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Duration : 2 Hours Max. Marks : 120




1. This question paper is in the form of test booklet with 40 questions.

2. A separate OMR answer sheet is provided.

3. Each equations is provided with a text and figure wherever applicable with multiple answers
(A), (B), (C) and (D). Only one of them is correct.

4. Read the instructions on the OMR sheet carefully. Use HB pencil for marking your answers.

5. All questions carry equal marks of THREE for a correct answer and minus ONE for a wrong answer.

6. Multiple answers for a question will be regarded as a wrong answer.

7. Question book-lets have been marked with A or B or C or D or E on the right hand top corner, which
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Charge of an electron (e) = 1.6 × 10–19 C Mass of an electron (me) = 9.11 × 10–31 kg ;
Mass of a nucleon (mnucleon) = 1.67 × 10–27 kg Plank's constant (h) = 6.63 × 10–34 J.s
Stefan-Boltzmann constant () = 5.67 × 10–8 W/m2 . K4 Velocity of light (C) = 3 × 108 m/s
Gravitational constant (G) = 6.67 × 10–11 m3/s2 . kg Acceleration due to gravity (g) = 10 m/s2
Boltzmann constant (k) = 1.38 × 10–23 J/K 1 fermi (fm) = 1 × 10–15 m
R = 8.314 Jmol–1 K–1 Atomic mass of Fe = 56 g mol–1
1bar = 105 Pa Faraday constant = 96500 Jmol–1
1. A transverse wave travels on a taut string stretched along the x-axis. The linear mass density of the string
varies slowly with x as  = 0 + x where 0 and  are positive constants. As a result, both the amplitude and
the wavelength become functions of x. As the wave travels down the string, its energy content over one
wavelength, averaged over a time period is independent of x. The graph of the amplitude A(x) versus x should
be like

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Ans (C)

Sol. Intensity of the wave down the string of linear density is proportional to

A 2ì
A2 ×  × v   A2 ì

Since energy independent of x,

A2 

2. A spherical soap bubble of radius R is blown from a tiny drop of soap solution. If the surface tension of the
soap film is T, the work required to make the bubble is :
(A) 2TR2 (B) 4TR2 (C) 6TR2 (D) 8TR2

Ans (D)

Sol. The surface energy = T. area

= T × 2 × 4r2
= 8r2 T

3. In a column of air at a given temperature T, the density  is found to vary with the altitude z above ground level

 mgz 
according to ñ( z )  ñ 0 exp  k T  , where 0 is a positive constant, m is the mass of a molecule of air, g is
 B 

the acceleration due to gravity, and kB is Boltzmann’s constant. The density (z) of molecules is proportional
to the probability of finding molecules at height z. The mean value of the height above ground level of an air
molecule is therefore equal to:

2k B T kBT kBT  kBT 
(A) mg (C) mg (C) mg (D)  
 mg 

Ans (C)

Sol. The rationalized probability function

 mgz 
P (z) = c (z) = c0 exp  – k T 
 B 

where c is a constant such that

 P(z)dz  1
z 0

kBT mg
 c0 . = 1 c =  k T
mg 0 B

The average value of z is

z =  z P(z)dz
z 0

mg  mgz 
=  z k
z 0 0 B T 0 exp  – k T  dz
 B 

   
mg z – k B T exp – mgz   k B T exp – mgz dz 
= k T 

 mg  k T
 B 
    
 0 mg z 0  k B T  

mg  kBT kBT 
= k T 0  mg  mg  1 
B  

= mg


Comprehensive : Questions no. 4 to 6
Experiments show that the number of nucleons (protons and neutrons) per unit volume inside a nucleus is
fairly constant near its center, and gradually decrease in the outer region. The near constant of nucleon
density results from the fact that each nucleon in a nucleus interacts only with a small number of nucleons
in its surrounding through attractive nuclear force. The nucleon density (r) as a function of the distance r
from the center of the nucleus is approximately given by

(r) =
r  R 
1  exp  
 á 

where 0 = 0.17 nucleon/fm3, R = (1.1 fm) A1/3 and  = 0.55 fm. Here A = mass number.

