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C ^ T e c h n o lo g y and Livelihood Education Textbook ^


ivy M. Tarun
ICT and E n trep re n e u rs h ip S

6.2 Basic Features of Windows Movie Maker

Let's Study!

Windows Movie Maker^codenamed Sundance) is a freeware video

editing software by Microsoft. It is a part of Windows Essentials software
suite that allows you to create home movies and slide shows on your
computer as well as publish them and share it with your friends through
OneDrive, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and others.

In this section, you will learn how to use the basic features of
Windows Movie Maker 6.0 which will lead you to creating a professional-
looking movies.

Getting Started

As a beginner in using Windows Movie Maker, you have to familiarize

yourself with the different parts of its window. Its main window consists of
five parts as shown in the figure below.

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1. Menu Bar - the menu bar provides commands or functions to

perform tasks in the movie maker.
2. Tasks Pane - lists the common tasks needed to perform when
making a movie.
3. Contents Pane - displays the contents of the currently selected
collection which includes video clips, graphics, sound files, etc.
4. Preview Monitor - allows you to preview individual clips as well as
the whole output. It works just like a video player.
5. Storyboard/Timeline - This part where you create and edit your
project is displayed in two views, the storyboard and the timeline.
You can switch between these two views when making a movie.

The storyboard is where you can look at the sequence of the clips
as well as the video effects that you have added.

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D rag
m e d ia

< >

The timeline is where you can make finer edits.

T im e lin e ▼ J0

| . 00 OrOOlbs.OO____ftob;Vo.<r 0:Q0?15,00 ^ftQ o S o .Q O ft0Q -^Q 0^~ 'ftO ft& O O ____0:00?35.00 00^4000 OTPO:'
Video S D ra g m e d ia h ere

Importing Videos, Pictures, Audio or Music

To start creating your first movie or slide show, you must make an
import. Follow the steps below:

1. Select the appropriate link in the Tasks pane under Import to

import video, pictures, audio or music into the movie maker.

Here are the list of file formats which is accepted by movie maker:

Video files: .asf, .avi, .dvr-ms, .mlv, ,mp2, .mp2v, .mpe, .mpeg, .mpg,
.mpv2, .wm, and .wmv

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Audio files: .aif, .aifc, .aiff .asf, .au, .mp2, .mp3, .mpa, .snd, .wav, and

Picture files: .bmp, .dib, .emf, .gif, .jfif, .jpe, .jPe9r 0P9/ -Png, -tif, .tiff,
and .wmf

2. Navigate on the file and then click Import. It will take you a little
longer to import depending on the file size. The clips will be displayed
in the Contents pane and ready for editing.

Editing Clips

Once you are done importing, these items can be dragged from the
Contents pane into either the storyboard or timeline to begin the creation
of your project. Pictures and videos can be dragged into the storyboard
(as shown below).

Windows Movie Mater

| j f Im p o rt M e d ia *'}■ j p t A u to M o v ie 0 Publish M o v ie

1asks S Im ported media

fr o m d ig ita l v id e o c a m era
V ideos
A u d io or M u sic

11718, 4720369208362,. 12395,4720353368091.

Im p o rte d m e d ia
Trttes and credits

This c o m p u te r
21213 , 4738866150774 ,... ^1320 4 ‘ 15 15
Recordable C D
! 4771/831.
E-m ait
D igital v ideo cam era


2 1 3 2 0 ,4 7 2 ^ 3 6 8 1 1 6 ,1 5
11718,47. 21213,47.,

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Audio or music can be dragged into the timeline (as shown below).

- - H ffB H
a iw lw ■

File Edit V iew Tools C lip Play H elp

; Im p o rt M e d ia * l:} *5$ A u to M o v ie @ Publish M o v ie

A Thousand Mies - Sab-ma {I Lowe Acoustic)

Tasks ry # j| ,8 N e w Folder

import «“---- ---- — - — *4>*-----

From d igital v id e o cam era
A u d io or M u sic i
"edit — ---- :-----------
Sabrina (I to
A T h o u a n d M iles -
vi A coustic)
Im p o rte d m edia
Titles and credits

Publish to ----------------— ------------

This c o m p u te r
A T h o u la n d Miles -
R ecordable CD
Sabrina ( llo v e Acoustic)
E-m ar! I
D igital v id e o cam era I
II 'r** i Split

>0.00 ' O H ^lO .Q cT 0:00:15.00 ~ Q :0 0 S ).Q 0 " [.25.00 '1Y'f t g .... ~ft 5ft5o5 o ftO M lOO ftQft'saOQ MX

V id eo 0

To cut some time from the clip, select the clip and click the half
triangle at the right side of the clip, and then you can move how long
you want the scene. This is the process of trimming. For instance,
the figure below shows how the audio clip is being trimmed.

jo&oo 0 t0 0 t0 5 i» oiooi'io.ob oloft'is.dd p p G .0 G 0:00:25.00

H f t M B K 11718 472... m H H 1 B 9 & .U I1 21213'473... H B H W indow s...

