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Final Assignment

1. Write a biography of a famous person. Start with an orientation, describe

the events, and finish it with the reorientation. Write at least 150 words.

K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid, also well known as Gus Dur is a figure of Nahdlatul Ulama
community in Indonesia. He was born in Jombang, East Java, on 7 September 1940 from K.H
Wahid Hasyim and Solehah. Actually, he was born with the name Abdurrahman Addakhil or
"the Conqueror", but now more fondly known as Gus Dur. Gus Dur is the first son of six
children from a very respectable family in the Muslim community of East Java. Grandfather
of his father is K.H Hasyim Asy’ari, he was the founder of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), while his
maternal grandfather, KH Bisri Syansuri, is the first boarding-school teacher who teaches a
class on women.
Gus Dur's father, K.H. Wahid Hasyim, was involved in the nationalist movement and
became Minister of Religious Affairs in 1949. His mother, Hj. Sholehah is the daughter of the
founder of Pondok Pesantren in Jombang Denanyar. In addition, Gus Dur’s brother is also a
figure of national leaders. At the time when his father became Minister of Religion, Gus Dur
moved to Jakarta and went to primary school before moved to SD KRIS Matraman Perwari.
His education continued in 1954 at Junior High School and can not continue to the next grade,
because of his intellectual problems. His mother then sent him to Yogyakarta to continue his
education. After graduating from junior high school in 1957, Gus Dur moved to Magelang to
study at boarding school Tegalrejo. He developed a reputation as a gifted pupil, graduated
from boarding school within two years (should be four years). In 1959, Gus Dur moved to
boarding school in Jombang and get his first job as a teacher and became head of the
Madrassah. Gus Dur was also a journalist. In 1963, Gus Dur received a scholarship from the
Ministry of Religious to study at Al Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt, but did not finish due to
the criticality of his mind. Gus Dur then studied at the University of Baghdad. Although
initially neglected, Gus Dur could finish his education at the University of Baghdad in 1970.
He went to Holland to continue his education, to study at the University of Leiden, but
unfortunately, his education in Baghdad under-recognized here. Then, Gus Dur went to
Germany and France before returning to Indonesia in 1971. Abdurrahman returned to Jakarta
and joined the Institute for Research, Education and Economic and Social Affairs (LP3ES),
an organization which consists of a progressive Muslim intellectuals and social democrats.
In January 1998, Gus Dur was attacked stroke and was rescued by a team of doctors.
However, as a result of health condition and the vision the President to-4 is deteriorating. In
addition to its stroke, his health problems allegedly caused by hereditary factors also caused
a close blood relationship between her parents. In the early 1980s, Gus Dur got involved of
Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) after three times offered by his grandfather. At the National Congress
of 1984, Gus Dur was asked as Chairman of the NU. During his first term, Gus Dur focused
in reforming the educational system succeeded in improving the quality of schools and
boarding school education system, so it hoped they can compete with secular schools.
Finally on December 30th, 2009, Gus Dur passed away due to his illness complications
and was buried in Jombang, East Java.

2. Constructing a spoof text

• Think of a funny incident that happened to you.
• Here are some questions to help you add necessary and
interesting information to your story.
1. Who was involved in your story?
2. Where did it happen?
3. When did it happen?
4. What are the important events in the story?
• Follow the rhetorical steps of spoof texts: orientation, events, and twist.
Hit by a boy
For about 15 years ago, I remembered when I would try to tease the litle boys
who ride their bikes down the street that would pass by my house.
At that moment, I was thought that I would stand in the way and then moved
immediately at the last minutes when they came along to me. It was to make them
think they were going to hit me, so they would move hurriedly and then got fallen.
However, unluckily I didn’t move fast enough at the last tease and they boy hit
me with his bike hard that I knocked out and got a little scar on my knee, it’s so
embarrassing. I never did that again!

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