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T. P.


Design and Operation of Jet-Bit Programs

For Maximum Hydraulic Horsepower,
Impact Force or Jet Velocity


ABSTRACT selection of nozzle sizes and by fol- est effect on drilling rate. Papers and
lowing the rules presented, the maxi- data have been presented that show
mum obtainable quantities can be ef- pump horsepower,'o bit hydraulic
fectively utilized from surface to to- horsepower' and jet impact force:
tal depth. each to be the most significant factor
Finally, a simple graphical meth- affecting drilling rate. Examination
od of selecting nozzle sizes and flow of jet-bit programs of the bit com-
rates is presented which can be used panies indicates emphasis on jet ve-
with familiar bit-company hydraulic locity. Only pump horsepower can
tables and calculators to design jet- be eliminated because it can be used
bit programs for maximum bit hy- to produce anyone of the bit effects
draulic horsepower, impact or jet ve- which, a priori, must be more rele-
locity, as desired. These programs vant factors. This contradictory state
make most effective use of the of opinion and practice regarding the
pumps. bit effects is unfortunate, but sev-
Heretofore, there was no method eral published references have been
available for designing field tests concerned with making one or an-
which adequately separated the ef- other of the factors maximum; and,
fects of bit horsepower, impact and because these in each case have given
jet velocity. The programs and pro- results applicable to only intervals
cedures developed in the paper are of the hole drilled, there seems to be
dissimilar and, when used in future ample reason to complete the pre-
field testing, should demonstrate vious efforts. It also is believed that
which program is the most impor- the differences in programs for each
tant in obtaining the fastest drill- effect, where they exist, should be
ing rate. delineated so that future use may de-
termine which hydraulic effect is the
more relevant.
It is the purpose of this paper to:
During the past decade, rig hy- (1) show the theoretical maximum
draulics has come into increasing bit hydraulic horsepower, jet impact
prominence. There has been a defi- force and jet velocity available at
nite trend toward providing higher all depths, taking into consideration
horsepower pumps, jet-type bits have all necessary restrictions on operat-
had increased use, numerous inves- ing conditions; (2.) illustrate proce-
tigators'-U have reported increased dures by which the maximum avail-
drilling rates as a result of increased able horsepower, impact force or
hydraulics, and bit manufacturers velocity may be obtained; and (3)
have provided tables 12- " and calcula- present a graphical method for rapid
tors",'6 that are now commonly used selection of jet-nozzle sizes and flow
to design jet-bit programs. rates to be used with conventional
Original manuscript received in Society of Opinion has varied as to the hy- procedures to design jet-bit programs
Petroleum Engineers office July 13, 1959. Re-
vised manuscript received March 28, 1960. draulic quantity which has the great- for maximum bit horsepower, im-
Paper presented at 34th Annual Fall Meet-
ing of SPE, Oct. 4-7, 1959, ill Dallas. 'References given at end of paper. pact force or velocity as desired.


THEORETICAL SOLUTION Surface Equipment than Qm. From the former case, it
Pump: Rating: 850 hp is shown in Appendix A (Eq. A2)
NATURE OF THE PROBLEM Stroke length: 18 in.
Strokes per Minute: 60 that an optimum flow rate" exists at
The hydraulic limitations in field Maximum Pressure: 2,954 each depth and that the optimum bit
Standpipe: 4-in. 10 X 45 It
use of a jet bit include the maximum Hose: 3·in. 10 X 55 It pressure drop in this region is 0.66
pressure rating of the pump (Pm), Swivel: 2';'·in. 10 X 5 It Pm (Eq. A3).'
the maximum flow rate available at Kelly, 3'/4·in. 10 X 40 It
When Q is greater than Qm, it is
the maximum pressure (Q",), the Ddlling String
4';'·in., 16.60 Ib/lt, IF·TJ shown from Eqs. A5 and A6 that, at
maximum pressure (P,) at any flow Drill Pipe
Drill Collars: 400 It, 3·in. 10, 7·in. 00 any depth, the bit horsepower de-
rate (Q) that the pump can produce
Other creases as flow rate is increased.
at maximum horsepower (K P,Q), Minimum Annular Velocity:
the maximum flow rate of the pump 171/4-in. hole- 80 ft/min
By applying these results to the
(Q' '" ), the minimum flow rate for 12'/4·in. hole-120 It/min field problem illustrated in Table
8%-in. hole-120 It/min
adequate cuttings removal (Qa) and, Drilling Fluid: 10.0 Ib/gal; low viscosity 1 and adding the restriction of mini-
at anyone depth, the variation with mum flow for adequate cuttings re-
flow rate of the pressure drop moval Q" Fig. 2 was drawn. It is
through the circulating system ex- graph, it is possible to develop and seen that, when Qa is greater than
cluding the bit (P p). * These may be specify sets of conditions under Qm (i.e., 12.25-in. hole), the maxi-
conveniently represented on a plot of which maximum bit hydraulic horse- mum bit hydraulic horsepower is ob-
pressure vs flow rate, as has been power, impact or jet velocity is avail- tainable by operating at the mini-
done in Fig. 1.** able. For purposes of illustrating the mum flow rate.
It is evident from Fig. 1 that the significance of the equations and to
develop the technique involved in When the flow rate can be less
maximum pressure available for use than Qm, for example in the 8.75-in.
at the bit (P b ) at any depth and flow utilization of the maximum available
bit hydraulic effects, a field problem hole, the maximum bit horsepower is
rate (Q) is the difference between obtained by operating at Qm for the
the surface pressure available (Pm is developed throughout the text.
This problem is based upon the first 10,000 ft. This interval has been
or p.) and the pressure drop through designated as Range 1. During Range
equipment and hole conditions of
the circulating system (P p ) . 1, the bit pressure drop must steadily
Table 1.
From basic hydraulic concepts and decrease with depth to allow more
as developed in the Appendixes, the MAXIMUM BIT HYDRAULIC of the available pressure to be used
bit hydraulic horsepower available at HORSEPOWER by added pipe.
any flow rate is proportional to the As stated, the hydraulic horsepow- Below this interval, optimum cir-
bit pressure drop times the flow rate; er developed across the bit at any culating rates can be established at
the jet impact force available is depth is proportional to the prod- flow rates less than Qm. When P, has
proportional to the square root of uct of the bit pressure drop and the decreased in Range 1 to 0.66 p,,,
the bit pressure drop times the flow flow rate. From Fig. 1, it is seen it marks the beginning of the opti-
rate; while the jet velocity is propor- that this is represented by the mum flow-rate interval, or Range 2.
tional to the square root of the bit hatched areas. The bit pressure Po is The bit pressure is held at 0.66 Pm
pressure drop. discontinuous, having for its boun- throughout this range, and the opti-
Based on an analysis of the maxi- dary Pm and Pp when Q is less than mum bit horsepower and flow rates
mum pump operating conditions and
limitations shown in Fig. 1 and upon MAX SURFACE HP
the statement in the preceding para-

