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An Exploratory Evaluation of UK Local e-Government

From an Accountability Perspective

Dave Griffin and Eddie Halpin
School of Information Management, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK

Abstract: This paper provides an initial exploration of the relationship between electronic service
delivery and public accountability. Specifically, it investigates public accountability for the
implementation of electronic local government. Based on empirical research with council officers and
elected members, it proposes a initial evaluation framework for local e-Government accountability. It
examines the practice of e-Government accountability using this framework.

Keywords: e-Government, evaluation, public accountability, local government, scrutiny

1. Introduction The paper is organised as follows. Firstly,

we review the literature covering public
The opening years of the new millennium accountability, citizen-centred service
have been a period of rapid change in the delivery and e-Government evaluation.
UK public sector. Long-standing This discussion straddles several
democratic structures have been re- disciplines: public administration, politics
engineered. The internal departments and information systems. We then outline
(often criticised as information ‘silos’) and the methods used to gather the empirical
service delivery processes have been evidence for this research. Finally, we
consolidated and re-organised. Previous present the initial findings from interviews
under-investment in information and with a sample of local authorities, and
communication technology (ICT) is being draw some conclusions about
addressed (Beynon-Davies and Williams, accountability for the implementation of e-
2003). Government.
The agenda for this change was set out in
the Modernising Government White Paper
2. The notion of public
(Cabinet Office, 1999). Two of the key accountability
objectives of this modernisation were to: The government modernisation
ƒ make public administration more programme aims to make local public
citizen-centred; services more transparent and
ƒ improve the transparency of accountable. But what is meant by ‘public
government, making it more accountability’? At its most basic, it can be
accountable to its stakeholders. said to be a relationship between two
Electronic service delivery occupies a parties, in which one party, the steward, is
significant role in the modernisation held to account for their performance by a
programme. Public sector organisations second party, the principal (Kelly, 2003;
are currently investing heavily in new ICT Boyne et al, 2002). The steward may be
to meet the government target of 100% of obliged to give an account to certain
services being available on-line via the parties which have power over it. This
Internet by December 2005. power is exhibited by the setting of
performance objectives and measures and
In this article, we explore the relationship by applying sanctions when performance
between these three aspects of the targets are not met. Sanctions take
modernisation of government: electronic several forms, for example withdrawal of
service delivery, public accountability and funding or, in the more extreme case,
a citizen-centred view of public service. replacing the steward by another service
Specifically, we set out to investigate the provider. The steward may additionally
issue of public accountability for the feel accountable to other stakeholders
implementation of digital local government who have an interest in its activities, but
service delivery. lack formal power over it (Boyne et al,
2002). These stakeholders may include
the customers of the service (Lawton,
ISSN: 1479-439X 13 ©Academic Conferences Ltd
The correct reference for this paper is:
Griffin D and Halpin E (2005), “An Exploratory Evaluation of UK Local e-Government From an
Accountability Perspective” The Electronic Journal of e-Government Volume 3, Issue 1, pp
13-28 available online at
Electronic Journal of e-Government Volume 3 Issue 1 2005(13-28)

