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The GoldFish Report ©2016 ExoPolitics Round Table Part 2, Red Dragon Ambassador, Cobra, Randy, Rob

The GoldFish Report No. 53: ExoPolitics RoundTable Part 2

May 27, 2016
with Host, The Ambassador of the Red Dragon family and Panel: Cobra, Randy Cramer and Rob
Potter, and the GoldFish Report Team, Producer and Co-host’s Louisa and Steve

Louisa: Hi everyone! Welcome to The GoldFish Report. I am Louisa, your co-host, and this is a
very special edition today. This is our ExoPolitics RoundTable Part 2. We have a very
special group of guests with us today. We have with us, Rob Potter, (Rob: How are you
doing today. I want to say thank you have having me on. Its an honor to be here with the
gang and we’ll look forward to some interesting revelations today) Indeed, thanks. And we
also have Cobra joining us today as well, thanks for joining us Cobra ( Cobra: Yes, hello to
everybody. It will be a very exciting interview). We have Randy Cramer joining us today, Hi
Randy (Randy: Hello). And we also have our GoldFish Report Team member Steve (Steve:
I can’t wait). And of course, we have our gracious host The Ambassador from the Red
Dragon family, welcome Ambassador (Ambassador: Thank you very much and welcome
everyone to the program.
Louisa: Today’s focus is going to be on how humanity can adjust to the reality of disclosure and
how our reality needs to change in order to accommodate disclosure and what it means. And
I am going to play for a moment one minutes of video to set the tone here. But what’s
important about this is that this is part of our psychological process of assimilating disclosure
into our life. This is JFK’s 1961 speech about secret societies, “Ladies and Gentlemen:The
very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and
historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long
ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the
dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed
society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of
our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced
need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very
limits of official censorship and concealment.”

Louisa: This speech was obviously, I think many can agree, was in part the reason Kenendy was
assassinated. But that was the beginning of official disclosure back in 1961and its been like
water droplets of official information ever since. We also have President Eisenhower’s
warning to the American people about the Military Industrial Complex in his 1961 speech,
and to a large extent that speech was ignored and as was Kennedy’s speech. More recently
we have John Podesta, (former White House Advisor) upon leaving his position said, Finally,
my biggest failure of 2014: Once again not securing the disclosure of the UFO files.” We had
Hillary Clinton recently saying in her campaign for the white house that if she was elected
she would tell the truth about UFO’s. We have the Pope coming out (now on an official level
this is what we have had so far) and saying that he would baptize aliens. We have UNICEF,
which is a United Nations program, who has come out with “Tolerance for Extra-terrestrial

The GoldFish Report ©2016 ExoPolitics Round Table Part 2, Red Dragon Ambassador, Cobra, Randy, Rob

life” Public service campaign showing an extraterrestrial boy, mostly human looking but not
human you can definitely see that. Again, the Pope saying he is: ”Willing to baptize Aliens
if they came to the Vatican”. And then of course, we have more recently, we have the United
Nations that opened the Office of Outer Space Affairs, and Of course, there is Space X
which has just announced its new Red Dragon Rocket that will be launched in 2018 to begin
colonizing Mars. So if people start connecting the dots we are having some disclosure to
some extent. And finally, there is a new law now in the United States, which I wrote about in
a research paper on Bill H.R. 1508 which was part of a larger bill, H.R. 2262, which become
a law regarding Space Resource Exploration and Utilization Act of 2015”, which includes
rights to mining asteroids and it also has to do with the slave labor colonies on Mars. And I
think with that, we have a good place to start, because little by little all this is accumulating
and the evidence is before us, and of course, there is a much bigger disclosure program that is
on its way that our guests may or may not want to discuss. It is up to the guests if they want
to discuss it.
Randy: Can I actually add two more to that list that I think are pretty significant and important?
(Louisa: Sure Randy, Go ahead.) So, last year, officially, on a Friday, as far as we know
Mars had no breathable atmosphere, no running water and no potential for life whatsoever.
On a Monday following that all of a sudden it’s got running water and we have an official
admission from Nasa administration saying that we may have to acknowledge that there may
be livable atmosphere on Mars, right now. And then, in case you missed it, two weeks ago
they came up with the mass spectrometer that said , Oh look we’ve actually found oxygen in
the atmosphere, So that is a pretty important set of transitions where we’ve gone from nope,
no way could there be life on it, to now we’ve got a total open door oh we’ve looked through
these satellite pictures and we found the ones with trees on it how about that….any number
of things could happen in terms of what could happen as far as what next we learn in that
cycle of turning with Mars.
The other thing that I think that is super important is that we started with a process of
learning all kids of secretive things that the intelligence agencies were doing with the
Snowden papers, in case you also haven’t heard two days ago Glen Greenwald and his
associate decided that over the next few weeks they are going to release the rest of the
Snowden papers. We expect there to be a disclosure bomb in there somewhere. SO these are
two things that we think that are absolutely indicative of the turning of the volume knob on
the, oh look were are starting on this and then over a period of months look where we are
now, and that’s what’s going to continue to happen. We are going to continue to every few
weeks and months continue to go ‘Oh, look where we are now..and then Oh, look where we
are now and then before you know it we are going to be in a whole other place and its going
to be quite an entertaining trip to be honest.
Louisa: It’s like an incremental process, is that right Cobra, is that how you see the disclosure
process unfolding?
Cobra: It’s a gradual process, but this gradual process will increase, it will accelerate until the
final breakthrough. And there are various factions, various interest groups that want to guide

The GoldFish Report ©2016 ExoPolitics Round Table Part 2, Red Dragon Ambassador, Cobra, Randy, Rob

this process in their own way, but ultimately only full disclosure with all suppressed intel will
be released to the mass population.
Steve: Who is releasing this at the moment, do you know Cobra?
Cobra: There are many forces releasing it. Number one the Cabal itself is releasing part of it
because they want to spin it in their own direction. They want to spin it in a way that will
appear as innocent onlookers on the process, that they were never involved in the process and
that they were not signing any treaties with strange races in the past. This is their spin. Again,
there are the light forces like the Eastern Alliance that would like to release more to prepare
people to ease the shock, and of course there are the Secret Space Programs, there are the
Agartha Network factions that want to release their own intel, and there are of course the
positive extraterrestrial races that would like to create conditions for contact as soon as
Steve: Are the extraterrestrial races, do they have permission or are they allowed to interfere in
the disclosure program?
Cobra: If you allow them, of course they have permission and there are individuals on the
surface of the planet that gave this permission to receive that intel and then those people on
the surface of the planet who gave that permission can release that intel through alternative
media or even through main stream media.
Louisa: Well, what about the Council of 12? Let’s talk about the council of 12.
Rob: There are many different councils of 12. Dr. Frank Stranges was a member of a Venusian
contingent that had 6 extraterrestrials and 6 humans on board and they met twice per year.
And there was a feedback from the human element was given a voice to this. I’d like to say
some things about the Kennedy’s, the Kennedy’s were no choir boys, obviously.
Pre=empting them was the warning of Dwight D. Einsenhower. Another disclosure aspect
coming out now, they have a television commercial that aliens were defeated and called
Space Defense which actually seems like a serious advertisement on the military site which I
think Randy shared it with me. And there is various groups here, I am agreeing with Cobra
completely that there’s all different elements that are trying to spin these things so its very
confusing with information, partial information and of course this revelation that is going to
come out for the people who are basically asleep, that there have been lots of lies presented
to them and I don’t think that the Cabal can be able to do this. Randy thinks that it has to
come slowly but in our conversations he has mentioned that a lot of people cannot handle the
truth, but they better get ready really soon because the evidence is coming fast. We have lots
of solar activity and earth based reaction activity that is going to cause an increase naturally
in earthquakes. We are not looking at extinction events but I see some changes coming. So,
people have to prepare themselves and that’s what we hope this interview will do, in my
Louisa: Right, So why did they say, why did they keep Roswell classified? Aside from the fact
there’s the obvious self-serving role of keeping all the technology to themselves in exchange

