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Science is one of my favorite subject, because of its fun experiments and

activities. Well, sometimes it’s hard to understand, but I can still handle it. So, let
me tell you what I’ve learned in the past two months in Science 10.

Earth, is not just what we call earth. Earth has three layers, the crust which
is the outer layer of the earth, the mantle which is divided into two sections. The
Asthenosphere is the bottom layer of the mantle, it is made out of plastic like
fluid, and the Lithosphere, the top part of the mantle, it is made out of a cold
dense rock. And lastly, the core, the core is part of earth in the middle of our
planet. It has a solid inner core and a liquid outer core.

We also studied about the Earth’s Mechanism. Alfred Wegener the German
researcher who proposed the Continental Drift Theory. He found out that the
seven continents, which are currently thousands of miles away from each other
were actually connected pieces of a supercontinent. These continents were once
one is their shapes. The edge of one continent surprisingly matches the edge of
another. But, Alfred’s theory was rejected because he couldn’t actually explain
how the continents drifted to their current location.

Seafloor spreading was proposed by an American geophysicist, Harry Hess.

By the use of the sonar, Harry Hess was able to map the ocean floor and
discovered the mid-Atlantic ridge (mid-ocean ridge). He also found out that the
temperature near to the mid-Atlantic ridge was warmer than the surface away
from it. He believed that the high temperature was due to the magma that leaked
out from the ridge. The Continental Drift Theory of Alfred Wegener is supported
by this hypothesis on the shift position of the earth’s surface.

Plate tectonics is the theory that the outer rigid layer of the earth (the
lithosphere) is divided into a couple of dozen "plates" that move around across
the earth's surface. There are three kinds of plate boundaries. The divergent
boundaries where the plates move away from each other. The convergent is
collision of two plates. A collision of a less dense continental plate with a
more denser oceanic plate collides with a continental plate and the ocean plate
goes under the continental plate. And transform here two plates slide by one
another in opposite directions. And that’s all.

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