':'The assumption is made that all flow

is turbulent which may not be correct for an- 600
nulus, but this is a small part of Pp and is
of little moment.
"=::'The P sQ curve should be a series of
broken steps for each liner but is drawn as <r
a smooth curve for convenience.

x 400
am = ~~XM:~?~U~~T~R~~A~b~~LE
Q'm : ~:~'D~iOI~E~ATE PUMP "'">-


. ,:,1

/ / P p • KpO"
Do, Do,


VOL. 219, 1960 239

decrease with depth until the mini-
mum circulation rate results. To con-
tinue drilling, the flow rate must be
RANGE I ==it
held at Q. (8.75-in. hole), and P b
again is sacrificed in favor of Pp
with increased depth. This has been 24
called Range 3 and is similar in char-
acter to Range 1. ~

'"!2 I
Appendix B (Eq. B2) indicates x
that, in Ranges 1 and 3 and when
Q. is greater than Qm where the

pump pressure and the flow rate are
16 ~I
g I
kept constant, the area of the jet u
nozzles must increase as more pipe I-
is added. When operating in Range 1i:
2, Eq. B4 shows that, as depth in-
creases, the area of the jet nozzles
must decrease. From Eq. B3, the
optimum flow rate also decreases =_1'"
with depth, causing a corresponding ~Io
decrease in both bit and required iii
surface hydraulic horsepower.
It was assumed in the discussion
so far that the nozzle sizes could be
continuously varied to utilize all FIG. 4- VARIATION OF JET IMPACT WITH FLOW RATE AND DEPTH
available Pb' By cross plotting the (BASED ON TABLE 1).

data for the 8.75-in. hole in Fig. 2

and from calculations based on se- with depth, it remains quite appre- function of the flow rate times the
lecting the most appropriate nozzle ciable. square root of the bit pressure. Ap-
sizes and operating conditions, it was The ranges and operating condi- pendix C develops the conditions at
possible to construct Fig. 3. This il- tions for maximum bit horsepower which impact is theoretically maxi-
lustrates that complete utilization of are tabulated in Table 2. mum. Fig. 4, based on Eq, C2,
the theoretical, maximum, available shows the variation of (Q Pt') with
bit horsepower can be closely ap- While the conditions for Range 2
have previously been specified;,ll the flow rate and depth for the illustra-
proached. For comparison, the bit tive field conditions.
horsepower produced by use of a operating conditions for Ranges 1
conventional jet program, based on and 3 have not been indicated here- For calculations of actual force,
minimum annular velocity of 120 tt/
tofore. Fb = 1.73 X lO-'po., Q po.s
min and 380 ft/sec jet velocity, is MAXIMUM JET IMPACT
where impact force Fb is expressed
also shown. A gain of 175 per cent in pounds, Q is in gallons per minute,
Impact force has been presented p is in pounds per gallon, and P is
in bit horsepower is shown over the as being proportional to the product in pounds per square inch. This value
conventional program at shallow of flow rate and jet velocity" How- is based upon an orifice coefficient of
depths; though this gain decreases ever, it may also be expressed as a 0.95.
It may be seen in Fig. 4 that the
curves again break at Qm. "Opti-
mum" flow rates exist for Q greater
600 than or less than Qm. It is shown in
Appendix C that, when the pump is
- --}UTlLlZED BIT operating in the region of maximum
or constant horsepower (Q greater
than Qm), the optimum flow rate oc-
400 0
curs when the bit pressure is 74 per
cent' of the maximum surface pres-