The GoldFish Report ©2016 ExoPolitics Round Table Part 2, Red Dragon Ambassador, Cobra, Randy, Rob

for the alien technology..Making the agreement that President Eisenhower made to have
certain abductions or certain cattle taken in exchange for technology, what was it for …fiber
optics, transistors, things of that nature, looking glass technology all this came from the
Roswell crash…if I am not mistaken and if I have any facts wrong guys please feel free to
correct me, but I do try to get my facts right. What is it about humanity that we can’t handle
what is it that we can’t handle? Cobra?
Cobra: I would not agree that we cannot handle this and, this myth that we cannot handle this is
actually disinformation tactic that is being spread by the Cabal so people would be afraid of
disclosure. Actually People, I would say especially in undeveloped countries have much
greater shocks every day that disclosure would bring. People in war zones are fighting for
their own survival and disclosure process would be peanuts for them it would be very easy.
Human beings can adapt to quite extreme situations and receiving intel about disclosure I
would say would be a medium degree of shock which somebody can absorb in about a week
or two. And the positive consequence of disclosure would be much greater than the initial
shock. Because the light forces are pushing for full disclosure as soon as possible and the
cabal is trying to delay and hold back the process as much as possible. There are certain
interest groups that wanted to delay the process for 100 years but which is absolutely
unacceptable and is not going to happen.
Louisa: I have to bring the Ambassador in because the Ambassador is a scholar in religious texts
and knowing how people are in their belief systems, Ambassador what do you think that
people need to do?
RD Ambassador: No you see, if you look at, for example, the Islamic belief system believes
that God is always creating he doesn’t stop creating things on heavens and earth so its no
contradictions that aliens could exist if you study Islamic scriptures, but I think that it would
be more traumatic for many fundamentalist Christians and other faiths, especially faiths that
are putting a lot of effort into that Jesus is going to return and save us and with this disclosure
that is going to come from the Vatican very, very soon its going to be even more
traumatizing that I think for both Muslims and Christians than the disclosure of aliens. I think
everyone with a little bit of common sense knows that exists something else out there and
that we are not alone in this universe but there are other truths that is going to be released ,
other disclosures that are going to be released that’s going to be traumatizing people and their
belief systems far more than alien disclosure.
Louisa: Can you elaborate on that a little bit?
RD Ambassador: For example, we know that Jesus did not die on the cross and survived the
crucifixion and died a natural death. That doesn’t change his words, that doesn’t change his
mission, you know he can come back what ever he wants if God wants it. But for people that
believe that Jesus died and woke up after 3 days he physically went to heaven and that’s the
only thing that’s going to save your life, that your belief system is the only way to save you
then you find out that the guys in the Vatican has his body, that will be more traumatizing

The GoldFish Report ©2016 ExoPolitics Round Table Part 2, Red Dragon Ambassador, Cobra, Randy, Rob

Rob: I would like to comment on the original question, the reason the secrecy is there is because
its been engineered. The Zeta Reticulian group that was run by the Reptilian secretly behind
the scene in another group called the Syndicate of the Omegans have done this on many
worlds and they remain on the scene for hundreds of years manipulating humanity creating
different systems as Cobra talked about the Archon invasion, so, secrecy has been a plan all
along and the reason they won’t release it is because it puts them in a lesser position, their
break-away civilizations. I’m going to disagree with the Ambassador, Christ was murdered
on the cross, and however it was done, resurrection is a possibility, Randy has been
resurrected so that technology is available. I believe he was part of the architectural mental
universe that creates the physical plane, one of the highest incarnations in that he was
overshadowed by a cosmic being.
Ambassador: You see Potter, this is exactly what I talk about. You couldn’t deal with this story
that I told you so you had to go into your tantra on this topic. The problem is this, what ever
you think is the truth doesn’t need to be what it is, and so basically the whole concept is to
break down your belief system and that is what will happen.
Rob: Ok, you show me the Vatican’s body, that you claim that you know about and I don’t
believe that.
Ambassador: Potter, I have myself personally, when researching, went to the place and studied
the things for many years. I am not talking about speculation here. I have a very good friend
who I consider as a brother, who also died and came back from death, and in this incident he
met Jesus, and that changed his life, and now he is a Christian and he used to be a Buddhist.
So as I said it doesn’t change the message, it doesn’t change the state of Jesus. But, this so
called truth that they are sitting on [at the Vatican] which they will be releasing at some point
in time very soon, will break down the belief system for the majority of Christians and
Muslims, and even people like yourself feel traumatized of even hearing this because it
doesn’t fit your belief system. And that is what the problem is.
Rob: My feeling very strongly is that I don’t buy the religion aspect and the twisting of the
Christians and the Catholics, but the life of Christ stands, brother. That’s my opinion and you
have your opinion and what you say doesn’t make it the truth either.
Louisa: Ok, guys let’s remain respectful. This is what is going to happen in society. This is a
microcosm. This is why we are trying to come together today, to find a way to respectfully
disagree. It is going to challenge people’s belief systems.
Rob: Right and throwing out the message that the office of the Christ on the planet is not going
to serve the purpose we are not here to break down belief systems we are here to reveal the
truth, and neither I, nor Cobra, nor Randy, nor You, nor the Ambassador, are qualified to
reveal the true nature of truth.
Ambassador: You see Potter the problem that you have is that you don’t understand what we
are trying to say. Its that the fact here is that we are talking about disclosure and we are
talking about the effect on human beings. And you can’t handle this form of disclosure. It

The GoldFish Report ©2016 ExoPolitics Round Table Part 2, Red Dragon Ambassador, Cobra, Randy, Rob

doesn’t matter if you believe in fairy tales or you believe in this or I believe in that religion. It
doesn’t matter. We are talking here about disclosure and how disclosure will affect people.
You have people who are Atheists who doesn’t care about anything about Christ or
Mohammad or Buddah or whatever, but at the same time when that type of disclosure will
come out, which will come, will cause a huge negative effect on human beings. And that is
why I am bringing these things up because people need to be ready for everything. I do not
care what your personal relationship with Jesus is that is between you and your spirit, but
when we talk about disclosure, and you want to talk about real disclosure, or you want to talk
about another form of disclosure, this type of disclosure will cause the greatest terror on the
belief system of these people who believes in that concept.
Louisa: That is why from a psychological perspective I wanted to bring you all together because
people are going to need help. Our belief system are the bricks that we build our life out of
and what we build our reality out of hold our world together. This is the matrix, and if they
are going to brick by brick take the matrix apart and we are going to see a completely
different reality and its very hard for the human mind and randy and Cobra both know this
also how difficult this is going to be for some people because its going to fracture, literally
fracture their perspective of reality, as they know it. (Steve: Quite right) And so what we are
trying to do today is figure out how can we help them. Let me go to Randy, because Randy
you’ve done so much on yourself and on your healing and what you’ve had to do
psychologically and emotionally from all of your experiences and then I am going to go to
Cobra to get Cobra’s opinion too, about what do you think we need to be doing?
Randy: Well, it turns out that about none of my personal experience on that matters as it turns
out, but it does turn out that we (United States Marine Corp special section) actually have a
ton of demographic data on this. And because my brigadier general and a number of
members of the command staff are in daily meetings at the UN and in DC on a daily basis
talking to everybody about how this is happening, not whether or not it is happening, but how
its happening and I can actually speak quite directly about this. What I can tell you is that we
have set up a number of gradients of targeted demographics, all across the spectrum from
right to center to left and to every other weird point in between so that all of this targeted
information is going out to these gradients so that each group of people is receiving the
psychological information that they are willing to digest this minute. And as that continues
there is more and more truth that is coming with that its just happening, but not every
gradient in that from left to right is getting all that information at once. They are getting
different degrees of information and they are getting different kinds of information. They are
getting information that tells them exactly what they needs to do in order to not panic and
freak out and think that everything is ok . So if religious people need to be hearing, and
believe me their propaganda is telling them this that everything is fine that Jesus is coming
back its all being resolved like we think it is, that’s fine. You know that’s working for
themam t the moment because its keeping them from freaking out and killing themselves and
their families, which the percentage of people that that can happen to is not an if, it’s a how
many, and that number is a number we ant ot make as small as possible and so targeted
demographics and gfradient approach to this given those gradient demographic a bit of

