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PSA director letter for website

2 families who lost children to drowning on the same day, come together for PSAs on prevention this
pool season

Two families, living many states apart, each lost a toddler to drowning on the same day in 2018. Now
they have joined in an effort to protect other children, and prevent more deaths from drowning. In
these emotional testimonials, Olympic skier Bode Miller and his wife Morgan share what happened to
their daughter Emmy – and their urgent call to action for other families. Nicole Hughes, a teacher and
mom from Tennessee, talks about the day her 3-year-old son Levi drowned in a pool on vacation, and
what she wishes she knew then.

As we head into summer and peak pool season, these two families are working with the American
Academy of Pediatrics to increase the sense of urgency around drowning.

Drowning is the No. 1 cause of injury-related death among children ages 1-4, and a leading cause of
death among teens. Drowning can happen to any family, and it’s quick, and it’s silent. Nearly 1,000
children and teens drown every year in the U.S. Often, children drown when it’s not swim time, and
when they are not expected to be near the water.

Drowning is also preventable! Families and communities can work together to implement solutions we
know can keep children safe.

You can help. Please air these PSAs to help families understand how fast – and how often – drowning
happens. Join these families and the American Academy of Pediatrics in our campaign to protect
children this summer and all year long.

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