H w i ^ I n H I - ! ■ \ r
! A Thousand Miles - Sabrina (I Love Acoustic) A Thousand ISliles - Sabrina (I Love Acoustic) ,
A u d io /M u s k
......... L - -

| Title Overlay

You can also do the trimming with pictures and video clips in the
ICT a n d En t r e p r e n e u r s h ip 6

To add effects, click Effects in the Tasks pane. Drag the effect down
to the star in the corner of the clip where you want to add the effect

Wtndows M o w e M ake r
Fife Edit View Tool's Clip Play Help

§§f Im port Media 0 Publish M ovie

' ! . □ Effects

From digital video earners

Audio or-Music

This c o m p u te r ^
Brightness, Decrease Brightness, Increase
E-mat! t
Digital v i c ^ camera

/ /
I f ! Split

S to ry b ^ rd ’ M ►


To add transitions, click Transitions in the Tasks pane. Drag the

transition down to the middle box where you want to add the
transition to.

File Edit View Tools Clip Play Help
" ' " .............1
§ | Im port M edia * 4 ; Auto M o , j§*i Publish M ovie

(I Tasks ! iMJ ] ! L J Transitions v ▼ :ttss,M ai:lap e f# i

From digrtai video cam era

A udio or M u s k
f Bars, Horizontal

Im ported m e d ia ......................

Titles and aedrij§§

Th!s com puter Bars, H ^ o n ta l

B o w Tie; Horizontal Bow Tie, Vertical
Recordable CD /
E-m ail ?
Digital video earner^
Storyboard ▼ I < 4 ►
/ /

m m
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ICT and E n tre p re n e u rs h ip 6

• To make titles and credits, click Titles and credits in the Tasks
pane. Select the appropriate link that describes where you want to
add the title and then follow the instructions.

» i : " s s s is a - m m \
|. Fite Edit View Toots Clip Play Mefp [

fc | j j import Media * .> ,, Auto Mo-. jf$ Pubfisl H i

W here do you w ant to add a title? W here do you i
ffitie at the beatnnmd ffitie at the beoij

1 Title before the selected c6d ! Title before the 1

f Title overlay on the selected dip ' Title overlay on I,

I Credits at the end Credits at the.erj

(| Cancel Cancel

... ......„..^ ........
File Edit View Tools Clip Play Help

§§| Import Media AutoMovie tj U k M f l

W here do you want to add a title 7

# You can play your movie anytime and view it in the Preview

To adjust the volume of the audio clip, right-click the desired clip
and select Volume. Audio Clip Volume dialog box will appear. Drag
the slider to decrease or increase the volumeand then click OK.

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■..... - .....— ....... ..... ............ ...................... .... - ■ ....'1 *1

Audio Clip Volume 13

Adjust volum e level

l i ■ ! 1 ? ! 1 1 i I 1 1' { ii 1 i S

1 CI3 Mute clip


Adding a Narration

Narration is an additional element which you can add to your project.

Just make sure that your microphone on your headset is available and
working properly. To add a narration, do the following:

1. Click Tools menu.

2. Select Narrate Timeline.

■ Titles and Credits.. . Titles and Credits...

*f mam ime
’! §jjj| Effects
0 Effecte
~ r j G fj Transitions j T ra n s itio n s
C reate Clips 1 C reate Cfsps
f .stic| Take Picture from Preview... Take Picture from Prevte
£ Narrate T imeUn e... £ N a rrate Timeiin e...
tj Audio Levels... | t i Audio Levels...

Options... J Options..,

idd n a rra tio n 1

W §

AutoMovie..* AutoMovie...
Titles and Credits... Titles and Credits...

| Effects im
io Effects
! Transitions Transitions
C reate Clips - ...... .......

Take Picture from Preview...

Narrate Trmefin*...
.•"'^■«di,o Levels...

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3. From the Narrate Timeline window, select Start Narration and

the program will begin recording.

To stop the process simply select Stop Narration.

4. Once stopped or finished, save your narration.

5. Click Done and the audio will be inserted into the timeline.

Saving the Project

If you wish to stop creating the movie and continue making finer
edits later on, then save your project using these steps:

1. Click File.
2. Click Save Project As. Select the folder where you would like to
save the project.
3. Click Save.

Publishing the Movie

If your are done with the project, then it's time to publish your
movie. To publish the movie to your computer, do the following:

1. Click This computer in the Tasks pane. Publish Movie dialog box will
appear as shown below.
ICT a n d En t r e p r e n e u r s h ip fi

Name the movie you are publishing

Fite nam e: jI

Publish to; ;
.1 My Videos v ) | Browse... J

Nod J Cancel

2. Name your movie and select the desired location in your computer.
3. Click Next.

& It is recommended that you save your project as an A VI file if you

are publishing the movie to a recordable CD/DVD.

4. Click Publish.

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Activity 6.2

Product in the Making

Let's talk and learn!

Make a preliminary plan of your first movie titled "fProduct/Service

Name) in the Making" in the Windows Movie Maker. Think of the things
that you want to include in your first movie.

Let's do this!

Implement the preliminary plan you have just laid out for your first
movie. Insert actual pictures of vour product or service. The scoring rubric
for your output is given on the next page.
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Rubric for Grading the Movie

• Content

1 2 3 4 5

The content o f the movie should cover a detailed and important

information about the product or service.

• Organization

1 2 3 4 5

The movie should have a well-organized content.

• Use of Media

1 2 3 4 5

Relevant pictures,■ audio and video are used to enhance the


• Spelling, Grammar, Mechanics

1 2 3 4 5

A ll the words should be correctly spelled and uses the correct

sentence structure.

• Overall Movie

1 2 3 4 5

The movie must be entertaining and informative.

Total Points:

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