4. The mass density in a nucleus near its center, in units of kg/m3, is in the range
(A) 1015 to 1020 (B) 105 to 1010 (C) 1010 to 1015 (D) 1020 to 1025

Ans (A)

Sol. Density at the centre

0 0
= –R / 

1 e 1  e 2

= nucleons/fm3

0.15  1.6  10 27

= ~ 2.5 × 1017 kg m–3
10  45

5. For the nucleus 216Te, the value of r for which the nucleon density falls to half its value at the centre is in the
(A) 7 to 8 fm (B) 5 to 6 fm (C) 6 to 7 fm (D) 8 to 9 fm

Ans (C)


r 
 12 
 1 + e a 
= 2(1 + e–12)
 e–12 [er/a – 2] = 1
(er/a – 2) = e12
(neglecting of no comparison to e–12 )
 r = 12 a = 0.55 × 12 fm = 6.6 fm.

6. The plots of (r) versus r for 28Si and another nucleus X are shown in the figure. The nucleus X could be :

(A) 42Ca (B) 94Zr (C) 63Cu (D) 142Ba

Ans (D)

0 ñ0
Sol. r /  10  =
1 e  2(1  e 10 )

 1 + e(r/ – 10) = 2 (1 + e–10)

e–10 (er/ – 2) = 1
 (er/ – 2) = e10  r  10 = 5.5 fm ; nearest value of A is 142Ba

7. The figure, on the right, shows a jar filled with two liquids of densities  and
/2 that do not mix. A cylinder made of a material of density 3/4 is held in
the jar at various depths starting from the position where the lower surface
of the cylinder touches the upper surface AB of the liquid. Which of the
following schematic curves best describes the buoyancy force F on the
cylinder as a function of the displacement h from the starting position?

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Ans (D)

Sol. As the cylinder enters in the liquid (/2) buoyancy force increases till it is completely inside. The buoyancy
force will remain constant till it starts entering in second liquid ().
In first case

F = A.h g

dF 
= slope of line = A g
dh 2
In second case

F = A (L –h) g + A.h. g (h = depth of cylinder inside second liquid () and L = length of the cylinder)

dF g
= slope of line = A
dh 2
The slopes for the two cases are same. The best answer (D)

8. An infinitely large surface of uniform charge density  has a disc of radius R cut out (see figure). The
magnitude of the electric field at a distance a above the centre of the disc is given by

ó a2 ó a
(A) 2  (B) 
0 R a
0 R  4a 2

óð a ó a
(C) 2  2 2 2 (D) 2 
0 R ð a 0 R  a2

Ans (D)

Sol. The electric field due to a charge disk
The field due to elementary ring at P

1 (.2rdr )
dE = 4 2 2 3/2
0 (a  r )

1 rdr
 E = 4 .2 a  (a 2
0 0
 r 2 )3 / 2

a 1 1
1  
= 2 . . 2  a –
a2  R2 
0 2 

  a 
1 – 
= 2  2 2 
0  a R 

Net field at the point = field due to infinite sheet – field due to removed disk

  
1 – a
 ó a
= 2 – 2 2  = 2 0
0 0

a R  R  a2

9. A block A with initial velocity V0 strikes a spring tied to a block B identical to A. Initially at rest (see figure).

The spring is assumed to be massless. Friction may be neglected. At the instant of maximum compression

of the spring, let the velocities of A and B be V1 and V2 , respectively..

Then :

V0 V02
(A) V1  V2  (B) V12  V22  V02 (C) V1  V2  V0 (D) V12  V22 
2 2
Ans (C)

Sol. Since there is no external force, momentum will conserve

 mV 1 + m V 2 = m V 0  V 1 + V 2 = V 0


10. A particle moves in the first quadrant of the x-y plane under the action of a force. It starts from the origin and
moves on the path given by y = A tan (x/x0), without turning back at any instant. The only possible time
variation of the x-component of velocity Vx out of the four possibilities given below (U and t0 are positive
constants) is :

u 1  1 
(A) Vx =  2 (B) Vx = ue–t/t0
2  (1  t / t 0 ) 

(C) Vx = u(1 + t/t0) (D) Vx = u(2 – e–t/t0)

