the
video and read some examples of the text which followed by assignments about
understanding the key features of the text and also the steps in writing hortatory
exposition. In writing hortatory exposition text, the writer also needs to state a thesis
clearly and then, continue it to the argumentations that content facts to support the thesis.
Finally, the writer gives recommendation based on arguments or reasons whether the thing
should or should not be done.
2. Provide comments on each of the activities including its strength and weaknesses.
a. Learning Activity 1
Here, the examples of personal letter are clear enough because the three letters have
different content so it can be references in making a personal letter based on its context
and purpose.
Strength: the video is so helpful to understand the material and the assignments are well
structured so it can be guidance in practicing to make a personal letter.
Weakness: it took times to understand the instruction of the assignments and there is no
detail explanation about the material, so the readers need to find other references besides
the videos to really understand it.
b. Learning Activity 2
The interesting part of this learning activity is that the learners are shown some examples
of audiovisual announcement as the school program. By watching this, the learners might
be inspired to have such program applied in their classes.
Strength: this learning activity is equipped with the examples of written and spoken
announcement so that the learners are able to identify the difference between them.
Weakness: there is no example about how to make announcement as in the learning
activity 1, so the learners need to practice it by only referring to the example given.
c. Learning Activity 3
It provides the learners about any information related to analytical exposition text and also
examples of it. It gives a challenging assignment to construct an analytical text based on
the signs provided.
Strength: there are videos that help the learners to know more about what the analytical
exposition is.
Weakness: the video about how to write an analytical exposition does not give clear
example as in the video of writing personal letter. It just explains the steps in writing the
text but not into the real writing activity.
d. Learning Activity 4
The activity in constructing text is not different from in the learning activity 3 that is quite
challenging that the learners are asked to develop a hortatory exposition text based on the
topic given which asks the learners to think critically and be creative in writing.
Strength: the examples provided in this learning activity is enough to make the learners
understand the material and the assignments are effective to stimulate the learners’ critical
thinking skill.
Weakness: the weakness of this learning activity is almost the same as in the learning
activity 3 that there is no video or explanation about the real example how to construct
the hortatory exposition step by step.

3. Share your opinion about the contribution of this particular module to improve your
professional competencies.
In my opinion, this particular module is very helpful to improve my professional
competency, especially mastering the material to teach. The whole material and learning
activities enrich my knowledge about kinds of texts. For example, before having this
particular module, I am not really friendly to the analytical and hortatory exposition texts, it
is because I teach in a vocational school where the material mostly about short functional
text, kinds of expressions and simple grammatical. Now, I get more information about it so it
makes me more confident to teach those materials in my classes. Besides that, the materials
in this module also inspire me to design learning activities to be more interesting such as the
examples of spoken announcement in the learning activity 2. I hope I can apply any
knowledge I get here into my learning activities at school.

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