The GoldFish Report ©2016 ExoPolitics Round Table Part 2, Red Dragon Ambassador, Cobra, Randy, Rob

information at a time and so that eventually it will all swim together. Now there may be
different events in there that are sort of big significant, ‘Oh my God this is the Event’ but you
know what, its not going to effect every gradient. That’s just how it’s going to go. Some
people are going to be really insulated in their world and they are not even going to pay
attention to what’s going on, they are going to be hearing a whole other reality, and that’s
what they are going to eb hearing until a time later when its just going to be ‘Oh, where have
you been sincel last Tuesday Johnny come lately , and then they are going to be like Oh, I
don’t want to look stupid so we better go ahead and find a reason to switch our belief system
because this is what people do. They find a reason to switch their belief system because of
what we can do is believe this now because of A, B, and C, happening..
Steve: Randy in your demographics was there time scales involved as well in your studies?
Randy: Absolutely.
Steve: What were they?
Randy: We are in the middle of an operations so there is no way that I can give time scales other
than to say, we have it timed out, we have the rhythms of these social demographics stimulus
and response timed to like the day and the week, so we know for example, lets say on April
1st we ping this social demographic in this wave, that going to cause a response wave that in
18 days we know we will be able to hit them with another ping that in another 18 days or
depending on what time of year it is, maybe it’s the Spring it will be faster or maybe if it’s
the winter it will be slower, but there is this whole set of rhythm of demographics and how
they move and we’re watching all of that. We’ve got a lot of people who have just been
observing that for years, decades even,
Steve: How is the response measured, in facebook, social media how it is measured?
Randy: Every kind of demographic polling response that you could think of so absolutely the
data that is gleened from the social media , facebook ,twitter, all of that, polling data that
comes from all of the media sources and not media sources that s taken from independent
intelligent sources that’s even more accurate in some cases, key word searches….so lots of
we are not looking for people to tell us what they are up to we are looking for identifying in
those conversations what people are thinking and what their trends are so that has given a
huge image of what the entire social psychology of the entire civilization is because they are
all putting it out there electronically. So, we can literally know what people are thinking
minute by minute, day by day and help them move in a direction that going to be ok I can do
with this and then howeer many days wekks months down the road when we are all on the
same page, when we all converge at the same point we get there but we are doing it this way
to avoid conflict, to avoid panic, to avoid suicides, to avoid homicides, and to avoid people
setting themselves on fire and running down the street. So, its just happening and we’re
doing it and its going to work out pretty well, and I understand that everybody wants full
disclosure but let me make an argument against full disclosure right this second, we’ve done
the demographics that equals more fatalities than stringing this trough a spiral and having it
come out 18 months later, lives will be saved.

The GoldFish Report ©2016 ExoPolitics Round Table Part 2, Red Dragon Ambassador, Cobra, Randy, Rob

Louisa: Ok, that sounds like an interesting plan. I want to ask Cobra, what do we need to do?
What’s going to be the hardest thing and what do we need to do?
Cobra: Ok, First there are a few things I need to say here. Number one is that everybody is
trying to approach disclosure from the old paradigm. What we need to understand here is that
the whole reality will shift. We are not having disclosure in the old duality based society. The
disclosure process is part of a deeper galactic spiritual transformation process and people
who are exposed to full disclosure will not be exposed to the same conditions we have right
now because it is part of the galactic change. There is so much talk about fear and how the
people will react and the panic. Again, I will reiterate, this is part of the old paradigm. People
are able to go through their own psychological process, I would say the vast majority of
people are able to go through their own psychological process facing disclosure (Randy:
Over 85% are totally not going to want to kill themselves. The 15% that will go into possible
chaos or psychotic or schizophrenic episodes that we are trying to cushion). Cobra: Ok I will
explain, there is a small percentage of people that can have problems but there will be, the
light forces have a plan and at the time of the Event, to give counseling and give guidance to
the vast majority of those people. And I will put it this way, every day over 200,000 people
die of hunger, every day. After the event nobody will die anymore because of hunger, so we
will save 200,000 lives every day and disclosure is part of this process. Disclosure doesn’t
mean just seeing strange aliens on TV, disclosure means remodeling of a human society on
the financial aspect of it to the political aspect of it, the whole structure of society will go
through a phase transition. The phase transition will have a positive net effect on human
society, there will be individuals that will be having problems going through that process, but
for the vast majority of those people it will be easier than most current psychological models
expect because the energetic conditions at that moment will be different. People have their
emotional bodies and their mental bodies that are now living in a certain environment. At the
moment of full disclosure that energetic environment will be different. There will be much
more assistance of the light forces at that point. Without putting too much focus on the fear
aspect of this because we are creating our reality. I would put more focus on how can we
solve this, how can we make this disclosure process safe and balanced for the vast majority
of people.
Louisa: Exactly, so thank you for that Cobra. It seems that we are really looking at a healing
process too aren’t we Cobra?
Cobra: Yes, exactly.
Steve: How would that counseling look? Is there a mentoring thing, is it a one to one thing, it is a
general think, how does it look?
Cobra: There are many layers of this. There will be a general layer which will take care of
maybe ninety percent of cases and there will be more individualized approach for those
people who will need a more personal approach. There will be people who are now being
trained for this, not openly, and there are people who have been guiding in their lives to learn

The GoldFish Report ©2016 ExoPolitics Round Table Part 2, Red Dragon Ambassador, Cobra, Randy, Rob

how to assist people and will be contacted at the moment of the Event to give counseling to
people who will be in need, but there is something being planned for that occasion.
Louisa: So you are saying that there is a mentorship that’s really planned here, is that what you
are saying, for humanity? Cobra: Yes, yes. It’s very interesting to see what happened here
today and we all have very different backgrounds, very different experiences and I just want
to remind you thought that I am the only female here and it’s my wish and love for humanity
and this planet that I wnt you guys to tune into because its your vibration too its your
frequency and lets just find that frequency and stay on that frequency and ride that frequency
because that is what is going to heal us and that’s going to bring us through this. The divine
female energy on this planet as Cobra is talking about this energetic shift as you know, the
schumann frequency is already raising. Gaia is already trying to help us all with this third
spiral. Make repairs to our third spiral of our DNA so we can increase our abilities, so is it
also something that you are talking about Cobra?
Cobra: Yes, exactly, this is exactly what is going to help us. Then pure feminine aspect is an
energy field that will emanate from the galactic center and will bring the balance.SO this
balance is the lacking factor here in the psychological makeup of humanity and as we come
closer to this compression breakthrough moment, the moment of the Event, the moment of
full disclosure, there will be more and more of that energy present and it will get easier and
easier and this is why the disclosure process will accelerate. The disclosure process is not
guided by any of the factions on the surface of the planet, it is guided by much higher forces
with much greater understanding of the situation.
Louisa: OK, Well, I hear also that the powers that be aren’t all on the same page. You guys just
had an interview with Corey Goode and there has been reports that Corey has come out with
info about there being so much disagreeing and arguing in meeting, and it’s really like if your
that advanced how , you know as above so below, you can’t really criticize humanity too
much when you can’t get you own act together and everybody is arguing and fighting and
just the other day on the SOHO satellite there was some Anunakki looking type ship being
taken out, there’s wars obviously going on above our head there are all kinds of things going
on, but Rob you talked about this with Corey and Alex Collier who I also wanted to have
come into this group, and I would hope at some pioint we could all sit down, and I’m going
to represent humanity by the way. But anyway, I wanted us all to sit down and I wanted
Alfred Lambremeont Weber to be here because we have to have this dialogue we can’t stay
behind the curtain , we can’t stay in the shadow, we have to come out and have this dialogue
because we have a need to understand and a right to know first of all.
Rob: Alright will everyone has their own opinion here so there’s lots of different things I’m
going to respectfully say I strongly disagree with the Ambassador’s opinion on that one thing
, we’ll let that go we don’t have to go into that but I strongly disagree on that part. Now I will
say that we are going to have part of this takeover of our childish games, stop, it’s a time out
period for earth, its going to be interposed is basically a divine enforcement as Cobra says a
galactic codex a law that requires an aggressive groups are the ones that are not agreeing.
The positive groups are all on the same page more or less, to allow us to reconcile our