"u -'
sure available at that flow rate, P, "
~ (Eq. Cl3). When the pump is op-
t erating at maximum pressure Pm
~ 0

(Q less than Q m), the optimum flow
iii 200 rate occurs when the bit pressure is
49 per cent of the maximum surface
pressure (Eq. C6).
In the 17.5-in. hole (Fig. 4), the
mil1imum annular circulating rate
o 5000 10,000 15,000 20pOO for the illustrative field conditions is
DEPTH (FEET) equal to the maximum flow rate of
the pump; the fclaximum jet impact
MENT As COMPARED TO A CONVENTIONAL JET PROGRAM (8%-IN. HOLE). a-. ailable is at this flow rate. For the


Oa > Om Oa Om
lJepth Range Surface to T.D. 1 2 3 O. > Om
Surface Pressure p. P'" P'" Pm Depth Range Surface to T .D.
Flow Rate O. Om Oopt O. Surface Pressure P. Pm
Bit Pressure p, P. 0.66 Pm P. Flow Rate On Oa
Drill·String Pressure* P~ - p" pm-p" 0.34 Pm Pm-Ph Bit Pre!sure Po P.
*Includes pressure to circulate through surface equipment, drill pipe, collars and annulus. Drill-String
Pressure" P.~- Ph Pm - Pb
·lncJudes pressure to circulate through surface
equipment, drill pipe. collars and annulus.
Oa > Om 0. < Om
Depth Range 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5
Surface Pressure p, P. p, p. P. Pm Pm Pm
which will utilize all the pressure
Flow Rate O'm Oopt O. Q'm Oopt Om Oopt O. differential between the drill-pipe
Bit Pressure p. 0.74 p, P. p. 0.74 P., P. 0.49 Pm P.
Drill·String Pressure* p, - p" 0.26 P. P, - p" p, - Pb 0.26 p, Pm - Pb 0.51 Pm P,n - Pb pressure loss and maximum avail-
·'ncludes pressure to circulate through surface equipment, drill pipe, collars and onnulus. able pump pressure at that flow rate.
Table 4 summarizes the operating
conditions of maximum jet velocity.
12.25-in. hole, Q. is less than Q~ and the operating conditions of Ranges It should be mentioned that, if
drilling should be commenced with 1, 3 and 5 been previously presented. the procedures prescribed with Ref.
Q = Q: for maximum impact 15 are followed, the resulting jet-bit
(Range 1); then, optimum flow rates program is clearly one of maximum
Increasing jet velocity was found jet velocity, although this seems to
with bit pressure equal to 74 per cent
to increase drilling rate in early jet- be frequently unrecognized. Other
of the surface pressure should be
bit studies' and a test" in the Texas bit-company methods, and any pro-
followed, decreasing the optimum
Gulf Coast showed drilling rate to grams designed with the minimum
flow rate and increasing surface pres-
be continuously increasing at veloci- annular flow rate as a basis, tend
sure at maximum horsepower until
ties as high as a seldom-attained 650 toward the same result but will not
the minimum circulating rate is
ft/sec. The problem of designing pro- produce maximum jet velocity un-
reached. This interval is designated
grams for maximum jet velocity is less maximum surface pressure is
as Range 2. The hole then is drilled
considered in Appendix D, the an- used.
at the minimum annular flow rate.
alysis being based on the fact that
A similar analysis applies to the the jet velocity is proportional to the
8.75-in. hole, or where Q. is less PRACTICAL SOLUTION AND
square root of the bit pressure for a
than Q ... Ranges 1 and 2 theoreti- APPLICATIONS
given-density fluid. Fig. 5 has been
cally could be followed; then, drill- prepared from Eqs. D3 and D5 of Having shown that maximum hy-
ing should be continued at Q m or Appendix D to show the variation of draulic effects may be provided
Range 3. jet velocity with flow rate and depth through judicious selection of oper-
When the bit pressure has de- for the selected field conditions. ating conditions, there remains the
creased wi~h depth to 0.49 Pm, the It may be seen that the velocity is problem of designing and operating
second optimum flow-rate range (or a maximum when the flow rate is a jet-bit programs which effectively
Range 4) is begun, wherein the bit minimum; thus, the flow rate chosen utilize these effects.
pressure is held at 0.49 Pm. The flow should always be the minimum an- Because the discussion so far indi-
rate is sacrificed with increased depth nular flow rate Qu. Maximum ve- cates that for maximum bit horse-
to maintain P. = 0.49 Pm until the locity will be obtained by operating power and jet velocity it is always de-
mlllimum annular flow rate is at Q., irrespective of the size of the sirable to operate at the maximum
reached. Range 5 is drilled at the hole, and choosing the bit nozzles surface pressure possible (irrespec-
minimum circulating rate, with the
bit pressure sacrificed for increased
drill-pipe length.
It has been implied for maximum
impact, as for maximum horsepower,
the nozzles may be selected at all
depths to utilize as nearly as prac-
tical all the available bit pressure and
to cause the pumps to be operated at
maximum pressure (Pm or p.) at
the specified flow rates. The operat-
ing conditions for maximum impact
are summarized in Table 3. Moore'
and Colebrook" previously showed
that the bit pressure should be 74 per