McKevitt and Millar, 2000), local Bellamy, 1997). According to Ling (2002),
businesses and voluntary organisations this joined-up working is typified by public-
(Boyne et al, 2002). However, the private partnerships, the blurring of
customers of the service, in this case, boundaries between functional areas and
members of the public, may not be less hierarchical relationships between
equipped to scrutinise the activities of their organisations. As a result, structures may
local council (Kelly, 2003). Boyne et al be merged, budgets shared and joint
(2002) query the quality of the information teams formed from the partner
made available to external stakeholders. organisations (Cabinet Office, 2000).
More fundamentally, do these parties have These issues all make it more complex to
similar values and are they in agreement identify those aspects of service delivery
over the objectives to be achieved and the for which each individual partner is
measures of service delivery to employed responsible (Fowles, 1993).
(Fowles, 1993)? Service delivery may be
measured against the overall outcomes Whilst accountability has long been
expected from the policy implementation, considered an important aspect of
such as democratic renewal, or the more democratic society (Bowerman et al,
precise output targets, such as 100% 2002), the Local Government Act 2000
electronic service delivery by Christmas made changes to the democratic structure
2005 (Mather, 2003). of councils in order to improve their public
accountability. Under this Act, all councils
Meijer (2003) distinguishes between in England and Wales were required to
internal and external accountability. replace the committee system of decision-
Internal accountability exists within the making by one of three new
bureaucracy of the organisation. The arrangements: a cabinet with a leader, a
Service Head in a local authority, for directly elected mayor with a cabinet or a
example, is answerable to the Executive of directly elected mayor with a council
the council. Furthermore, public sector manager. This new executive is
officers are regulated by the code of responsible for policy implementation and
conduct of their professional bodies. service delivery. All other elected
External accountability is ensured through members of the council are members of
political and legal structures. There are scrutiny committees, with the responsibility
numerous external stakeholders to whom to publicly scrutinise the decisions made
the council is responsible (Wisniewski and by the executive. One aim of this
Stewart, 2004). legislation is to encourage improved public
consultation and participation in council
Nevertheless, public sector accountability decision making (ODPM, 2004a)
continues to be a problematic issue.
There remains the underlying debate over 3. Citizen-centred service
the applicability of private sector practices delivery
to public administration as typified by the
New Public Management agenda (Griffin, New Public Management (NPM) brings
Foster and Halpin, 2004). The separation some of the philosophy of the private
of service definition from service delivery sector into public administration. This is
has replaced professional discretion and illustrated by changing organisational
accountability within the local authority by structures. Councils are establishing
external management by objectives set Customer Services Departments to
and monitored by central government amalgamate the front office operations
agencies (Fowles, 1993). The monitoring from disparate functional services. One
mechanisms that accompany this division council has gone further and replaced the
of responsibilities, according to Mather Chief Executive post by a Managing
(2003), have developed into a costly and Director (DMBC, 2004). There is a
resource-consuming ‘snoopocracy’, tilting continuing debate as to whether private
the emphasis of service activity towards sector values should be reflected in public
target achievement rather than service sector dealings with citizens. It has been
improvement (Gray and Jenkins, 2004). A argued that NPM regards members of the
further complication is introduced by public solely as service customers (Finger
joined-up public service delivery. This and Pecaud, 2003). Others criticise this
often includes a network of public and restricted viewpoint. They argue that the
private organisations (Horrocks and citizen fulfils a complex set of roles in its 14 ©Academic Conferences Ltd

Dave Griffin and Eddie Halpin

relationship with government (Beynon- 4. Evaluation of the e-

Davies and Williams, 2003). Indeed, it Government programme
might be considered that one role
occupied by the citizen is as owner of the The e-Government initiative in the UK is
government service (Stahl and Butler, now entering year four of a five-year
2003). programme, with attention now turning to
evaluation of the programme. Most studies
Individual citizens are members of a wider to date have concentrated on measuring
community. Barnes et al (2003) identify maturity in electronic service provision,
three community groups to which either by proposing stages of growth
members of the public may belong: models or by examining web-based
locality-based; community of interest; service delivery. Latterly, there has also
community of identity (e.g. members of an been some interest in evaluating the
ethnic group). involvement of key stakeholders and initial
consideration of the costs and benefits of
ICT-based change in public administration.
Table 1 provides summarises this
evaluation activity.
Table 1: The focus of evaluation on e-Government
Focus of evaluation Levels of government References
Evaluation of e-Government stages of growth:

Four stages of e-Government maturity

Federal, state and local Layne and Lee (2002)
Fifth stage added representing participative
democracy All levels Moon (2002)

Evaluation of the barriers at each stage of growth

All levels Moon (2002)
Evaluation of electronic service delivery via the

The website as an intermediary in service Local authority Griffin and Halpin (2002)
Criado and Ramilo
Website content, management and website style Local authority (2003)
Phythian and Taylor
Evaluation of the integration of IT strategy and District council (2001)
use of Internet technologies
Beynon-Davies and
Evaluation of implementation strategies Unitary authority Williams (2003)
Evaluation of stakeholder involvement:

The e-champion leading the e-Government

programme Local authority Foster and Griffin (2003)

The need for e-Government hybrids Heeks (2002)