The GoldFish Report ©2016 ExoPolitics Round Table Part 2, Red Dragon Ambassador, Cobra, Randy, Rob

various DNA influences and to bring us into healing and there’s a process for that and its
been done on other worlds, on the Vagan system, and many other worlds have gone through
this process of healing the what we call the Luciferian and the rebellion and so that type of
thing has all happened before so there’s going to be not only a media but there’s also an
energetic principle and Cobra can speak to this, I’m not sure about Randy but when the light
forces come in with their ships they can actually invisibly penetrate a building, you can be
sitting inside a spaceship in a higher plane and the vibration of love and healing is so all
encompassing that all differences disappear as Alex Collier describes it, so that type of
energy at the time of the event and I am not exactly sure, Cobra is probably more up on the
technological aspect of this, when the cleansing of the, Corey says the parasites and the
frequencies that pushes things out and the earth is cleared of the plasma anomaly accretion
vortex consciousness AI, when that is cleansed there is no general human understanding of
that vibrational change , so I have to agree with Cobra I think people can handle the truth . I
think that the loss of crazy people versus saving people from wars, destruction and death in
my opinion. Randy’s group obviously is extremely well intended in their military mind and
dealing with it from their perspective and I think all of these are going to be unified in the
quantum level and from a holographic level everything will take place. And Corey is not very
clear on what’s going on and that’s one of the things that I like to bring to all of the things is
the spiritual consciousness aspect of the soul and a lot of this is all on the lower material
level, and so we have to connect with our divine presence individually and however people
do that is in their own relationship with life and that that process will become much easier
when the parasitic hostile lower personality physical body attack agenda is removed. SO I
think people can handle the truth and I don’t think that there is as much disagreement as is
played out with Corey and that’s been one of my issues with him is to articulate the
benevolence as opposed to the hostiles.
Louisa: Ok, thanks Rob and again, like you did in Part 1 and Rob’s joining us again in Part 2,
you have brought out where we ultimately left off in Part 1 of this Round Table is the
subject of love. Because there is really no way we are going to move forward without this
unconditional love that surrounds us because at some point the discord, the differences, the
conflict has to disappear, we have to either make a choice and Cobra is saying that
vibrationally this is going to begin to just happen. And everybody here has been doing things
to try to make this process to bring about a good change, and so the Ambassador has his
Global Mission of Peace and the Global Mission of Peace TV right now and you are
featuring on there the humanitarian projects , the things you are trying to do to make better
changes, do you want to explain that a little and then I want to ask Cobra about Operation
Dreamland and what that’s about, and then I am going to go over to Randy for another
question so Ambassador would you like to explain that because I think that ultimately we
have to embrace people with love and it’s about helping each other and doing things
Ambassador: I believe that the problem that we are facing on this planet is that we are living in
Disneyland and we do not have a normal media that we can trust. They are playing games
with us and lying to us and sometime they tell the truth and sometime they don’t. And then

The GoldFish Report ©2016 ExoPolitics Round Table Part 2, Red Dragon Ambassador, Cobra, Randy, Rob

we have alternative media which is sometime seven worse. And people are talking about
disclosure, they are talking about events, they are talking about President Obama being
arrested and the next day he is with the Swedish Prime Minister and the next second he is
supposed to be executed and then now he is fine. You now all these different stories lies and
deception and games being played by different intelligent services on the planet and their
stooges that is pushing a form of disclosure and this is what we are trying to explain here is
that when you attack people’s belief systems or what they hold closest they become
traumatized they become aggressive they become emotional like what’s happened here
without friend like when I tried to explain for him what is the plan and what you will see in
the future and this is what will come. And how that will affect people that’s sad and maybe it
will be good for some people too but at the same time its going to cause a lot of problems.
Now with the Global Mission of Peace TV basically the focus is to bring people together and
to see the people together doing the projects we are doing right now and in different
locations, we were sponsoring different events in these last seminars in Europe here and we
are building up the platforms for the special meetings that is taking place so right now there
are a lot of things that is happening, but to engage people with knowledge and engage people
that has something to contribute to humanity and then push that forward into different arenas
I think that is very important. I believe we need to focus on what’s real and needy for the
person in everyday life right new. We are coming into a time with so much fear and hate
andthere is so much negative energy in United States and in Europe and we are just feeding
this and its getting worse. And then we are sitting and worrying about other situations I think
it is very important that we come together as humanity and yes, we have different belief
system we have different understandings of realities and truths based on our own journey’s
and some people have done their journey and some people have done another journey but it
doesn’t mean that just because you don’t know or doesn’t understand doesn’t mean he may
not be right. For example, I hear some stories that I hear people telling about the alien agenda
and I can’t grasp it because this is not a part of my knowledge but we have to listen to what
people have to say and see how can that knowledge help humanity in any shape or form. And
I think that’s very, very important that that’s where we need to keep out focus and as I have
said that when we cannot even understand our neighbors or when we can not even agree with
each other even to disagree then basically we have an issue. And now we are talking on a
level which is far above the head of many and most people are going to listen to it and they
are going to think that those people are insane and some other people with another
consciousness will be very excited and will feel that this is a very interesting discussion that
we are having that will benefit them in some shape or form but I think still with all the
knowledge that we have here on the panel I think we should try to keep focus on how we
should be able to help humanity right now and I think that is the most important thing.
Louisa: Well, you are right Ambassador. Thank you so much. Because that is what the point is
for us meeting today. And I just want you all to know that I know each of you personally, I
don’t know Cobra well yet, but I will, and I just want you to known that I love each and
every one of you unconditionally and that’s how I am, and that’s the frequency I resonate and
I am trying to project this to you because the feminine energy has to heal the masculine on
this planet. The masculine energy is wounded. Has the masculine energy victimized this
The GoldFish Report ©2016 ExoPolitics Round Table Part 2, Red Dragon Ambassador, Cobra, Randy, Rob

planet, yes, but, it has to be healed. And men, especially our warriors have to know that they
are worthy of love, they are worthy of healing regardless of what their acts were because it
was imposed on them, going to war, battling doing acts that were unkind and unloving was
imposed on them and that doesn’t mean that they are not worthy of being loved and can be
healed and can embrace the feminine energy that is coming into this planet. Because it’s the
women at this point, in my opinion, that are going to heal the men on this planet and heal the
masculine as well, because women have to learn how to love unconditionally, they have to
learn how to love in a way that empowers a man not disempowers a man. And also men have
to learn to love the feminine and to embrace their feminine energy and not feel that they have
compromised their masculinity in the process. So, the feminine energy I think is going to
heal these wounds and we have to come together today in this vibration because they are
watching us above and if we can do this and put our differences aside, and heal each other
and be In unconditional love in the moment right now and forget about our differences then
we can do this. And we can show them that we can do this, and maybe we can do it better
than they can, because for those of us who are human, we can do this. We love and we love
intensely, we don’t only love other humans but we love animals, we love other species, we
can love Reptilians, we can love Zeta’s, we can love Mantids, we can love Annunakki , we
can love, Pleaidians humans have no limitations. There’s no boundaries there’s no boarders.
Its oneness, its true oneness. If we could just find that here we can bring it here and anchor it
here. So, Steve you had a question for one of the guests?
Steve: (47:19) From the human perspective, I’d like to throw question to Cobra Randy and Rob,
from your perspective, which races are working for or against us. Everybody has got their
own agenda and maybe you are in disagreement with each other about certain races, but
could you give the listeners a brief three or four race break down of who’s for and against us.
Maybe start with Cobra.
Cobra: OK, Pleaidians, Sirians, positive Andromedeans and Arcturians are working for the light
and they don’t have a so called bad agenda behind their back. They are just wanting us to
heal and experience the same love and paradise like existence they are experiencing. And
then we have on the negative side the Draco’s and we have the Reptilians, the two main races
which who went a little bit off the track.
Louisa: What about Solipsi Rai, do we know about the Solipsi Rai? Cobra?
Cobra: I don’t know about this.
Randy: Spell it out for me?
Louisa: I don’t know how to spell it but they are called Solipsi Rai. There is another group that
just moved into town helping President Putin right now?
Steve: Would you be in agreement with what Cobra said Randy?
Randy: Yeah, that is a fair list of goods and bads and I would add to the bad list that at the
moment we are still trying to rouse out the Aldaberons, we are also trying to roust out the
plasmid freelancers who are essentially made of, they look like they are made of neon, they