Ans (B)

Sol. The particle moves on the curve

y = A tan x

x  
The value x < x< x
0 2 2 0

Hence x is less than some finite value. Hence the required equation must satisfy conditions
(I) Particle always move along increasing x.
(II) The value of x tends to some finite value as t  


u 1  1 
(A) Vx = 
2  x =
2  1  t / t 0  
 V dt

u t – t0 
x=   t0 
2  1  t / t 0  

x increases without bound. Hence not possible

–t / t
(B) Vx = u e 0

x=  V dt = u 1 – e
x – t / t0

x approaches a finite value ut0 .Hence possible

 t 
(C) Vx = u 1  t 
 0 

 t2 
x= V 
x dt  t
= u  2t 

0  0 

x increases without bound. Hence not possible

(D) Vx = u 2 – e – t / t0
 x=  V dt
x = u 2t – t 0 (1 – e – t / t 0 )
 
x increases without bound. Hence not possible.


11. All the five capacitors shown in the figure have the same capacitance C. The battery has emf V. The charge
on the capacitor T is :

(A) zero (B) CV (C) CV/3 (D) CV/5

Ans (A)


Points A, B and C are at the same potential.

Hence no charge on R, S and T.

12. The figure shows a wire mesh of infinite extent, such that the resistance between any two neighboring
vertices is equal. A steady current of 1A flows into the node P, from a current source, while a steady current
of 1A is extracted from the node Q, as shown. Regard the situation as the superposition of two processes;
the first in which the current flows into the mesh, and the second in which it flows out of the mesh. The
steady current flowing in the segment PQ is equal to :

(A) 2 A (B) 1 A (C) 1/2 A (D) 1/4 A

Ans (C)

Sol. From symmetry, at p, the incoming current I will divide in four equal parts. Hence I/4 will flow from P to Q.
Again from symmetry, at 2, the outgoing current I will be contributed I / 4 each from four sides. Hence I / 4 will
flow from P to Q again. Hence net current in PQ is

+ = A
4 4 2

13. In a Young’s double slit experiment, the separation between the slits is 1.0 mm and the distance between
the slits and the screen is 1.0 m. The light falling on the slits contains mainly two wavelengths 600 nm and
500 nm. The least distance from the centre of the fringe pattern where the intensity corresponding to one of
these wavelengths is zero, is
(A) 0.30 mm (B) 0.75 mm (C) 0.25 mm (D) 1.20 mm

Ans (C)

Sol. Position of the first dark fringe is given by

 D

2 2d

The least distance of the dark fringe from the centre is for the smaller wavelength.

500  10 –6  1
 = 0.25 mm
2  10 – 3

   
14. The electric field E( r , t ) and the magnetic field B( r , t ) of a plane electromagnetic wave propagating in free

space along the x-axis are given by

   
E( r , t )  E 0 î cos (t – kz) and B( r , t )  B 0 ĵ cos (t – kz)
where B0 = E0/c, k is the wave number, and  is the (angular) frequency. The average value of the vector

1  
(E  B) over a full time period of the wave is

cB 02 c
(A) 0 (B) k̂ (C) Infinity (D) å 0E 20k̂
ì0 2

Ans (D)

1 1 1
Sol. = 2
0 E × B  0 E0 B0 cos (Kz – t) k̂  average value of 
E ×B

1 1 1 E0
<  E × B > = <  E0 B0 cos2 (Kz – t) k̂ > =  E0 < cos2 (Kz – t) > k̂
0 0 0 C

1 E 20 1 1
=  =  cE 2
0 C 2 k̂ 2 0 0 k̂

Average value of cos2 (Kz – t) is

15. The correct order of ligand field strength is :
(A) H2O < Cl– < CO < NH3 (B) CO < NH3 < Cl– < H2O
(C) H2O < CO < NH3 < Cl– (D) Cl– < H2O < NH3 < CO

Ans. (D)

Sol. CO is a strong field ligand. The correct order of field strength is Cl– < H2O < NH3 < CO.

