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2 —0 - 0^ [ Foreign Sh S or $ I 50

I T*i >}
Af('h to —
c. R srinivasarao
P.O.S.V. Negaram (Arnt, S.I.Ry.)


All Rights R/sened

y, Ramachandra
Sreedevt Pozier P
Bangalore Cit^’

Stellar Effects of Planets

Uadi Sysltni o( AsUology explained J

Kasi's and portions of body lepiesented by them ••• 2

'Planets and portions of body represented by them ... 2
CDnstellatton and portions of body represented by
them .. 3
Constellations and their genders ... 4
Stellar effects of Sun etc. ... 4 11

CiurrcR If

Data Phala Kanda (Time of Erenls)

Vedicting the hour, day, thitbi. elf, of the
cecutance of eienls ... 12
S'alural phala ksla of planets ... 15
fime of events of chata rffrcts of planets ... 19
Sunas and their effects on phala ... 24
jordshtp and Its effect on phaU .. 25
Viendstiip etc. and its effect on phala .. 26
|o<r to predict the results of a data ... 27
ime of events oi chara effect of reirogfade planets ... 30
.ike lesulis ciiitirj; in the chart cl paimts
ard children ... 31

ixeil results fn a data . 35

otli'ied data effect hy aietlar toni'a cor b rat'oet ... 37
Chapter in

Bhava Phala Kanda

1. Wealth • 39-40

2. Speech

To find whether one }s the son of the
first or subsequent wife of his father 4!

Dcs^ss^s and their oatw 42

vriHOusn —
1. To detetmiae the birth star, Ugna
etc. of the partner ••• 45

2. To find the lime of marri3s;e ...

3. Tneins; of certain similarities in the

horoscopes of couple ...

Niryana or death *•« 50

Profei Sion or means of livlibood ... 54

Sea Vojrife $1

Chapter IV

Misra Phala Kanda (Miscellaneous)

Panchanga to be followed gj

Studies from birth, Chandra or Ravi Lagna 64

Reading one’s results from his relatives Chart .. 66

Indications of collateral effects existing

in a'horoscope ... 67

Links between father’s and son’s professions ,. 69

Pithru bhava being affected m the horoscope

* of all the sons , . 70

Mathru bhava effects indicated in the horoscopes

of ail the children ... 71

Reciprocal resemblance of Sam and Rahu>

Kuja and Ketu .. 7^

"Tests for alliance , . 75

Muhurtham ... 77

Shanti karma ... 78

Chapter VI

Yoga Kanda
Neecha Bhanga Yoga 83
Kala Sarpa Yoga

Dharma Karma Yoga ^

One Planet Control ...

Dharma Karma Yoga Illustrated ...

DIgbala Yoga ... 91

Raja Yoga ... 93-

Variable Results in Like Charts ... 96

Bramhacharja Yoga and Asciticism ... 97

Graha Parivarthana Yoga or Mutual Exchange

• of Planets ... 100'

Chandra Mangala Yoga ... 106

GajaKesan Yoga * ... \C7

ChamaraYoga ... 108

Yoga Karakas of Karka Lagna ... io9

Yoga Karaka of Mesha Lagna ... jjj

Vargolhama Lagna and Vargolhama Planets

and Their Effects ... 112

this 1800 IS divided into 60 Kalas we get 30 degrees

for each Rasi In like manneri a deep slu-’j of the
various sciences will discloec the m'er rehtiv'tj m
many aspects.

Rasis and portions of the Body they represent

Mesha. represents Head
Vrishabha Face
Mithuna Shoulders
Kitiki „ Chest
Simhn nre.ists
Kaiiya Stomach
Thula „ Abdomen
Vnschiha Back
Dhanus Thighs
Itfakara Knees
Kumbha Legs
Meena ” Upper fool

and Portions of the Body they control

Kuja controls Head
Sukra Face
Budha Neck and shoulders
Chandra Chest
Ravi Stomach
Lower waist 'L Genitals
Sam Ihighs
Kahu 1 ethu Legs

Constellaljors and Portions of the Body

they represent
Krithika represent Head
Rohini It
Mngasira ,•
Arudra ti Eyes
Punarvasu «> Nose
Pushyami Face
Makha t
Lips and Chtn
Pubba II
Right Hand
TJttara ti
Left Hand
Hasta «»
Fingers of the
Chitta 11
Swati t
Visakha ,
Anuradha Stomach
Jyeshla ,
Right side
Mula t Left Bide
Purvasbada it
Uttarashada n Waist
Sravana „ Genitals
Dhanlshta i Anus
Salab sha ,
Right Thigh
Purvabhadra ,, I eft Thigh
Ultarabbadra t Shins
Kevati „ Ankles
Aswini ,
Upper part of
Bbaranl „ Bottom of foot

Constellations and their Genders

MALc co\STkLi ATiovs — tsttjui, I’iimr\asu, Fu*
sh>ami, Hasta, Anuradhai SraMnn, l’ijr\abhadra, and

lEMALC co'-’STFLL\TiON«: — Bharani. KritlnI^a,

Robinii Atndra. Aslesha, Makha. Pubba, Uttara»

Chilta. Swali, Visakha, J>esbta, Piira a^hada, Uttara-
sbadai Dhanishta and Re\a(i«

KEUTrU CONST! LLATIONS.— Mngasira, MuU and


KcsuUs of planets in diffcfent constellations


n RaM IS in ms own coNSTtLLATlOSi, he does
col produce much good to Ibe natl^e bit results
will not be as bad as m SaniN or Rahu's constellations.

IN cii \^DRA’^ coNSTFLLAriONb — Pchi-.’ the consle*

nation^ tf a fnendr Ran mves good rc'ults as.

hoiours froar Go>t.rnnient and Kings, birth of children,

s.cccss in altcmp's etc., nn 1 makes lum <\cll Kno^'n’

IvI’Ja’s 1 he —
position of Ra'*
is not good to the nalne who avill sjlfcr from illhealth,

lose hiE peace of nimd and will involve iiimself >n

quarrel* and litigations. Deaths itiaj Also occur la

the family or in (be circle of friends.

Lord o! the consleHalion in which Ravi is should

also be benefic and powerful planet to give %efy

good results*


When Kuja is m Yoga karaka’s constellations

with proper Guna he generally gives good results.

Ihe native m such cases becomes well known» guns

victory in quarrels, and disputes and acquires some
property in the shape of lands etc

When Ku]a is in his own CONSTFLLATIONS — Bad

effects such as illhealth. poverty-, death of near rela
tionsi troubles from Government etc., attend the native.
These bad effects will be aggravatedly felt by the.
native if Kuja is not also a beneBc planet, in addition
to being in his own constellations.

IN Budiia's constellations —Similar results as

m Guru’s will be forthcoming In addition, themtive
will prosper in trade and his aptitude for art and culture
IS increased.


first experience some difficuUies and hater enjoy good
effects. Ihe good will be happiness of birth of
children, acquisition of some property, fame and honour
due to mental culture etc. The native will not also
enjoy peace of mind and contentment.

IN suIvRa’s constellations —a sort of vam

glory which is iinreil is exhib ted The native further
sustains losses through women, and iHhealth and enmi‘y
are also caused, but if they are favourable to the
natue, the results will not be very harmful.


IS forced to leaxe his place of residence, lose his
means of liaelihood and be afraid of thefts etc If

the lordships of drd, 6th and 8th hoiiies also combine

the nati\e will be troub’ed by his enemies

(V isrTitu’sco\''Trt I ATtos<> —The native will enjoy

good results provided they are without malefic influences
according to situation and ownership

IN ram’^ coNstri lations —The native is valor

ous and courageous and fights his way through all

difficulties The results will be good.


sustain loss from trade m white articles, and the
native will not enjoy real happiness Ih»re will be
only an outward shov^ of it.


Whei Guru is in Ills rwN coS'iTrLLATlONS — 1 he
native gets good c lucation, enjoys wealth, is honoured
by superiors md 1-ads gen-rally a happy life The native
will hv\e success m northern and southern directions only.

IN sUKRi’s CONSTELLATIONS —The native enjoys

good resuUs to a certain degree, such as marriage in

the family honours by educalion'ii qualifications etc.

Further. Sukra also enables the natne to oun \chicles.


Ilhealtb, poverty to the oatixe and keeps him m fear.
Sometimes the natixe's neat and dear relations will
die, and the natixe wiU hexr such sorroxxful naxvs.


natue uill bemade to sifTer generally in these con
stel\^tlons He may sastam loss ihicpugh fire, invoJxe
himself ID debts, los* hts peace of mud disturb his

henithi create ill xvill xvitb his friends and will b*

shifted from place to place.


theee constellations the natixe en)o>s xer> good rrsults.
He will be crowned with siccess m all his attempts,

acquire the friendships of manj and gams thereof*

X ill pxrtiKe in happy auspicious ceremonies lO the
family xvill be honoured by Goxermrent and will Le
welllnoxxn in society.


9 [2


1 ^ not happily placed The results will b“ unfavourable
to the native But if Sam and Ivethu happen to be Yoga
karakas, the native escape) from the adverse elTects.

IN RAllu’s CONSTrLLATION*? —though the results

mav not be very goadi some unexpected good will be
eiijoied by the native

IN ram'*; cossth I atios<v —especially, when both

Sukra and Rav i are benefics, the native will enjoy the
benefits of Rajajoga The native will get wealth,
honours etc « accordin'* to tho ownerships of Sukra and


beginning there will be good results, the end willdis*
satisfy tho native General good results wilt be, acguisi
tion ofwealth from ladies, gams from unthought of
aaiircea and travels in cool climatic places The bad
efTects will be ill health m the fam ly, and if malefic infill
ences conibinei fateful resu'Is from ill health will result


bad efTects to the native, as ill heilth, ana ety loss of

finance and other difiicullies If however, Kuja is eiil rr

weak, or inflietjced by benefics, the virulence of the had

effects will be 1 s'-ened appieciabljr

tN liuntiv*') CONATFLLATIONS —the native becomes

famous for his learning and gains through trade ^fentaI

cu't ire wi'l b“ iiupfn'cd a« well as appreciation of art

and litervlurc

INguru’s constellations the efTects will —

generally be good The native earns \vell, enjoys
happiness from birth of children nnd '\uspici''us ceremo
Qies etc An interest in puranic religious literature is

also created


When Sam is in Yoga Katal^a s corstellat ons, md

m his proper G mi, the native w n enjoy good resu’ts as,

happme s content n»nl sicces. m ittenpts, profits
through black mctrnls etc


effects ivilt be bad in the I egmning Tlenati^fs heilth
will be disturbed enmit) whh relations will le cnused*
and sometimes there ixiU be dinger from poison also
Rut the native will m the end get over these difficulties
when the results will also be good

IN Krxiiu s
coNSTrLLATiONs — The native will
enjoy very good result when Kethu is net nnfavour’ble
to the native

IV RAM s coNbTri X.ATIOVS —Here the results will

be bad to the native He will sustain losses of rclativrs
and wealih will be troubled by Ibe Government, and very
often, Aiming to attain greater objectivei will fail, an!
lose heavily


be almost similar to thosei m I avis constellations
Besides, the native will sulTcr from Phlegmatic diseases,
and willbe mentally worried However, some good results
will be forthcoming, as pilgrimages to holy places, and
consequent peace of mind etc