The GoldFish Report ©2016 ExoPolitics Round Table Part 2, Red Dragon Ambassador, Cobra, Randy, Rob

are essentially sort of made up of different colored plasmas, its pretty tricky looking but they
are kind of pretty but also scary if you have never seen one at first and they are not nice they
operate mostly as independent contractors , they are bag men and hit men , they are unsavory
characters for the most part and so we don’t care for them. And we have been routing them
out for a while, So I just wanted to add the Aldaberons and the plasmid contractors to that
Steve: Rob?
Rob: Yeah, I would agree generally with Cobra. There are many, many genetic racial
pheontypes some stemming from what we would call , some are from our animal kingdom
that we would look at like Ales Collier talks about the lion people and there are many
different ones, Louie Martines, the guy I am working with from Bolivia is working with a
group from Alpha Centauri and they call themselves the Ahphu . They are extremely strong,
muscular, they range from nine to twelve feet tall. Harold Wilcox worked with a group from
the Barnard star system who were quite tall as well, so, the different groups I think all of
them have a certain type of agenda even if tis to try and heal us but I think generally speaking
for us postulating on these things that happen out there, we don’t really have clarity, there’s a
lot of things that need to come to the table as in an open, transparent communication, without
the controlled media as the Ambassador said so, a lot of these positions will be revealed to us
at the time of the event when everyone is calm with this new energy. There is talk, Alex
Collier says that the bad guys are not as weak as they say they are and also there seems to be
more evidence that they have very high technology, there were some meteors on the earth at
the Bermuda Triangle that the Chinese were trying to keep off of the planet for some time, so
maybe they could hold off this dwarf star if its real. We don’t know yet it’s still a postulation
and NASA made an announcement, maybe the Cabal is running into their things because
they are looking for some sort of large possibly meteor event, there’s so many things going
on and I think that we just have to remain calm and open to what’s coming forth. Let the
future and the truth be revealed as it comes on a level at this point in time there is too much
disinformation, but generally speaking, my intelligence from the persons that I have spoken
to and from my experience from the benovelents its that its 99.0 percent benevolence in the
universe and that we are kind of a focal point for something going on here that’s a little
different and there is a material level world and a superluminal beings that aren’t really
involved they don’t have the negative duality that we have.
Louisa: So, whose parked outside of Cern right now with the long cigar shaped ships? And quite
honestly from some satellite images that were published online, it looks like the town is
pretty much dead. I don’t know if you guys can confirm this but it looks like there is a
morgue on top of the parking deck . It looks like the town is dead and in these satellite
images, the card don’t move for months . So , whatever is going on, what ever Cern is tied
into is extremely bad for us and nobody has really talked about that yet, although ti wasn’t
really part of the discussion, but these things have to stop. I mean , I don’t know what is
taking the council so long , because there are still people in Dulce whose souls are still sitting
in boxes on shelves from what I understand and I could be wrong, but if this is true, this is

The GoldFish Report ©2016 ExoPolitics Round Table Part 2, Red Dragon Ambassador, Cobra, Randy, Rob

unreasonable and unacceptable, that humanity has to be free. We can’t keep humanity
enslaved, manipulated, controlled, drugged, poisoned, enough is enough. And we really need
to start kicking butt, we really need to get serious and mankind doesn’t have access to the
technology to overcome the technology used against us, although some people, major
manifestors I know of would argue that it’s not the case, that we don’t really need to have
those plasma technologies that we don’t need to have all those sophisticated weaponry , and
it seems like what Cobra is saying is that through your weekly mediation to raise the
frequency and try to bring the event quicker, but you also have something called Operation
Dreamland, do you want to explain what that is Cobra?
Cobra: Operation Dreamland is operation of the light forces that would like to anchor on the
physical plane the new society, the new reality and its targeting the light warriors and the
light workers and try to assist them in their missions as much as possible to prepare them for
the event and for the time after the event. Because most of the light workers and light
warriors were incarnated many lifetimes ago, thousands of years ago just for this time, to
assist in this break through, to assist in this transformation. And Operation Dreamland is here
to assist those who are making the break through on the surface of the planet.
Louisa: Ok, so in what ways, I now you have creative arts in there could you be a little more
specific? And I am going to include at the bottom of this transcript links for everybody and
if they are interested in participating , I’m going to have links to Randy’s site, Rob’s site,
Cobra’s site and the Ambassador’s Global Mission of Peace. I know Rob you have a
conference coming up and I am going to ask you about that in a minute. We are going to put
links to everything everybody is involved in here because I do want to promote your work as
much as possible. As much as facebook will let us, because it seems the more interesting
information I post on our facebook page, the more facebook censors the posts, that’s a little
bit of a problem but we try to work around that stuff . But is it just through creative arts or
can you be a little more specific about how you are doing that Cobra?
Cobra: We have weekly meditations, from time to time we have global planetary activations
that we do to assist in the activations of the planetary light grid, we have conferences around
the world, we are developing new technologies and we are having --- groups, some of them
are public and some of them are not, for various projects so there is a lot happening, a lot is
going on and if you go to my blog you can later include the link you will have different links
to many different sites and many different projects we are involved with.
Louisa: Ok, so what about the music. I know Randy and I have had a chat about this, and Steve
is a singer, I’m a composer and musician as well. And Steve and I know pretty much, we
understand music and its healing effects and its communication effects , in a way that
musicians do, but Randy and I have had a conversation about this about the frequency and
about the healing and Randy, Did you want to make a comment on this because you are out
in the public , you are giving your story , you are teaching psionics, you have workshops
about psionics because you have listened to my music, actually, a few of you on this panel
have , although I am not talking about my music specifically, Did you want to comment on
that Randy, because I know we have talked about that?

The GoldFish Report ©2016 ExoPolitics Round Table Part 2, Red Dragon Ambassador, Cobra, Randy, Rob

Randy: What was the question?

Louisa: The question had to do with the psionics, the frequencies, meditation, increasing our
abilities and music in one way, but I think there is a relationship between them. What is the
relationship between these things?
Randy: Yes, physics. So I will be clear, back in the mid 1960’s when a lot of the smaller
programs in the covert military space program were laying down their bets on what they
thought their long term investments should be, so people were looking at the technology ,
asking do we really want to spend the next 30 years making sure we’ve got the best most
powerful space ships that we rule the skies or do we want to spend the next 30 years
developing the most advanced computer technology so we rule information , or do we want
to spend the next 30-40 years on super soldier technologies that we rule and murder machine
assasins or do we want to focus on psionic development? And we decided that we were going
to put our bets down on long term investment of psionic development, and so more than any
other commander system we have used psionics at the very core of what we do and operate
as the only fully functional psionic command within the covert military space program
meaning that every single member of the United States Marine Corp Special Section, is
psionically trained, psionically conditioned , psionically genetically enhanced, given implants
and then connected up to a psionic computer which essentially routes everyone together so it
gives a simulated hive mind so we all actually get to participate as a military intelligence
pseudo-collective way and that is one of the reasons we are very, very effective at what we
do is because we absolutely operate as the only fully psionic command in the covert military
space program. Being that’s the case, we fully understand that mental evolution and psionic
development are absolutely critical important, but we also understand that the only way that
really develops is in a society that is stable. So as we continue to sure up the infrastructure
and clean up the trash and stabilize society so that psionic development can happen in a
stable peaceful atmosphere we absolutely think that it’s a critical thing to happen, we don’t
think that it is wise or safe to just have a psionic awakening in an unstable atmosphere in
which the water doesn’t run and the toilets don’t flush and the streets aren’t safe so we think
it’s absolutely critical to work on our infrastructure while we prepare and tech people psionic
development because we don’t think that one with the other is smart. We think that you have
to have them both to be smart.
Steve: Randy, everything in the universe is a double edged sword as you know, what are the
positive and dangers of this technology in your opinion?
Randy: The positive aspects of it I think I pointed out that when people reach a certain level of
psionic development that all of a sudden you enter into a world where nobody can ever lie
again, because everyone can tell when people are lying and telling the truth, so that if you
don’t think that a world where people can’t lie doesn’t change everything like fundamentally
the world we live in is totally different , you know think about that a little bit further if people
can know what people are thinking, know what people at feeling. I am not saying people
having the ability to read peoples private thoughts out of their minds, but no you are BS-ing
me or oh I hurt your feelings because I can feel that I hurt your feelings. Or I can hear in your

