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A Simple Guide to Ayurveda - The Tridosha system

Ayurvedic Medicine believes that Vata is made up of the two elements

health exists when there is a natural space and air.
balance between the three basic
'doshas' or 'humours' of the body, Vata provides the impulse that mobilizes
which are known as 'Vata', 'Pitta' and the nervous system. It is the principle of
'Kapha'. movement governing the body's sensory
and motor functions.
It finds that the balance of the three
'doshas' is of vital importance in order
for good health and wellbeing to be
Pitta is made up of the two elements
fire and water.

Pitta governs body heat, metabolism

This does not mean that each of the
and transformation in the mind and
three doshas has to be equal with the
body. It controls how we digest foods,
others, but that the individual needs to
how we metabolize our sensory
maintain (as far as possible) the
perceptions, and how we discriminate
original doshic make-up that was
between right and wrong
inherited at birth.

In modern life with its high levels of Kapha is made up of the two elements
environmental pollution, poor diet, the water and earth.
climate in which one lives, the stresses
and strains of everyday family and Kapha governs all of the body's
working life, it is all too easy for structure, including lubrication of mind
imbalances to occur in the body. and body. It controls weight, growth,
lubrication for the joints and lungs, and
Ayurvedic treatments work to restore the formation of all new cells and tissues.
the body's 'homeostasis' or 'balance'
thereby improving health and wellbeing
in the individual.

Ayurvedic - Kansa Vatki Foot Massage

Kansa Vatki Foot Massage Copper in Ayurvedic is well

has been introduced to the UK known for its anti-inflammatory
by Narendra Mehta, who has properties in relieving joint pain
been practicing 'Body Work' and Zinc is known for its
for over 25 years and leading antiseptic properties in treating
Indian Champissage training and preventing skin disorders.
for over 15 years.
As in reflexology, which targets
Kansa Vatki Foot Massage is a The Kansa 'reflex' points, corresponding
deeply relaxing treatment that Vatki with bodily organs and systems,
works holistically by Kansa Vatki Foot Massage
rebalancing body, mind and gives attention to massaging
spirit. 'Marma Points', an important
part of Ayurvedic Medicine.
Ayurvedic Foot Massage using
the Kansa Vatki has been in Marma points are found where
existence in India for flesh, veins, arteries, tendons,
centuries and works on the bones and joints meet up. There
feet and lower limbs. The feet are 107 Marma points, which
being the seat of the form vital energy channels
meridians and many nerve running throughout the body.
endings, neural receptors and Several of these Marma Points
marma points. are targeted on the legs & feet
(the true seat of 'prana' - the
Foot Massage body's vital energy), stimulating
The treatment is conducted
using a small metal bowl the body's own innate ability to
containing copper and zinc, rebalance and harmonise the
which is lubricated with 'doshas'.
purified butter (Ghee) or oil,
and rubbed against the soles The seven Chakras (energy
of the feet and lower limbs to centres) cited on the feet (the
create the most relaxing foundation of consciousness) are
treatment imaginable. also massaged during the
treatment to balance the soul.
The copper and zinc in the
Kansa Vatki bowl are said to Regular treatments using Kansa
be a more powerful Vatki have been found beneficial
combination than even gold to those suffering gastric
and silver in this application. ailments, diabetes and skin

The Physical Benefits of Kansa Vatki The Mental Benefits of Kansa Vatki
Foot Massage Foot Massage

 Helps detoxify internal organs  Calms the mind and body

 Relaxes tired feet and legs  Enhances mental activities

 Improves blood & lymphatic  Induces sound sleep

 Reduces stress, anxiety &
 Improves joint mobility in lower depression
 Restores & Rebalances the body's
 Improves condition of ligaments natural energy
and muscles of the lower limbs

 Increases strength and stamina of

lower limbs

 Relieves tired eyes and brings relief

from eyestrain

 Rebalances the body's natural

energy flow

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