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Effective Peer-Feedback as a
Strategy for Formative Assessment
in Medical Education
Angelika Kuhlmann Lüdeke1

Modern medical education demands an array of new skills and competencies, necessary
for quality patient care, in the always growing complexity of health care services.
Traditional assessment methods have proven inadequate for the formative evaluation
required at the workplace of these domains being incorporated into reforming curricula.
Research by educational experts has shown effective peer feedback to be one of
the adequate instruments to be used for assessment of formative nature. Numerous
advantages of peer feedback have been documented in regard to competencies such
as communication, professional behavior and self-reflection. Care must be taken when
incorporating new educational strategies, developed in settings that differ in social
and cultural contexts. Adaptations might be necessary and are done best if framed
by guidelines derived from research. Collaborative construction of the instrument is
desirable to enhance acceptance. Psychometric aspects of peer feedback have been
demonstrated to be adequate, given enough sampling is provided.

Key words: Formative assessment, peer-feedback, effective feedback.

1 MD, MHPE. Instructor, Department of Morphology, Faculty of Medicine, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana,
Bogotá, Colombia.
Received: 21/06/2015 Reviewed: 22/06/2015 Acepted: 03/08/2015

Angelika Kuhlmann Lüdeke. Effective Peer-Feedback as a Strategy for Formative Assessment in Medical Education

Título: Retroalimentación efectiva entre learning [1,2]. The main goal of higher
pares como estrategia de evaluación education institutions in health profes-
formativa en educación médica sions is to shape competent and reflective
practitioners to provide quality patient
Resumen care. One of the major changes in curri-
culum redesign is the need to teach and
La educación médica actual exige una gama de
nuevas habilidades y competencias, necesarias assess a wide spectrum of competencies
para la atención de alta calidad en salud. Constitu- in the non-cognitive domain, in regard
ye una necesidad moderna, dada la alta compleji- to, for example, behavior, attitude, in-
dad que implican los cuidados de pacientes y que terpersonal skills and communication
se están incorporando en los nuevos currículos.
La evaluación tradicional es inadecuada para exa- skills [3].
minar los aspectos formativos que exigen estos
nuevos dominios. Trabajos de investigación han Traditional assessment instruments
demostrado la retroalimentación efectiva entre have proven to be inadequate for the
pares como una herramienta adecuada para la eva-
evaluation of these personal attributes
luación con fines formativos. Adoptar estrategias
educativas diseñadas para escenarios sociocul- that contribute to professional develo-
turales diferentes al propio requiere un análisis pment of medical students. Introducing
previo, para determinar la necesidad de ajustes. new assessment methods is needed when
Estas modificaciones asegurarán mejores resulta-
redesigning curricula and implementing
dos si se basan en las recomendaciones, producto
de los trabajos de investigación disponibles. La modern instructional approaches that
construcción conjunta del instrumento entre do- seek encouragement of more collabo-
centes y estudiantes ha demostrado lograr mayor rative learning styles [2-4]. These new
aceptación. Numerosos estudios demuestran re-
sultados adecuados de validez y confiabilidad de
tendencies in learning are far more com-
la herramienta, si están provistos de suficiente plex than the traditional, individualistic
muestreo. approach [4]. It is therefore necessary
to consider available instruments el-
Palabras clave: evaluación formativa, retroali-
mentación entre pares, retroalimentación efectiva.
sewhere, with demonstrated benefits in
fostering the acquisition of the complete
Introduction spectrum of competencies required of
future physicians, and determine if they
Worldwide, medical education is ten- can be adopted into programs under-
ding towards innovation in curricula, going educational changes [5].
as consequence of the increasing com-
plexity in the workplace and professio- Institutions must construct solid pro-
nal performance of the health sciences. grams of assessment, which support the
Modern principles of education in me- integrated development and growth of
dical schools aim at promoting student- the learners. These programs must focus
centered, self-directed and collaborative as much on the process as on the pro-