16. The complex exhibiting a spin only magnetic moment (µs) of 2.87 B.M. is
(A) [Co(H2O)3]3 (B) K4[Fe(OH)6]
(C) Na2[Cr(NCS)4(NH3)2] (D) K2[MnCl4(H2O)2]

Ans. (C)

Sol. In Na2[Cr(NCS)4(NH3)2] the central atom is in +2 oxidation state and the hybridization is d2sp3. There are two
unpaired electrons.


17. The most stable species amongs the following is :

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Ans. (B)

Sol. Al2Cl6 is a stable species existing in solid state.

18. According to the VSEPR model, the most stable arrangement is :

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Ans. (D)

Sol. lone pair arrange at 120º at each other to form linear molecule.

19. Cyclohexanol is converted to Nylon-6 by
(A) Na2O/NH2OH/H+/250ºC (B) Cu(250ºC)/NH2OH/H+/250ºC
(C) Ag2O/NH2OH/H+/250ºC (D) Cu(250ºC)/NH2OH/250ºC

Ans. (B)

Cu / 250ºC NH OH rearrangement H
Sol. 
 2
 
   NH 2 –(CH 2 ) 5 –



20. Some gases in column X may be associated with options in Y.

CO2 M. troposphere
CO N. Stratophere
SO2 O. Smog
O3 P. Carboxyhaemoglobin
Q. Photosynthesis
R. Acid rain
The correct answer is
(A) SO2  M, O & R (B) CO2  N,Q & R (C) CO  M, P & R (D) O3  N,P & Q

Ans. (A)

Sol. SO2 is present in Troposphere. It is a component of classical smog. It is also responsible for acid rain.

21. A vessel, fitted with a weightless, frictionless piston of 0.025 m2 area, contains excess con. HCl. The piston
moved 1 m outward when 0.075 kg of iron filling were added at 300 K. The solution left behind was found to
contain Fe(II). The approximate putity of the iron sample is.
(A) 50 % (B) 75 % (C) 90% (D) 40%

Ans. (B)

Sol. Work done = –PV

= – 1 (atm) × 0.025 × 103 (dm3)

Fe + 2HCl  FeCl2 + H2

Number of moles of Fe = Number of moles of H2
Work done = –nRT
= –n × 0.0821 (L atm mol–1 K–1) × 300 K

 n= =1
0.0821  300

Mass of Fe = 55.85

55 .85  100
% purity = = 75%


22. A solution at 298 K is separated from the pure solvent by a semi-permeable membrane. Difference in the
height of the solution and the solvent is 0.9 m. If Kf and freezing point of the solvent are 30 K Kg mol–1 and
250.3 K, respectively. The temperature at which the solution freezes is.
(A) 250.10 K (B) 250.25 K (C) 250.20 K (D) 250.05 K

Ans. (C)

Sol. Osmotic pressure,

 = hdg
= 0.9 × 1 × 103 × 9.8 Nm–2

0.9  9.8  103

= atm
1.013  105

 = MST

0.9  9.8  103

M= = 3.5 × 10–3
1.013  105  0.0821  298

Tƒ = Kƒ × m
= 30 × 3.5 × 10–3 = 0.1
 F.P. = 250.2 K

23. In a modified experiment, the photoelectric effect was studied with a sample of a multielectron atom. The
result is represented by

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Ans. (C)

Sol. The electron current occurs above the threshold voltage. Initially the current rises steeply and then slowly
attains saturation.

24. In the following statements,

(a) ideal gases are liquids only at very low temperatures.
(b) ideal gases cannot be liquefied.
(c) ideal gas behaviour is observed by real gases at low pressures.
(d) ideal gases do not exist.

(A) A, B, C & D (B) A, B & C (C) B, C & D (D) C & D

Ans. (C)

Sol. Ideal gases cannot be liquefied as there is no attraction between the molecules. Real gases show ideal
behavior at low pressure and high temperature. None of the gas is ideal.


25. The correct order for the rate of SN1 reactions for the following compounds is :

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) D > C > B > A (B) C > B > D > A (C) C > B > A > D (D*) B > C > A > D

Ans. (D)

Sol. The relative stability of carbocation formed by hydrolysis is B > C > A > D.