IN kuja’s CONSTELLATIONS — the results are always

bad in this condition The native suffers losses through
fire and enemies, some of his friends will pass away, there
will be Quarrels and disorders in the family giving place
to discontentment unhappiness and sorrows and the
native may also sustain wounds in the body If the lordship

of the 6th or 8th houses also combine the results will be

very much worse to the native

IN GURU s C0NSTPLL4TIONS — The results will be

good but will not be very appreciable And the same is
the case when Saoi is IN dudiia s constcllations If

Budha or Guru is a Yoga karaka to the native, he wilt

get back his lost wealth, prospers m his profession, and

gams dignity and honour by his education

IN SuKRA s CONSTELLATIONS — the native loses his

relations and his wi/e may pass away Losses through
trade and debts will be incurred
chapter 11

Dasa phala and Phala kala ( Time of Events

The results of the movements of the planets should
not be determined on then movements from house to housei
but they should be based on the constellations through
which the planets wilt be passing This u c<il!ed Sooi(shma
Gochara i be determination of the influences of Soohshma
Gocbara should chiefly be based on the mfluences of the
concurrent Oasas and Bbuktis according to the posilion
of the planets m the birth chart of the native

If a planet ts a benehc to a lagoa, the planet ^vlll

yield good results when it passes through the becehc

constellations of the particular Lagna The extent of the
good results will depend upon the strength of the benetlc
planet m the bulb chart On the other hand) when the
same planet passes tbroueh the malefic constellations of
the particular lagna the good result will be lessened to the
extent of the influence of the lords of the malefic
couslellations in the bulb chart Sometimes it may also
produce bad results

It should also be noted that isheneicr such beneflc

planets influence either b> conjunction or in constella
tions or by aspect m Gochara, they yield such good

Smularly influences of malefic planets m the birth

chart should be determined to a greater degree when*
ever they pass through malefic constellations) and such
bad influences will be mitigated when they pass through
benefic constellations of the particular lagna in Gochara

The following examples will elucidate the foregoing’—

Here is a birth chart of a person whose Lagna

IS Vrischika Kuja, lord of 6th house is aspecting Guru,
lord of 2nd and 5th houses. This indicates sickness
to the native's children, and his financial difficulties.

When Kuja and Guru were m conjunction in Simha

in Gochara the native’s child was seriously ill, and
the native was In iflcuU dcircumstances.

— Birth
chart of

/ Gum

Iti the following example* Guru, Lord of 2nd and 5th

houses IS in Anuiadha, Sam’s constellations This indicates
sickness of children and expenditure to the nativei
When the native wis m Guru Dasa and when Guru
was passing through Uttarabhadrapadi, in Gochan the

native’s daughter contracted a complicated illness.


chart of



1 he native of the followio? chart died in Kethu Dasftt

Sam Bhukti. At the time of death* both Sam and Ketbu
were in conjunction, and were passing through Aswini
in Gochara.

This illust ntion is i Vnshabha t^gna

the chart of
native, with Budha and Sani in tl e eecoi d house When
Sani lord of karma bhara »aj» pasairg through Revati
the natao got his first appointtnent At that parliculai
tune the native was in Budha bhukti

/ Budha

Though there may be a go^d comb nation in Gochara

but if the same is aspebted by n maleric planet for
the particular lagna, there is sure to be an obsticle to
the good results for the natne. as Jong as the malefic
asp*ct continues, and immediatly that passes, the natne
will enjoy the good results of the benefic planet

Similarly when the position is bad in Gocfara, but if

aspecled by a benef c planet of the particular lagna,

nothing bad will take place as loug as the good aspect
continues and immediately that passes the result of the
bad influence will be cxpeticncrd only afterwards



TifF NATtvr.— Take the boos- or Rtsi in which the planet


“• '°“''“>=P’rt.cular degree
tho dU ,n which

l eh the planet
Which is
<he nuiober of degree m

“ 'a»PO"».hle for the

between 20 deg
.„d 23 deg 20or of the house r
between S deg and 8
deg 20n, of the second
of ‘be Rasi. Ihe birth was .n Suhla
Palsha The
perticu Ur thdh, can
be arrived at on calc, dating
exact degree ,n which
.he plane. ,s, as
3 d g
20 min represent a little
over three tbilhis.
17 [3

In the instance given above the birth took place on a

Saptami which falls within these degrees.

Further the part of the day m which the event has

occurred or will take place is indicated by the Nakshatra
pada in which the pbnet responsible for occurance of the
event is situated. In the illustration hrst. below Budha,
responsible for the birth of the native, is m Makha 3rd
pada. which indicates the 3rd part of the day from sunrise.
f S', between 6PM and 12 midnight Actually, the birth
took place at 10 P M m the above instance.

In the Second illustrationt the birth has taken place

in Sam Bhukti. Since Sani is in the first pada of Jyeshta
the birth took place in the first part of the day, * e-

between 6 A.^I. and 12 noon.



ING TO SOLAR CALENDAR This — dafe corresponds to the
particular number of the degree of the rnsiin which the
planet responsible for ibe birth i<? situated in the birtl

In the illustration below, Guru is responsible for the

birth and he is situated in the 3rd pada of Chitta. The
third pada of Chitta runs till 3 deg 20min. of tlie 1 hiiK
rasi. Hence the birth should take place within the first

3^ days from the commencen ent of Solar month T1 e

hirth has taken place on the Solar date 4 at 10 \ M

The week day corresponds to the day owned by the

p’anet which influences the birth.


Chitta 3
Time of events of Chara effects of Planets

The ruling’ planet of a paritailar period will not show

its effect throughout its period, but there will be variation.
To find the time or the period of this variation of results,
the pada of the constellation m which the ruling planet is
situated should be tahen into consideration.

FOR EXAMPLE — If Guru were to be m Pushyami 4th

pada. in bis period of 16 years the native will fee! the
effects of Guru for the first three quarters of the period,
while the last quarter will be that of Sam. the ruling Lord
of the constellation. Similarly if Gum were to be m the
1st pada of the same star, the first period of four years
will show the effects of Sam. and the balance will be that
of Guru.

Generally Eajasas give their effects in the first

portion of their periods, m the first and second

period of their rule, and Tbamasas in the 3rd period
provided they are not combined with other characteristics
of“Gunas’ tf when (hey remain m their own “Gunas

Tot io5tance» if Guru, a Satwika planet were to

remain m one of Chandra's constellations, where he gets
Uchhamsa. Guru acquires llajasa characteristics, and
hence he will give the effects only in the early period.

Similarly, when Sam remains m any of the constella*

Hons owned by himself, or Sukra. or Kuja. he gets
Uchhamsa, and hence the effects of Sam will be m the
first poiliun of biS period and not in the last portion.


(N B It »s not necessiry that T planet should be

actually in the house of exaltation in Amsa diagram to

get Ra]asa characteristics, but it is sufficient if one of the

quarters of the constellation falls la the house of exaltation

FOR FXAMPLR —If Guru were to be in Rohiui, he

gets Rajasa characteristics irrespective of the pada this

constellation and it is not necessary that he should be m

fouith pada it&elf of this star. The following examples
will clearly illustrate the mixed nature of the results of the


In the adjoining diagram Guru is m Pushyim'i 4th

pada, Ihe Lord of the stir is Sam. The native enjoyed
the benefits of Guru Dasa fully for the first 12 yearsi and
Uu the effects of Sam m the last period of 4 years

In the diagram aside, Budha Is in Mula 3rd pada,

uhose Lord is Kehtu. The native’s financial conditions
were steadily Increasing tn the beaming, but alter the lapse

the first etirht years ind six months, the native’s

financial conditions were reversed and became bad due to
the influence of Kethu.

Mula 3

Cbaodra is oecupyios Makha 2nd pada. in the illustra*

tioD, The Lord of Makha is Kethu It will be seen that

Makfaa 2
Cliandra gets Uchhainst in Navamsa diagrim, and he 2 ‘-s
he gets Rajasa Qualities to give good etTects in his Dasa.
It IS true that the native enjoyed prosperous and happy
life during the first period of 2 years and 6 months
After this period he began to feel the bad effects for the
next two years and a half, as Chandra is m second quarter
of Makba He was again well olf after the expiry of this

bad period of two and a half years

In this itlustratioQ» Budha is in Aslesha 3rd padat

which IS his own constellation. The native enjoyed good
health during the Budha Bbul<ti. and he was
first half oi
laid up with Typhoid and was cured before the lapse of
the third part of Budha Bhukti, but he had a relapse, and
bad to su^er again Complete recovery was effected only
after the expiry of the third part of Budha Bhukti

{NoU Budha. Lord of eight House)


Scmetimes the cfTects of other pHnets will actually

occur b'-fore they ought to as calculated on the basis of
quarters of constellations Similarly, they may also
happen bejond the period calculated These are due to
the p! iiietary '•ornbmatic4is of the I ord of the constellation
in which the Lord of tbedasa is situated, as such e/Tects
are ilso given during the BbuLtts of planets combining
with the f^tellar lord It will be clearly understood from
the {ollowing examples

Now m (he f rst diagram Gum is in Pu<;hyami 4lh

pida, \vho«e I ord Sam, is single without the association

of other planets As per the rules ennunciated.
the bad
effects Guru dasa should occur only m the last four

years of that Dasa» ami it was so, for there is no combi

nations of other planets with Sam

In the second diagram. Guru is m

Pushi ami 3rd pada.
As per rules aforesaid, troubles should occur or commence

only after culit years of Guru dasi, but it « is not so*

Actually, the troubles began with Uuclhi IthuKti of Guru
dasa in the second rjuarter of Guntdasa, because Uudha
IS m association uith the Lord of the constellationi ^ani*
The troubles continued till the expiry of the third part of
the dasa.

Gunat and tKeir effects on Phala

l>ifrerentntions should be made m the charACtirutic*

of the planets when they ocaipy the same hou*e m the
Navamsa diagram thougU thej temam in difTereot conste
Ualions. Tor example, when Ravi u in Kelha’s (Asiiani
Makha and Mula), to Chandra's, (Hobini, Hasta and
Sfatana), in Guru's. (Punarvasu, Visakba, aod Purva*
bhadra), constellations, he gets Uchhamsa or in other
words becomes Rajasa, but yet these are different chara
cteristics of one and the same planet. When he is in
Kethu’s constellations he becomes Thamasa Rajasa, m
Guru's he becomes Satwika Rajasa, and in Chandra’s
Rajasa-Hajasa. To give best results. Ravi should be
Rajasa Rajasa, the neat ts Satwika Rajasa, and last,
Thamasa Rajasa.
25 [4

Lordship and iU effects on Pha!a

To coinp5etely determine the effects the Lordships
of the planets should be considered.


