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Case Study: Application of Slow Deep Breathing Against Oxygen Saturation and Respiratory Frequency in
Asthma Patients on Emergency Room at RSUD KRMT Wongsonegoro Semarang

Ika Dwi Rachmawati1, Sudirman2, Heri Irawanto3

Student of the Professional Study Program at the Health Ministry Polytechnic of Semarang

Lecturer in Nursing Department of Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Semarang

Nurse of RSUD K.M.R.T. Wongsonegoro Semarang

Correspondent: ikadwirachmawati @

Background - Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airway and is still a health problem
throughout the world. Complaints in asthma are shortness of breath which affects oxygen saturation and
respiratory frequency. Non-pharmacological therapy that can be done is by slow deep breathing

The purpose of this study was to determine oxygen saturation and respiratory frequency before and
after being given a slow deep breathing technique at the emergency room at the RSUD K.M.R.T.
Wongsonegoro Semarang

The methods used are case studies with pretest and posttest

The results of case studies obtained an average oxygen saturation pretest of 92% and respiratory
frequency of 31 x / minute. While the average posttest oxygen saturation was 96% and respiratory
frequency was 25 x / minute.

Discussion-Doing slow deep breathing for 15-20 minutes will maximize pulmonary ventilation, causing
vital lung capacity to increase and the oxygen diffusion process to be more optimal.

Conclusions - Conclusions from this case study are slow deep breathing giving changes to oxygen
saturation and respiratory frequency

Keywords: Asthma, Respiratory Frequency, Oxygen Saturation, Slow deep breathing

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