The GoldFish Report ©2016 ExoPolitics Round Table Part 2, Red Dragon Ambassador, Cobra, Randy, Rob

head that I hurt your feelings that creates a level of understanding and truthfulness between
communication and affairs that could just change everything. SO we think those are the
fundamental changes that are the most important in that kind of development. And the danger
aspects really just come into people who become very strong and very powerful and don’t
behave responsibly. And then those people just have to be regulated by other people who are
strong and powerful and say no and tell them not to do that.
Steve: SO it could be used for mind control basically?
Randy: The more psionically developed you become the harder it is to have your mind
controlled. SO that’s the other aspect of that is that we are much more controllable society
right now because we are not psionically developed. If we got everyone up to sort of
kindergarten, first grade psionic level, then we wouldn’t really be able to be mind controlled
because everyone would just say “hey you are just trying to mind control me”, it would just
be obvious that people aware trying to do it because you would be aware of it, it would be
one of the first sensory awarenesses that you would have. Rob: I’d like to make a comment
on that if I may?
Louisa: Yes, Rob go ahead.
Rob: I feel that one of the problems that’s happened here is in the past has been a contention in
the historical relationship between the extraterrestrial races and earth has been the desire for
earth people technology without spiritual moral understanding of universal laws and
principals and I think that, no disrespect to Randy but the Secret Space Program and the
development of this under military guises and under the guidance of under some of the more
hostile groups that wanted to utilize our bellicose nature and our ability for technology has
been one of the problems that we face here and I think Cobra would possibly agree with me
on this that there will be what we call mystery schools based on spiritual moral principles of
universal laws of intelligence, that will develop these naturally and not artificially push
people with this technology, a lot of this technology if you understand Cobra is used to
inculcate fear , a psionic plasma scalar field, radionics, scalar wave, actually infra-sound
technology that can disrupt but it can also be used to heal and these will be brought forward
in the future. Cobra can you talk about the positive evolution of spiritual consciousness and
what we would call the city type of technologies and how that can be developed responsibly?
Cobra: Yes, of course. Spiritual development is a natural inner force that is actually present in
every sentient being everywhere in the universe including planet earth, and this impulse, this
drive for spiritual development has been artificially suppressed by scalar technologies by the
negative military. I know that there are positive military programs to develop spiritual
psychic powers and from that perspective and they are doing some good progress and this
will be included in the overall plan for the Event but there is a larger picture. Every being on
the planet has and will have that inner drive for evolution and this will be accelerated and the
stability of human society will be maintained because if we have more awareness on the
planet it is easier to maintain stability . The only reason human society is so unstable is
because there is such a great force used to suppressed human spiritual development and so

The GoldFish Report ©2016 ExoPolitics Round Table Part 2, Red Dragon Ambassador, Cobra, Randy, Rob

much energy is put into that suppression, and this creates psychological instability in human
beings. And when this pressure is removed human nature naturally seeks stability and finds
that equilibrium in harmony with natural laws of the universe.
Louisa: Ok, thank you Cobra. We are getting down to our last segment of our interview. We
covered a lot of ground today and we are getting down to our last 20 minutes and I think
what’s happened is, like I said, an example of what conversations are going to happen when
disclosure happens and the other parts of disclosure [of hidden truths, history and technology
etc… ] because , I talked to people near New York City and, I could just imagine walking
down Columbus Avenue with UFO’s overhead and the people would be like” Oh , look at
that” and we just go about our business , you know New Yorkers are like that “Oh how do
you like that?” You know, its not a big deal for New Yorkers to be honest with you, they take
it in stride. But its not going to be that way in the Bible Belt of the country and other parts of
the country, but I want to thank Rob for bringing that up , I want to thank Randy for bringing
that up . we are all talking I think what the Ambassador is saying is that we need to rise to a
new level of awareness. That’s ultimately where we are going to go and how we are going to
help ourselves though this, rising to a higher level of awareness, consciousness, a higher
vibration, a higher frequency and we can go about doing it in different ways and that’s what
we are bringing to this Round Table today is the fact that we have different ways that we are
going to go about doing this, as diverse as humanity is, there is not just one solution for
everybody . What I see happening here today is that there are various ways to go about
achieving this but that the ultimate goal is the, same regardless of how we get there. The
ultimate goal is the same, to raise awareness, to raise frequency, to raise consciousness
ultimately and I love how this is really what everybody has been saying today. We have been
saying it in different ways. Steve, did you have a question for our guests?
Steve: Yes, the scalar technologies that Cobra mentioned for you Cobra. I have noticed, as I
know Louisa has, that they are building new antennaes around major cities around the world
and these appear to be a different technology, can you comment on that?
Cobra: Actually there are various versions of the scalar technology, and there are layers upon
layers of this technology, but the purpose of that technology is the same, to create scalar
standing waves in the plasma to suppress human consciousness and its more and more
difficult for them to do that because there is this, as I said before, natural evolution taking
place and there is more and more power needed to have the same effect and this is why there
are more and more harmful plasma scalar fields of radiation around the planet, and this is
why people have those strange ---symptoms right now, because the plasma field is polluted
by those scalar fields and the . at a certain point there will be a breaking point where those
plasma fields will being to disintegrate and this will be close to the moment of the
Steve: how can we accelerate that?

The GoldFish Report ©2016 ExoPolitics Round Table Part 2, Red Dragon Ambassador, Cobra, Randy, Rob

Cobra: You can accelerate it by connecting with your own higher self, invoking divine feminine
and divine masculine aspects of by connecting with force which is dimensionally greater than
the plasma field that they are trying to create.
Louisa: So what you are saying is that, the Schumann frequency of the planet is raising and so
the powers that be understand this, and if I understand this correctly, and anybody can
comment on this who wants to, that to compensate for that and keep us in a lower frequency
they are imploring these scalar weapons to lower our vibration and I say this because I
personally know of some special indigo and crystal children who talk to fairies and they tell
them what is going on all the time and I get confirmation of this and its amazing. But they are
in fact using these towers to lower these frequencies. So Gaia is trying to give us these codes
to heal our third spiral of our DNA so we can raise our abilities and frequencies and yet this
plasma technology, this scalar technology is trying to suppress that. Is that what I understand,
Cobra or Randy or whoever wants to comment. Cobra if you want to go first?
Cobra: Yes, of course, this is exactly what is happening. The plasma scalar field tries to
suppress that natural process of evolution, the planetary breakthrough. I would like to
comment here that Schuman frequency is not increasing there are actually many multiple
harmonic Schumann frequencies that describe what is going on in earth ionosphere and a
what is actually happening is not a change of that frequency, what is happening is a change
of a higher dimensional vibrational frequency of the planet and the plasma scalar field that
they are trying to create, the cabal or the dark forces are trying to keep humanity suppressed
as long as possible and they know its going to end. They are just trying to delay this as long
as possible with as much power s possible and its getting increasingly difficult for them.
Rob: I would like to say that eventually at some point they can be dismantled. I know people
that go and place scalar devices at some of these towers and they do actually work
suppressing the negative ones and they had them removed tehn they bury them in the ground,
they sit by and watrch and then there is some sort of secret government agency that comes up
and tried to figure out where the source is and eventually they find it, and dig it up and
remove it so there are counter technologies , a lot of tachyon type technologies and there is
pendents and there are various things that can help stabilize the body’s field cant completely
negate the frequencies but can have the strength in the body’s center to ignore or to maintain
its harmonics and that’s a junior version of the light healing technology that will come
forward , that will eventually will be extremely powerful stuff that Randy is probably more
familiar with will take place but its all run on electricity and if the electricity stops for a little
bit then all that comes down so tie will reveal the truth on that one.
Louisa: Well randy you would probably know about this too , that when a person’s frequency,
their own individual frequency starts to increase to a certain level they begin getting
headaches and I think what’s happening is this technology triggers at a certain frequency and
then it starts to give people shoes frewuencies are rising. SO Steve, this is why you’re having
trouble when youa re singing and youa re projecting those beautiful frequencies that you so