26. The aromatic species among the following are :

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

(A) D & E (B) A, B, D & E (C) A, B & C (D) B, D & E

Ans. (A)

Sol. (D) is tropyllium cation which is aromatic according to Huckel’s rule. (E) is aromatic because is forms
cyclobutenyl dication with 2 delocalised  electrons.

27. The reactions that give product with dipole moment are :

Pd / C
(a) CH3CCCH3  

Na / liq. NH
(b) C2H5CCC2H5 

Na / liq. NH
(c) H3CCCC2H5 

| alc. KOC
(d) CH3CH2– C HC2H5   

(A) A & C (B) B & C (C) B, C & D (D*) A, C & D

Ans. (D)

Sol. The product in (a) is cis but-2-ene. Reaction (C) gives pent-2-ene. All these products have dipole moments.

28. The total number of stereoisomers for the following compound is :

| |
H3C – C  C – C  CHPh

(A) 10 (B) 6 (C) 4 (D) 8

Ans. (C)


Sol. The compound contains two double bonds and the group linked to the two double bonds are different. Hence
four stereoisomers are possible. They are E-E, Z-Z, E-Z and Z-E.


29. The equation of the plane passing through the intersection of the planes x + 2y + z – 1 = 0 and 2x + y + 3z
– 2 = 0 and perpendicular to the plane x + y + z – 1 = 0 is x + ky + 3z – 1 = 0. Then, the value of k is
(A) 4 (B) – 4 (C) 2 (D) – 2

Ans. (B)

Sol. Equation plane through intersection is

(1 + 2)x + (2 + )y + (1 + 3)z 1 2=0
1 + 2+ 2 + + 1 + 3= 0
4 + 6= 0

–4 –2
= 
6 3

x + 2y + z –1 – (2x + y + 3z – 2)
3x + 6y + 3z 3 4x 2y 6z + 4 = 0
x + 4y 3z + 1 = 0
x 4y + 3z 1 = 0
k = – 4

 5  5 
30. The principal value of sin–1  sin cos  cos sin  is
 9 9 9 9

2  4 
(A) (B) (C) (D) 
3 3 9 6
Ans. (B)

 5    6   2   2   
Sol. sin –1 sin    = sin–1 sin   = sin–1 sin   i.e., sin–1 sin   –  =sin–1 sin =
 9 9   9   3   3  3 3

31. Four numbers are chosen at random without replacement from the first 15 natural numbers. Then the prob-
ability that their product is even is

8 8 7 7
C4 C4 C4 C4
(A) 1 – 15 (B) 15 (C) 15 (D) 1 – 15
C4 C4 C4 C4

Ans. (A)

Sol. Total number of ways of choosing 4 out of 15 = 15C4

For product to be even atleast are of 4 chosen numbers should be even.
P(product even)
= 1 –P(No even numbers)

=1– 15

32. Let M be a non-singular matrix of order 5 × 5. Then, |adj M–1| is
(A) |M|–4 (B) |M| (C) 1 (D*) |M|4

Ans. (D)

Sol. |adj M| = |M|4

|M–1| = | M |

|adj M–1| = |M–1|4 = = |M|4
| M |4

 1 2 0
 
33. Let P =  1 1 2 and Q be such that PQ = . Then, the values of  for which there exists non-zero
 1 2 1

 x1 
 
X =  2  satisfying QX = X are
 x 3 

(A) , i, – i (B) 3, i, –i (C) i, –i, 1 (D) real numbers

Ans. (A)

Sol. QX – X = 0
(Q – I) X = 0
 |Q –I| = 0
|Q –PQ| = 0
|I –P| |Q| = 0

–P = 0

Put t =

 |P – t I | = 0

1– t 2 0
– 1 1– t 2
1 2 1– t

(1 – t)3 – 2 (1 – t) + 4 = 0
Put u = 1 – t


 u3 – 2u + 4 = 0
(u + 2) (u2 – 2u + 2) = 0
u = – 2, 1 ± i
t = 3, ± i

 = , + i, – i

x a a a a
a x a a a
34. The value of the determinant a a x a a is
a a a x a
a a a a x

(A) (x + 4a) (x – a)4 (B) (x – 4a) (x – a)4 (C) (x + 4a)2 (x – a)3 (D) (x – 4a)2 (x – a)3