All levels
Evaluation of the costs and benefits of e-

IS value in public administration All levels Bannister (2002)

Benefits/disbenefits arising from the Information All levels Bannister and Remenyi
Society (2003)

In this paper, we take a different stance, 5. Methodology of the study

based on the concept of accountability,
and explore ways in which the success of This exploratory study aims to determine
the e-Government programme may be the factors involved in holding councils to
externally scrutinised. account for their progress on the
introduction of e-Government. To achieve 15 ISSN: 1479-439X

Electronic Journal of e-Government Volume 3 Issue 1 2005(13-28)

this, interviews were held with council and the e-Government Manager (as
elected members and officers responsible representatives of the Executive arm of
for both e-Government management and the Council); the Elected Member and
the transparency and public accountability Scrutiny Manager (as representatives of
of policy implementation. the Scrutiny arm of the Council). The roles
of the participants are shown in Table 3. In
Seventy-seven English councils were addition, a public meeting of a council
selected from the index of local authority scrutiny commission was attended at
web sites compiled by Tagish Consulting which e-Government was discussed.
(, following the practice Table 3: Participants in the interview
of previous studies that have used this as sessions
the sampling frame (Griffin and Halpin,
Role Number
2002; Horrocks, 1998). The web sites of interviewed
these councils were searched to find Elected Chair of Scrutiny 1
contact details for the Scrutiny Manager or member Commission
other officer with a similar title. It was
possible to locate an email address for Officer Chief Executive 1
sixty-one of these councils. A short Head of Scrutiny 2
questionnaire was developed and trialled Principal Scrutiny 2
by an elected member serving on the Officer 2
scrutiny commission at one of the sample e-Government 1
councils. Following minor amendments
Accountant and e-
this was sent to the nominated councils, Government
achieving an overall response rate of project manager
sixteen percent. This response is similar to
that achieved in other, similar email-based
surveys (Griffin, Foster and Halpin, 2004). The interviews were supplemented by
Table 2 shows the composition of the document analysis to provide an insight
survey and the responses achieved for into the scrutiny of e-Government. A
each type of council. The content of the number of reports were collected in
questionnaire is included in Appendix A. preparation for, and during, the interview
sessions. These included:
Table 2: Composition of the survey ƒ The Implementing Electronic
Type of council Sample Number of Government (IEG) statements for
size respondents each Council
(response rate)
Metropolitan 24 8 (33%) ƒ The report of an Inquiry into
borough Implementing Electronic Government
London 16 1 (6%) ƒ Notes of Scrutiny Board investigation
borough meetings
District council 10 1 (10%)
County council 8 0 ƒ ICT Manager’s report to the Scrutiny
Unitary council 3 0 Board investigation team
TOTAL 61 10 (16%) ƒ Chief Customer Services Officer’s
report to the Scrutiny Board
Semi-structured interviews were held at
investigation team
six local authorities. These were all
metropolitan borough councils. This tier of ƒ Scrutiny Board report on developing
English authorities has unitary customer-focused council services, in
responsibility for all local government which aspects of e-Government were
functions in a metropolitan area. There are considered
thrity-six metropolitan borough councils in ƒ Minutes of scrutiny board meetings,
total in England. The interviews lasted open to the public, at which e-
between forty-five minutes and an hour Government was discussed
and a half. (Appendix B provides a list of
the issues discussed in the interviews). 6. A framework for evaluating e-
Most interviews were recorded and Government accountability
transcribed. The interviewees comprised
of personnel with strategic, tactical and A review of the literature on public
operational responsibilities in their council. accountability has identified a number of
They included key stakeholders in the significant issues. These issues are listed
topic being studied: the Chief Executive in Table 4 and we have grouped them into 16 ©Academic Conferences Ltd

Dave Griffin and Eddie Halpin

five components which form the basis of ƒ The processes of scrutinising the e-
the evaluation framework employed in this government agenda
study (Figure 1). ƒ Sanctions that are applied for
unsatisfactory performance
These components are:
ƒ The impact of partnership funding and
ƒ The principal stakeholders involved
working and joint service delivery
with examining e-Government
performance ƒ The impact of politics and power
relationships on e-Government and
Table 4: Public accountability issues
Component Issues examined in the literature References