Univ. Méd. ISSN 0041-9095. Bogotá (Colombia), 56 (3): 312-322, julio-septiembre, 2015

duct of learning and experience, whilst an assessed for effective and collabora-
emphasizing the formative benefit of the tive professional competence [16].
assessment situations, rather than being
centered only on the evaluative and sum- For feedback to be effective, it must
mative aspects of the methods [6,7]. be provided in a respectful manner, on an
ongoing basis, as soon as possible after a
directly observed performance; it should
Formative Assessment
be task-oriented, clear and specific, ma-
The formative purpose of assessment is nageable and relevant to the receiver
to guide students in understanding their [17]. Formative assessment strategies
weaknesses in order to improve them, serve their best outcomes when practi-
but also, to identify their strengths in or- ced in various educational activities and
der to further enhance their development settings and by various raters (tutors, cli-
and overall learning [8,9]. Formative nicians, peers, patients, other health-care
components of assessment are as fun- providers and self) [18].
damental as summative ones, especially
Students are expected to contribute
in the form of effective feedback, that
actively to their own educational pro-
has been demonstrated to be conducti-
cess, sharing responsibilities with the
ve to change, professional and personal
staff and their peers in terms of setting
growth and learning [7,8]. This new
criteria, assessing self and others and
dimension of assessment, by means of
providing feedback [6]. This supports a
feedback, helps students monitor their
collaborative educational environment,
own learning process, clarify their goals,
providing reassurance, shaping values,
base their corrective actions, decrease
documenting growth and benchmarking
reliance on self-validation by providing
progress [9,18]. This form of formative
insight to the actual performance as
evaluation must always be accompanied
perceived by others, and enhance their
by specific suggestions for improvement
skills in communication, self-assessment
and be supported by an adequate men-
and self-reflection [9-11].
toring system [6,8]. In order to be effec-
In the available literature, several tive, formative assessment must offer
authors stress the importance of assessing sufficient and timely opportunities for
the acquisition of the new competencies rehearsal, tailored according to indivi-
to convey students a clear message of the dual needs and progress rates [8].
institution’s values, and in so forth, ex-
plicitly emphasize the behavior expected
of them throughout the program [12-15]. Peer-feedback is one of the novel meth-
These skills need to be explicitly taught ods of formative assessment available

Angelika Kuhlmann Lüdeke. Effective Peer-Feedback as a Strategy for Formative Assessment in Medical Education

in medical education and other health to an increased consciousness of their

related professions. It has introduced the own work and behavior. Another simi-
possibility of evaluating new, hard-to- lar study demonstrated that students ex-
measure, domain independent compe- pressed a greater sense of responsibility
tencies that are required and expected of and perceived an improvement in their
professional performance for high qual- academic achievement when evaluating
ity patient care [19]. Stakeholders, ac- their peers [24].
creditation bodies, regulating agencies,
professional societies and the public now
demand the presence of an assessment Advantages of Peer-Feedback
program where formative components
are a key issue [20]. Numerous studies have demonstrated
that the use of this tool for formative
Effective peer feedback is to be un- purposes is accompanied by a wide
derstood, on the basis of the educational spectrum of positive gains for the educa-
theory of cognitive-constructivism, as tional development of students. Van der
the provision of meaningful, construc- Vleuten’s and Epstein’s findings point
tive information by peers about previ- towards promotion of professionalism,
ous and directly observed performance, teamwork and communication skills
behavior and/or attitude in order to [9,25]. It allows gaining insight into
promote a desired change in the learner otherwise difficult aspects, such as in-
[9,21]. Peers are considered suitable as terpersonal skills among peers and future
feedback providers since they are at a colleagues, work habits, accountability,
similar level of development, have no punctuality and preparedness [12,15,23].
hierarchical power over each other and
spend more time together on the same or Peer feedback provides an additional
similar tasks [22]. Epstein presents peers learning tool by exposing both the asses-
as credible sources in evaluating work- sor and the assessed to skills of critical
place behavior and their judgments have reflection and analysis of self and others,
shown to correlate with future academic essential for the both training and futu-
and clinical performance [9]. re practice [16,23,26-28]. The action of
assessing peers increases awareness of
At the Mayo Clinic, researchers con- own aspects on which one will be as-
ducted a study on peer-evaluation in the sessed, and this, in turn, leads to critical
Gross Anatomy course during a period of reflection on own processes and products
five years [23]. Their findings show this [16,29]; an increase in confidence in the
method helped students develop skills ability to perform and a subsequent chan-
to judge performance of others, leading ge towards improvement in performance

Univ. Méd. ISSN 0041-9095. Bogotá (Colombia), 56 (3): 312-322, julio-septiembre, 2015

