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Engineering Costsand ProductionEconomics, 33 ( 1987) 55-63

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands

Centre for ApplicationsSoftware and Technology (CAST), University of Edinburgh, I Roxburgh Street, Edinburgh EH$ gTA

Department of Management Sciences, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (lJMlST1, P.Q. BOX 88,
Manchester M60 100 (United Kingdom)

This paper outlines a computer-aidedinter- Actual weight and time data for around 200
activeprocess planning and estimating system castings were compared withthat estimatedby
for use in a jobing foundry. The focus of the sys- the system. The averagevariationon weightand
tem is estimatingcasting and core weight,and time were 5. I % and 6.0%for castingsand 6.1%
manufacturing time and cost in the moulding, and 7.0% for cores respectively. When com-
core-making and dressing departments. The pared withthe manual method, the averageper-
system is comprised of six modules and has a centage savingin time to produce an estimation
feed-back loop whichcan be usedfor comparing and planning sheet was86.0%. In addition,the
the actualand estimatedweightsand times, and planning sheet produced by the system is more
automaticallyupdating the current man-hours consistentand complete than those derived by
per tonne in the moulding, core-making and manual means.
dressing departments. To test the industrial
applicabilityof the system, datafrom bothfer-
rous and non-ferrousfoundries have been used.

n computerise? ebti-
Against this back-
the point that the

the complexity of factors involved in the plan-

ning and esiimating process. These and other
reasons arc discussed in some detail by numer-
ous authors including Seman [ 41, Watts [ $61,
Trinder and Moss [ 71 and Corbett [ 81. It is
also interesting to report that literature sur-
veys by Ajmal [ 91, Knight [ 10,111, bibliogra-
phies produced by the British Nuclear Fuel
[ 121, and the Institution of Production Engi-
neers [ 131 indicate that little has been pub- Module 5 I

lished concerning the application of computer-

aided techniques for estimating and process

Fig. 1. The modules of the process planning and estimating

planning in a foundry environment. *
Whilst there are a number of commercially
available packages (e.g. Baker Perkins [ 141,
[ 171, FORUM [ 181 and NOVACAST [ 191)
kilogram up to 30 tonnes. The average weight
for cost and weight estimation, they have a of casting produced is around 155 tonnes per
number of limitations, including: week. The system, although developed in con-
no facility for estimating the manufacturing junction with Company A, was designed as a
times in moulding, core-making and dress- general purpose model, and can be modified
ing departments; with little alteration to suit most jobing foun-
no automatic mechanism in such packages dries. The system was also tested with castings
to compare the estimated against actual from a non-ferrous foundry (Company
weights and times in order to improve the which specialises in the production of non-fer-
performance and efficiency of the system; rous castings for valves and fittings.
lack of flexibility in handling direrent grades
of material for casting, coremaking and
moulding; and
there is often no measure of any production
parameters (e.g. sand to metal ratio, yield The system has been organised in an inte-
ratio, etc. ) . grated modular format as shown in Fig. 1. Fig-
This paper outlines a simple-to-use interac- ure 2 illustrates a schematic view of the system.
tive computer-aide There are a number of sub-routines in each of
the six modules, every one of which has a spe-
cific function. In addition to functional sub-
accessing information
routines also for



Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the computer-aided process planning and estimating system for use in a jobbing foundry.

weight of casting, core-making and moulding cost esti tie

material. It also determines the sand to metal
ratio. Any casting can be broken down into a This module is used to estimate the times
series of simple shapes. Once the dimensions and direct costs in moulding, core-making and
of the shape elements have een defined, the dressing departments in the foundry on the
volume and hence the weight may be calcu- basis of man-hours per tonne of casting. This
lated. The mathematical formulae for 22 dif- is an average value based on the tonnage of
ferent shape codes are contained in the current castings produced in a particular casting bay
module these may be mended, deleted or over a period of time. In large jobbing foun-
added to actor es of castings are produced in
determine the weight, the volume and density the foundry, called castings
of the material is required. The c odule makes e, Company A has three cast-

ning engineer has determined the casting

wc:ight,they then identify the casting bay where could be drawn only to those items which
the casting is going to be produced, and all the deviate from the plan and estimate. T
necessary information is retrieved for estimat- ule of the system may be used to:
ing the labour time in moulding, core-making input the actual weights of casting, core-
and dressing departments. Having established making and moulding material;
the manufacturing time, the labour cost can be input the actual times in moulding, core-
determined by retrieving the appropriate cost making and dressing departments; and
rate for each work entre. Similarly, the casting, estimate the current man-hou
core-making and moulding material cos moulding core-making and dressing
determined. departments.
The module has also the facility for compar-
nical a ing the following:
estimated and actual weights of casting, core-
This may be used for the management of the making and moulding; and
database. It offers retrieval, amendment and
estimated and actual times in moulding,
editing records from the data base and prints
core-making and dressing departments.
out summaries in the format required. The
module has five major types of date file:
material specifications;
methods and time standards;
actual estimation and process planning;
current estimation and process planning;
In any manufacturing organisation it is nec-
essary to keep records of estimates and process
casting bay code.
plans. This module contains two main archives.
One for recording and storing information on
the estimated values of castings and the other
for recording the actual casting data. The
The module may be used to estimate the
density and cost per unit weight ofa composi- structure and information contained in them
tion of casting material, core mixture or a mix- are almost identical. The module of the system
ture ofmoulding sa . Any one of the following rovides facilities for comparing the actual and
options may be us the estimated values and can also be used in
combination by percentage by vol
combination by pert
combination in any for the Commo-

