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Lesson Plan 1

Topic: Reading “The BFG “by Ronald Dahl to begin learning reading comprehension strategies.
Grade: Third
Time: One hour and twenty-five-minute lessons daily for two weeks

Lesson Objective: To give the students strategies that will help them comprehend and fully
grasp what they have read and use that knowledge to their advantage.
Overview: This lesson begins with us reading The BFG, while reading we will be going over
four of the seven reading comprehension strategies. Creating a visual, making a connection,
questioning, determining importance. The last three we will be covering in another lesson.
Day 1: As a class each student will write about what they think the story will be about and what
BFG stands for. Then come together and share our thoughts. (15-20 minutes)
Start “The BFG” reading chapters one through three (45 minute's)
Talk as a class about if the story is about what we predicated it to be about. As well as if they
like it so far. (15-20 minutes)
Day 2: Read chapters four through six (40 minutes)
Introduce the first strategy creating a visual. This is one in which the students will need to use
their five senses to create a picture of what is going on in our readings. Helping them notice and
remember details.
Ask questions to help prompt them: Why is this visual important to the story? Or How does that
visual help you to better understand the story?
Day 3: Read chapters seven through ten(45minutes)
Remember as a class what creating a visual is and create another individually with teacher
walking around assisted help. (40 minutes)
Day 4: Read chapters eleven though fifteen (45minutes)
Once again remember as a class what creating a visual means. Then introduce the second
strategies making a connection! Where students should start thinking about the big ideas in the
text, by making connections to other readings, life experiences or anything else it will help the
student figure out the theme and why the author chose to write about it. Ask the students
questions like
How does the theme connect to other texts you have read?
How does this tory connect to the world?
What is the authors message in the story? (40 minutes)
Day 5: Read chapters sixteen through nineteen (45 minutes)
Talk about what creating a visual is and what making a connection is. Then with their table
groups the students will talk about connections they thought about and write them down each in
a different color on a poster board. (40 minutes)

Day 6: We will come together as class and share each groups thought’s and add them to
classroom copy of the connections. I will ask if there are any questions or confusion on creating
a visual of making a connection before we move onto the next one. (40 minutes)
I will begin explaining questioning. Teaching the students that good readers are always thinking
and wondering they should be asking Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? (45minutes)

Day 7: We will read chapters twenty through twenty-three (40mintues)

We will quickly go over the reading strategies we have already covered. Then begin working on
questioning the last chapter we read and break it down as a class. (45mintues)

Day 8: Finish up the book and talk about it as a class(40 minutes)

Then come to our last strategy of this lesson which is determining importance, students should
start looking closer at the main ideas and the importance of each. Asking questions such as
What was the problem? What was the solution to the problem? What events led to the solution of
the problem? Did any of the characters change?

Day 9: Start on a station system where each station is one of the strategies that we had covered.
Each group at the station will do a small version of whatever one is in front of them. We will
move every 15 minutes.
Day 10: We will go over what they did yesterday as a class and cover any lasting questions
about the book or the strategies.

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