[16,27,30,31]. Providing students with feedback must have a clear understan-

the opportunity to compare their own ding of the criteria and areas on which to
view of themselves with the view of base their observations and the standards
others who perform along them, results expected to be met.
in deeper understanding of own roles and
functions [32]. Archer advocates that feedback
should focus on the performance or task
Additional reported benefits derived and not on the individual and should be
from studies on peer feedback over the clear and specific [21]. To be effective
past two decades include increase in and useful, feedback must be considered
learners’ motivation and collaboration, relevant by the receiver, directly linked
an enhanced sense of commitment to to specific goals and include suggestions
the team and positive social interdepen- for improvement [21].
dence, where the success of the team is
considered directly linked or dependent Archer’s concept is supported by the
on one’s own success [33-37]. feedback intervention theory (FIT) by
Kluger and De Nisi [33]. As stated in this
In terms of investments, peer fee- theory, orientation of feedback must be
dback offers additional benefits as well. placed in line with the gap identified bet-
The acceptance of new educational stra- ween the current and the desired perfor-
tegies depends highly on the human and mance and should address suggestions
economic investments for institutions for advancement in the development of
[38]. This instrument does nor demand the learner. Feedback with these charac-
additional costs and/or resources, for teristics is also referred to in the litera-
an adequate implementation, other than ture as facilitative feedback, meaning
proper training of staff and students in it should be useful for helping the reci-
necessary skills of giving and receiving pients accomplish their own revision and
feedback [16,30,39]. reflection, conducive to self-regulation
and change towards improvement [21].
Components of Effective Feedback Van den Bosshe, Segers and Jansen con-
ducted a study that supports the FIT, in
which they demonstrated that motivation
Clear criteria on the content in which to in the learner, due to feedback received,
frame the assessment for benchmarking depends on the way the assessed percei-
purposes has to be in place [16]. The ves the information, and the degree to
observed performance to be evaluated which he/she is driven to make changes
by peers must be compared to predeter- with the purpose of enhancing perfor-
mine standards. Giver and receiver of mance [40].

Angelika Kuhlmann Lüdeke. Effective Peer-Feedback as a Strategy for Formative Assessment in Medical Education

Context reached among experts in the field. The

reason might be that these are more sen-
Important aspects to be determined befo-
sitive to learners personal characteristics
re implementing peer feedback are defi-
such as cultural upbringing [22]. In this
ning the setting and moment at which the
respect, further research is needed to gain
assessors will conduct the observation
deeper insight into the most effective
and evaluation (immediate vs. delayed)
way of providing the information obtai-
and the method to be used for the provi-
ned: confidential vs. anonymous; public
sion of the feedback (verbal vs. written)
(within the group) vs. face-to-face in pri-
vate with the tutor; oral vs. written [42].
Arnold et al. present other issues which
Determining the frequency in which
might influence students’ participation,
it will be carried out is also important.
such as who receives or has access to
The study by Van den Bosshe et al. de-
the information provided and the conse-
monstrates that increasing the number of
quences for the recipient, especially if
feedback providers had a greater benefit
negative feedback is involved [22].
for students’ learning than increasing the
number of times of feedback provision
Conjunctive Construction
[40]. Schönrock et al. found similar re-
sults in their research, where feedback When implementing peer feedback with
from different perspectives provided formative assessment purposes, the de-
more meaningful information on per- sign of an appropriate and successful
formance [14]. format would be one constructed in ac-
tive conjunction and negotiation among
In terms of the context, it is funda-
staff and learners [43]. This provides a
mental as well to count with the support
sense of ownership and participation of
of the institutions’ academic and admi-
students and teachers, thus promoting a
nistrative stakeholders, by means of pro-
positive perception in all parties involved
viding enough time for the application of
and ensuring the best possibility of ac-
this instrument, training the participants
ceptance, compliance and permanence.
in this complex skill and having a com-
mon and clear stance on consequences Studies have demonstrated that the
of undesired, repeated behavior, when effect of an assessment method on lear-
encountered [41]. ning is greatly influenced by the way
students perceive the method [25,43].
Implementation Procedure
Therefore, it is important to obtain the
Consensus on aspects of implementation opinion and preferences of students
and conduction procedures has not been (and teachers as well) on the different

