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Exercise Technique

The Exercise Technique Column provides detailed

explanations of proper exercise technique to optimize
performance and safety.



Technique, Variation,
and Progression of the
Split Squat
Kevin McCurdy, PhD
Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas

ABSTRACT Although all these exercises include be used to increase the loads for lifters
flexion and extension predominantly at various levels of experience.
in the sagittal plane, the narrow base Because of the level of instability present,
common to these exercises introduces the exercise can be used for joint stabi-
the demand for frontal plane control. lization; however, the RFESS can be
The anterior-posterior stance also in- included in the program design as a core
cludes rotation in the hips that occurs exercise similar to the emphasis placed
in the transverse plane. Unique to the on other types of traditional, multijoint,
RFESS is significantly reducing the
SPORT PERFORMANCE, AND lower-body exercises. Strength assess-
support of the load on the trail leg
INCREASED MUSCLE SIZE AND ment can take place using 1 repetition
by placing the top of the foot on
STRENGTH. WITH AN ANTERIOR- maximum (1RM) loads as well as rep
a raised supporting device. The lead
POSTERIOR STANCE, THE EXER- tests using various RM loads (5). For
leg has been shown to support
CISE IS PERFORMED PRIMARILY those without previous training using
approximately 85% of the load (6),
UNILATERALLY. the RFESS but have resistance training
which is greater than the split squat
experience, a practice session and pretest
and lunge (75%) (4). Many modifica-
is suggested before a final assessment of
tions of the exercise can be performed
INTRODUCTION to fit the beginner to advanced lifters. strength to eliminate any possible learn-
he rear-foot-elevated split squat ing effect. Heavy relative loads recom-

With added support from the trail leg,
(RFESS) is similar to the the exercise can be used as a progres- mended to increase strength during
single-leg squat, lunge, and sion before the single-leg squat when training can also be used (5).
split squat but also varies from each. the exercise is performed with just the Although most ground reaction forces
Address correspondence to Dr. Kevin bodyweight or light dumbbells. This in sport are produced from a unilateral
McCurdy, added support of the trail leg can also stance, the RFESS can be used for

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Exercise Technique

improvement in a wide variety of sports. sides and 1 positioned behind the  Maintain a near vertical torso in
Acceleration, deceleration, change of lifter. With dumbbells and lighter the starting position and through-
direction, sprinting at top speed, and loads, spotters may not be necessary. out the movement. A forward lean
jump performance all require stability  After placing the bar on the should- (hip flexion), similar to the bilateral
of the lower extremity joints under ers or dumbbells in the hand, place squat, is difficult to control with
loaded conditions to produce forces the lead leg toe line on the mark then the split stance and rear foot
through the kinetic chain for efficient take a split squat stance with the trail elevated.
movement. The RFESS particularly leg just in front of the support device  Keep the weight of the lead foot dis-
trains the hip to support the upper body and the foot still on the floor. While tributed in the middle of the foot or
while also controlling the knee position shifting the weight toward the lead near the heel.
in the unilateral stance. foot, place the top of the trail foot on  The bar should track in a vertical
the support pad. line during the descending and
MUSCLES INVOLVED  Positioning the trail ankle in slight to ascending phases. Instruct the lifter
The hip (gluteus maximus and ham- complete plantar flexion reduces to sit straight down to improve
strings) and knee extensors (quadri- instability of the exercise. bar path.
ceps) are active in the sagittal plane  Contact between the trail foot and  The lead knee should track in line
(6). For frontal plane control and pre- support device should be on the with the foot that is pointed forward.
vention of a lateral pelvic tilt, the hip metatarsals or the metatarsophalan-  Bring the trail knee down until
abductors are required (gluteus med- geal joint. it touches a 1-2-inch foam pad
ius, gluteus minimus, and tensor fas-  The stance width between the lead placed on the floor.
cia latte) (6). Internal and external hip and trail foot should be approxi-  Complete the repetitions in the set
rotators maintain the degree of exter- mately hip width. before switching legs.
nal rotation of the lead hip and inter-
nal rotation of the trail hip. The
reduced base of support also activates
the plantar flexors (gastrocnemius
and soleus), inverters (anterior and
posterior tibialis), and everters (per-
oneals). The active trunk muscula-
ture includes primarily the obliques
and extensors (erector spinae and

 Place a mark on the floor to position
the lead toe line.
 The distance from the lead foot toe
line to the trail foot support is
approximately the length of the iliac
crest to the floor.
 Without added load, practice the
RFESS to adjust the support box/
bench distance that allows the lead
knee to be positioned directly above
the toe line. Tight hip flexors can
create excessive forward lean of the
torso to reach the pad with the trail
leg, which may require reducing the
distance of the support device.
 The trail leg support can range from
approximately 6 inches to knee height.
 When using a free-weight bar and
heavy relative loads for strength
improvement, the exercise should
be performed inside a squat rack Figure 1. Bottom position using the suspension bands for improved balance and
with spotters positioned on both reduction of the load.