Ans. (A)

1 1 1 1 1
a x a a a
Sol. (x + 4a) a a x a a
a a a x a
a a a a x

1 0 0 0 0 C 2  C 2 – C1 
 
a x–a 0 0 0 C 3  C3 – C1 
(x + 4a) a 0 x–a 0 0 C 4  C 4 – C1 
 
a 0 0 x–a 0 C 5  C 5 – C1 
a 0 0 0 x–a

(x + 4a)(x – a)4

 1/ 3 1 
35. Let x be the 7th term from the beginning and y be the 7th term from the end in the expansion of  3  1 / 3  .
 4 

x 1
If y = , then n is

(A) 7 (B) 8 (C) 9 (D) 10

Ans. (C)


 1/ 3 1 
Sol. x = T7 ; y = Tn–6 ;  3  1/ 3 
 4 

1/ 3 n– r  4 
Tr+1 nCr . 3   1/ 3 
4 

n n– 6  1 
C6 . 31/ 3
  .  1/ 3 
x 1 4   1
 
y 12 6  1 
Cn – 6 . 31/ 3
  .  1/ 3 
4 

n n 1
 33
–4 = = 3–1 . 4–1
 n=9

36. The number of functions f : {1, 2, ....., n}  {1, 2, ....m}, where m, n are positive integers such that f(1) = 1 is
(A) mn – mn–1 (B) mn–1 (C) (m – 1)n (D) nm–1

Ans. (B)

Sol. {1, 2,......n}  {1, 2,......m}

f(1) = 1
 for the remaining (n – 1) elements there are m choices each  mn–1

37. The number of real roots of the equation (1/(x – 1)) + (1/(x – 2)) + .... + 1/(x – 5) = 1 in the interval (1, 5) is
(A) 5 (B) 4 (C) 3 (D) 0

Sol. In the question in the interval is repeated twice. Please read after deleting the phrase the first time it appears

1 1 1
  ...  =1
( x – 1) ( x – 2) ( x – 5)

It is obvious that f(x)  –  when x  1+ , 2+ , 3+, 4+ , 5+ and in (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), f(x) is continuous.

38. Let y be the solution of the problem y – y = 1 + 5e–x , y(0) = y0 . If xlim

|y(x)| is finite, then y0 is

(A) –7/2 (B) 0 (C) 9 (D) – 11

Ans. (A)
Sol. The general solution is

5 –x
y = Cex – 1 – e

y(0) = y0  C – = y0


C = y0 +

But given xlim

|y(x)| is finite

 C = 0  y0 = –

1 
39. The distance from a point (k, 0) on the positive x-axis to the tangent to the parabola y2 – 4x = 0 at  , 1 is
4 

2 5 . Then the value of k is

19 9 ( 4 5  1) (2 5  1)
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4 4 4 4
Ans. (A)

Sol. y2 = 4x

y1 = 2 y

2yy = 4 slope = (y)(1/4, 1)= 2 y = 2

Equation : tangent

 1 2( 4 x – 1)
 y – 1 = 2x –  =
 4 4

2y 2 = 4x 1
4x 2y + 1 = 0

| 4k  1 |
= 2 5
16  4

| 4k  1 |
= 2 5
2 5

|4k + 1| = 4 5
4k = 20 1 = 19[taking +ve sign]



40. The point (–3, 2) undergoes the following transformations successively
(i) Reflection about the line y = – x
(ii) Reflection about the line x = 0
(iii) Translation through a distance of 2 units along the negative direction of y-axis

(iv) Rotation through an angle in the anti-clockwise direction about the origin.
Then, the position of the point is at

 1 3   1 3   1 3   1 3 
(A)   ,  (B)   ,  (C)  ,  (D*)  , 
 2 2  2 2  2 2  2 2

Ans. (D)

Sol. (–3, 2)
Reflection about y = x (2, 3)
Reflection about x = 0 (2, 3)
Translation by 2 units along y (2, 1)

Rotation by anticlock wise about origin

1 1
(2 + i) × (1 + i) = (1 + 3i)
2 2

 1 3 
 The point is  , 
 2 2


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