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Leyte Sab-a Peatland Forest Restoration Initiative

The 28th Annual Philippine Biodiversity Symposium

and General Assembly of the Biodiversity Conservation Society of the Philippines (BCSP)
Conservation Beyond Borders
Visayas State University, Visca, Baybay City, Leyte
13-16 August 2019

Abstract Submission Form

Submit this form using the Online Abstract Submission Form available at
on or before 30 June 2019. Rename the file with the subject heading ‘Category’_’First
Author’s Surname’ (e.g.: Regular Poster Presentation_Santos).

Category (select 1): ☒ High School Intended form of presentation: ☒ Poster

☐ Undergraduate ☐ Oral
☐ Regular

Theme: Taxonomic Group:

☒ Taxonomy and Systematics (e.g. identifying morphological ☐ Plants
or behavioral characters, molecular or evolutionary biology ☒ Invertebrates
studies) ☐ Reptiles and Amphibians
☐ Biogeography and Distribution (e.g. biogeography and
☐ Mammals
distribution studies, GIS mapping, distribution modelling)
☐ Birds
☐ Wildlife Biology and Ecology (e.g. behavior, diet,
population studies, community interactions, ecosystems)
☐ Fish
☐ Floristics and Faunistics (e.g. species assessments,
☐ Biodiversity and Conservation Threats and Issues (e.g. Ecosystems:
climate change, invasive alien species, hunting, illegal wildlife ☐ Terrestrial
trade, habitat loss) ☐ Caves
☐ Biodiversity Conservation, Management and ☐ Coastal and Marine
Governance (e.g. protected area management, education, ☐ Aquatic
policy, capacity building, indigenous knowledge, and best
☐ Agricultural
☒ Urban
☐ Others: Click or tap here to enter text.
☐ Others: Click or tap here to
enter text.
Abstract Title: Inventory of Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) in Quezon City, Philippines

Author 1 Full Name: James Darren R. Pelaez
Institution: Ramon Magsaysay Cubao High School
Institution’s Address: Ermin Garcia St., Cubao, Quezon City
Email Address:

Author 2 Full Name: Justine Rose D. Garcia

Institution: Ramon Magsaysay Cubao High School
Institution’s Address: Ermin Garcia St., Cubao,, Quezon City
Email Address:

Author 3 Full Name: Jermaine Allen R. Guevarra

Institution: Ramon Magsaysay Cubao High School
Institution’s Address: Ermin Garcia St., Cubao, Quezon City
Email Address:

Author 4 Full Name: Jezelle Angeline O. Soriano

Institution: Ramon Magsaysay Cubao High School
Institution’s Address: Ermin Garcia St., Cubao, Quezon City
Email Address:

Author 5 Full Name: Rey John D. Caballero

Institution: Ramon Magsaysay Cubao High School
Institution’s Address: Ermin Garcia St., Cubao, Quezon City
Email Address:

If more than 5 authors: please write the name, affiliation and email address below:
Click or tap here to enter text.

Is the first author same as the presenting author? ☒ Yes ☐ No

If no, name of presenting author: Click or tap here to enter text.

The 28th Philippine Biodiversity Symposium Page 2 of 3

Abstract Submission Form
(Maximum 250 words, excluding spaces. Abstracts exceeding 250 words will be returned. Keywords are
not required).

Butterflies are colourful, flying insects with scaly wings under Order Lepidoptera. Aside from
pollination, they can be used as bio-indicators in order to make an inference in the quality of
environment. Moreover, the prevalence of butterflies in urban areas implies that there is a
need to record and identify the species of butterfly which has a great potential to become a
bio-indicator. Thus, a taxonomic survey was done to record and identify the species of
butterfly present in selected areas of Quezon City. The study revealed that a total of 52
individuals represented in three (3) families and six (6) species, identified based from
taxonomic keys, are registered. Nymphalidae has the highest percentage of identified
species (52%) followed by Pieridae (30%), and the least represented is Lycaenidae (18%).
Common five ring butterfly (Ypthima stellera) is the most abundant among the species
identified. Further studies are recommended in order to evaluate the relationship of species
identified to its environment.

Ethical considerations
Ethical standards in conducting biological research and Philippine laws should be observed; the questionable ethical
or legal basis is grounds for rejection of abstracts. Note that under the Wildlife Act of Wildlife Resources Conservation
and Protection Act of 2001 (Republic Act 9147) many biodiversity research activities, particularly collection of biological
specimens, require a Gratuitous Permit (GP) from the DENR. Contact the Regional DENR Office (Protected Areas
and Wildlife Services Division) or the Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau for more information. The Animal Welfare
Act of 1998 (Republic Act 8485) is another relevant law to consult.

The 28th Philippine Biodiversity Symposium Page 3 of 3

Abstract Submission Form

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