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Copyright ª National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
 Bodyweight holding suspension bands
(Figure 1).
 Smith machine—the stabilized load
significantly reduces muscle activa-
tion in the frontal plane.
 Bodyweight—for untrained lifters,
the weight of the body can provide
an overload.
 Bodyweight split squat.
 Bodyweight with the trail leg sup-
ported with a suspension band
(Figure 2). After placing the trail foot
in the strap, you may need to hold
onto the safety bars to position the
lead leg on the mark.
 Dumbbells with a stable trail leg sup-
port—the dumbbells lower the center
of mass which can improve the sta-
bility of the exercise. The lifter can set
the dumbbells on a bench positioned
on each side and elevated approxi-
mately knee height before performing
the exercise. Once in position with
the trail foot supported, the lifter
Figure 2. Using the suspension band to support the trail leg reduces stability.
can lift the dumbbells to begin.
Dumbbell load can be added. Using a bar on the shoulders is not
 Unequal dumbbell—to increase the
recommended because of the reduced stability.
frontal plane overload on the lead
leg, use a heavier dumbbell on the
trail leg side. A dumbbell could be
used on the trail leg side without
one on the lead leg side to further
increase the lateral pelvic tilt torque.
With dumbbells of equal load held in
each hand, the dumbbell on the lead
leg side counterbalances a portion of
the load creating the lateral pelvic
tilt. For example, a 20-lb dumbbell
held on the trail leg side creates more
frontal plane torque toward that side
than a 20-lb dumbbell held in each
hand. This unilateral load creates
more demand from the hip abduc-
tors and other musculature for fron-
tal plane support (7). Variations of
the load in each hand can be used
to independently control the over-
load in the sagittal and frontal planes
(Figure 3).
 Barbell on the shoulders—progression
of loads can occur for strength train-
ing. Strength improvement has been
found with progression up to 87% of
1RM loads performed for 6 repeti-
tions during short-term training (5). Figure 3. Unequal dumbbell load increases the frontal plane load.

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Copyright ª National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Exercise Technique

The high center of mass increases the

difficulty in maintaining the posture
and in recovering from any angular
motion of the torso due to the
increase in torque (Figure 4); there-
fore, spotters are warranted.

 Lead knee not directly above the
lead toe line (Figure 5). Although it
is acceptable to have the knee
slightly in front of the toe line, a knee
position well behind the toe line with
a vertical tibia places too much load
on the trail leg.
 Excessive torso deviation from ver-
tical (Figure 5). A forward leaning
position is possible with body-
weight but is not recommended
with the bar on the shoulders. Cue
the lifter to stand tall with a verti-
cal torso.
 Inaccurate trail foot support distance
—before adding load, practice the
technique to adjust the distance that
Figure 4. Barbell on the shoulders can be an effective exercise to allow heavy loads to allows a vertical torso and lead knee
be added for maximum strength improvement. directly over the lead toe line.
 Trail foot support height. This can
vary based on leg length and flexibility,
but near knee height is recommended.
 Supporting the ankle/tibia of the
trail leg on the support pad. Allows
for more weight to be distributed to
the trail leg. The lifter can shift more
load to the trail leg resulting in the
bar tracking posterior from vertical.
 Neutral or dorsiflexion in the trail
ankle resulting in contacting the sup-
port device on the tip of the toes
(Figure 5). A plantar-flexed position
improves the stability of trail leg
 Excessive hip adduction/lateral pel-
vic tilt, which makes it difficult to
control the resistance in the frontal
plane (Figure 6).
 Increased knee valgus (Figure 6).
 Stance not hip width—a trail foot
positioned directly in line with the
front foot may be difficult to control
the load in the frontal plane leading
to increased lateral pelvic tilt.

Figure 5. Errors include excessive anterior knee translation and trunk lean and toe The RFESS has the potential to
contact in a neutral ankle position in the trail leg. reduce the risk of hip and knee injuries.


Copyright ª National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Copyright ª National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
strength of the lower body while achiev-
ing sport specificity. Although the exer-
cise includes some degree of instability,
loads recommended for improved mus-
cle mass, strength, and power can be
used to provide the necessary overload.
To obtain maximum benefits, following
proper technique and progression guide-
lines is essential during training with
the RFESS.
Conflicts of Interest and Source of
Funding: The author reports no conflicts
of interest and no source of funding.

Kevin McCurdy is a Professor of Exer-

cise and Sport Science in the Department
of Health and Human Performance at
Texas State University.

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Copyright ª National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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