The GoldFish Report ©2016 ExoPolitics Round Table Part 2, Red Dragon Ambassador, Cobra, Randy, Rob

beautifully project and it possible Steve has experienced something like this. But Randy,
what’s going one, what technology are they using that when someone’s frequency raise to a
certain point and then the start to get a headache, what’s happening?
Randy: Well, in some cases that’s actually part of the process, you’re neuropathways are
literally rearranging, your brain is making new neurons and building new neural pathways to
be able to sustain higher levels of brain function , because you can’t sustain higher levels of
consciousness without higher levels of brain function so there is a literal neurobiological
process and change that has to occur and that can cause headaches. And you also become
more sensitive to the electromagnetic fields around you. I can remember when I could start to
hear the buzz in the plugs in the walls because the wiring essentially makes a high pitch
sound that you can’t usually hear. Dogs can sometimes hear it and as your brain starts to
evolve at some point you might tune into something like that, and I would literally follow the
sound and end up by the wall with my ear next to a plug and thught Oh my God that’s the
wiring buzz of this tiny, tiny sound and I wondered how could I hear that. And it’s a number
of different things like that that you just end up with this hypersensitivity and your senses are
perceiving different things because you are super, super more electromagnetically sensitive
and your neurobiology is shifting and changing. Some of it is just you and some of it is
becoming more sensitive to the stuff that is around you so its kind of like waking up and
realizing you are in a pool of garbage and you didn’t realize you were there because you
were deaf and blind the day before , and you couldn’t smell apparently either. SO some of
that is also that there is stuff around me that I don’t like and you are starting to be able to
sense that there are these negative things around you. Some of it is not on purpose, so just
radio frequency, television frequency waves, we are just clogged with what would call
electromagnetic frequency pollution because of every single thing that is pushing out waves,
then you add the high frequency cell phone , and the high frequency emergency
communications and then you start adding in any and all things that may be used to create
distortion or dampening field, that’s just more and more background noise basically. What
we understand is that we are approaching things externally and there are plans to dismantle
and take down some of that stuff and there are other people and us and other beings using
counter technology to counteract some of that. The most important thing that counteracts that
is the personal psionic field. When we teach the basic form of creating the bubble around
your head and the bubble forms around your body these things essentially filter out or can
bounce back or repel all of those waves when it’s developed. So, people are concerned that
these things are bad but these things are only bad until you develop your own psionic ability
for it to not be a three to you anymore, and then you can just ignore it like its not even there.
SO those are the things that I say yes they are there but they are the things that we can fix
personally and then just thumb our noses at it and build a shield around you so that you are
Steve: So Randy what you are saying is the classic psychic protection of visualization of creating
a bubble of protection round yourself is basically the same thing?

The GoldFish Report ©2016 ExoPolitics Round Table Part 2, Red Dragon Ambassador, Cobra, Randy, Rob

Randy: Essentially that is what we call the intergalactic protocol, yes, and so the intergalactic
protocol are just the basic physics and the basic fundamentals of how your psionics and how
your energy body works, so, yes, it’s the basic intergalactic protocol that we would
recommend that is the difference between having some control over what’s coming in and
out of your universe and your world as far as the energy, or the opposite of that being a cork
bobbing up and down on the ocean waves having no control what so ever and just being
pushed left , right, down in all directions because you have no stability . So that’s basically
the difference you create the energy and you create that stability for yourself and all that
other stuff that is meant to be the ocean wave around you that stops being effecting.
Louisa: So Randy, what an interesting comment that you made about our ability to increase our
consciousness is a function of our ability to increase our brain functions so, are you talking
about going into Theta waves, going into higher states of brain wave function. When you say
higher or more brain function you are also talking about higher states isn’t it the same thing
or no?
Randy: We are really talking about the mind, the brain, and inputs and outputs you are really
talking about a half a dozen or so individual components that all work together to form one
thing. SO its kind of like when you are talking about your engine in your car , you may have
to talk about how your fuel pump works and how your air filter works and how your
carbonator works and how your pistons work but really the engine doesn’t function without
everything working together. So when we are talking about the mind and the brain we are
really talking about how all of that works together like an engine and not just about the fuel
pump and the air filter, so to speak.
Rob: I’d like to interject here and say that there is an aspect of the physical pane that obviously
is exercising a muscle and has neuro-hormonal complexities and there are technologies that
can subtly influence and open up from a higher dimensional planes. The explanation or
definition of ascension is to achieve, we have various subtle bodies and various planes of
consciousness within us and as we ascend on then physical plane our corporeal physical body
will achieve more and more sub atomic and quantum elements from the higher physical plane
until the physical plane experience is kind of completed and we exist in a different constantly
never ending ascension process of growth and change. And this is not just a material thing, a
lot of this has to do with connection with the soul, its intent and purpose and to a certain
extent on our world we must have faith, faith in a positive thing because not everything can
be known by the intellect, this is not getting the most steps on the ladder of intellectual
achievement, this is a connection to the soul and the ‘I Am’ presence and a reconnection to
all time and all space and even beyond time to the eternal present of now and that is a process
that this fractured world is needing all of these tiers of benevolent forces to balance and not
only for us but those forces that are in control with that. Again, Cobra might resonate with
me on that aspect of separating the gross material aspect of development versus
consciousness and the intent and how that development takes place.
Randy: Well sure there is quantum development and this whole energetic metaphysical aspect
but as long as we have physical bodies that operate with cells and fluids that has to be a

The GoldFish Report ©2016 ExoPolitics Round Table Part 2, Red Dragon Ambassador, Cobra, Randy, Rob

connection point where our phsyical bodies are able to handle the energetic component or
they don’t work. It’s like trying to run jet fuel in a go cart that can’t handle it, it would blow
up the engine it won’t work. So you are trying to ascend someone who is not biologically
prepared, if you try and ascend a gorilla and you are going to blow up its brains. We know
that from the laboratory research if you overwhelm a biological source with more
metaphysical energy than it can handle and it brain hemorrhages, it bleeds internally and it
dies. So we know that the physical aspect of how people grow, evolve and become physically
pure untoxic, how their brains develop how their cells continue to develop to handle the
higher voltages that are required for that evolution, those things have to connect. You can
never have an evolutionary process without connecting that biological process or s we know
from the laboratory research the biological animal will hemmorage, bleed internally and die.
Rob: Absolutely, I agree with Randy there I just don’t think that killing other animals to
experiment with that is the way to go, its an artificial push.
Randy: Oh I am not saying that that is, Im saying though, that we know that it’s a scientific
fact that we have to connect those things and that’s why the ET’s for centuries and that’s why
we are continuing to work on this on a meticulous level that connectes the material, the
psionic and the metaphysical or it won’t work. You justy can’t be metaphysical without
connecting your physical, psionic and your social engineering and your social political
economical and we are working on it all , Its like a twelve tier system and we are doing it all
at the same time.
Louisa: I am interjecting at this time. This conversation is incredible really ultimately this is
where it is all leading. And of course we have to talk about our metagene which is our
manifesting gene which is what makes humans so incredible its what makes all ET’s weant
to be us, I am sorry but that is my human opinion, But the Ambassador I want to say that we
hjave another 10 minutes left and I am going to start asking everybody to do their closing
comments on what happened today, whether we think we accomplished something , whether
we hope we gave the public our viewers something to help them to understand I a different
way that we haven’t done before and if we haven’t, this is your closing comments to have
any other additional comments you want to make on that topic so let me just start with the
Ambassador . Ambassador thank you for being such a gracious host and being so patient
because I know we were all listening to our wonderful guests and the wonderful things they
had to say, thank you for hosting this because it is so important to humanity that we come
together. We don’t have to agree, we obviously don’t always agree but we are trying, we are
here, nobody has left the conversation yet, so that’s a good start, ok. We don’t always agree,
and we can agree to disagree, but we can also agree to agree on some things. So thank you
for being such a gracious host to provide this platform.
Ambassador: No problem. I want to thank everyone that came to the program it is always
interesting to listen to all the stories. I hope that people will be able to grasp something out of
this from what we have been talking about and grasp exactly what we have been talking
about. I fear that these discussions are far beyond the understanding of most people. Many
people are skeptical towards anything that is outside of their own level of understanding.

The GoldFish Report ©2016 ExoPolitics Round Table Part 2, Red Dragon Ambassador, Cobra, Randy, Rob

Even people who believe they are very involved and very knowledgeable are sometimes still
very stuck in their own dogmatic understanding of whatever they think is right.

I also say as Randy was saying that many things that are checked, researched, and verified, you
know it is not only animals that are tested on, humans are too on a daily basis and I think that
is what we need to put our focus upon. With the coming knowledge that we all have around
this table we need to come together, work together and basically try to save and help the
people from this mess we find ourselves in today. I think that if someone comes and saves us
that would be great, but putting all my eggs within the basket of escapism is not really, you
know, my level of doing things.

