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Name’s of group members :

1. Muhammad Nuafal Zain

2. Emi Saputri Handayani
3. Wike Kurnianingsih
4. Rachma Dewi Saraswati
5. Atika Fajrin Ayuningtyas
6. Niken Anggraini Sri Saputri
7. Kurnia Dewi Saputri
8. Silvester Harda Prist

This morning, in the Alamanda ward Sleman hospital will be carried out by a night shift nurse on
the morning shift nurse. The night shift nurse is played by Ns. Emi, Ns. Wike, Ns. Rachma, while
the morning shift nurse is played by Ns. Atika, Ns Kurnia, Ns. Niken, Ns. Prist with kars Ns. Zain
with 2 patients.

All morning shift and night shift nurses and cards gather at the nurse station to pass the watch at
07.00 WIB.
Ns. Zain : “Assalamualaikum wr. wb. Good morning my teamwork.
Before the operand starts, let's open the operand watch this morning by reading the
basmalah together (bismillahhirrohmanirrahim). For all night teams, I invite you to
give a guard to the team leader and nurse who is in the morning shift”
Ns. Emi : “Assalamualaikum, Thank you for the opportunity. I will convey the general
situation of 2 patients today”
1. Mr. Lutfi (22) diagnosed with Post craniotomy H1, treated with fluids given RL 30
tpm, R5 30 tpm
2. Mr. Fian (35) with a diagnosis of CHF, Applied the same medication, the infusion
was not installed yet, if it was installed, enter RL 15 tpm, Aminofusin
Ns. Wike : “Sorry for Ns Emi, additional for further action plans, please follow-up for the next
shift put the IV for Mrs. Fian”
Ns. Rachma : “Yes, Ns. Emi”
Ns. Atika : “Based on the Ns. Emi said that this morning there were 2 patients diagnosed with
Post craniotomy H1 and CHF. Nursing actions that will be carried out for nurses this
morning follow-up for the next shift the IV for Mrs. Fian”
Ns.Niken : “Yes, Ns. Atika”

After all nurses do handover assignments at the nurse station, Ns. Emi leads all nurses around each
Ns Emi : “Goodmorning. Mr. Lutfi (22) diagnosed with Post craniotomy H1, treated with
fluids given RL 30 tpm, R5 30 tpm. Change shift, Mr. This morning there are Ns.
Atika, NS. Niken, ns. Kurnia and Ns. Prist”
Ns. Niken : “Patient mr. what kind of complaint?”
Mr. Lutfi : “my head hurts so much the nurse”
Ns Niken : “Yes sir, I'll give you medicine to reduce your pain”
Ns. Prist : “Morning sir, what did you feel this morning ??”
Mr. Fian : “morning nurse, this morning my condition was quite good, but this morning I had
not received an injection”
Ns. Kurnia : “yes sir, you haven't received an injection because the infusion is released, so later it
will be installed first and then given an injection”

After doing the nursing round, all the nurses go back to the nurse station.
Ns. Atika : “Okay, my work team this morning, I will divide the assignment. For Ns. Niken
please follow up on Mr. Lutfi yes, covers the initial action until the operand watch
later this afternoon. For Ns. Prist please install the infusion Mr. Fian and don't forget
to give the medicine according to the doctor's therapy. And for Ns. Kurnia please
check the patient's medical record again, if it's done, you can help Ns. Niken dan Ns.
Ns. Zain : “okay, the morning operand is over. I thank the night shift shift operants who have
worked optimally. Before we close, we read hamdalah together (Alhamdulillah),
hopefully the ones who keep the night go home safely to home and meet with their
families, and those who guard in the morning hope that they will run smoothly
without any obstacles. Amiin”

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