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“And just for quoting or acting on these numbers, these scientific facts, we receive

unimaginable amounts of hate and threats. We are being mocked and lied about by
members of parliament and journalists,” she added.
– ‘Saying the world is finished’ –
The activist was invited by 162 MPs from a cross-party group concerned about
climate change called “Let’s Accelerate”.
But many conservative figures on the French right have criticised the invitation,
dismissing her as a “prophetess in shorts” and the “Justin Bieber of ecology” and
refused to attend the speech.
Republicans MP Guillaume Larrive called on MPs to boycott her appearance, saying
that to fight climate change “what we need is scientific progress and political
courage, not apocalyptic gurus”.
Julien Aubert, like Larrive a Republicans MP contending for leadership of the right-
wing party, snapped: “Don’t count on me to applaud a prophetess in shorts, a Nobel
Prize for Fear.”
Jordan Bardella, an MEP who is one of the rising stars of the far-right National
Rally (RN), told France 2 television that “this dictatorship of perpetual emotion —
all the more when it relies on children — is a new form of totalitarianism”.
Bardella, 23, lashed out at “using children to show a fatalism to try and explain to all
young people that the world is finished, that everything is going to catch fire and
that nothing is possible.”
– ‘We are just children’ –
Thunberg insisted that the politicians had the right to stay away from her speech
but could no longer ignore the stark scientific truths.
“Some people have chosen not to come here today, some have chosen not to listen
to us. And that is fine. We are, after all, just children!” said Thunberg, who was later
due to be a guest in the main chamber.
“You don’t have to listen to us. but you do have to listen to the science… and that is
all we ask, to unite behind the science.”
Thunberg, who on her Twitter feed describes herself as a “16 year old climate
activist with Asperger” has long been the target of vicious attacks by social media
trolls. But it is rare for politicians to join the fray.
“It is sad people are so desperate that they make things up,” she told French youth
news site Konbini ahead of her visit to parliament.
The criticism was also met with dismay by Green MPs and some from President
Emmanuel Macron’s Republic on the Move (LREM) majority.
“Larrive and Aubert are playing an internal game on the back of the battle against
climate change,” said Delphine Batho, head of the Generation Ecology party.
Her appearance came as France again swelters in a new heatwave with record high
temperatures expected in Paris on Thursday.

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