Basically I would do my best to prepare myself for the coming traumas that are on the way. I
know that some of the alien, or whatever they are, Jinn or whatever characters are pushing
certain agendas in relation to (so-called) “animal souls” (i.e. derogatory term for human
souls) and the “extension removal” of people from the planet type of scenarios. These are
being pushed very hard right now in this world. There have already been agreements and
signed treaties also by humans. I think this is where we need to put focus and try to find
solutions to save humanity. I hope that we can save ourselves and in the worst-case-scenario
I hope that someone else will come to assist us to save ourselves. That is what I wanted to
end my statement with and I want to thank everyone that came to the Goldfish Report and
again it is always interesting to listen to you. God bless you all.

Louisa: Thanks Mr. Ambassador. I'd just like to go around and wrap up with a final reflection as
to what we have discussed today. I think we have made progress. We have disparate
experiences and opinions. I always try to listen with an open mind and everybody should
have an equal say at the table, especially humans. I think humans need to have a say in our
own destiny. I know they are listening up there and they need to know that we need to have a
say in what happens to our fate so it is not taken out of our hands. So let's start with Rob.
What are your closing comments?
Rob: The listeners are going to have to make their own decision on what their understanding (is)
and process their own development. I have always felt that my job is to bring in a, not a gross
materialist aspect and understanding, and as far what Randy said I absolutely agree, it's a
physiological fact that you cannot overload a body with higher energies. There are other
processes that are more natural to do this other than through technologies. Technology can be
involved and on many extraterrestrial worlds it is used at a very sacred understanding with
millions of years of super-cultural development. So we have to realize that we are little
babies here and we're coming out of the womb into our own awareness. We are going to have
a lot of misconceptions about many things and the Ambassador and I may be completely
wrong on our ideas and views of Christ or Master Jesus and I am willing to accept that my

The GoldFish Report ©2016 ExoPolitics Round Table Part 2, Red Dragon Ambassador, Cobra, Randy, Rob

understandings, feelings and views are mine and his are his. We have to allow ourselves to
disagree on things and we can have our different viewpoints.
If people will look inside themselves and also learn as much as they can on the internet. But you
have to process this intellectual and materialist understanding through your heart and through
your feeling nature. There is a lot of purging going on with these plasmic fields and these
entities that run through us are all subjecting us to these intense emotional feelings where the
moment seems so important. I the grand scheme of the universe with billions, and billions,
and billions of galaxies without end this is a small aspect and we all have to play our part. So,
focussing on love and acceptance at the same time as being wise in our relationship. Yeah,
people can go to my website. I have two great conferences coming up and you can check
these out there. Thanks everyone for their time and for being here.

Louisa: Thanks Rob, you have the Mt. Shasta conference coming up and you can go to So Cobra, what would you like to leave our viewers with
Cobra: I would like to say that this interview today was quite successful, we have managed to
bring different people with different perspectives together sitting at a table negotiating our
future. I would say this is the first of many interviews that will happen around the world with
many different people and groups discussing disclosure together. It is not just the cabal, or
the secret space programs the Plaedians or the Sirians, it is us. Everyone that has a will to
participate in the disclosure process can participate in this disclosure process. You can create
your blogs, your facebook groups, you can start spreading your understanding of the
disclosure process and contribute actively. This why you were born at this time. So I would
invite everybody listening to this to start thinking about what you can do to make the
disclosure process more efficient, more harmonious and also faster.

Randy: Well I have certainly had the privilege, since my Brigadier General asked me to speak
publicly, to see an arc of development on what has been occurring both publicly and
internally and that the internal view has certainly changed over time. I can say that the
attitude of myself and my Brigadier General three years ago was optimistic but less
optimistic than what it is today because of all the things that have happened and changed. My
opinions and statements about what I think is about to happen and where I think we are going
have changed over time- if anybody cares and has followed. I am a Marine and my job is to
tactically assess where things turned ugly a number of years ago they have been
turning better and better and where we are right now lets me know that so much is being
handled. I know some people don't like that it is being handled. It is being handled with what
we think will be the minimum amount of negative impacts and what we think allows us to
get to the closest, soonest place of full disclosure in the shortest amount of time. We think
that that conversation is a non-starter. At the diplomacy table when you are sitting down with
a bunch of people and you say “Full Disclosure”. That's a non-starter for some people. So to

The GoldFish Report ©2016 ExoPolitics Round Table Part 2, Red Dragon Ambassador, Cobra, Randy, Rob

start that conversation it has to be OK here's the reason why you want some disclosure and
you get them to agree with you, you get enough people to agree with you, you get your foot
in the door etc. and that is all that matters right now. That is all because once that happens all
the other conversations that we want to have about how we exactly want that to go and where
we want that to go can then happen. I just want to be practical here and we are going to have
to wait but I don't think it is going to be a long time. I think that we have a real opportunity to
see some significant and fundamental change in the political system in this country. I am not
going to get into it but I can tell you that by the numbers, mathematically speaking, why
Bernie Sanders is going to be the next president of the United States. The numbers show that
he is the most poised person to win. He's most poised to take it at the convention. Obama has
given the super-delegates permission to change their vote which they are going to do at the
convention, mark my words.

The Supreme Court just made a decision on the gerrymandering case. Gerrymandering is now
illegal. So the next two years we are going to see more of these cases and we are going to fix
some of these locked up seats in congress.

I'm all for the metaphysical, energetic change that we're going through, but I want to point out
that on a very fundamental social, political and economic level those of us who are getting
down in the mud and doing the work are making progress and stuff's happening.

So, watch it happen, watch it unfold and be a positive part of the process of it and do whatever
you think is the best thing to do but most importantly it's just going to happen so just enjoy
the show.

ROB: Right on Randy I support your passion. I have passion for my stuff , I love what you're
doing bro'.

RANDY: Thank-you.

STEVE: I'd just like to add that it has been a pleasure to be in the presence of a group vibration
is so for moving humanity forward. There is so much negativity that everyone experiences
every day and this gives me hope to sense this. I do firmly believe in humanity's inner
strength and in the future of humanity. On a personal level I cannot wait for the
consciousness of humanity to rise and may it rise as quickly as possible. It continues to
disturb me that we cannot possibly decide as a race about our future when all the cards are
still not on the table. I pray that they will be revealed soon. Thank-you all.

The GoldFish Report ©2016 ExoPolitics Round Table Part 2, Red Dragon Ambassador, Cobra, Randy, Rob

LOUISA: I just want to thank each and every one of you. I agree with Cobra in that more of
these types of conversations need to be happening on different levels with different people. I
think there needs to be a woman at the center of that who is impartial who possesses and
anchors Goddess energy and unconditional love and I hope I am doing that. I hope I did that
today because one of my personal goals is to help the men on this planet to assist their own
transformations in an energetic way when you don't have judgements. Like I said earlier, we
need to empower the men on this planet as they have been disempowered. I think we could
overcome a lot of the things that have happened to us, the manipulation, a lot of the

If men would just embrace their feminine nature and allow women, not to dominate them, but to
love and empower them. We have so much programming to overcome. There are so many
expectations that society has imposed on men and likewise on women, none of which we
have been able to fulfill and to accomplish.
The fulfillment or non-fulfillment of these expectations puts us that this disadvantage that we
buy into the whole control aspect of religion and it's a very hard mental paradigm of mental
programming to get out of. As everyone on this panel talked about today really we have to
get out of duality, we have to go to higher consciousness levels and that's where we are going
to save ourselves. Randy has the workshops on Psionics, Cobra has the meditations and the
blog. I love how you have the citations there now!

We have all agreed on the same thing, in such different ways from different angles. That's what
has to happen, I hope that message was loud and clear for those above, on the side, below
wherever, the here, that we can to this. We can come together and find ultimately that if we
want to survive as a species- this is the answer. We have to realize that this is the answer.

COBRA: Thanks for this interview it was great. I hope everybody will enjoy this and goodbye

STEVE: Just a last message to everyone reading this please talk to strangers on the street, your
neighbor, your family, just tell them your story, tell them about disclosure it will help.

LOUISA: Folks we appreciate you subscribing to our global mission of peace YouTube channel
which will be duplicated on The GoldFish Report YouTube channel as well. Please visit our
website at and and Please follow Cobra at and

The GoldFish Report ©2016 ExoPolitics Round Table Part 2, Red Dragon Ambassador, Cobra, Randy, Rob Randy Cramer’s website and workshop information is at . And Rob Potter’s website and conference
information is located at And you can find more information
about the Ambassador’s mission at and

Bye for now.


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