Principal Accountability to the general public is an essential Bowerman et al (2002)

stakeholders element of a democracy

Need to focus on results that are important to the Page (2004)


Performance information needs of key stakeholders Wisnieski and Stewardt

Scrutiny Pressures to adopt benchmarking for accountability Bowerman et al (2002)
processes purposes

Professional independence and external scrutiny Allmendinger , Tewdwr-

Jones and Morphet
Questions the current balance between resources (2003)
allocated for checking performance and resources
allocated to provide the service Gray and Jenkins (2004)

The effect of ICT on accountability processes

Meijer (2001)
Sanctions Difficulties associated with measuring public sector Noordegraaf and Abma
performance and results (2003)

Inadequacy of the local election as the mechanism for Kelly (2003)

public accountability

Joined-up Accountability challenges resulting from new forms of Ryan and Walsh (2004);
accountability inter-agency collaboration Page (2004)

Political Dimensions of power exhibited in joint public Barnes et al (2003)

dimension consultation forums

7. Findings of the pilot study

7.1 Principal stakeholders
e-Government In the questionnaire, respondents were
asked their opinion as to which external
Joined-up parties should play a part in holding their
dimension council to account for e-Government
progress. The results are presented in
Table 5. Local residents emerged as the
stakeholder that they felt should have the
Figure 1: e-Government accountability most significant involvement in scrutinising
evaluation framework the implementation of electronic service
delivery by their councils. 17 ISSN: 1479-439X

Electronic Journal of e-Government Volume 3 Issue 1 2005(13-28)

The public meetings at which e- council, electronic service delivery had

Government has been scrutinised have been considered as part of an overall
not attracted public attendance. However, investigation into customer services. In a
there has been little public interest in third council, it was the IEG statement
scrutiny activity generally. As noted by one itself that had sparked scrutiny interest.
scrutiny adviser: “I have to be honest. We This council had submitted an IEG
are disappointed with the amount of statement that failed to meet the target set
contact that we get from members of the by the government. The scrutiny
public. It is very rare that we get committee were eager to explore the
responses in any way.” reasons for not achieving the targets and
the likely impact in terms of government
The interviewees stressed the other sanctions.
mechanisms for disseminating scrutiny
information and ways in which the public Two councils mentioned the importance of
are influencing investigations. Local benchmarking to internal scrutiny
newspapers are sending reporters to processes. During their investigations
some open meetings, perhaps with an visits had been made to other local
interest in observing a conflict between the authorities to observe their use of ICTs in
executive, comprising of the majority party, service delivery. Elected members also
and a scrutiny committee, staffed by the took the opportunity to inspect the
opposition parties. Some councils also websites of other councils to experience,
reported that some members of the public at first hand, their rollout of the e-
are corresponding with scrutiny Government programme. As one scrutiny
committees over particular issues. official complained:
Table 5: Survey ranking of key “There is a strong element of
stakeholders comparing. [Elected
Stakeholder Ranking members] get on the
computer and say ‘look at X’s
Local residents 1 site, look at what Y is doing
on their site. Because it is
Local businesses 2 accessible, you can actually
see on your screen what
District Audit 3
other authorities can do.
e-Government partners 3
Officers don’t get so excited.
What X has done is window-
Central government 5 dressing. You know the back-
office stuff isn’t necessarily as
good as the front-office stuff”.
7.2 Scrutiny processes The Chief Executive of one council
The scrutiny committees in two-thirds of broadened the discussion of
the survey councils have already benchmarking to consider the availability
examined e-Government progress. of information to enable members of the
Furthermore, this is not seen as a one-off public to make comparisons. He
activity. All of these authorities have plans explained:
to review e-Government again in the “It would be very hard for
future, with sixty-six percent of them people to make comparisons
intending to review the programme between one authority and
biannually. The main reasons given by another.. ..For a comparison
those who had not yet investigated e- to be made, they would also
Government were higher priority matters need to take into account how
to investigate and waiting for further e- much you’d spent… It would
Government progress to be achieved. be very difficult for the public
to have full knowledge.”
In one of the councils, the inquiry had
The e-Government Manager in this council
been initiated following elected members’
emphasised the need for consistency in
complaints over their own email facilities
measuring e-Government progress across
and computer hardware. This had been
authorities. She felt that benchmarking
widened to review the entire e-
was problematic for any stakeholder to
Government programme. In another 18 ©Academic Conferences Ltd

