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Government Polytechnic Ahmedabad

Computer Engineering Department

Assignment 1- 2

Answer the following .(These questions can be asked in 2 marks)

1. List the data type available in VB.NET
2. Explain any two type conversion function with example.
3. Write syntax to declare array of 10 elements.
4. Write a code to display Message Box with three buttons YES ,NO and Help.
5. Write code to read one Integer value from user and print that in message box.
6. Differentiate these two logical operators ‘And’ and ‘AndAlso’

7. What is the type and function of these two operators: / , \

8. Write and explain syntax of MessageBox
9. Explain Namespace in brief.
10. List types of Operators.
11. What is the difference between variable and constant.
12. Explain I) visible ii) Auto size iii) Enable Properties.
13. Differentiate Between radio button and checkbox.
14. Define Properties and Methods.
15. What is the difference between Managed code and unmanaged code?
16. What is the difference between sub procedure and function?

Answer the following (These questions can be asked in 3 to 4 marks.)

1. Differentiate between procedure oriented and event driven programming language.
2. Differentiate between object oriented and event driven programming language.
3. Describe Button control with proper example.
4. Describe TextBox control with proper example.
5. Explain all the variations of Do .. Loop. Explain all loops with the same program to add
numbers between 1 and 10.
6. Draw and explain .NET Architecture.
7. List out the component of .net framework and Explain CLR in detail
8. List out types of array?? Explain Dynamic array with example
9. Explain event-driven programming approach.
10. Describe Masked Text Box control.
11. Write a program to select a month from a combobox and display number of days in that
12. Write a program to change the background color of form using three radio buttons named
red, green and blue.
13. Explain common language runtime (CLR) environment.
14. Describe various parts of VB.Net IDE.
15. List main properties of form control. Explain any two.
16. List main events of form control. Explain any two.
17. List various data types available. Explain any two with example.
18. List various loops available and explain any one with example.
19. Explain For…Next Loop with proper example.

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