> 200

, ,
cent of surface pressure when the It)~i !;t
pump is operating at maximum
horsepower. However, the authors ~l ~
have found no previous presentation ~IZ ~I
of the conditions necessary (P. = :; "

0.49 Pm) for maximum impact when FLOW RATE (GAL/MIN)

the pump is operating at maximum FIG. 5- VARIATION OF JET VELOCITY WITH FLOW RATE A'iD DEPTH
surface pressure (Range 4), nor have (BASED ON TABLE ll.

YOI .. 219, 1960

tive of the flow rate), it is suggested by the surface connections, drill col-
that the liner size in field use of jet- lars and added drill pipe is obtained
bit programs for these effects should 40 for each nozzle size by subtracting
always be the smallest that will pro- the bit pressure from the surface
vide minimum annular velocity, re- pressure. Knowing this pressure and
gardless of whether maximum bit 2 the flow rate for the nozzle and by
hydraulic horsepower or jet velocity use of bit-company methods now fa-
is desired and regardless of depth. .
miliar to the industry, the depth to
For maximum impact force, the '"::>
which each nozzle size can be used
liner size should be varied to cor- U)
without exceeding pump capabilities
respond with the flow-rate require- '"
Q: can be determined.
.. 10
ments of Ranges 1 and 2. This would 9 It is suggested that a graph be
necessitate using all possible liner 8 prepared for rig use showing nozzle
changes while drilling Range 2 and sizes, mud density, surface pressures
would be clearly impractical. It may and pump speed or flow rate vs
be noted in Range 1 that so little depth.
depth interval is involved as to be
ignorable, and the impact curves in :3 4 Om 5 6 7 8 a:n IMPACT FORCE
Range 2 are relatively flat. Little If Qn is greater than Q"" the pro-
could be lost by beginning drilIing FIG. 6-SELECTIO:'l OF JET NOZZLES AND cedure is identical to that of select-
at Q" when Q" is larger than Qm FLOW RATES FOR MAXIMUM HYDRAULIC ing nozzle sizes for maximum hy-
HORSEPOWER, JET IMPACT OR JET draulic horsepower. The operating
(i.e., 12.25-in. hole) and at Qm when VELOCITY.
Qa is less than Qm (i.e., 8.75-in. flow rate is always at Q". When Qa
hole). This indicates that, for prac- is less than Q"" Line 6 is drawn at
tical purposes, Ranges 1 and 2 may flow rate ratings of all liner sizes 0.49 r m, and Line 5 at 0.66 p", is
be ignored. If done, the liner to use P,Q.* not used. The method of nozzle se-
would again be the smallest that will 3. If any of the Q" lines intersect lection is carried out as beforc_ Note
give mlf!lmUm annular flow rate, as Line 4 (Qn greater than Qm), the that only three range;- are used_ Im-
for maximum jet velocity and bit flow rate for drilling this hole will pact Ranges 1 and 2 havi'lg been
horsepower. always be -Qa and the surface pres- dropped from consideration fe. rea-
sure will be the pressure rating of sons previously discussed.
For the selection of nozzle sizes,
the smallest liner that will give Qa. If it is desired to take advantage
bit pressures and flow rates upon
The nozzle sizes to be used start with of the increase in impact possible in
which design of the jet-bit programs
the smallest-size combination along Range 2, a line could be drawn at
is based, a bit-nozzle chart has been
the Qa line below the intersection 0.74 P, to indicate the nozzle sizes,
prepared. This was done by plotting
with Line 4, and succeeding nozzles optimum flow rates and bit pressures
pressure vs flow rate on log-log paper
are selected in order along Qa. The to be used, but some method of
for each nozzle combination. The
intersection points indicate the pres- averaging would have to be applied
chart is based on a 10 lbjgal mud,
sure drop for the nozzle combination to avoid the many liner changes
with the nozzles having an orifice
coefficient of 0.95. Hydraulic horse- at the flow rate Qa. necessary. The reader is referred to
power and jet velocity are also Ref. 2 for one approach applicable
4. If the Q. lines intersect Line to Range 2. It is pointed out that
shown. 2, all drilling will be done with sur- utilization of Range 2 would not
Fig. 6 is such a chart, and in- face pressure at Pm, and it is neces- greatly increase impact, but it would
cluded with this paper is a duplicate sary to draw Line 5 at 0.66 Pm. emphasize flow rate and sacrifice jet
chart (Fig. 9) drawn to a larger Initially (Range 1), the flow rate will velocity at near the same impact
scale and intended for practical use. be Qm; the first nozzle size is the one level.
Lines drawn on this chart to repre- intersecting Qm just below Line 2,
sent the necessary operating condi- and intersecting nozzle sizes down to JET VELOCITY
tions of Tables 2, 3 and 4 indicate Line 5 are used in order. Succeed- Irrespective of the value of Q"
nozzle sizes, flow rates, surface pres- ing nozzle sizes in Range 2 are in- whether it is greater than or less
sure and bit pressures for the pro- dicated by the intersections of noz- than Qm, the operating flolV rate
grams. zle-size lines with Line 5. These in- is always at Qa. Therefore, only Qa
tersections also indicate the optimum lines need be dra\\-!'. The first noz-
BIT HYDRAULIC HORSEPOWER flow rates* * to be used with the noz- zle selected along each Qa line is the
1. Lines la, 1b and 1c of Fig. 6 zle sizes while the bit pressure is one having the maximum possible
are drawn to represent the flow rates held at 0.66 Pm, and the nozzle sizes bit pressure. Larger nozzles are se-
required for minimum annular ve- decrease with depth. At the mini- lected in turn along the line, and
locity (Q~) in the different-sized mum flow-rate line (Range 3), the the determination of depth of use is
holes to be drilled. nozzle sizes again must increase with the same as before.
2. A resume of the pump operat- depth, the flow rate is mainta;ned at
Qa and the bit pressure is indicated EFFECT OF DENSITY ON
ing characteristics will provide data
hy the intersection of the nozzle-size SELECTION OF NOZZLES
for the following lines: (a) Line 2,
the pressure rating of the smallest lines and Qa. For convenience, the bit chart was
liner Pm; (b) Line 3, the maxi- The pressure available to be used designed for use with a 1O.0-lb/gal
mum flow rate of the smallest liner mud. Corrections for the position of
Qm; and (c) Line 4, the maximum ':'If it is considered desirable to avoid a
pump horsepower line, obtainable by smail overloading of the pumps, the line ::':;'That optimum ft.ow :rates can be ex-
should be drawn step-wise to show the exact pressed in terms of nozzle size is shown by
connecting the maximum pressure- values of rated P. vs Q. Eq. B4.