Univ. Méd. ISSN 0041-9095. Bogotá (Colombia), 56 (3): 312-322, julio-septiembre, 2015

aspects (content, context and imple- on these issues [45]. Educational premises
mentation) involved, when constructing on which these innovations are founded
new instruments for formative evalua- are not always independent of cultural and
tion. Following the recommendations social conditions, inherent to the setting
available in the literature, based on the where they are going to be applied [46].
best evidence, promotes the permanence
of new methods within the assessment Taking care in an appropriate ap-
program of an institution, integrating it proach will increase the probabilities of
holistically into the system, and in so for- success in implementing innovations,
th, considering it an essential component instead of introducing them rigidly and
of the educational process [25]. without the proper considerations wa-
rranted. Changes to be introduced must
Considerations and Precautions not be assumed as an assured success
only due to globalization pressures, sin-
Most of the findings in the available lite- ce formative assessment methods, espe-
rature are based on studies conducted in cially, are highly sensitive to contextual
western or Anglo-Saxon educational en- factors [42,44]. Reflection on cultural
vironments. This points to the importance characteristics and social structures is ne-
of determining if they are transferable and cessary when introducing learning envi-
applicable to other settings with diverse so- ronments that require collaboration skills
cial and cultural characteristics. Countries and sensitive instruments of assessment
in South America, as in other continents, such as peer feedback.
are struggling to keep up with modern
trends in medical education, within an era Psychometric Factors
of globalization [44]. Institutions of hig-
her education worldwide are implementing Psychometric aspects of evaluation
new curricular models, accepted by inter- methods must always be regarded with
national principles of medical education care before decision making, and even
and following innovative instructional de- more so with formative assessment; this
signs, but it must be kept in mind that these modality has been traditionally disre-
new ways of educating have been develo- garded as subjective, due to their lack
ped in western, highly developed countries. of standardization. Empirical research in
Efforts to introduce these modern educa- numerous cases has demonstrated good
tion styles in settings under very different validity and reliability scores [47-49].
situation do not always acknowledge the Davis and Archer, Epstein and Van der
implications and consequences that these Vleuten et al. have shown that psycho-
changes might bring about; the success metric values of formative assessment
and failure rates frequently are depended methods such as peer feedback are ad-

Angelika Kuhlmann Lüdeke. Effective Peer-Feedback as a Strategy for Formative Assessment in Medical Education

equate, given sufficient sampling across Reliability is a psychometric aspect

contexts and assessors are available that can be improved by extending op-
[9,25,32]. portunities of direct observation and
contact time; peers will be able to assess
The study by Van der Vleuten, sustained performance over long periods
Norman and De Graaf demonstrates of time [51,52]. Another advantage offe-
that reliability and objectivity are not the red by peer feedback is that observation
same [50]. Therefore, as inherently sub- is embedded in authentic scenarios of
jective as this type of assessment might every-day practice. If applied to the con-
be, it does not define the method as being cept of validity in Van der Vleuten and
unreliable. This important finding jus- Schuwirth, where validity of an instru-
tifies the inclusion into an assessment ment is highly determined by the wide
program of methods such as peer fee- sampling across context and authentic
dback, based on judgment of what the practice sites, peer-assessment can be
authors call “experts”, which include, considered as a method fulfilling these
among other information sources, peers requirements [53].
who possess knowledge regarding the
educational performance and behavior Conclusions
at the workplace.
Over two decades of results based on evi-
Epstein’s research demonstrates that dence have demonstrated the importance
peers are considered to be credible sou- and need of incorporating instruments
rces regarding workplace based perfor- that foster and evaluate the new, addi-
mance, if enough sampling is provided tional skills and competencies deman-
[9]. Adequate sampling across assessors ded nowadays of health care providers.
and proper triangulation of the informa- These aspects have traditionally tended
tion from different sources should be to be left out of the formal education
provided. This approach aids in overco- programs. Within international medical
ming the inherent subjectivity that cha- education experts, peer feedback is con-
racterizes individual assessments and sidered one of the appropriate methods,
increasing reliability of the instrument in which assessment programs with for-
[25,32]. These authors share the opinion mative purposes should be embedded.
that no assessment method is inherently
reliable and/or valid; these psychometric It is up to the institutions introdu-
measures are more dependent on the way cing modern curricula to examine their
the instrument is used, rather than on the individual circumstances and determi-
instrument per se. ne to what extent stakeholders and staff

Univ. Méd. ISSN 0041-9095. Bogotá (Colombia), 56 (3): 312-322, julio-septiembre, 2015

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Angelika Kuhlmann Lüdeke. Effective Peer-Feedback as a Strategy for Formative Assessment in Medical Education
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