Dave Griffin and Eddie Halpin

undertake, given the lack of was not a burning issue for the public.
standardisation and definition in some They would not be interested in the
areas. The e-Government Manager in outputs of the e-Government programme,
another Council, which had already shrouded, as one interviewee commented,
achieved the 100% electronic service in the “dryness of the IEG priorities and all
delivery target, provided evidence to the techie stuff”. The public are more likely
support this proposition: to be concerned about the physical
outcomes resulting from electronic service
“We like to think we are
delivery, such as emptied bins, that do
reasonably well advanced.
impact on residents’ lives.
Exactly how far is hard to say,
really. Part of the way we hit
the target was someone 7.4 Joined-up accountability
splattering electronic forms all Better collaboration between tiers of
over the place and some of government, and more integrated working
them weren’t particularly arrangements with other agencies, has
sophisticated. “ been championed by governments
throughout the last century as practices to
7.3 Sanctions achieve the goals of public policy
(Flinders, 2002). In the e-Government
Central government uses the annual IEG
statement to measure councils’ progress programme, the use of ICT-enabled
towards the target of 100% electronic processes provides new opportunities for
joined-up working: sharing information
service delivery. The Government has
assembled a set of sanctions, of between distinct organisations, combining
in joint teams to share information,
increasing severity, for poor performance.
All councils making satisfactory progress building a joint website, etc. Of course, this
on e-Government are awarded a capital change in approach to public
administration represents ‘a paradigm
grant for the next financial year. For
instance, a grant of £350,000 is payable in change in public policy’ (Richards, 2002, p
2004/05 (ODPM, 2004b). Councils 61) and will take considerable political will
to achieve (Griffin, Foster and Halpin,
submitting an unsatisfactory IEG
statement are required to make changes 2004). The sample councils in this study,
and resubmit it. In the event that this as evidenced by their IEG statements,
have initiated, and are developing, areas
version of the statement still does not
comply with government expectations, the of joined-up working with a range of
final sanction is to withhold the following partners: other councils, other local public
agencies, the voluntary sector and private
year’s allocation of funds. As mentioned
above, one of the councils visited in this sector companies.
study was required to reconsider their
The resources summary in the IEG
plans, make changes and resubmit the
IEG statement. These changes included statement identifies the sources of funds
new e-Government staffing appointments for developing and implementing
electronic government throughout the five-
and the reallocation of priorities in the ICT
services future work plan. year programme. In Figure 2 the sources
of funds for the sample councils have
The ultimate sanction available to the been summarised. As this shows,
public is the ballot box. If sufficient sixty-nine percent of the e-Government
cost is being met by councils’ own
residents are concerned about council
performance, they have the power to budgets. The remaining thirty-one percent
remove the controlling party. However, is being financed by money provided by
the government (IEG allocation, e-
according to one interviewee, “that is such
an obscure link to democracy because e- Government national projects, etc),
Government is essentially a managerial partnerships with other public agencies
and private companies.
process. It is not a political process; failure
to achieve is not a political failure.”
Are the councils accountable for the
entirety of resource being used to deliver
The activity of the scrutiny process, per se,
however is unlikely to rally significant electronic service? The chief executive in
public interest in most issues. The one council, when asked this question in a
public scrutiny committee meeting, gave
interviewees all felt that e-Government
the impression that he merely felt 19 ISSN: 1479-439X