In the first diagram Ravi, no donbt gets the character

of Rajasa Rajasi by remaiomK m Hasta but the Lord of
Hasti beromes the owner of 8th house which affects the
Cood effects of Ravi. For the particular Lacm ( Dhanus )

when RaM remains in Guru’s constellations, though it is

Sativika Raj-isi, it is the best. In the second illustralion

Rivi IS in Punarvi'u and hence Rets UajasMiisa, known
as SatvMka Rajasa. As Guru is the lord of third ai d
Sixth housesi the good effects of Rom ate affected, and
hence in this case the native will have Rood results only
when RaM is in Chandra's constellilion who becomes the
Lord of the tenth house

Friendship etc., and Us effect on Phala

turlher the n-\l«Te of lelatioobhips (fncnds>hip and

enmilj) of the planet occupjmg the consteliation towards
the Lord of the constellation should also be viewed in

forecasting the results. As an examole, if Sam were to

Teroarn in Sravana, he gets Thamasatnsa which is no

doubt good to him, but there is the enmity of Sam wi'h

Chandra. In this case the natise will enjoy bfith good and
bad results in Sam dasi If Sam were to be in Mula
whosft Lord, Kttui \s "x fwend of hin , S''tii da&w will li®

exlieniely good.

At limes Ithappens a single planet is a friend of tno

other planets, and a distinction should be drawn between
them in predicting results Wh-^n Snkra is in Aslesha
(Badha’s constellation) he gets Uchhamsa 'ind he is also

a friend of Budha Similarly, Sukra is a friend of Rahu

and in Swati also lie gets Uchhamsa, the two results will

varj, though, both Rahu and Budha are friends of Sukra

and get Uchhainsa Ralm’s friendship is fhamasa and
Budha’s is Satwika In Rahu's case the results w ill he
delayed with difficuUiea, and \mH tempt and induce the
native to associate with bad company and enter into bad >

enterprises Budha will give the opposite efTtct«.

A planet may possess all the strengths as I oidship*

and Characterislica enumerated above, yet the result*
might vary due to the position, character and a«srciatinn
of the Lord of the constellation in which the Lord of the
Bhava is situated The annexed examples arc given to
draw the distinctions

Here Kuji in Jjc'hla in both the cases, occupying

Vrischika having the same characteristics and ownershipf,
but the position of Budhn, the Lord of Jyeshta varies. In
one case he is in Lagna, which is a powerful place, parti'
cularly for him, and m the ether case he is jn Simha,
which IS the 11 Ih house. Ihe native of first was having
more wealth than that of second

— TI
Budha o
. .1 . >

-1 1
Jyeshta Jyerbta

How to predict the results of a Dasa

Hcforc commencing to predict the results of a Dasa,
the owneiship, situation, aspects on* etc , of the Lord of
the Dasa should be noted. The 'Guna” (nature) of the
Lord of the Dvsv should also be considered, rurlher, it
must be decided, to which Bbava the Lord of the Dasa is
the “jeeva,” as rhe native wiU enjoy the xeauUa of that
Bhava during the said period B*lo« are a few studies on
the subject.



In chjft j above ihe Lord of the 9th house

is Guru and he is m Sia\ani, Chindra's consteUation
Htrc the jee\a of the 9ih Bhava is Chandra, who is m
Aswini) Ihe constellation of Kethu, a fhamasa Hence
Chandra has become a lhamasa and as a result the Dative
lost his father in Chandra Dasa.




Here m chart No TI, Chandra becomes the Jee\ a of

the loth house> t f, the Karma Hha\a. as Sukra is m
Sravana, Chandra’s constellatioDi and Lord of the lOtb
Ijouse. Here also Chandra beiogf in Aswmi, the constelk
tion of Ketu, becomes Tbamasic in mture, and conseq
uently the native lost his employment in Chandra Hasa





In illustration No. ni, above thejeevaof the Kala
thra Bhava (7th house) is Chandra, as its lord Budha in
Sravana, Chandra's constellation. Hence the native lost
his wife IQ Chandra Oasa.



1 1


TVIula Hasta
Illustration No. IV, abov , js that of a Simha lagrna
nativei Chindra becomes Jeeva f''i both Dhana and
Kalathra Bhavas> because Budba, lord of the 2ad house
*s in Hastha, and Sam, lord of the 7th house is ir Sra
vana* both Chandra’s constellations

Consequently. durioK Chandra dasai the native was

separated from his wife and sustained heavy financial

Time of event of the Chara effects of

Retrograde Planets
\s regards the chart effects of planets m general a
detailed discussion has been done before In the case of
retrograde planets there are certain peculiarities arising

1, In the ca<e of retrograde malefics the chara eiTect

will be felt at the point uhere the planet is actually
s tutted at birtU, while,

2< In the ctse of retrograde benefics the effect has to be

read as if it Arcre placed at the point from which it

actually commenced retrogression.

Ku]a (malefic) though commences retrogression from
Bharani 1 and IS at birth time m Ashiini 4 his chara
results ha\e to be read out from As\ mi 4. When Guru
(bencfic) under similar circumstances results ire to be

read out from I Inrani I, the point of commencement of


In the aboic argimcnts only the natunl

benefics and natural malefics are considered.

srJtti ;Rtri' inpLAMCTArv mrLurNCFb tNDfCATrNC

It IS often mistiken ihntthe influences of the planetary
positions in the birth charts of one’s children affect the
conditions of the parents in life, favourably or unfavoura
biy But the fact is that similar planetary influences will
he revealed on a comparali\e study of the charts of the
parents and their children, portending ihe same events
Tor instance, if the position or status of a person is not
good according to his or her horoscope, the san e condi
t ORs will be indicated m his or her children « charts 1 he
following examples will illustrate

Kv{i RtM

Tati er Sou

1 AvI

ilAN’ !

nuPifAl H

Above are a father s and his son’s chart for study

The f agna of the father is Vrischiki. A study of the
Vidyi bhava t e tth hous- Saot is the lord of the
house Sam IS m Jyesbta Bi iba s constell ition Budha
becomes the Jeeva of this bhava lie is the lord of the

8th hous6» and \% m conjutictiott "with Ravi and Guia 3Q

the I2th house, Thula Hence the father did not have
much of Ra]a Vidya

Making a comparative study of the son’s chart, it is

seen that the lagna is Vrisliabha. The 9th house of father

IS Mai ara and the 4th house from Makara wiH indicate
the fathers education The 4th house is Mesha, and
Kuja its lord is m Krithiki, Ravi s constellation, Hence
Kavi becomes the Jee\a of the \idya bhava of the
father Ka\i is la conjunction with Guru lord of the 8th
house, and Budha this indicates also the poor education
of the father

From the same charts, similarity in indications of the

profession ot the father ma> also be studied In the
father’s chart, the lord of the 10th house, Ravt, who is in

conjunction with Guru in Thula is powerfully aspected by

Kuja from Karka In the son's chart, the karma bhava
of the father Thula is occupied by Ketu and aspected
by Gum, who is i/itb Tro n both there it is eiident
that the influence Kuja or Ketu, determines the
profession As Kuja is more powerful, the father’s pro
fession IS connected with Techniral Subject.

Besides, m both the charts, the combination of Biidha

Guru and Ravi indicate a knowledge of astrology for the
fath*r And th-» father IQ this ia,tia“», possesses a good
knowledge of this science

Such stmilarities of planetary influencos are also

indicated in the Dasns of the parents' and the childrens’
33 [S

Tbe foJlowiBg examples are analysed to elucidate ~-

The father is runamg his Budha dasa We shall

examine particular dasas the ivife and daughter are
running simultaneously with the father’s and their mdicati
oQs IQ each others charts

Uttarabhadrapada Knthika

In the father s chart Budha is the lord of the 3rd and

dth houses and is m Meena the I2ih house Also Budha
IS m Guru's hiuse in combination with Ravi the lord of
the Sth house and Rahut the lord of the 10th and Ilth
houses Thus Budha »s influenced by Ravj, Rahu and
Guru along with tbe efTect* of 12tb 10th, Iltb, 5th, 3rd
and 6th houses

The wife is running here Sam dasa when tbe

husband is passing his Budha dasa In the wife s
chart SaDi js the lord of the Lagna and the 12th

houje Sam being m HasJa gets lh» effects of the 6t!i

bouse and also the effects of the 5tb bouse as Chandra is

iQ Mi'huna,

Ketu Chsndri

/ Wife

Guru 1

Ravi Rahn
Snai 1

As Cha-dfa is aspccted by Ravi there is in thi< case

RtM's effects also Further Sam and Guru are in combi
nation m the 8(h (ftudhas) hou«e.
I hus we see heic the

irdicatirns as m
the husband* chart of the
influences of
Kavi, Guru and Budha along
wnh the effrcts of 6lh, 12ih
5th, houses and Lagna.

During the Sam dssa of the mother the daughter was

runniug her Sukra dasa.
Sukra is the lord of La -na in
lerchan and of the 6lh house.
He is m Ultaiashada.
Rav.s constellation in Maknra-Sani's
house Rav. is
associated with Guru in Kuinba—Sam's
house. Sam Is in
Mecaa with Budha, the lord of the
2 nd and 5lh bouses
Thus in the daughters chart alsotve
find similar indications

Gum Daughter

L Sim and Budha and alls
o( tho influencM o! Ravi.

the ettecta of Sth, 8lh, Uth housea elo

If a planet la ailuated in a

the tesnit will be bad in the

01 a bad and enemy planet,
Da-a. and toed reaulti wi 1 be
first portion of the fotmei'a
latter period of it. Daf*' "
the conatellauon of a a"»^
planet la.itnated in
wilh a bid plinet the n..a
who h.maell in combination
reanlta, b.t the la ter p r„
„ I
w,„ ooinnience with Rood
examples will iHnst
the Dasa bad. The
will be
rate the adovc

No 1 Bndha .1 m Uttara. a constel

In the illostration Planet
r D Ravi IS jn combination wilh a bad
p'h” °'Hen«. in Budha Ba.a. from the beemning till

Rahu Bhukti, the native enjoyed a good

nt nf



official career. But in Rabu Bbukti* the native lost bis

position all on a sudden, and was unemployed till tbe

completion of Budba Dasa.

In the illustration Ho. 11, Guru is m Satabhisha, a

constellation of Rahu, a Thamasic planet. But Rabu is
In combination with Chandra a Yoga karaka
for Ibis cbart
rtence the first half of Guru Dasa, was a life

the latter ha e
to the native of the chart, while
enjoyed a good time

Stellar Lord’s
Modified Das« effects by the
oonstellat.on Asrvmr,
Chandra rema.nnins m Kethu’s a
Aswini Chandra is

or m other words the effect of

We have generally said so. But herein below are
Chandra has done good.
We shall
cases where Aswini
see how 1


rL Sam

Vtishaba Lagti* «
, H j

the Lord of 3 and remains in 12i

, r-c.eJta
m rank as a officer m Chandra Dasa
yet the persbn
Jieasm —See Ketu is id combination with Sam
I Qtd of 9 and 10. Dharma Karma Yoga effect on Chandra
has taken place. Hence the fine result to native m Chandra

This is about the bright and good side to the native m

Chandra Dasa. But we should not forget the dark side of
Aswini Chandra. Although the native rose in rank in

Chandra Dasai he bad the bad effect of Aswini Chandra

also. For a time he was bed ridden And one noteworthy
thing was that his attempt to go to foreign countries for
bettering his prospects failed
Chapter lU

Bhava Phala Kanda



If /

In th« first
''‘“"^°”/^";.CnnsI«lUt,on. Rsm
Ravi being m Rohim
In the second Uchhamsi Further
Chandra’s constellation tha
Hence the
Chandra i*naturally stronger
the orme
native is richer than
. h..low IS that of a natvie
The chart m the of the second houee is

born in Mabara lagna becomes a Rajasa.

