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The Solar System

By Haley Oliver
Title Page
The Sun
Click Here for a Quick Tour ThroughVenus
the Solar System

Work Cited
The Sun
• The Scientific name is Sol.
• It contains about 98% of all the rocks, dust, and
gas in the Solar System.
• If hollow, one million Earths could fit inside.
• It acts as a giant magnet.
• The Sun’s surface is 6,000 degrees celcius, but it’s
atmosphere is millions of degrees.

• It takes 87,969 days for Mercury to orbit the Sun one time.
• Since it is smaller than Earth, it has less gravity which
means if you weighed 70 pounds on Earth, you would
weigh 27 pounds on Mercury.
• Mercury is so hot that you could burn to death during the
day, but spins so slowly that you could freeze to death at
• It has no moons.
• There is almost no air on Mercury.
• It is 36 million miles away from the Sun.

• It takes 224,701 days to orbit the Sun.
• You would way 63 pounds here if you weighed 70
pounds on Earth.
• It is similar to Earth because it has mountains,
venusquakes, mountains and valleys. You can’t
live here though because it is way too hot.
• It is 67 million miles away from the Sun.
• Venus has no moons.


• It takes Earth 365.3 days to orbit the Sun.

• We are 93 million miles away from the Sun
• It contains the only human life we know of.
• Earth has one moon, Luna.
• Earth has just the perfect combination of weather,
temperature, and atmosphere to keep us alive.

• It takes 686.98 days to orbit the Sun.
• Mars is 142 million miles away from the Sun.
• Weighing 70 pounds on Earth, you would weigh 27 on
• Scientists have found that Mars once had streams, rivers,
lakes, and an ocean.
• Mars has two moons, Deimos and Phobos.
• Mars has the highest mountains and deepest canyons in
the whole Solar System. The largest canyon on Mars would
stretch from New York to California here on Earth.

• It takes Jupiter 4332.59 days to complete one orbit around the Sun.
• It is 482 million miles away from the Sun.
• You would weight 185 pounds on Jupiter if you weighed 70 pounds
on Earth.
• Jupiter has a great red spot that is made up of storms that have
been constantly occurring for over 300 years.
• There is no solid surface here, it is just one huge ocean of Hydrogen
and Water. There is nothing in between the atmosphere and the
ocean, there would be no flat surface to float a boat on like on
• Jupiter has 63 moons.
• It only takes 10 hours to go from night to day here.

• It takes 10,759.2 days to orbit the Sun.
• You would weigh 82 pounds here if you weighed 70
pounds on Earth.
• It’s rings are 169,800 miles wide, but less thick than a
football field.
• Saturn is very similar to Jupiter because under it’s
atmosphere is an ocean of liquid chemicals.
• Saturn has 34 moons.
• It is 888 million miles away from the Sun.

• It takes 30,684 days for Uranus to orbit the Sun.
• It is 1, 784 million miles away from the Sun.
• You would weigh 82 pounds here, if you weighed 70
pounds on Earth.
• It is the only planet that spins on it’s side.
• Uranus could have ocean under it’s atmosphere, and
because of the amount of pressure on Uranus, it could
possible have trillions of large diamonds.
• It is almost identical to Neptune.
• It has 27 moons.

• It takes 60,190 days to orbit the Sun.
• Neptune has a giant storm just like Jupiter, it is called
the Great Dark Spot.
• It was discovered in 1846.
• It has 6 rings that surround it.
• Since Neptune is so far away, scientists know of 13
moons for sure, but there could be many more to be
• It is 2,794 million miles away from the Sun.

• Luna is Earth’s moon.
• Luna is 240,000 miles away from Earth.
• It has many mountains, valleys, old volcanoes, and craters.
Craters are caused by asteroids and comets colliding with the
• Luna and Earth are very close in size.
• The dark spots you see on it are actually hardened beds of
lava. The Moon used to have active volcanoes with liquid
lava, and when the moon was struck by an asteroid or comet,
it would puncture the surface of the Moon and cause lava to
ooze out of it. The lava hardened and that caused the dark
spots you see today.

Work Cited Home
"BNSC - Venus." BNSC - Home. 6 Oct. 2008
"Discover Saturn." Windows to the Universe. 6 Oct. 2008 <
" Wallpapers: Earth's Moon." Rader's GEOGRAPHY 4 KIDS.COM. 6 Oct. 2008
"Google Earth Blog: Google Jupiter." Google Earth Blog. 6 Oct. 2008
Jong, Ing-Chang. "ICJ Home Page." ICJ. 8 July 1998. 6 Oct. 2008 <>.

"Mars, Earth - Closest Approach in Recorded History." Latest Email Hoaxes - Current Internet Scams - Hoax-
Slayer. 6 Oct. 2008
"Neptune - DiracDelta Science & Engineering Encyclopedia." Engineering Database. 6 Oct. 2008
"RedShift™ Astronomy News » Uranus." RedShift™ Astronomy News . 6 Oct. 2008
"Rocks from space." Rocks from space. 6 Oct. 2008
"Solar System - Interactive Solar System - By" Astronomy For Kids - 6 Oct. 2008 <
"StarDate Online | Solar System Guide | Sun." StarDate Online - Your Guide to the Universe. 6 Oct. 2008
" What can mom serve us now? - blog." Forums. 6 Oct. 2008

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