242 PETI'OLEl"!\i TR_\:\"S_\CTIO'lS,\l:llF

the nozzle lines at other densities until the circulating pressure equals based on the same illustrative condi-
are in order. However, use of a dif- the maximum pressure for the liner tions, equipment and methods hereto-
ferent chart for each possible density used; the greater flow rate will com- fore used, except that two identical
would be unwieldly, and a simpler pensate largely for losses caused by 850-hp pumps are used.
method is suggested. By applying a the larger nozzle. By this system, a Figs. 7 and 8 also may be inter-
larger nozzle will be specified in the preted to show the relative impor-
simple correction factor ~ (where program before the flow rate de- tance of providing high operating
creases below Qa. pressures in pumps as compared to
p is the actual mud density in use) High-pressure operation is the key providing increased flow rate or
to the values of Pm, 0.66 P"" 0.49 to providing maximum utilization of horsepower, because this is similar
Pm and the value of P, (the pres- the available surface hydraulic horse- to operating pumps in series vs
sure rating of the liner in this in- power. That this results in higher parallel.
stance when the flow rate is greater pump-maintenance costs is recog- While the advantages of com-
than Qm)", new lines may be drawn nized, but maximum results are ob- pounding the pumps in series may
on the chart (Eqs. El to E5 of Ap- tainable only in this way. If it is be clearly seen, the practical limi-
pendix E). The nozzle lines and all felt that the pump must be operated tations must be recognized. A prac-
other construction lines now may be at less than maximum pressure, this tical method of compounding power
used as before without further cor- value should be substituted for Pm pumps in series at high pressures
rection. When the pressure available and the methods presented are still and flow rates is not commonly avail-
for use of the circulating system is applicable. able-although highly desirable for
determined for each nozzle, the depth
It also is suggested that the pre- the objective of maximum utiliza-
at which the nozzle can be used is
pared bit programs include every tion. The use of pumps in parallel
determined on the assumption that a
possible nozzle size, and combination is common and can be done for
lO.O-lb/gal mud is in use. As the bit-
thereof, indicated on the bit charts. maximum bit effects.
company tables and calculators are
This will require field changes of The representation of the com-
also based on lO.O-lb/gal density,
nozzle inserts. Although the bits bined capabilities of compounded
this allows the solution for depth to
usually will not be pulled until dull pumps on the bit-nozzle chart (Fig.
be made without the usual correction
(and this may cause some specified 9) to devise a jet program is fairly
of pressure drop of each component
sizes not to be used), the nozzle size- simple, and this is left to the reader.
in the drill string for density. It is
depth chart prepared will indicate If the pumps are not identical, the
pointed out that pressures used for
the best choice at any time the bit is maximum pressure of the lowest-
the component parts at a density
pulled and the change in size be- pressure pump cannot be exceeded.
other than 10.0 Ib/gal are not the ac-
comes possible.
tual pressures but, instead, are COMPARISON OF BIT
pseudo-pressures used as a tool for EFFECT OF COMPOUNDING PUMPS HYDRAULIC EFFECTS
simplifying the procedure.
Compounding of pumps to gain From previous discussion it is seen
MODUS OPERANDI greater bit hydraulic effects is indi- that, if the minimum circulating rate
cated and the possibilities of in- is greater than Qm, the surface and
The depths determined for each
creased bit horsepower are illustrated bit operating conditions are the same
nozzle are the depths at which the
in Figs. 7 and 8 for both parallel and for maximum bit horsepower, jet ve-
pump capabilities are completely util-
series arrangements. The figures are locity and, for practical purposes,
ized. This would indicate that further
drilling with the nozzle is impossible
without exceeding pump rating. MAX. SURFACE HP - 2 PUMPS