Sam. and b* is m „e was Sam dasa and
The dasa at birth of Late.
Budha. the
to talk
he was not able

Dhaoishta Saoi r^udha Punarvasu


KaraWa of apeech, the oati^e acquireJ speech Also

Bvidha \$ 10 Pu\iar\avi* C»uni*s constellalmn, and b«cawf
Satwil IQ nature.

The laftna m the follomne illustration is Thula Lord

of the second bouse is Ku|8< who is in Ktithika PaM s
constellation and hence a Ka(asa. niidba. the Karnka of

1 1 \


L: 1

lludha 1
, 1

1 1 ‘/



The nalwe of the chatf « the son of the first wife of h»s
^ In ch^rt No II above the hgna is Vrishabha Havi
lord of the 4i>i house is lo Ptoaivasu Guru Is the lord of
Hunar\asu^ and (.uru »s the lord of 8th house the
native is the son bv the second wife of his father
l>oy.'\orco™^ “ e'rl. and two of

Kuja, Lord of
bLe'',“T Kumbha
from liana. the 5lh house
Snkr. I.
the constellation '">"«• and i"

For matrimonial purposes.

Vth and”" 9th h
eaamined. It will be
noticed that ti, tie
consideration the position
I P ”‘“i,’’"'
of SnUa i, f
of Ku„. Kuja occupies the 5,1;
than the Sih Kona occupied
to be eaamined to select
the partner of ,h"
evident that the partner's
SUkra’s houses, Vnshabha or Thula.
house, and Thula **
Lagoa Kendra, Thula
,b^ f*
Vrfshabha Also as Thula is a stronger
Sukra than Vnshabha, it can safely be
said *
will marry a Thula lagns person.

Now, two Th«)a ]agRa horoscopes are given. In th«

girl s horoscope '>ulcra is m punarvasu. Guru’s corrslella.
lion, and therefore is not pure in his nature Similar effect
18 noticed in the chart No I wherein Guru i? aspecting
Sukra by his 9th vision. Chart of the native No If does
not tally n similar effect (Guru's) hence though ncgotia*
tiona ware earned on wnh the native of chart II they were
dropped, and the girl married the native of chart No 1

( For female nafivily 9th house should Mso be

extrnned. tn addition to the 7th house, for matrimony)

let us now amlyre the conste!iatioo> montb, hgna

and the day in which the marriage his tiken place, ft
Will be interesting to *i»te that the marriage to >k place on

n Frid-tv m Tula lagna. m Muhuaa month, anl Dbanishta

was reigning. At the time of marriage il was Ku;a das3i
Sam Shukti and suk^'a Anthata. Kuja isthe Lord of
Dhanishta, and hence the ford of the ruling Daaa. Sam
lord of the BhuVtt is occupytag I hula, and Sukra. lord of
the Antharn is in Mitbuna All these tally with the
marriage day, constellation, lagna and month

Another horoscope IS studied below to illustrate that

the lords of the ruling dasa, Rhukti and \nthara haie

connection with the lagna. day. constellation and month
m which a marriage takes place.

This It a Dhanur tagna horoscope with Rahu in

Milhuna, Sukra in Kan>a, Pudha m Thula. ard Sam In
Vrlschika. The ruling da»a at the lime of marriage was
that of Hu lhai the sib period of Sam ami the Aothara
of Sukra. The nati\e of the horoscope, girl was married
on a Friday, ^when the constenation Satabhisha was
ruliDgt to Kumba lagna and in the month of Makara,

Jt ^Wfil be noticed that there is no connection of

Budba. the Lord of the dasa, with the muhurtha

Above IS a third chart to clarify the indications and

connections of the planetarytposuioDs and their influences.

The eherl Is the. ol a bo,

m V,.sbabha, and Kuja
Gun. .0 V„.ch,ka, Sao.
Budha in Simhae

The boy was married in Gam

Budha's anthara. on a Thursday
^ „habha
bon, ,n Srmha, and rn

It will be seen from this

rllnstrat.on that
the ^lo,1 ^ dasa,
with t
Bukti and anthara are connected ®
not necessary that aU the
In P
With the time of marriage «
shcJd b examined with
of disa Bhnkti and anthara
their association and situation*





with Ravi , and

et... a Thula lagoa horoscope,
Suhrx in Makara. Guru m
^"dh* “‘*r,u ooeaatn.<..n.-the7thBhava
' ,t wiH
KarKa* *
esrr.i Sam in

be seen that Sam js r^werfully aspectirg MesVa. and

impiession is created ibat this native will marry a
Makara or Kumbha Hgna nativet or a person bora in on“

Sam's constellations*

But the boy married a girl bom in Tliula lagoa, wiih

Tam in lagna. From this s~eo that tbougn it
ir is

not the lagna of the Sam that has lofluencedt his powerful
situation in la^na kendra has infijcnced the marriage.
Similarly also the planet may aspect or join with the lord
of lagna In certain cases this planet m ly as'ect the
lagna, or the lord of Ugna may be in the constellation of
the planet. thu» the mfljenee of the particular plan**
will be present in some form.

In cases where the native is destined to marry

more than one vTife. the influences of all the planets vrhich
control the 7lh Bhava of the rative will not be noticed
in the chart of the l»t wife. But (be influence will be
striking in the chart of the second wife. '

Mtryana or Death
How will the last days of a man's life be passed,
whether he will suffer illness or not, if there be illness
how long these are the inquisitive queetiocs of a consultant
They are to be judged from the 8th Bhav a— the ho 'e
of longevity.

As narrated before the Jctva and Shanra ol a Bhara

are the chief promoters of that Bhava.
1 heir very

^URSesl {hit Jeevt controls the intrinsic effects or the sou|

'vhtle Shanr^ the oiilwarJ or tbm^t lint perliin to the
body* When we think of that with respect to the bouse
of longevity t «. gih Rbiva, Ihejeevi represents the soul,
Atman that gives hie while Shanra represents the body
and constitution that preserves the soul.

Bettveen the two if any one is weak things representa*

live of it will also suffer and by a comparative study of
the Jeeva and Sharira of the fith Bhiva the mods of
death may be judged as follows —
1* Jeeva weaker than hbaira gives short illness and if

the disparity is too great the period of tllaess will

be fat lessened

2> Jeeva stronger than Shanra gives long illness be.ore

death, and the wider the disparity between the two
the longer would be the duration of illness.

3. Both Jeeva and Shanra are equally strong or weak

gives sudden death without illness with this differ*
ence that in the case of strength there will be no
pain endured at the last moment while in the other
case terrible bodily sufFeriog will be felt

The following charts will illustrate the above things —

The Jeeva and Shanra of the 8th Bhava are Rahu and
Ravi respectively Between the two Ravi is in debilita
tion hence awfully weaker than Rahu As it Is Shanra
that u weaker he suffered for six moDthi and died and
that happened m Ravi Dasa.

The Jeeva and Sbarira of the 8tb Bhava are MooO

nod Guru respectively Moon is weaker beins m debili*

tationand hence Jeeva is weaker than Shanra- The


He died allet
dotation ol illness is Ihetelor- lessened.

13 dAy»* fe\cr.


K rithikl

t - an #samDle of a native
dhe dlusltation ,he ath house in
botn in Kenya lesna '»•
h„ce the leeve
^ These
Ktilhih, eh IS Rehn's .n S leimieal constel
lot. the ]e.s n
of The native met
hands of his enemies
death at the
wRrnnn°a1 ii'°al
is born in
iltottaled beloiv,
the chart
The native Ketu Haste, and

Kumbha lasna. »' ,^5 „,„ve mot

with a

Chandra .» that, the Pithrusthana.

t, „eo
pave ‘
^ Thnla. owned by Sukra, who is
ion o[ Ketu Thus Ketu is the
As«int a CO

Chandra Sukra

4 '

9 Ketu

Jeeva of the Pithru Bhava Now the Ayurbhava of th
Pithru IS the 8th bouse from the 9th which becomes the
4tb bouse from the lagna of this chart. Sukra lord of 4i
IS m As«mi— Ketu’s star and Ke'u is m Moon’s star.
Thus Kctu and Moon are the Jeeva and Sharira of the
Pithru Nidhana Sthana. \s tnoon is in the 6th house
from fathers lagna (Thula) and is in Meena a watery signt
bis father had a watery grave.

Profession or Means of Livelihood
Profession should be usually judged from the IGtb
house, its lord and planets connected with them. The
nature of profession will ha\e to be discriminated from
the nature and controlling characteristics of planets
connected with the chief controlmg planet of the Bhava

[tudha j— ArjtJrft

Rah^ Ha*{a
^Kuja "Ua»t4

In this chart Budhii lord of 10 is placed in 10 yet he

'semplo}ed in (be Excise Department Oudha by himself
hj# Rothins to do With Fxcise. Hudha is in AriJft Rahu**
constellation and Kahu is m cootunction with Kuja.
There is thus Kuja Rahu ssmblodhs These two dry
planets tu^ciher
lyiih watery placets coolrol this
Department Both Kuja and Rabu are placed in
Kasta Moon's (a watery planet).
star Thus lord of
profession Budtia Is conlroUed by Ku)i and Rahu
placed in Moon’s star. Thus they gave him Txcise

Judgment of Profession
The profession of a person is governed by Jeeva of
the Karma Bhava or the lOib house in his birth chart.

The planet or planets influenctog the Jeeva of this Bhavai

either by aspect, or conjunction also deternunes the nature

penodt continuity, bieak or hange in the ptofe^sion
the native during his life lime For this purpose the
position! strength nature etc of the concerned planets,
* f the Jeeva and Shariva of the Karma Thava will have

to be studied

The influences of the Jeeva of this Bha\ a, starts

the person, in it s Dasa in a particular profession If this

induence continues ducing Succeeding Dasas the hfo m

time of the person be continues the same protessi
without any break or should the influence of another
planet become stronger subsequently a break or change is
indicated in the professicn of the person according to the
relationship and power of this planet with the exist ng





Ketu I
57 [8

Thi Jajni of <ht» n»ti\e is Dhatiut The loid

® the Karma
Dhavi, »s Hudln He is lo Cbitla, Ku;i s
^nstplJatfon Hetsce Kti{a is *lie Jce\a ofttisniiava.
mine started his profession m Knja data and
continued m the same profession till the end of the
tuectfdirg | gj-y Pahu is m Rffig-isirai also
^uns constellation, and his influence continued.



Ssihabtsha Guru Krithika



The lags'! in illustration No Two is Thula The lord

of Karma Bhava is Chandra who is in Uttarasbada
Ravi s constellation fn Rahu dasa th- native was tn a
particular profession Rahu is in Chitia a coosteUation of
Uavi But next dasa of Guru he had to give up this
,n the

profession and lake up another profession Because the

influence of Ravi, the Jeeaa of the Bbava is absent,
owing to CuTU being m
Satabisba Rahu s constellation.
It nay be added that Guru hei g the lord of the major

dasa gave the native a different pr fessiQoal career from

the original one

The /ollowjng etamples jJJustrate whether a person

will be stationary in a profession or will be lourinff

transfers if anj.



