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Preámbulo a los interlocutores:

Entrevistador: Andrew Neil, periodista británico conservador de la cadena BBC

Entrevistado: Ben Shapiro, polemista estadounidense de derecha

Andrew Neil (A): Some of the ((leve pausa)) ideas that are popular in europe, on side of
politics ((leve pausa)), would seem to take us back to the dark ages: Georgia, New abortion
laws, amm, which you are much in favoral, amm the that (sic): A woman who miscarried
could get thirty years, a georgian woman who travel to another state for an abortion
procedure could get ten ((con énfasis)) years!. These are extreme hard polices

Ben Shapiro (B): Well, ok, a couple of things: One, I’m not sure, I mean, frankly I don’t know
what do you sit (sic) ((parece que no concluye esta última palabra)) ((rápidamente dice
luego)) Are you an objective journalist, or you’re an opinion journalist?

A: I’m a journalist that ask questions

B: Ok, so you’re, you’re supposedly an objective journalist calling policies to which you
disagree barbaric, ((Habla A: no, I…)) as it just one side of the political aisle has ideas, so
((Habla A: no, I know that you’re…)) I just want to point out, I wish you, I wish you at least be
honest in your bias ((Habla A: Mister Shapiro, I know that broadcasting [...])). Are you, are
you a member of a... ((Se interrumpe y permite que A termine de hablar)))

A: [Mister Shapiro, I know that broadcasting] in america is not so polarized that in one
program you only have the left and in another when you’re just on the right, my job ((Habla
B: but…)) is to question those who have strong views an put in terms on two of them, if
you’re an anti ((Habla B: I’m, I am ((incomprensible)))) an anti-abortion person, I would be
putting pro-abortion questions to you; if you’re anti-abortion protest position ((Habla B:
Really, would you, would you call pro-life position, so let me ask you this)), so why you just
don’t answer my question?

B: Sir, sir, I’m happy to answer that question, please answer this one: Would you suggest,
would you suggest that a late term abortion is brutal?

A: I’m not taking... ((Incomprensible dado que B interrumpe: B: Is a brutal policy a late term
abortion?)) I’m asking you questions

B: Sir, you just suggested that pro-life positions is inherently brutal and terrible, so I’m asking
you: as an objective journalist, would you ask the same question to a pro-abortion by calling
their position ((Habla A: what I’m)) brutal and inmoral ((Habal A: What I’m asking you is [...]))

A: ((Termina intervención anterior)) [What I’m asking you is] a, why is that the bill banning
abortions after a woman is being pregnant for six ((con énfasis)) weeks is not a return to the
dark ages. What’s your answer?

B: My answer is something called science: Human life exist at conception, is ought to be

protected. Now back to my question to you: you purport to be an objective journalist, BBC
purport to be an objective down in the middle network. It obviously is not, it never has been,
and you as a journalist are proceeding to call one side of the political aisle ignorant, barbaric
and sending us back to the dark ages ((leve pausa para añadir énfasis a la siguiente
pregunta)): Why you don’t just say that you’re on the left!?

A: ah… ((abre los ojos y hace una mueca de impresión))

B: It’s so hard for you, why you can’t be honest

A: ((Carcajada)) Mister Shapiro… ((Leve pausa. Aún ríe)). Mister Shapiro, if you only hear
how ridiculous that statement is, you wouldn't be upsetted. So let's move on…

((La entrevista continúa normalmente, sin conflicto, en otros temas. Al final se toca otro
tópico polémico, y el entrevistado vuelve a actuar con evasivas. La entrevista termina
abruptamente, con el entrevistado retirándose, molesto))

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