However, when the flow rate is ,

greater than Qa, the nozzle may be ,
used at its determined depth and be-
low by maintaining the surface pres-
sure at the specified maximum val-
ues and by allowing the flow rate to 0:
- - I PUMP
- I
~ 1000
decrease as drill pipe is added. This - - SERIES

relieves the rig crew of the neces-

V> /
sity of controlling flow rate, and all '"o
the driller need be concerned with ..J
after adding each joint is to increase <
flow rate until the pressure gauge c
reads the value of Pm or P" as ap- '"

propriate. Flow then is adjusted au- cc 500

tomatically and the pump rating is

not exceeded.
When the specified flow rate is Qu,
it cannot be allowed to decrease and
it is suggested that the nozzle sizes I
used be one size larger than called o
for by the program developed using 200 400 600 800
the methods so far presented. The FLOW RATE (GAL/MIN)
driller still can follow the simple rule FIG. 7- BIT HYDRAULIC HORSEPOWER WITH PUMPS IN SERIES OR PARALLEL FOR
of always increasing the pump speed SIMILAR DEPTHS (BASED ON TABLE 1).

YOLo 219, 1960 243

impact; the effects are indistinguish- tional to the product, Q V. These locity emphasizes jet velocity at the
able. This also is true when all three statements indicate that, compara- expense of flow rate, maximum im-
programs are at Qm or at Qa. tively speaking, maximum jet ve- pact force emphasizes flow rate at
When the minimum flow rate is
less than Qm, separation of the ef-
fects is possible. For maximum bit --- -- -----0 __
horsepower and maximum impact,
the initial drilling is at Qm and there
- - --0-.,
-- -0-
is no difference in operation until
the bit pressure has decreased to 1000
--- 0__., ___
-0_ --
0.66 Pm. Here, the operating condi- I!. - I PUMP
tions for maximum bit horsepower o- 2 PUMPS, PARALLEL
and impact diverge. This would be-
- - 8 fHOLE
gin at about 1,500 ft for parallel
- 12 fHOLE
pumps and at about 8,000 ft with a
---- 17 fHOLE
single pump for the field conditions
studied, and a difference would con- 500
tinue to any reasonable total depth.
During drilling in the optimum flow-
rate ranges, there is a small constant
difference at the same depths be- ,
tween the maximum bit horsepower \

and the horsepower at maximum im- '\,

pact, but a greater difference be- oL-~ '. ________ L-~~ ______ ~~ ________L-____ ~~ __L-________ ~

o 4000 8000 12000 16000

tween the flow rates, bit pressures DEPTH (FEET)
and jet velocities.
It is shown in Appendix F (Eq. PUMPS IN SERIES OR PARALLEL.
F5) that, at maximum bit hydraulic
horsepower, the bit horsepower is
8.5 per cent greater than when oper-
ating for maximum impact. Also, it
can be shown that the bit pressure
is 34.7 per cent greater, the flow rate
is 19.5 per cent less and the jet ve-
locity is 14.3 per cent greater. At the
maximum impact conditions, the im-
pact is 7 per cent greater than at
maximum horsepower (Eq. F6).
Comparing the conditions at maxi- 2000
mum jet velocity with those of either
maximum impact or bit hydraulic 400
horsepower in the 8.75-in. hole shows
that the differences in bit effects may 350 ~
be large. This difference will vary 1000
with depth and, for other field prob- II)
a. 300~
lems, with the difference between Qa
and Qm. Use of parallel pumps will w 700 >-
increase the difference, and a differ- :::l
250 g
ence exists for the field conditions ...J
studied from surface to 22,000 ft. At >
"- 400
6,000 ft, the flow rates for the one 200 I-
pump would be 275 gals/min at ..,
maximum jet velocity and 419 gals/
min for maximum horsepower, a dif-
ference of 52 per cent. If the pumps 150
are paralleled, the difference is 205
per cent. The difference in jet ve-
locity would be approximately 15 to
20 per cent for the single pump but
several hundred per cent for paral- THE FOLLOWING EQUATIONS:

leled pumps. V 2 : IILI8SP 100

P : 0.000921 ~
It was previously indicated that, I' : 10 LB/GAL 90
for maximum jet velocity, flow rate NOZZLE COEFFICIENT ASSUMED 0.95
must be sacrificed and maintained .!i IS TOTAL AREA OF NOZZLES 80

at the minimum acceptable value for 501ILO-0--------2~00-----3~0-0--4...JOO---50LO--~70-0----,0-0~0------~2~000~--~3~000~~4~000

adequate cuttings removal. Bit hy- FLOW RATE (GAL / MIN)


some sacrifice of jet velocity, and hor~epower, the flow rate should be Q'm K being a constant
bit hydraulic horsepower is interme- the maximum rate of the smallest of multiplication for unit
diate. The question seems to be liner until a depth is reached at conversion
whether jet velocity or flow rate which the bit pressure is 66 per cent Qu = minimum flow rate neces-
should be emphasized, or whether of the surface pressure; then, the sary to produce minimum
the intermediate values of Q and V flow rate should be decreased with annular velocity; deter-
at maximum bit hydraulic horse- depth while the bit pressure is held mined by hole size, drill
power are better. at 66 per cent of the surface pres- pipe and field conditions;
It was shown in early drag jet-bit sure until the flow rate for minimum Qa may have any value,
studies'" that drilling rate increases annular velocity is attained. The lat- as indicated by Qalo Qu"
with both flow rate and jet velocity, ter flow rate then should be main- QU3, etc.
but the data indicate that velocity had tained to total depth. Pp = pressure drop in the entire
the greater effect. This would tend to b. For maximum jet impact force, drill stem, such that Pp
favor hydraulic horsepower or jet- the flow rates are identical to those = KpQ"; Kp is determined
velocity programs over impact, and in Conclusion 4a, except the bit pres- by the mud density, hole
one reference shows an excellent cor- sure is held at 49 per cent of the size, size of drill pipe and
relation between drilling rate and surface pressure in the optimum bit drill collars, surface con-
bit horsepower. Yet, another shows pressure range. nections and depth; n is
correlation with impact.' Undoub- c. For maximum jet velocity, the approximately 1.9 if all
tedly, the bit-company design meth- flow rate is always that which pro- flow is assumed turbu-
ods emphasizing jet velocity have in- vides minimum annular velocity. lent
creased drilling rate in many wells. 5. If maximum bit hydraulic ef- d = depth of hole
The problem of which approach is fects are to be obtained, the nozzle k" = pressure drop of the drill
best apparently still is a controversial sizes must be selected as appropriate stem per unit length and
une. to the surface pressure and flow-rate unit flow rate, such that
However, it would seem that the requirements expressed previously, Kp = d k p
differences between programs are and there is a simple graphical meth- P, = pressure drop across the bit,
large enough to offer a strong possi- od of doing so. such that P, = Pm - Pp
bility of being significant. 6. There is a need to determine or P b = P, - Pp , depend-
through continued field experimenta- ing on whether Q is less
tion which bit hydraulic program has than or greater than Qm
the greatest effect on drilling rate. K, = pressure drop across the bit
1. To obtain maximum use of the 7. There is' a decided advantage per unit flow rate, such
pumps for bit hydraulic horsepower to compounding pumps for maxi- that P, = K,Q', where K,
and jet velocity, the smallest liner mum bit hydraulic effects, and the is dependent upon the
that will provide adequate annular nozzle sizes and operating conditions mud density, nozzle area
velocity must be used. Neglecting a necessary may be selected graphic- and orifice coefficient
possible small improvement at greater ally in a manner similar to the A = total area of bit nozzles,
flow rates, the smallest liner provid- method described. such that Kb = kbA-'
ing adequate annular velocity should 8. The importance of high-pres- HP b = hydraulic horsepower of the
be used for maximum jet impact. sure operation for maximum bit hy- nozzles at any flow rate,
2. To obtain maximum bit hy- draulic effects is evident; because such that HP b = K PbQ
draulic effects, the jet nozzles should, pump maintenance is a problem un- HP, = available surface horsepow-
in combination with the remainder der such conditions, there is a need er at any flow rate, such
of the circulating system, cause the for pumps that will operate continu- that HP, = K PmQ or
pump to be loaded to the rated liner ously at high pressures without un- HP, = KG, depending
pressure. due maintenance. upon whether Q < or>
3. When the flow rate for mini- Qm
mum annular velocity is greater than NOMENCLATURE Fb = impact force of jet
the maximum flow rate of the small-
est liner and ruling out procedures P = pressure K, = conversion constant for jet,
which would involve numerous liner p," = maximum surface pressure such that Fb = K,Q P".'
changes, there is no difference in op- available (pressure rating F, = surface impact force avail-
erating conditions for maximum bit of the smallest liner) able from the pump, such
hydraulic horsepower, impact force Q = flow rate that F, = KQ P"~ or F.
or jet velocity; maximum bit hydrau- Qm = maximum flow rate of
= K ,Q po;" depending
lic effects are obtained by operating smallest liner at Pm
Q: = maximum flow rate of larg- upon whether Q < or
always at the flow rate for minimum
annular velocity. est liner > Qm
4. When the flow rate for mini- P, = maximum pressure avail- V = velocity of jet stream, such
mum annular velocity is less than able at any flow rate, Q that V = Q/A
the maximum flow rate of the small- varying between Qm and
est liner, there is a choice of oper- Q: ACKNOWLEDGMENT
ating conditions to provide either K G = maximum surface hydrau- The authors wish to express their
maximum bit hydraulic horsepower, lic horsepower available appreciation to the management of
impact or jet velocity. such that P.Q = G, for Q Gulf Research & Development Co.
a. For maximum bit hydraulic varying between Qm and for permission to publish this paper.

