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Henry M. Morris (Ph.D., Minnesota)


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The bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is the crowning proof of Christianity.
Everything else that was said or done by Christ and the Apostles is secondary in importance to the
resurrection. If the resurrection did not take place then Christianity is a false religion. If it did take place,
then Christ is God and the Christian faith is absolute truth.

Death is our greatest enemy and it has conquered all men but Christ. No man is wise enough to
outwit death or wealthy enough to purchase freedom from death or strong enough to vanquish death. The
grave always wins the victory and every person sooner or later returns to the dust.

In fact, the inexorable triumph of death applies not only to people, but to all things. Animals die
and plants die, and even whole species atrophy and become extinct. Cities and nations, like people, are
born and grow for a season, and then fade away. Homes and automobiles and clothes wear out and must
eventually go back to the dust, just as do their owners. Even the universe itself is running down and
heading toward an ultimate "heat death."

This universal reign of decay and death is called in the Bible "the bondage of corruption"
(Romans 8:21). In science it has come to be recognized as the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Also
known as the Law of Increasing Entropy, this Law is now recognized as a universal law of science, with
no known exception ever observed. It says, quite simply that every system tends to become disordered, to
run down and eventually to die. Its entropy, which is a measure of disorder, always tends to increase.

The universality of the reign of decay and death is the measure of the absolute uniqueness of the
resurrection of Christ. All other men, even the greatest men and the holiest men, have died. Buddha,
Mohammed, Zoroaster, Confucius, Caesar, Marx²men who made a profound impact on the world in one
way or another²are all dead.

But Jesus Christ is alive! It is true that He died and was buried, in common with all other men,
but unlike other men He returned from Hades, resurrected His own dead body, made it henceforth
immortal, and emerged from the tomb, alive forevermore! This was the greatest of all miracles since the
creation itself, and could have been accomplished only if Jesus indeed is God, as He had claimed to be.






For if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not been raised either.

°nd if Christ was not raised, then all our preaching is useless, and your trust in God is useless.
°nd we apostles would all be lying about God, for we have said that God raised Christ from the
grave, but that can't be true if there is no resurrection of the dead.

If there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not been raised.

°nd if Christ has not been raised, then your faith is useless, and you are still under
condemnation for your sins.

In that case, all who have died believing in Christ have perished!

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1.  is the product or process of deliberately arranging symbolic elements in a way that influences
and affects the senses, emotions, and/or intellect. It encompasses a diverse range of human activities,
creations, and modes of expression, including music, literature, film, photography, sculpture, and
paintings. The meaning of art is explored in a branch of philosophy known as aesthetics and even
disciplines such as history and psychoanalysis analyze its relationship with humans and generations.



2. We need to encourage and develop creativity in our every-day lives. Creativity is the ability to find new
solutions to problems of relationships, to find a new job more in tune with our talents, to improve our
living conditions, to improve the way we educate our children. The more we use creative solutions in
these everyday activities, the more our life will be worthwhile, interesting and fulfilled.

One form of creativity is artistic expression. Art encompasses many levels, perspectives and
manifestations. Not everyone will be a great artist, but artistic expression is something else: a capacity
that everyone has to create something out of materials. It is different and more than the sum of those
materials. Artistic expression is one positive and useful way to develop creativity. Picasso said µAll
children are born artists.¶ But, for many of us, this ability is stunted by school and family as we grow.


´Craft work is skilled work: any kind of craft must involve the application of a technique. The word,
after all, is the German Kraft, simply means power or ability. Craft involves technique, yes, but not
necessarily mechanical technology. For we wouldn´t attribute a high level of craftsmanship to a machine
which produced thousands of coffee mugs in an hour. Craft implies the application of human intelligence
and usually when we use the word we have in mind the application of the human hand. The craftsman has
tools at command, but to the extent that the tools themselves, independent of human guidance, accomplish
a task, we don´t talk about craftsmanship.

A second point. The concept of craft is historically associated with the production of useful objects and
art ´ well, at least since the 18th century ´ with useless ones. The craftsman´s teapot or vase should
normally be able to hold tea or flowers, while the artist´s work is typically without utilitarian function. In
fact, if an object is made demonstrably useless ´ if, to cite a famous example, you take a teacup and line
it entirely with animal fur ´ it has to be considered as a work of art, because there is nothing else left to
consider it as. The crafts tend to produce things which are useful for various human purposes, and though
they may be pretty or pleasing in any number of ways, craft objects tend to exhibit their prettiness around
a purpose external to the object itself. To this extent, the crafts aren´t arts, according to a idea which
found fullest expression in the aesthetics of the great Enlightenment philosopher Immanuel Kant. Works
of art, Kant said, are ´intrinsically final´: they appeal purely at the level of the imagination and aren´t
good for any practical utility, except ´ and I´ll return to this ´ except the cultivation of the human spirit.

These two symptoms of craft, that craft involves the application of intelligent skill (often some kind of
handwork), and that it commonly results in the production of useful objects, are uncontroversial, but they
still don´t get us very far in distinguishing craft from art. Because, of course, works of art ´ in painting,
in music and its performance, in poetry, and elsewhere ´ normally require skill, and, moreover, many
great works of art are also objects of enormous practical value, for example, works of architecture. ´

(Printable version of this history (PDF))

The elements and principles are a kind of language for art. Much like writers use words,
artists select, arrange, and combine lines, shapes, colors, and textures in a multitude of ways to
express themselves and create meaning in art. Just like we need to learn how to read the words in
order to understand a story, we often need to learn the language of art in order to understand a
painting or sculpture. Viewers of art need to understand the language of these elements and
principles to fully appreciate what artist create.

Before the modern era (roughly before the middle of the 19th century) in Europe and the
United States, artists employed the elements of art to make their painting and sculptures look
more realistic and to express their ideas about their subjects²usually figures, still lifes, or
landscapes. They generally worked to create compositions that had unity, balance, and harmony.

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