software on othe

ercentage variatio (o/o) between actual and estimated Percentage variations (%) between actual and estimated times
casting and core wei in moulding, core-making and dressing departments
Company Casting bay Type Percentage variations (016) Company Casting Type Percentage variations (
in weight bay
Moulding Core-making Dressing
Casting Core-making
1 2.0 2.7 2.4
1 2.2 3.7 Small 2 4.7 3.3 6.0
Small 2 3.4 4.5 3 6.0 5.2 6.2
3 5.2 6.5
Small/ 1 6.3 3.2 6.3
Small/ 1 6.4 3.4 medium 2 6.6 9.7 7.8
medium 2 6.3 5.7
1 3.7 3.9 4.0
1 3.4 4.4 Large 2 9.1 11.3 10.4
Large 2 6.8 10.9 3 9.2 11.5 12.3
3 7.5 11.1
9.8 12.5 12.5
9.0 10.1

the range of percentage variations between

actual and estimated weights of castings and
cores and times in moulding, core-makng and
dressing departments. It is observed that the
The system was used to test more than 200 closeness of fit between estimated and actual
ferrous and non-ferrous castings at the two col- weights and times decreases as the casting and
laborating companies. At Company A they core shapes becomes more complex. Castings
varied from 15 to 815 kg and at Company B of this nature include: gear cases, stuffing box
from 1 to 12 kg. The estimated weights and covers and gear wheels. Some possible reasons
times were compared with those actually for the lack of fit include:
achieved. dificulties in breaking down the profile of
The average variations between the actual the casting and core into a number of regu-
and the estimated weights of castings and cores lar shape codes;
in all the casting bays are illustrated in Table shrinkage in both casting and core material;
1, they ranged from 2.2 to 9.0% and 3.7 to changes in density during the manufactur-
11.1% respectively. ing process, this applies, in particular, to the
The average variations between the esti- core mixture;
mated and actual es in the moulding, core- the existence of porosity; and
departments for all the
trated in Table 2. The castings with regular and uniform shapes

tion of moulding time.

Figures 3 (a) and 3 (b) show for Company A



8 00


1 3


pany’s business and manufacturing strategy from a handbook or reference manual obtain
to tender at a low rince in a bid to obtain the necessary formulae and equations for the
usiness just to re ver overhead costs), a s identified and the appropriate
correction fator could then be selected within material specification (e.g. density and
this range and used by the planning engineers cost );
when estimating the weight of a casting to be calculate the volume of individual segments
manufactured in this particular casting bay. and add them together;
LJsing the feed-back loop facility> information estimate the weight of casting and core;
along the lines of that illustrated in Fig. 3 could estimate the time in moulding, core-making
subsequently be incorporated into the system. and dressing departments;
check for any inaccuracy in calculation; and
file the estimation and planning sheet for
future reference.
When using the computer-aided system it is
possible to calculate the volume and weight of
the casting, core and moulding from a techni-
cal drawing by selecting dimensions and shapes
The process of manually estimating the and then knowing the weight, the estimated
weight of casting and production time in manufacturing time in the moulding, core-
moulding, core-making and dressing depart- making and dressing departments. This will
ments requires a considerable amount of expe- also enable a planning engineer to produce an
rience. Furthermore, it is also tedious, time estimation and planning sheet quickly and with
consuming, prone to error and often inconsist- a minimum of routine work. Further benefits
ent (i.e. two planning engineers will probably, include: consistent results, a permanent printed
unless the casting is simple, arrive at a differ- record of all calculations computer data stor-
ent manufacturing method, process route and age with the facility t mend and delete, and
time for the same casting). The result is a pro- instant data retrieval. owever, simplification
liferation of different estimates. It is interest- and speeding up to calculations, represents only
ing to report that in Company A (where the one part of computerisation, perhaps the real
bulk of the system development work has been benefit being the effective use of a planning
carried out) there is no formal feedback of engineer’s time and the availability of a data-
information from the production department base against which performance can be moni-
to the planning engineers. If such a facility was tored, The system also has the facility to
in place, this would assist with the analysis of
any deviation and thus

n order to arrive at a weight and time esti-

Fig. 3(a). Percentage variations between estimated and actual weights.

