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Arms Control and Disarmament

Arms Control or Arms Limitation:

Any measure limiting or reducing forces, regulating armaments, and /or restricting the
development of troops or weapons which is intended to induce responsive behaviour or
which is taken to an understanding with another state or states

Disarmament or Arms Reduction:

The reduction of a military establishment to some level set by international agreement

Ways to Disarmament: Seven ways

1. Total Disarmament:
Elimination of old weapons, elimination of dangerous material or Devices
2. Disarmament to the Lowest Point Consistent with Domestic Safety
In 14 point of Woodrow Wilson,
Armed forces of a state automatically threaten its neighbours.
3. Disarmament to the Lowest Point Consistent with National Safety
Domestic safety leads to National Safety
Armies are only allow for national Defence
Two Problems:
Old Problem: How much should reduced inequality (Big state with big army
New Problem: It ignored the developed weapons (Nuclear)
4. Qualitative Disarmament:
To eliminate the offensive weapons but the problem is to separate the offensive
and defensive weapons.
5. Quantities Disarmament:
States could agree to cut break number of one or more type of weapons, or they
could agree to preserve ratio of force,
6. Budgetary Limitation:
Limiting the amount of money states can spend on weapons

7. Regional Disarmament:
General disarmament is difficult, state should developed regional disarmament.

Advocates of Arms Control, Disarmament

1. Arms Race is a bloody and cause wars and produced insecurity
2. Reduction in armament release huge funds for welfare
3. War and Preparation of war is morally wrong
4. unchecked growth of armament raised the national security priority, that increase
anarchic and warlike international system
5. it relax the climate of fear and hostility
6. it release raw material for technological development the savings from military
expense can produce industrial development

Advocate of Armament
1. Most effective method of avoiding war is to prepare for enemies
2. War for self – Defence is natural law
3. Military expenditures are justifiable of preserving for peace and maintenance of
Balance of Power

Obstacles and Hurdles:

1. It is not an easy job to bring all nations in the alliance
2. Problem of Verification, Inspection and treatment of violators
3. Devising formula which will not work to the advantage of any nation
4. Purely quantitative formula for the reduction of single type weapons
(A 10000, B 5000, reduction in 50%, still make A is superior)
5. Disarmament and Arms Control has risks, it is need to provide adequate security

1. Comprehensive disarmament scheme should be prepared
2. All countries should be involved in the disarmament efforts
3. Nuclear disarmament should be given highest priority
4. Nuclear proliferation to non – nuclear states should be banned
5. UNSC should be strengthen and adjust programs for arms control and
6. The CTBT and NPT should be revised and extended its membership
7. Non – nuclear states should be given guarantee of national security

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