Rat 1

In illustration No. one Jeeva of the Karma Bhava ii

Ravi He i4 m Kumba a Tixcd si^rn (Shtirt I^asi). Ihe

nati\e of the clmt is at the same place for 25 years in

his profession.




i„ch„iN<, T«o.i,c
si.n., Ik IS in KaiWi » loovnbk
diV' >" ”
Ihis cfa.t ha. to l.av .1 lot .bool 2 S


nt 1

/ Ravi

’3hava 1.
, U thn It... o! 'bo b»""“
motablo .«n rho n.t.vo -I 'bo
nulnoH .'."0.0—
some, aniit.'
^ht ht::::. h,
, null bo applloablo
only H 'bo J"~
The abovo tnbne. by the
Bhav. .a
nl the Katina ___
„,h„ by
lolloenco. ol the ,ho,t con.tolla

o„„,unet,on,^a.P=o^^^ "0““ " "

o.ampto E'voa 'b'

The ]o va lot ^ S,h,„ But yet the

ItUmietothe enmb,
* Ob." 6th house
native bob the

nation ol Suit,
^ „ th,
lotd ol


L_ /


irom conimeacemcnt of Sukra dasa for about 14 yeari

the native was at the same place. Immediately when
Sam Dbukti in Sukra dasa started the native had a shift

In cases where the shift is due to the influences of

*he 6th or 8th Bhavas or their lords, the shift -mII occur
due to sonic peculiar feature. Such shift wiHbeonre
only if the irflurnce of tie 6th or 6ih Ith-i\as affect sincly.
But the coiibincd influence of both will give two shift*
\Vheic the jeeva of the Karma Bhava is in nim-iblc sicn*
the shifts will be very friqucot If the lords of the
6lh or
8ih homes, who cause shfis. happen* to hem water)
aigrs the »l ft he to pistes aerosi wstcr


Sravaaa— Kuja
n '

, 1

1 1

I nUl

"j^DlCTED Jrom^^he

..U,y »,cn and .. “ be prad.clad.

tnc /
watery sign or planeti

watery signse

KauUa, .he 12.h

,1, lord Voei. n » »«'"> P'”“'
hooee .> " „|,„c0 .here are thus a
”1;^ („„„y
placed .n Su '*
,„ u,c „aHer So he took the
majority ot

oyas. .0 M™” ^

Ifas in chart one Guru were in Chitta, children will be

born to the native m
the constellatiocs Mngasira, Chitta
and Dhanishta. But this has
not happened. Actually
the natues children are
born in Arudra, Swati and
Sathabhisha- Therefore the reader
can \ery well judge
which Panchanga is to be folloa
ed for Astrological


Ram Lagna •
—The results of the influences of the
planets will be the same whether or
studied fro ii, Janma,
Chandra or Ravi Lagna. Therefore, in cases of doubt
about the accuracy of the
Janma or Chandra lagnas. it
will be safe to predict the
infljences from Kavi Lagna.
The following may be si idied as
evumples From the
chart below, taking the
Karma Bha\ a, from Janma of
Chandra lagna. Sam lord of the 10th house, is m Jyesbta


Rahj Sant


Dudba a constellition Biidha is m conjunctio

four other plaoets and hence will yield


Tahnc the Karma Bhava fnm

m Bharani a co
Chandra ord ol the lOlh house is
Jahon of Sukra Sukta is alsn in conjuction

oth , planets, ineludms Budha and will Vel'l

tesulls only

let us study tbe Kalathra lagn-i is

Chart Seventh house from Janma Tal mg the
Thula and '^uhra its loid is . ,g ,n that
Mesln Ch^
7th house from Ravtlagna, Resides,
house m Bham t. SuVri s cons « jord
to Su <r
Chandra is a planet similar Sultra
ol the 71h house is m
comuclion ,jg„a the
isassocnled with the
Bhava. Irom
bhava is 'tud ed

,,j,Uatfrom whichever laBna

, ed b^
Hence it may be
bhava is “tu le
a particular ,
plane nyiU he found
or uiaUri
cesol similar benefic
connection Tat ns
j a ,n this
the 9th
Another chart IS
oudha 1 rd ol
w '» “
the 9th bhava „„.onct.o >
“ that Gum
hens. IS in „ I’lH be seen

Sam, n

£xauple tzio —
thula lagn\, budiia in j\esiita 12ih house K*"!?

IS a watery sign and Budha placed in his

ils lord is
(lord of I2th walery s
He took to sea voyaje
gn) star.
Budha dasa,

Example three

thula lagna, budha in sravana and moon I'

ASLESHA 12th 13 a jalarasi and

its lord Budha
is »'

lUkara (>valcry sign) and

Moon’s (nalety planet) SU'
and (hat Moon la in
Kalaka Rasi (watery). He took t
voyage in Budha dasa.

Chapter IV

Misra Phala Karda

Panchanga to be Followed
to prove that as between Valtya
Panehansa and Dt.l. S.ddanta Panchanga, the-latter

alone is correct.

li 1

E. »
l=l '1
r n l£

r /.i D
1: y c

Chilta Swali

Horoscope cast m accordance with Vakya Panchan-r

shows G...U .n Ch.tta 4 In the
c 1 1 horoscope cast”!!
acco, dance D„k S.dda.ta (2), Gum 5,“'

the e»est.onnftheconiWla„onc/ch,M
d.scossrd. .t .s s.en that Hr.k
S.ddant, race!

„ correct for, .1 the filth
lord Gntn
„ c
„,,1be boro to the native in the con,, n
ewati and Satabhisha. Amdra,


Budha Ravi '


Sukra Chandra^

Uttarashada — San

1. R»hu

From ihis instance also it may be inferred that fret"

>« $tu bed
whichever Uttna a bUtva of a horovcop*
same b*nefic or malefic influences will be present

In a study of this kind the similarity of the sofluences

of the planets are grouped as belon —
1. Ravi
2. Chandra—'Sulcra
4. Kuia — Kethu
5 Sam— Rahu

Reading one’s resuRs from his Relative’s

TreafnS Bbaaa denoting ibe particiHr reKtiae
results o! the paitieiSr rebi ve
with the same planetary pji.t.ont i i^e
same Data»«

Tha f.lhar's US"* « „„h Rahu

K.Uka«Ka,a. H. SuUa'. a,ar
and both ot them are P .
profession is denoted
(waKty planeO. T''"* actaally la
I' hu tallier is

by Ku,a.Rahamiy«t
Excise Department.
, will be found that
^^^^^^ effect
lha stellar posinan s,hooU
life to a «.y „ aPontd also be

caitoot be ctnaP'e"'’
ealeo .
up to a certain
IIAU trr'
n a C01.1 STI
INDICATIOSS 1^^^^ Jp,e„„i-.10n of tlie Pub™
inotlier. and the
,1 A „.l„.hooii of Ih-
Kitniadhibara* chart can

anddetermme the above three aspects. The native of
the chart u in his Budha Dasa,

Ravt 1

Sam '

Jyesbta Swati

The I^sSAn^tha, Rudha» is m conjunction with Ravli

lord of 10th house,

Again, Budhi w the lord of the Sth house, fro”*

Mathurslhana ('langalja Sthina) joined by Ka\i*
Once agiin, Oudhi is tht J<’eva of the 8lh house from
Pithursthana. As Budha is m Swathi, a Thamasic con
stellation, h* is weak for the Ayurbhaia of the father,

Thus, all the three concurrent indication of the death of

the father, the consequent widowhood of the mother, and
the Kariradhiksn for tfe son, ina> be elucidated from
one and the snine cliari.r^, that of th* son Actuati),
tic father of the oalive of the abo^e chait died in hi*
Dudha Dasa, and the results foUoKed as a natural

Kavi 1

Budha \



Links crtWEEN rATiirR’s and son’s PRorrs*

TJONS If a person is m a similar profession as that of

his father, the link for this may be found m this birth
chait. Sindy the chart above. The Pithrusthana of the

chart IS Dhanus And the father’s karmabhara or lOth

house IS Kanja. Lord of Kanya. Budha, is m con-
juction with RaVi and Rahu, m Meena, and Ravi is
stronger than the other planets

Now, the Karmtbhava of the native of the chart is

Makara Sam, lord of Makara is m Knthika. Thus,
Ravi is the Jeeva of the Karmabhava of the

Hence there is a close connection between the

profession of the son with that of the father. Actually,

the native of the chart, the son, is m

the same line of

profesiioa as that of his father.

Pithrubha^a being affected in the
Horoscopes of the Sons

which Pithru Karmadhikara will be

The Dasas in

indicated in the charts of the sons, will be found to

coincide. The above examples will illustrate this

In the first chart, Sam is aspccted by Rudha, who is

the Kaimadhipalhi of the native, and in the second

Budha is himself the Karmadhipathi.

At the lime of the death of the fither the first son

was in his Satii Dasa, ind the second son in his Budha
Dasa. This clearly shows, that the indications for Filru
Karmadhikara will be present in the charts of all the

sons of a father.

If such resemblances are not directly visible m Stoola

and Sookshma examination will reveal the identities.


01- ALL Ti!C SONS “If ths MithruWiAva IS to be affected)
lords of 4th and 8ih houses should combine, either
by situationi or asre-t or in constellatios Such a
combimtion should found in the charts of all the
children let vis examine this point.

In the fi'St example, Ravi lord of the 4th house is m

Punarvasu a constellation of C«uru, lord of 8tb house*
This IS a combination tn constellation.

In the chart of the second ton SuVra lord of the 4th

house m the 4lh hou'p, 15 as, ected l> Sam lord of the
8th house. Hits ait indication of the Mathrudosba
by aspect.
’ll [10



AJl these prove thit e Mtthru do h" indication will
be present m tne c arts of a'l the children

Reciprocal Resemblance of Sart Rahu,

Kuja and Ketu
That S'^Qi la hi e Rihu and Kuja ka Keta is already

said in part one That it is basic truth and not a mery

mate belief will be confitn etl from the following
arg iments

/» tht nsidt hotoscr^f —

1 Rihu IS in Gurr'i star, Sam is m Gira’s house
2 Kahu IS in Moon’s hous* aad 8th bhava, Sam is

aspecled by Moon wh5 is th« lord of the 8th house.

3 Rahu aspects 2, Sam owns 2

4 is in 4tb Bhava, and Gurus hou'^e, Bahu
IS in Guru’s star who is the lord of 4
Iq Ihe chart o( the third child Kuja lord of the 4th
house IS m Krithikit a constellation of the lord of the

housei This is an lodication to constellation

In the fourth clnrt, Chandra lord of the 8 th house is

in the 4lh housci which isan indicalioa bv tituaticu>

>3 [10



All these prsve thtt c Mithm do h’’ indication will
be present in tne c arts of all the children

Reciprocal Resemblance of San Rahu>

Kuja and Ketu
That Sam is 'it c Rahu and Kuja 1 kc Ketu is already
said in part one That it is basic truth and not i mery
make belief will be confiro ed from the foUjwiDg

Jn till nside horoscope —

! Rahu IS m G irr’i staff Sam is m Giro's house
2 Hahii IS in Moon’s house aud 8th bhava, Sam is

aspected by Afoon wb6 is th- lord of the 8th hous“.

3. Rahu aspects 2, Sam twos 2

4 *Jam !<; in 4th Bhaaat and Gurus hou'^e, f'ahu
IS in Cuiu s star who is the lord of 4

5 Sam aspects Ugnat Rahu obtains the chara of

the lord of the lagoa

6 Sam IS aspected by Kuja so also RahUi (both



— Sun- -Mngasra 4
U Bhadr 1

'•ukra Guru -Punarvasu 2

Dudha 3


IT Ashada 2 — “Ketu I

P Ashada 4— R Kui^t


1. Ketii IS m Ravj’s Star who in turn is m Kuja’s
Star« Thus Ravi is connsctiog both of them.

2* Kuja IS in Sagna, Ketau's stellar lord Havi

aspects lagna.