Fig. 3(b). Percentage variations between estimated and actual time.
TABLE 3 the manufacturing time in the moulding,
percentage saving in planning and estimating time in each
core-making and dressing departments can
casting bay be estimated on the basis of man-hours per
tonne of casting produced;
Company Casting bay Type Percentage saving in
by using the feed-back loop, the system offers
planning time (o/o)
the facility for comparing the actual and
1 76.00 estimated weights of casting and core and
Small 2 82.00
3 82.50 manufacturing times in the moulding, core-
Small/ 1 83.00
making and dressing dcyartments. It is also
medium 2 87.00 possible to build a correction factor into the
1 87.00 system to cater for any variation between the
Large 2 90.00 estimated and actual weight &ridtime ofboth
3 89.00 casting and core;
79.00 an archive containing all the major infor-
mation on a particular casting can be used
for tender or quotation purposes;
took from 11 to 19 minutes. The total com- the system contains all the necessary for-
puter-aided estimation and process planning mulae and mathematical equations for 22
time for each casting arises from three differ- different shape codes with the option to add,
ent operations: the time taken to understand delete or modify a shape code;
the technical drawing, time to prepare the data it provides the planning engineer with a cal-
for the computer and the time elapsed for put- culator module which determines the den-
ting the data into the system. The percentage sity and cost per tonne of a casting alloy or
saving in process planning and estimation time a mixture of core-making or moulding
for each casting bay is summarised in Table 3 material; and
and ranges from 76 to 90% in Company A and the system can be used for both the ferrous
averages 79% in Company IX and non-ferrous foundries and for metric
and imperial units.
During the development process considera-
ble attention was paid to design of the
man-machine interface. The following fea-
tures were identified as important by Ajmal [ 91
A survey of the literature has indicated that and the foundry managers and planning engi-
little has been published concerning the appli- neers at Company A:
cation of computer-aided systems for process ctive in operation;
planning and estimating for use in a jobbing
foundry. Application of computers in foun-
dries for estimating the weight of castings a, tive instructions for the
cores is not new and there are a number user.
Attention to such detail h
of de tonstrations were

The use of the system is limited to estimat- 7 Trinder, C.V. and Moss, P. (1984). Real time systems
for foundry production control. The British Foundry-
ing weight of casting, core and time in the man, 77( 10): 429-435.
moulding, core-making and dressing depart- 8 Corbett, C.F. (1983). Methods of casting using a micro-
ments. In order to make it a totally integrated computer. The British Foundryman, 76( 6): 117; 1118.
9 Ajmal, A. (1986). The development of a micro-com-
system, its application needs to be extended to puter-aided interactive process planning and estimating
other areas of the foundry such as pattern system for USCin a jobbing foundry. Ph.D. thesis, Dept.
making, pouring, and melting. Since the sys- Manage. Sci., UMIST, Manchester, U.K.
tem developed is modular in structure, total or 10 Knight, C.F. (1967). Computer technology in foundry
management. Modern Casting, 54( 9): 1O-14.
partial integration can easily be achieved by 11 Knight, C.F. (1970). Use of computers in new foundry
adding new modules. planning. Proc. 74th Annual meeting, Trans. Amer.
Foundrymans Sot., (April 6-8 ), pp. 297-305.
12 Anonymous (1982). Bibliography of the application of
computers in the foundry 1963-1979. British Nuclear
Fuels Metals Technology Centre, Publication Number
MP 592, (Nov.), pp. I-10.
The authors wish to thank Professor FL
13 Anonymous (1984). Foundry practice - a select bibli-
Crossley for his suggestions which led to the ography. Library and information services committee,
development of Fig. 3 (a) and 3 (b) c Prod. Eng. Res. Assoc., Inst. Prod. Eng. UK, (October),
p. 1-21.
14 Anonymous ( 1982). Foundry computer production
control system. Baker Perins Ltd, Peterborough, UK,
(March), pp. 1-19.
Ajmal, A. and Dale, B. ( 1986). A microcomputer-aided 15 Anonymous ( 1983). BCIRA micro-computer pro-
interactive process planning and estimatinng system for grams. BCIRA, Alvechurch, Birmingham, UK, pp. l- 14.
use in a jobbing foundry. Proc. the First National Conf. 16 Anonymous ( 1984). GATEWAY-locking, gating, ther-
on Production Research, Kogan Page, pp. 49 l-502. mal design system for diecasting- weight and cost esti-
Simon, G.L. (1982). Computers in Engineering and mating programs for casting. BNF Metals Technology
Manufacture. NCC Publications, Manchester, U.K. Centre, Oford, UK, (July), pp. l-4.
Diggles, A.P. (1982). Computer and foundry manage- 17 Anonymous ( 1985 ). At last foundry production control
ment. Foundry Trade J., 152( 9): 3 14-3 18. at micro-computer prices. Dewtec Computer Systems
Seman, N.G. (198 1). Foundries are closing the com- Ltd., (Jne), pp. l-14,
puter-software gap, Foundry Manage. Technol., 109( 9): 18 Anonymous ( 1982 ). The foundry resource management
26-37. system (FORUM). Management Information Services
Watts, G.A. (1978). Computer-aided production con- Ltd., Surrey, UK., (March), pp. l-21l

trol in the foundry - how to avoid burning your fingers. 19 Anonymous (1985). New software system for foundry.
Foundry Trade J., 148( 10: 339-342. The British Foundryman, 78( 2): 54-57.
Watts, G.A. (1979). Impacts of computer on the foundry
industry. The British Foundryman ( Spe-
cial)Supplement ), 7 1( 1): 70-74.

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