Electronic Journal of e-Government Volume 3 Issue 1 2005(13-28)

accountable for internal council funding. “We will be in a state of flux

The scrutiny adviser for another council after this month. The scrutiny
shared this viewpoint: “I don’t know about boards aren’t necessarily
the executive, but I think the scrutiny permanent fixtures. This has
board would only feel strongly about the an impact on how we take
money provided by the Council itself.” forward the IEG scrutiny
agenda. The Chair is very
The Chief Executive in another council keen, but he is not entirely
disagreed with this narrow view of convinced the Board will
accountability, stating: “Clearly, anything remain the same. He is very
that we are a party to, we are all jointly keen that IEG scrutiny
and severely liable for.” However, in doesn’t drop off.”
practice, he recognised that there were
significant practical obstacles to achieving 7.5.2 Balance of power between the
accountability for partnership initiatives, for executive and the scrutiny
example: committee:
ƒ The growing number of partnerships to
monitor. His council was a member of Are the two parties perceived as equals?
thirty-three formal partnerships and The executive, as the decision-making
more than one hundred informal body, appears to wield more power. In one
partnerships. of the councils, the respondent felt they
ƒ The cost of being responsible and were striving to achieve parity between the
accountable for partnerships. It was two. In another council, the head of
his opinion that this fragmentation of scrutiny highlighted the role of key
service delivery was particularly executive personnel in scrutiny decision-
expensive to audit. making:
ƒ The resource capacity needed for “We’ve been satisfied with the
setting up governance and IEG group that the council
accountability arrangements for all has put in place, with the
partnership ventures. deputy leader being
personally involved. When he
Intern al funds got concerned things weren’t
6% happening in certain areas,
5% IEG fund s he got the chief executive
involved, along with the
12% Other Govern ment
director of resources and
Joint projects other strategic directors. So
we’ve generally been
69% Pu blic P rivate
satisfied that there has been
Yet un specified
a sufficient handle to secure
Figure 2: Sample councils’ sources of e- One of the respondents highlighted the
Government funding political manoeuvring that can take place
between the completion of an investigation
7.5 Political dimensions and the publication of the scrutiny
committee’s findings. Although the
Politics and power relationships were committee had identified shortcomings in
apparent in several of the interviews. the exploitation of ICT in support of a
particular service, several
7.5.1 Dependence on the executive recommendations in this area were
for continuity of e-Government omitted from the final report. These
scrutiny: actions had been sacrificed to ensure the
retention of critical actions in other areas
The interviews were held towards the end covered in the investigation.
of the municipal year and scrutiny planning
was on hold until after the June local
elections. The principal scrutiny officer at 8. Discussion
one authority emphasised the significance The modernisation programme, of which
of this: e-Government and the new democratic
structures are constituent parts, aims to 20 ©Academic Conferences Ltd

Dave Griffin and Eddie Halpin

achieve democratic renewal and improved

public accountability. But there is still The range of sanctions open to members
much progress to make in this respect. All of the public if they are unhappy with e-
participants in this study reported Government progress is limited. We
difficulties in engaging members of the distinguish between the formative and
public in the scrutiny of their e- summative sanctions which were identified
Government progress. They all felt that e- during this study. A formative sanction
Government is not the sort of issue that might be to make a complaint to an
will capture the attention of the general elected member. One interviewee used
public. However, it might be of interest to the term ‘embarrassment sanctions’ in this
certain ‘communities of interest’ (Barnes et context. Other formative sanctions that
al, 2003). Some of the councils are might embarrass the council service
introducing facilities on their websites for provider include writing to the newspaper
members of such communities to register or protesting on the town hall steps. A
and be pro-actively informed when the summative sanction might be to vote the
issue is due to be investigated in the majority party out of office. Formative
future. Although a home address is taken action can be taken immediately. The
during registration, it is usually possible for feedback of summative action is delayed,
non-residents to engage in the scrutiny of as it is usually only available at four yearly
e-Government in the locality. intervals. Boyne et al (2002) make the
distinction between obligatory and
It has been argued that public sector discretionary principals. The public clearly
performance is difficult to measure fall into the latter category.
(Noordegraaf and Abma, 2003). The e-
Government programme typifies this. Stakeholder theory suggests that the key
Several issues have been observed in this stakeholders to consider during the
study that tend to complicate the implementation of strategy are those with
measurement process. These include: high interest and high power over its
monitoring the activity of numerous outcomes (Johnson and Scholes, 2002).
individual project teams with the potential The sample councils considered members
for different measurement practices, of the public to be the main party that
summarising their performance in a should hold them to account for electronic
manner that fulfils the needs of all service implementation. It is surprising that
significant stakeholders, likely divergent central government, which demonstrates
definitions between councils as to the its interest in e-Government, by obliging
scope and boundary of their e- councils to make an annual progress
Government programme. The perceived report, and its power, through IEG grant
interest of the public in the outcomes from allocation and funding for projects of
e-Government, rather than its more national interest, does not rate more
measurable outputs, is another highly. Is it realistic to consider a
contributory factor to this problem. discretionary principal to have more
significance that the obligatory principal,
The scrutiny processes investigated in this the government, which has the power to
study took some account of benchmarking name and shame and to withhold future e-
and comparison with similar councils. This Government funds? The current mantra of
practise has been adopted for a number of ‘citizen-centricity’ may have influenced the
years by other public services, particularly respondents somewhat. Do members of
in the health and education services. the public exhibit the desire to scrutinise e-
These have tended to be compulsory government activity? One participant chief
benchmarking initiatives initiated by executive felt that residents would lack
government agencies as distinguished interest in what he perceived to be ‘back-
from voluntary benchmarking that might be office stuff, predominantly.’ The evidence
set up by councils themselves (Bowerman gathered in this study suggests that the
et al, 2002). None of the participant public are more likely to be interested in
councils provided benchmarking data to customer-facing services rather than the
assist members of the public to scrutinise outputs from e-Government. However, in
their e-government progress. However one authority, the lack of visibility and
some comparative information is collected presence of this “back-office” function was
and was observed in the private working overcome by deploying kiosks around the
papers of one scrutiny committee. borough, as a symbol of the e- 21 ISSN: 1479-439X