3. K.UJ^ IS aspected by Ravi Pudha Gum and

Sam. ivhile Ketu IS in Rai I’s star nho is combiied uitti
Budha and Guru and alsolvetu is in Sam’s house.

4 Kuji asp« cts 4, 7f ard 8ih Lhasns, Ketu aspects

8ih and is connected with 4 and 7 through I is stellar
lord Rail.

Thus pomi t^ery so t oi jruiml re!ationsb;p

poinl lo
to the m)nut“ degree may bs established between the two

•cts of planets Sani Kahu and Kuja Kctu, By th” natural

rescmbUrce between them the effect of one planet will be
gnen by tl e other coriehled planet of the group though
in Slhooli chakra tbetr relationship cannot be traced

U Dhadra 1 Rohini 1

Anuradha 3 Swati 4

1. Kahu IS in Sam s star while San! is m his own.

2. Rahu IS the Jeeva of Kuja and the Sharira of Ketu

Thus Kuja and Kelu are connected by Rahu.
3. Kctu IS 7'necicd by Kuja.

4. Kuja sees 10. Ketu is in 10.

Test for Alliance

!t IS often experienced that insptte of cases recomm
ended for alUmce calamities base occured in some cases

fcarly and in olher cases at a later stage On the ptesenla

tion of horoscopes judgenent will b® usually arrived at on
looking into Koottams (tests for alliance) with a supetfi
cial survey of the body of the horoscopes major importa-
nee being attached to Koottams alone The example given
below TLveals that m spite of 8 out of 12 Koottams and 23
out of 36 Gunas being satisfied the union is found to be
unfavourable This is caused bj the inherent qualities
embod ed in the horoscope fn addition to the test of
Koottams it would be necessatj and also su<*icient it the
horoscopes are examined for lot geviiy, wido vhood, arnica
bitity harmony, eqaltj, chiractot and bed cor forts

The Koottams are ment to reveal on y those factors but

they are far general m nature which app y to all cas*s born
in such and such stars In addi ion to this general test

India iduat tests will hive to be applied and dnal judgement

arrived at when the error will be '“ompictly removed




Sam S' o U
flusband Wife


1 Moon Guru Kctu


A nonj the three pliiteU cosjomed tn the boy’i li^nA

Sukra js most powerful of a.!! and thus Kuja (therefore
Ketu) and Guru are under Sukra's control Budha is in
Aswini K* hu*s star and Kethu (or KujaJ b^'ing controlled

by Sukra, Budha has come under Sukra's sway. Sam beinK

in Guru’s stir has also come under Sukra's sway for a

similar reason and hence Rabu also. So also Moon Thu^

all the planets except Sun have been controlled by sukra'
He passed his Sukra and Ravi Dasas. Soon after Moon’s
Dasa commenced he was attacked by lunacy and is still
sufferinc from same For Moon(Karaka of the mind) is
^ Ketu’t star who is the l.otd of 7 and 12 and is further
by reason of " Kujavath Ketuho* »•« related with the lords

of &, S, 11 and 12f hence the results. If this was previously

noticed would it not hate been helpful 1

Muhurlhams or Auspicious time for the

conirnencernent of Important ceremonies etc.

1 ^ n here such auspicious limes are often fixed as

dctmle 1 nut In Muhu ta Granihas. A' we have said of
teats of alliance, eten m this case such auspicious ba^ed
on nerelj the general chsractcrutics such as —
Weekday, Na'shlra, Ibitbi etc, svill aot suffice They
may be necessary but are not sufficient, ft should be

eoupl* I UT with the lencrativc factors of the horoscope

in paiticular K should be perfomted fn such stars and
Ujna as arc uosetned l>> the YOGAKAttAkas OF Tiir
l.ACSt which hsse been alrca!> expUinerf in this treatise.

Oh^'wisc c% I effects atone will result however much

the cur em fictors be aus? c out


1. Toi a Mesha La;>na native marriage was celebrated in

Revati star and it resulted n death. The current

star IS one ruled by the 6th lord of the natitc and
Budha Disa ruled at ihs tunc of marriage <o she
died then. Results should be modified if that
Budha had any benefic relations In this case he
had no such relationship

In this test for alliance attention is invited to the

Birth details in fixing the auspicious lagna and star. We
now deal further on thi« point and slrets that in addition
It should also be judged for auspiciousoess from the
planetary positions and the Dasa that rules at that time*

Example .—
In spite of my warning, one undertook to commence
the construction of a building id Vnsbabha lagna.
Revati star with Venus in Meena. and Budha and
Kuja in Makara.




\fter ths completion of fo ndation the worh st pp»d

suddenly due to dispute between brothers 1 his n y be
persued. The general principles are fully an picuas it

IS ^thira I agna. Rovati star an auspicious st<ir, too vitb

Lagnadhipathi Verus m Labha also in exalted and ya(e
bad results For the current Dasanatha fiiidha i. in
conjunction with hiS powerful en*my Ivuja (lords of
brothers) anj Budha n* 1 ord of 3rd Bhai a a'pectin th

same Hence tl e resu)t>

Shanthi Karma
The science of Astrology was propoun ed solely with
the obl*ct of trying to prescribe means of averti g the
evil caused by the planets and not uurelv Knowing when
one would get wealth. Wife, profe<siOD> etc , e\en among
evil there are two kinds oi e called oilRir)\MOOi.A' > f,
the evil of a permane-t nature caus'd by the accumulated
sin of many previous binhs which can ne\er be averted
and the other named '•iHiTHtLa'Icot l r e, evil which
>s oi a temporar) nature liable to be warded o/T if proper

Shanli Karina IS done It is with the litter class th^t we

deal with TO iLLUaTRaTl Tllt'i —One falls ill at a
time, an I that seriously, say at his 32nd age On
exaimnation his longevity is found to be C6 But it
iiiaysometimes happen that he dies at the 33nd a„e itself
i lew are we to reconcile tb s difference’ llis longevny
h-ced at 66 Is no doubt true provid'd he passes over il is

stepping stone at 33ncf and this can be attained b) dmnr

propitious rites to the particular placet afflicted an I

administering the medicine etc. The stepping stone at

32nd IS called akah MRIT\o’ or untimely death Thus
Akala Mrltyu or the untimely death may be averted by
ShantiKarma etc, and it lies in the hands of meiiwhila
Kala Mrityu or the timely death belonging to the said
Dhridhamoola will certainly happen and can never be
averted by ORniNAl \ MAN by any Karma whaisoeier.
We say ordinary man, because, even this Dhn Ihamoola
may be a\erted and controlled by those who have full
controlover their ‘pancha ppanas’ b> Swasa Dharana
Pranayama and such other Yogic practices which are
beyond the reach of ordinary man As we have to deal
with ordinary man in general Shanthikarma will be
elTectia e only in the case of the temporary evils Whether
any evil is of a temporary nature or a permanent one
must, therefore, be first discriminated as otherwise the
astrologer fails in his prescription of remed es This has
to he read cut from the body of the horoscope as per
rules laid down in the science

Having found out that «he evil is of a suscep ab’e

nature the next question about Shanthik^rma to be
effected How when and to whom should it be done ^

Sometimes it so happens that shanti is done to Sam uhile

^he evil IS due to Sukra Of what use will it be in such

c ses ^ The results natrated below may be followed in

general —
1. As it 15 the time that is of much importance in

causing an elTect we must first note the Dasa, Bhul ti, etc ,

that the native is passing (hen.

81 ill

2. Next find out the particular planet that, byita

sf/liction IS causing^ the evil, it may be the Dasa lord or
the Bhukti lord himself causing the evil or it may be some
other planet related to such lords that may loilict the evil.
The results may no doubt be felt dariog the period (Dasa,
Bhukti etc.^ of a particular planet. If that lord is not by
himself a malefic nh^t use is it to perform shaatiWarma to
It when the evil is actually instigated by another planet
which by its conjunction or otherwise by way of any sort
of relationship with that lord controls over it and causes
the evil ? In such cases there is absolutely no use m
ofi'ering propitious rites to such periodical lord though the
effect IS revealed during their own periods The malefic
can only be brought do>«n by proper
effects in such cases
Shantikarma being done to that particular planet that
instigates the periodical lord to give the result Herein
lies the intelligence of the astrologer.

^4s an Illustration —Tor the evil caused by Guru for

Thuta lagna dunng his period Shauti will be effective if
done to Guru alone as be is malefic by himself and lias
caused the result independently. Take Dhanur lagna and
Guru related with Sukra causing evil dunng G>.ru'6 peiiod.
It isevident that the evil is caused by the malefic S kra
and not bj Guru. In this case Shanti should be done
to Sukra and not to Guru. Thus an intelligent astrologer
should try to discriminate things on a careful study of the

P. S — By relationship is meant, as usuaT, conjus

ction, aspect, and stellar connection


3< Dunns the Period of the same Guru Dasa for

Phanur lagna (Guru m Bharani 3) the malefic effect will
be seen in the third quarter of Guru dasa When that
Cunj was showing himself to be benefic till that time he
has suddenly changed his colours and has caused cmI
Poes it not show that evil is caused by some body
else by relationship. It is evident that Sukra for Phanur
Lagna IS a great malefic being the lord of 6 and 11 and
Guru being placed id snch a malefic’s star has attained
Sukra’s colours during the chara period of his dasa
Then whom should Shanti be done ? Evidently to
^ukra. Thus during the chara period if the evil is found
be due to chara lord Shanti should be done to the
chara lord.

4. Further discrimination in the worship of deities

may be made as follows —
Guru and Budha represent Vishnu
Moon and Sukra .. Parvati and Lakshmi
fj Kuja M Kumarswami
dj Sun *» Eswata
f) Sam . Yama
/J Rabu and Ketu « Minor deities
P .S'— If the said planets remain pure and single
then worship of the particular deities and Shanti ascribed
to them will be found to be propitious.
If they are further joined or related with other
planets the diety m particular representative of snch
combinations should be pitched upon.
For example, Kuja and Budha show Ugra Vishnu,
therefore Narasimhaswamy, (2) Moon and Raho represent
Ugra Deri, i ^ $ Durga, Kalika or Cbamundeswari etc.
61iapter VI

Yoga Kanda
NRFClii BtlVNG4 — II the lord of the coQstellattoQ
occupied by n Neecba planet were to remain in a Ucba
ksbetra, id Swakshetra or in a Kendra from Chandra,
there will be 'Neecha Bhanga*.

KALA SARPA \OGA If, m a horoscope the rest of

the planets happen to be situate between Kabu and Ketu
iQ the zodiac, Kala Sarpa Yoga prevails It is a very
bad Yoga

DHAKMA KARMA YOGA A native has Dharma

Katmi Yoga tf m his horoscope the 9th and lOtb lords
are jo combioatioo Tbis is a good Yoga.

One Planet Control

Ruling In cases of nativities where one planet
controls the rest of the planets results depend upoa the
good or bid nature of the one planet which controls the

for one planet controling the

Illustration rest of the

planets Horoscope of an emperor

Example one —
Lagna U Dhatius
Guru, Sam, Kuja are m lagna.

