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The development and utility of the Family-Centered Autism Navigation (Family CAN) semi-structured interview

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Kris Pizur-Barnekow, PhD, OTR/L, IMH-E and Amy C. Lang, MS
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University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Department of Occupational Science and Technology & Department of Psychology

Background: The Family CAN Project Results

• Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder, which Stage One: Discovery Interviews
causes difficulties in social communication and behavior (CDC, 2016). • In Stage One, feedback indicated that the Family CAN had potential for
• Currently, 1 in 59 children are diagnosed with ASD in the United States. assisting FNs to systematically identify challenges that caregivers
In Wisconsin, 1 in 92 children are diagnosed with ASD (Christensen et experience upon learning of their child’s ASD diagnosis.
al., 2016). Stage Two: Qualtrics Survey Results
• Despite the high prevalence of children diagnosed with ASD, navigating • In Stage Two, question stems were revised based on feedback about
all of the systems, resources, and supports available for families of clarity, importance, and how the question made the respondents feel.
children with ASD can be difficult, confusing, and frustrating. •

• The majority of the respondents felt the questions were clear and
• Family Navigation encompasses the structure and resources that enable important to ask.
families to navigate complex systems. Family Navigation is comprised of •

research-based processes, models, and tools that support families • Respondents generally did not like questions about performance as
navigating systems of care (Feinberg et al., 2016). Professionals that do they felt they were intimidating. These questions were changed to ask
Family Navigation are called Family Navigators. them to rate their satisfaction with understanding or task engagement.

• The Family-Centered Autism Navigation (Family CAN) is a Stage Three: Quality Improvement Process
comprehensive semi-structured interview designed for FNs to use as a • In Stage Three, the quality improvement process revealed that FNs
guide while working with families of children with ASD (see Figure 1). found the updated interview helpful when serving parents of children
The purpose of the Family CAN is to create a family-centered, prioritized who were newly diagnosed with ASD.
plan of action that aims to support families as they navigate the • Face-to-face and telephone administration were viewed as useful.
challenges that arise following an ASD diagnosis for their child.
• Additionally, FNs found that interview could be administered in a single
• The purpose of the current project was to describe the development session and when split into multiple sessions. Administration format
and utility testing of the Family CAN among community FNs familiar in depended upon family communication style and detail of responses.
working with families of children with ASD and parents of children with

Methods ● Family Navigation is an important process that links families to services
● Original questions of the Family CAN semi-structured interview were and supports after their child has been diagnosed with ASD.
developed using Discovery Interviews and Lean Launch methodology Figure 1. First page of the Family CAN semi-structured interview. ● The current study showed that the Family CAN semi-structured
(Blank, 2013) through funding by the National Science Foundation interview is a promising systematic way of helping families of children
Clear - the participant explicitly states that the
I-Corps Program. question is clear with ASD access services.
● Thirteen respondents (9 parents, 1 FN, and 3 parents/FNs) completed a Unclear - the participant explicitly states that ● Future research is needed to determine if the Family CAN
the question is unclear
Qualtrics survey to provide feedback on the drafted interview semi-structured interview can improve parental self-efficacy.
Answered Question - the participant answered
questions. They specifically were asked to give feedback regarding the the question on the survey
clarity, importance, and usefulness of the interview questions. Other - unclear what participant’s comment is
● Narrative feedback was reviewed and coded by a team of researchers referring to References
Experience - the participant provides an
(see Table 1 and 2). Then, interview questions were revised based upon example from their own personal experience
1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC; 2016). Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Retrieved from
the respondents’ comments. Change - the participant provides specific 2. Christensen, D. L., Baio, J., Braun, K. V., et al (2016). Prevalence and Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder Among Children Aged
8 Years — Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, 11 Sites, United States, 2012. MMWR Surveillance Summary,
recommendations for changes in wording of the
● The Family CAN semi-structured interview was utilized during family item
65(No. SS-3), 1–23.
navigation sessions by two FNs and four family members as part of the Table 1. Operational definitions for coding
3. Feinberg, E., Abufhele, M., Sandler, J., Augustyn, M., Cabral, H., Chen, N.,......Silverstein, M. (2016). Reducing disparities in timely autism
diagnosis through family navigation: Results from a randomized pilot trial. Psychiatric Services, 67, 912-915.
HRSA-funded Wisconsin Care Integration Initiative. Through the quality participant responses. 4. Blank, S. (2013). Why Lean Start-up changes everything. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from:
improvement process of Plan, Do, Study, Act, the FNs indicated that Corresponding Author:
they would adopt the Family CAN as part of their practice. Kris Pizur-Barnekow, Table 2. Examples of coding of participant responses.

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