Electronic Journal of e-Government Volume 3 Issue 1 2005(13-28)

Government programme. Nevertheless, study. However, it was observed during

the councils surveyed consider local investigation of the scrutiny committee
residents to be the principal stakeholder to pages of council websites, that many of
whom they are accountable. If this is the the county councils appeared to have
case, it makes the role of the Scrutiny given less priority to the development of
Committee, representing the public, more this aspect of democratic service. This is
significant and necessary to ensure that worthy of further investigation in the next
councils are held to account for their e- phase of this study.
Government progress. It is encouraging
that two-thirds of the councils in this 9. Conclusions
survey are subjecting this programme to
scrutiny at least once a year by the This paper presents the findings of the
relevant scrutiny committee. initial phase of the study of the relationship
between public accountability and
The Local e-Government Strategy (ODPM, electronic service delivery by UK local
2002) recommended that councils should authorities.
consider how they could work with the full
range of public and private organisations The councils consulted in this research
in the development of electronic services. consider local residents to be the principal
This study has indicated the extent to stakeholder to whom they are accountable
which this joint working is contributing to for e-government progress. Following
the resourcing of e-Government. It has Kelly (2003), we suggest that members of
also highlighted the potential for the the public may not be equipped to
partner organisations to take a narrower scrutinise these activities. It is
view of public accountability for the use of questionable as to whether they have the
these funds. Respondents pointed out that desire to scrutinise e-Government
internal accountability was achieved by implementation specifically. It is unlikely
project teams engaged in joined-up that local residents will be interested in the
service development reporting to a joint same set of performance data as the
board comprising of representatives from Government (Wisnieski and Stewart,
the partner organisations. They were less 2004) and, as we have found in this study,
clear as to how their own scrutiny there are complications associated with
committees contributed to the external measuring e-Government progress
accountability for all joined-up working. (Noordegraaf and Abma, 2003).
Page (2004) identifies several reasons
why difficulties occur in holding partner In accountability theory, the principal
organisations to account, for instance, partially legitimises their power over the
there may be disagreement between the steward of the service by applying
partners over which outcomes to measure; sanctions (Boyne et al, 2002). The present
underperforming partners might be less study clearly illustrates the lack of
willing to be measured by others; sanctions available to discretionary
partnership governance needs to be principals such as the public. This principal
clarified to determine who is accountable is limited, in the main, to utilising what one
to whom in the joined-up service delivery. interviewee described as ‘embarrassment
Finally, it is interesting to examine the
response rates of the different types of One of the participants in this study
authority. Why should there be a questioned whether delivering
significantly higher return of completed accountability on a wider scale would
questionnaires from metropolitan councils undermine the role of those who are
than the other types of council? It is elected. This issue has not been
suggested that, in district councils, with a specifically addressed in this research, but
small e-Government programme and it does indicate the political dimension of
limited staff resources dedicated to a accountability. The relationship between
single area of policy, the low response is the Council Executive (the steward) and
understandable. This is not the case for the Scrutiny Committee (representing the
county councils. The reason could be local Principal) is a complex arrangement.
geographical. The majority of the For example, the principal both has power
respondent councils were based in the over the steward but, at the same time, as
same region as the team conducting this this study has shown, is dependent upon 22 ©Academic Conferences Ltd