Sukra and Chandra are in the consteifation Chitha.

Havi and Budha are m the constellation Visaka.

4 6 7

3 " J 8

2 / 1 9

SAM 10
KUJA 12 11 1
Sukra V
Budha Ravi Zt<*ndr»J


As Gum IS the strongest planet all the other planets

have come under Guru's sway. The above illustration
where all the 12 Bavadhipathis's are under the control of
one planet * ^ • Guru.
Explnnnttcn ..Dhanur lagna. Lord of Jagna and
4~"Guru IS in lagna itself. C>uru is powerful in
in’akiJwfri (fo h)s own boute). It it to bo tpocnlfy
noted thit Guru is stronger m
DbaoLS than in Meena and
Guru’s constellations are Punarvasut Visaka and Poorva

Note the lord of 2 and J— Sanu and the lord of

5 and 12 —
Kuja ate in Ugna under the powerful control
of Guru
Lord of 9~‘Ka> It and lord of 7 and 10, Itudhs are
in Visvka, G
iru's constellation. Kavi and IJudha too are
therefore under the very powerful control of Guru.
Lord of 6 and 11 — bukra and ford of 8'"Cbandra
are in Chitha — Kuja’s consfeUation. Ihs Kuja bas
come under the powerful control of Guru and so lord of
6 and 11 —Suhra, and lord of 8— Chandra have also
come under Guru’s control.

Rahu and Ketu ate representatives of Sam and Kuja

and v/hen Sam and Kuja have both come under Guru’s
coalfoJ, it IS Rsba and Keia have corns
{Ojphed that both
under Guru's control. Thus we see all the 12 Bavathi
pathis have come under the control of one plan-t— Guru.

In this case thousb Kala Sarpa Yoga seems to exbist

la Sthoola< it does not prevail, tor, rvbenever Kshu and
Ketu become benefics or come under the control of a good
planeti Kala Sarpa Yoga does not prevail. It is then



— Ravi


Example tiio —
Lagna »s Vriscbika Lord of S—Chandra (Yoga
Karaka) is exalted, and Chandra is m combination with
4th lord who i» very powetful.
Lord of 1 and 6 — Ku]a,'| are under Chandia*s
t> 3 and 4 —Sani.J control*

Lord of 8 and 11 Budha*! are in Chandra s

and lord of lO— Ravii J bouse*

Lord of 2 and 5 — Guru "j

are in Makha Ketu’s
ti 7 and 12 SuliraJ constellation

Thus all the 12 planets are under the control of



Dhamshta — Sukra

• In

illustrations (l)
RaV 1

(2) ellucidat'on is according
to Sookthmai In illustration (3) elucidation is according
Iq Sthoola* In this all the 12 Bbavatlupathis have come
under Kaja’s control. Ligoa being 1 hula, lord of Ligna

and 8 Sukra, is in 4lh Kendra. Lord of 2 and 7 Kuja —
IS in lord of 3 and 6—‘Guru. lord of
his or^n house.
4 and 5— Sam, lord of 9 and 12 Dudha, lord of 10 —
Chandra, lord of 11—'Ravi are all under the control
of Kula.

of Kuja, as he is
Sukra is also undst the control
Knia's constellation. Further this one leading

Kuja possesses Digbala

P. S —Whenever Kma con es combination
remains in lOt or s
the lord of 10, or occupies 10. or
constellations or again gets aspccted by
becomes extrotciinarily powerful.




Chindt* SANI


tiif rest of tiie

one pt-anci (dad) coOTROt-i-tNo
of a person, all the
PLANETS -In the above horoscope
12 Bavathipalhis have com.
lord of 8 and 11. to this native,
bad “
Bndha being among
and children
prciailed. He losth.s profession, wife
Bhavas were being often disturbed.
the connected

Vrischika lafjna Lord of Lagna

this Ravi
m uthara Ravi's constellatioM. And
Kuja 18 .

As Budha exalte
under Budha is I

who js lord of XO* >s


in Kany'i, Kuja haa come under the control of Budha*

representalne of Kuja who also controlled

Kelu who IS is

by Budha. Lctd of 7 and 12 —Sukra. lord of 3 and 4"

‘'am, (and Rahii also) are m combination with Budha
where Budha controls them L^^rd of 8— Chandra is in

Poor\ashada Sukra’s constellation Consennently Chandra

also IS under the control of Budha

Lord of 2 and 5— Guru, is in Sathabisha.

of Budha.
star. So Guru loo has gone under the ccntrol
thus all the 12 planeU have come under the contiol
the lord of 8 and 11.



Chandra Guru 9 10

• Rahu


Kuja Ravi
Sam Budha
Sukra X‘


Lord of 9 — Sukra and lord of lO—Budha arc m

89 [12

Sasttas say that were combination in Sthoola alone

of 9 and 10 Lords would not suffice for the native to enjoy
(he Yoga It is enjoined that the Dasas of either the 9th
or lOlh Lords should run withm the Lifetime of the native
for him to enjoy the effects of this Yoga.

However, observation reveals that in spite of what is

said above the Yoga does not take the effect m some
instances while in some other cases, it takes effect m the
Dasa of quite a different planet, which is related to either
of the said Yoga Karaka

For example, the native whose horoscope you see

above, had Budha Dasa between his 1st and l3th year,
and between the ages 20—40 Sukra Dasa was in force
But the native did not have the effects of the Dharina
Karma Yoga even in this latter Dasa. It is in Chandra
Dasa that the native became a prominent figure. Why 7

A Yoga does nat take effect without reason And the

reason is in the native’s horoscope you see Chandra

remaining in Dudha to
Revatbi Budba’s constellation
this horoscope along with Sukra, a RijHyoga Kanka, and
80 Chandra was compelled to give the effects of the

Dbarjna Karma Yoga.

Another horoscope of Dbarraa Karma Yoga

Lord of 9 Budha and I on) of 10 Sukra are in comlii

nation with Kuja


Sam 1



Ravj Sukra Rafau 9
But the nati\e did not enjoy the effecis of this Voga

.0 any ©f the Dasas. It was in Gutu Das% that the native

enjoyed the effects o( the Yoga.

Reason for it is Guru remains in Mrigasira Kuja’s


Kuja by reason of his Sthana Bala has ’obsorbed the

Dharma Karma Yoga compelled Guru to give the Yoga
even though Guru is Lord of 3 and 12 to this f agna.
* » # *
Illustration to prove that Sant's aspect on Quru dimi
nishes the Yoga
Both the natives are boro in Mesha Lagna Lord of
9 IS Gurui and Lord of 10 is Sam.
Though m (2) Guru and Sam aspect each other the
native bolds an ordinary position

But in fl) There is no combinatioa of the 9ib and 10

Lords, nor aspect between them. Yet the native
Tl) IS an officer of high rank.
NSTien the Lordi oI the 9th and 10 bo«»e»
*fC very atronc Jo aJI re«(tect<« «rd reeupy farourahJe
poihion*, the native Itecome* very fion>{nenl In life. In
•uch caicii if (f«y ro«i<>« Pi£hvU in addition nilheut
any shitevcr, the native baa ihc chancra of beco-nlp^
a Rtt’et er a Fuffe SflnJatet.

P, Cvfxi and Hulha fn I-icni Kerdn,

'Jn»»n and Sv\ra In leuth
F»hu arid S*ni f- avveeth ,»

5b9« Kota and K<lv in teeth *«

a D jtula,

in hoettforr* el thite iitt>

*rt t^taeSi

People born m Makara Lagna having Sam m 7lh

Quadrant are world known.


Rahu Sam


In (l) lee Sam is in Hastha Chandra s constellations

Chandra is Lord of 7 (o this hagna. Sam thus gets the
special power of the 7th Quadrant (By Stellar Lord)



Sant Rabu
In (2) Sec Sant is in Snilt Rtf a'< conslcJJaUor. See
Lord o( 7 Chandra aspccuna R*hu (itultn^). Sam ihns
nets Ihc special powei of ibe 5lb Quadrant (ity aspect
orcr the Stellar Lord)






In ()) Sant >1 in Small Usbut c< r»l llslun I a) u

la in CO riWnalinn «lth |yM I of 7 Chundra Tft.»5ani
the apecu! powtr cf the 7ih Quadran*. (Of eenjan-
Cl*©! wUh the Stellar l^id)


In the above ca«e there Js the Budha Sam aspect,

Kot only that Budi a is m Lagoa Keodra, Sant (s In

Sapthama Kendra Both Budha and Sam in these parlt

cular places are powerful

See Chandra 10 Lord in Aslesha Budha's conslella

tion Infer that Chnndra IS under the Budha Sam away.
Kuja Lord of 2 md 7 it in JjeaJila, fiudha'a constellation
Infer that Kuja also has come under the Bndhi Sam sway
Suhra Lord of 1 nod 8 is Uthara, Ravi s coostellation

That Ravi is along with Budha

Budha is more
powerful thatt Ravi fay reason of Ra\i remammi? >n

Neecha Stbaaa. and Budha being lo frteodly place and in

Lazna Kendra, Infer that Sakra has also come under
the Budha Sam sway

\S hen both Kuja and Sam ba\e come oner this Dudha
Sam sway, it IS implied that Ketu and Kaho respectively
are under that sway
under the
u n^tithiDathu coming
ThM w= s« '
the two pUnels
The result

control of

IS Raja Yoga.

in.y appear to
he to
Uthara. it
„h„u|,h Ulhara is

SaUa .e,s
Havi’sconstetlatioa. Wheat s
Ihe control of Budha. h.s conslellalioa
more porerfalth
ofBadha Merciirv's rays are

in Ihu.a
llloslralion hetow of artire
ludhaSanisasybat without Ita.a ^ oSe



Co-uparias tado.nee'’h.s rr.railed


prevailed. While
..ecu hare

m the former all planets have come under the Budha Sam
way, in the latter Guru has gone out of the sway.

Ravi IS not a Yoga Karaka for Thula Lagna; and

the effect of Ravi's rays is to pull down Budha’s influence.

In the former case the Sam Budha sway has become

predominent while in the latter the sway has becc-nie

subordinate. Therefore there is this difference of eleva

tion and depression One has Raja Yoga, while the other
is m ordinan'y good circumstances




Chind'« Sukra


Two horoscopes of the same1 agna with Rahu m

Ucthara in Ouring Kabu Dasa of each one of them,

results \ aried widel> . “I he persons referred to m Chart 1

earned I akhs while thi. person referred to in Chart (2)

got a mere rue in the grade of ofAce.

What IS the reason for one earning Lakhs of rupees

nnit tVi^ rtlh^r i , ....... .... .t.. — .. office ?


In cm,. ( 0
Dharma Yoea v,ac m or- ,„„„nc,al
l>as >ha benttic
Ravi's coaslellat, OB
aSBcCotChaadra. Chool'*
' 7””,,’^,
1 arr
reason of
mously increased the earmajs
U.lhara Rav. s constellation
Raha being in

,n char. Ul there - I’^tTood^TnUsm'

Chandra on av
IS no aspect of p-isai alibough
Cbar. (!) '^^' 0 was feeble
Uthara. na
Rahu remams in
I 1 nramMcharj a when he
said to lea
One jensaal pleasires nhich

bsolutely nn

possible by remaining unmarried in his life time For this

the second, lourth, seventh and twelfth bhavas should all
be spoiled For, it is the second house that tells of
(Kutumba) or family, the fourth of happiness the seventh
of sexual pleasures and the twelfth of bed comforts. It

IS only when all these are simultaneously affected that one

will be devoid of a wife, comforts of couch and sexual
enjoyment. »

In addition to this if the Kendras and Konas are also

spoiled It will gi\e Sanyistva or Aceticism.

