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Obesity is a condition of someone who has a weight outside the normal range. Obesity
is still a health problem in the world, including Indonesia. According RISKESDAS’ data was
increased from 2013 to 2018, there are 14,8% until 21,8 % obesity for adults. According to
research Trinity College Dublin in Irlandia (2018) about obesity causes cancer. It’s about there
are special cell types that the body uses to fight cancer, in healthy cell obesity sufferers will be
clogged up so that cancer cells can develop freely. fat will send signals to the body that
endanger healthy cells so that it will spur cancer cells and make cancer cells faster in
experiencing self division. Obesity is a risk factor that has a high chance of hypertension or
other non-communicable diseases in adolescents (Saiful, 2013). Physical inactivity will
increase the potential for diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, hypertension and
other chronic diseases (Liam, et all. 2014). These conditions will adversely affect the quality
of life and make health problems for every individual who experiences it (Manzoni et al. 2010).
Obesity ‘causes more cases of some cancers than smoking. junk food multi buy encourage us
to buy and eat large quantities of unhealthy food, the consequences of which have become all
to obvious in the nation’s growing waistlines. This is because about they don’t have enough
education to controlling food consumtions or health life style or haven’t motivation to change
healhty. Besides it, this is supported with improving era 4.0 where almost all activities are not
carried out directly but can be accessed via a smartphone. So that, has serious implications for
the nation’s health problem.
Obesity is one of the most common conditions that can be experienced by children and
adults. A person at high risk of experiencing this condition if not maintaining a diet and doing
enough exercise. Obesity usually affects people with administrative or office jobs who tend to
adopt sedentary lifestyles or lazy movements. Criteria for someone who is overweight is if the
body mass index is more than 25 can be said to be overweight, more than 30 including obesity,
and more than 40 are serious obesity. These conditions can increase the risk of developing
dangerous diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease, and even cancer.
Genetic / hereditary factors are the largest component that can lead to obesity. Children of
obese parents are far more at risk of obesity compared to children whose parents have the ideal
body weight. In studies published in investigative clinical journals it is known that people who
carry the FTO gene usually tend to eat lots of fatty and high-sugar foods. In addition, people
with these genes also usually take longer to feel full. That is why people with FTO genes are
more likely to be obese. People who often eat fast food or called junk food is also one of the
targets of obesity if it is not balanced with exercise. Junk food is a food that accumulates a lot
of calories and fat in its body.

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