Dave Griffin and Eddie Halpin

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Electronic Journal of e-Government Volume 3 Issue 1 2005(13-28)

Appendix A: The content Appendix B: Issues

of the questionnaire discussed in the
ƒ Has your scrutiny committee
examined your council’s e-
Government programme? ƒ Brief outline of the interviewee’s
current role and career history
ƒ What is your opinion of the following
statements? ƒ What does the term ‘public
accountability’ mean to you?
o “I feel that beneficial changes
have been made to the e- ƒ What sort of information was made
Government programme as a available to the Council scrutiny
result of our scrutiny of it.” committee when it last investigated the
e-Government programme?
o “We need more information than
is currently received by the ƒ You have identified local residents,
scrutiny committee to enable us businesses and e-Government
to investigate the e-Government partners as having a role in holding
programme” your council to account for e-
o “The online services, introduced
as part of our e-Government o How is this undertaken?
programme, have improved the o What sort of information is
information available for external currently made available to these
parties to scrutinise the activities parties concerning
of the council”. progress/delivery?
o “The online services we shall be o In what ways might these parties
introducing, as part of our e- apply sanctions if relevant
Government programme, have outputs/outcomes aren’t
improved the information achieved?
available for external parties to o Do you feel that these parties
scrutinise the activities of the have a common understanding
council”. of the objectives of this
ƒ In your opinion, what are the reasons programme and would they be
for e-Government not being examined readily able to access
by your scrutiny committee (higher information about the objectives?
priority matters to investigate, ƒ Councils’ e-Government programmes
perceived lack of interest by key often involves joint working with other
stakeholders, lack of information to public and private organisations.
investigate, adequate scrutiny is o Do you feel accountable for the
already undertaken by the executive, complete programme detailed in
waiting for further e-Government the resource statement in the
progress, other) Implementing Electronic
ƒ How frequently does your scrutiny Government 3 return?
committee expect to review e- o Does your scrutiny committee
Government progress (no plans, consider all elements of the
occasionally, annually, more programme, including these joint
frequently) arrangements?
ƒ In which ways are your council’s o Is someone within the council
cabinet held to account for e- accountable for the spending of
Government progress? all the money listed in the
ƒ Which external parties do you feel resource section of the IEG
should play a part in holding your return?
council to account for e-Government ƒ Are the minutes of the scrutiny
progress – in order of significance? committee investigation into e-
(central government, audit Government available on your
commission, local residents, local website?
businesses, e-Government partners,
others). ƒ In Education league tables and
inspection reports are published to 26 ©Academic Conferences Ltd

Dave Griffin and Eddie Halpin

help the public to evaluate local o How is your scrutiny committee

provision. Would this type of supported by ICT?
information help in making your o How is ICT/e-Government
council accountable for e-Government assisting external parties to hold
to the local population? you to account?
ƒ It is often said that the ultimate (and o How would external parties find
maybe only) sanction available to the out about progress/performance
public is the ballot box. against earlier council decisions?
o Do you feel that e-Government is o How would they discover the
the sort of issue that could underlying policy objectives for
influence the local election here? centrally-initiated policy
o In what other ways can local implementation?
residents feedback their o Does your ICT support a
satisfaction/dissatisfaction with member of the public in
e-Government progress? attempting to influence/change
ƒ How do you feel that ICT systems are policy implementation?
contributing to public accountability in
your council? 27 ISSN: 1479-439X

Electronic Journal of e-Government Volume 3 Issue 1 2005(13-28) 28 ©Academic Conferences Ltd

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