This IS the chart of a Jagadguiu,


(i) Ka]at Lord of 2 and 7 is (a 2 placed in

Sam’s star thus Kuja is lo Satvika Guna which is bad to

(ii) Gurut lord of 3 and 6 is placed in 7(h Bbava

m Sukra's star (lord of 1 and 8) thus 2 and 7 are spoiled.

(ill) Lord of 4 Sam is m Guru's star (lord of

3 and 6).

(iv) Lord of (2 Budha is m Rahu's star and bas

thus acquired Thamasa Gnoa.
Thus 2i 4, 7 and 12 are affected and he therefore
remained a bachelor.

Further •-’Almost all the planets are under the

away of Guru and Sukra who have themselves undefgfose
Sookshma Parivarthana and further Sukra has come
under Guru's sway as the former is placed m the latter's
house itself, aud (hat Guru is a pure Guru but lord of 3
and 6 (An Aiayogi). Hence the native did not become
a King but attained even a higher scat of a Jagadguru at
whoose feet even a King prostrates and worships.

LxampU tuo —
Horoscope of a Mebatshl.
In this horoscope all Ibe planets are placed m thft

constellation of —Guru, Sukra and

the three benefics
Budha. But these are the lords of 3, 6, 8 and 12. Hence
a revered Saint with high spiritual talents.

P. may thus be noted that for attaining

spiritualism of a high order, the planets should be under
the sway of pure benefics like Guru, Sukra and benefic

Budha and Mooq>


Revati 1 Bharni 3 Punarvasu 2

GraliA (*arivartHan& 6r Mutual Exehango

Paruarlhina Yoga is cited in general Astrology to

be one of the most powerful YoSbs and that between

functional benches is said to cause beneTicial Yogas while
one between functional malefics cause adierse effects to
the native, fn the following example —
It may be teen that m addition to the Parivartbana

helweui the lords of 5 and 9 (Moon and Guru) The

three Kona positions are occupied by the first rate ^ oga
krakas Sun Moon and Guru. (Lords of 10> 9. 2 and 5).
Yet the native is an ordinary clerk drawing a poor salary.
i6i 7 ds'|


Gurii — -



read out
Ths tealon Is elsewhere which can be readily
All there three planets are
Iron, the stellar theory. _
and Bndba is the lord ot 8 and
m Bndha's star
acquired Duryosa. consequently the
the three planets have
Yoga Bhavas ha%e sufTered.

Yoea. is caused under stellar

The said Parivartbana
is placed in another s
theory il between two planet, one
powe.M Yo^a and elect wdl
sil^ This IS the most
come to pass, whether for cood or bad has to be
If it is betrreen functional
"ad from luncfons.
escellent. if between fimctional male
b-ernca the result is
results will f-Hnw. Ihc only pmnt that
fics adverse
is when it happens between a
lo be e.aniined
a functional malefic. Watch the
following argument!.

iJycshta 2

Sukra i

^ iBudha I

1 Sam I1 1

Jye«hta Swati 4

There is Panvarlhaoa between Itudua and Sam m

Ibis nativity. For, Budba is m Swati Rahu’s star and
Kahu IS like S'lni. (bus Cudfaa is m Sam’s star and Sam

\t in Jyeshta Tudba's star thus there is mutual exchange

between the lords of 8 and 4> In Hudha Dasa his mother
fell ill severely and was even on the point of death Cut
she survived.
Reason — Budha, the JeeVa of the 4lh Bhava is

placed in the star of the Lord of ths 8th and !1 too,

hence he caused danger to mother. But this Budba by
reason of being p’aced lo Sim’s star is Itc CApturfd by
Saoi who has then not allowed Budhi to exercise hi*
maleBc power. Hence the mother's death was checked
by Sam. In fact it happened in Cudha Dasa Sam Dhukti
alone. Thus it may be be seen that there is a sort of
action and counter action surrender end recaptured
progress and check of one on the other m such cases of
Tarivaitbana One checks the other from expediting the

See the effect

when f'ere is no such Parivarthana<
During the same Budba DaSa be lost his wife For, the
7lh lord Sukra is placed in Jyestha Pudha’s star and this
Sudhi IS iu Rahu's constellation Ihere being no Panvar
thana between Sukra and Pudha* Sukra is lost under lord
of 8 and 11 and has
not regained Hence Budha killed
the w ife

By* such Parivarthana as between Functional Benefic

and Fun'-tional Malefic results are to be read at first as if
there were no Parivarthana but m the latter part judgment
should be given m favour of survival or progress of the
<trfected Bhava 1 hts is the peculiarity of Parivarthana.
See the following chart —


— Sam


flere again there is Panwrlhiuj between Guru and

Sanl (Lords of J. 6 and 4, 5’. For Giinj m Andra Kabu
(hence Sa^) is fn Saai's star and Sam is in P. Bhadra

Guru’s star. The native was held in remand during Rahu

Dasa and subsequently let off The bad result is caused by

a combination of lords of 4 and 6 and by reason of Pan

varthana Yoga the evil is checked and relief shown.

This IS an example to show that by Panvarthana

Yoga the evil connoted by the planet wiU be atleast


M oon


There >8 a mutual excbanje between ifoon md Sukra

t A between the lords of 9 and 12. Ihe natiie p‘is«ed

Sukra Dasa and the father dil not die then, it was post
poned to a farther dasa.

Illustration below, of horoscope ha\ ing Parii arthana.

Lord of 9 Hudhi is in J0» nod Lord of 10 Chandra is in 9

Tor outward appearance, there is Pirjiar‘jjinaf the
mutual exchange hut the native is not haiing an> pood
icsult and the reason for it is that Chandra has gone



1 /
mder Gum's
Uiiu, is Lo,d
Hudha. I.ot,
of 3 and C.
Pourvasu. G»u to
thus nia a
nation with Sukra I.ord of 8. _ ,

th. Load, of 3 0 ana 8aa.

*0 the n'xtive co ilJ not <^e^^^c

mutual exchange.

fllustration in point a.chang.

2t yaars of age anioyms the
ol plane
obtaining in the position
Gam m Sravana.
Saa tha ..otd of 3


. .1 •rchaDKe intcrn-xlly. anJ such




Ravi Chtndta

Vi«aka Vi«aka

Lord of 10 Ravi, who fioverns occupalion ot

professioa of the native IS also m Visaka. Ry Mrtue of
Kavi being situate in such PiTi^arthana good effects of
Gum and Cliandra nre 8i\en b> Ravu with the result that

the natne, though 24 )ears of age, uas slatted iq s*r\ice

on a very decent salary.

CIIA^DRA MANCALA ^OGA —-It 16 generally believed

that a person enjo)S th* above ^oga if Chandra and Ktija
are iQ Kendras in his birth chart The chart is below an
example of the planets in such a position, but yet. the
native of the chart is ui very ordinary conditions m life

Th“ reason isChaadra is in Puibyanii Sam's conttel

lation. and has
beco ne fhamasic while Kuja in
Dhanishta has become Thaniasa Satwik lienee to
predict Chan Ira Nfan^ata Yoja when the planets are
devoid of their proper Gunas will not be correct.


“Kiija /

GA]A KES\Ri VOGA — G«ru and Chandra^ln Kendras

are believed to make the native enjoy Gaja Kesari Yoga.
Here isa chart to illustrate the planets lo such a position
but yet. the native is mdifficult circumstances It will be

teen that Chandra is in AsWmi. Ketu's constellatiooi and

has become Thamasic, while Gum is m Swat!, Uahu'a
constellation, and hence be ts also Thamasic. Tberfore,

m V"
i /
/ r I
to predict good results of Gsja Kesari Yoga when tlie

planets are devoid of their Guoas will not also be correct

When a planet is situated
between two subha planets it is said to be Chamara Vogai
yielding very good results to the native

Two e’tamples are given above ns iDuslrations, but

actually the results were not at all good in both the cases.
The leason is that Outii and Suhra. who are on either
side In both the examples and who are generally Subha
planets, are lords of 3rd, 6tb and 8(h houses, for (he
particular I agoa Hence the bad results

rbe following example illustrates the good results of

R Chamari Yoga to the native. Ihongh Rihu is genarally
considered a malehci in this case, he is aYoga Karaka
in addition to Chandra for this Lagna Habu is Lord of
4th and 5th houses, like Sim and Chandra lord of JOth
bouse Hence both are Subha Grahas, and the natne
who IS now in Cudba Data. It enjoying best Chamara
Yoga reralts
Grahas, !
being naturally Eubbn
Thtretore. planet! and
but they have to be
nut irnnly consideration, to
Onnership tor each lagoa,
aoquireSood natures and
give good yoga

naTEKMlNlNCl vooa
that Guru and Kuja,
hems Lords
ally believed
Karba Laena. their combination
gth and 10th hou
product, veol
good .

example! Itom li
„,th Guru, and in the

[tom Kuja'a

. 1 ..1 T ord! of 9th and 10th houies ate in the

rarticnlarly m Kn,. Da.a, the native lost
hi. living

In ^WwUsktioQ No 2 there is no conncclion bctweer
Kuja snd G(tfu eilber in aspect or in conste/Zaticn. Curt
Daia has been productive of very good results to the




Therefore it may be inferred whether Kuja is to

considered a Yoga Karaka or not for Karka Lagna.

yoga karakas for mesha lagNA Ravi and —

Chandra are Yoga Karakas for Mesha Lagna, m addition
*0 Guru In the IllsUation given of a Mesha Lagna
oati\e Ravi and Chandra are in Rohini, and" are therefore
iRajasic m nature Guru is m Dhanishtaj while Kuja and
iSani are m Meena.


Kuja L Ravi
SaOl rhtrx'tft



houses are in a good constellaf

Lord of 4th and 5lh
within 8 deg. from each other with
the 2nd house
is the best Guna here. Besides.
c nature, which

he n-ttas*®
Uhanishta, a constellation of Kuja, who is the
-•uru IS
Lagna h*nce Guru attains Lagna Kendra
ord ol _ aspects Ravi and Chandra Knja further
iigbila of the lOlh Kendra, by his con
cquires t e^ strength
^ jq^j^ hojre On account
jnctiooW influences the native of the


varGotuama lagha —When a birth lagna '*

called i

same both m Rasi and Navamsa, it is

Vargothama Lagoa.

VARGOTUAMA GRAHA — When the position o( i

planet falls m the same house both in Rasi and in
msa the planet is called a Vargothama Planet

VARGOTHAMA LAGNA — It IS DOt sufficient if

Lagoa IS Vargoltama, for a native to enjoy good
It IS also necessary that the lord of the lagna
either be well situated or aspected In the example
Guru lord of the lagna debihtatedr and

aspected by Kuja ConseQucntly the native is

birth falls

famousi nor enjoying Yoga, though his

Vargothama Lagoa.



Pari III wiU be Publi*hed

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