VOL. 219, 1960 245

REFERENCES Drill. and Prod. Prac., API (1951) 11. Colebrook, Ross W.: "How to Get the
I. Nolley, J. P., Cannon, George E. and
28. Most Hydraulic Power at the Bottom
Ragland, Douglas: "The Relation of 6. Hellums, Earle c.: "The Effect of of the Drill String in Rotary Drill·
Nozzle Fluid Velocity to Rate of Pump Horsepower on Rate of Pene· ing", ASME Paper No. 58-Pet-6, pre·
Penetration with Drag·Type Bits", tration", Drill. and Prod. Pmc., API sented at ASME Petroleum Confer-
DrilL and Prod. Pmc., API (1948) (1952) 83. ence, Denver, Colo. (Sept. 21-24.
22. 7. Thompson, Gene D_: "A Practical 1958) .
2. Nolley, J. P. and Eckel, John R.: Application of Fluid Hydraulics to 12. "Hydraulics In Rotary Drilling",
"An Analysis of Hydraulic Factors Drilling in California", Drill. and Hughes Tool Co. (April, 1954).
Affecting the Rate of Penetration of Prod. Pmc., API (1953) 123.
13. "Hydraulics for Jet Bits", Hughes
Drag-Type Rotary Bits", Drill. and 8. Keating, T. W., Clift, W. D. and Tool Co. (Jan., 1956).
Prod. Pmc., API (1949) 9. Cutrer, John P.: "A Study of Pene-
3. Moore, Preston L.: "Five Factors tration Rates in Rotary Drilling", 14. "Drilling Hydraulics", Chicago Pneu·
That Affect Drilling Rate", Oil and Drill. and Prod. Pmc .. API (1956) matic 1'001 Co.
Gas Jour. (Oct. 6, 1958) 56, No. 163. IS. "Hydraulic Calculator", Reed Roller
40, 141. 9. Wardroup, W. R. and Cannon, George Bit Co., Houston, Tex.
4. Bielstein, W. 1. and Cannon, George E.: "Some Factors Contributing to
E.: "Factors Affecting the Rate of Increased Drilling Rate", Drill. and 16. "Hydraulic Calculator", Security En·
Penetration of Rock Bits", Drill and Prod. Pmc., API (1956) 274. gineering Division, Dallas, Tex.
Prod. Pmc., API (1950) 6l. lO. Speer, John W.: "A Method for 17. Unpubished: "Test of Effect of In·
;). Eckel, J. R. and Bielstein, W. J.: Determining Optimum Drilling Con- creasing Nozzle Velocity in Drilling
"Nozzle Design and its Effect on ditions", API Paper No. 936·31 (Feh. Rate", Houston Production Div., Gulf
Drilling Rate and Pump Operation", 28, 1958). Oil Corp.

1.9 k pd Qt;;t = k b A "Q'op, (B4)

(0 < Q < Qm; Pm = constant)
= K(P", - KpQ19)Q = K(PmQ - KpQ' ')
(AI) F, = Wa = W (V, - V,)
d(HP.) g g t
d(Q) = K(P", - 2.9 KpQI9) = 0;
where W is the mass flow rate of liquid, a is the ac·
hence, celeration, and g is the constant of gravity. V, - V, is
Pm = 2.9 KpQ~:, = 2.9 P v ovt . (A2) the change in jet velocity normal to the surface in
time t.
Ph opt = Pm - Pp opt = P,,, - 0.34 Pm
= 0.66 P", _ (A3)
= _ . W . _ rQ' p V' .
HP. opl K P.Q"Pt = K(0.66 PmQovt) V, - 0, t = pQ, Ph - K AY7 = KC' ,
K(0.66 P,/")
(2.9 Kv)"'" = 2.9 K(0.66 KpQ:,:,) hence,
= 0.66 HP, opt (A4) V = K' P hO., where p is constant.
W,n < Q < Q'm ; P ,Q = constant) (C2)
HP. = K P.Q = K(P, - Pp)Q

= K ( ~ - KvQl')Q = K(C
- K1,Q'''). (A5) (0 < Q < Qm; Pm = constant)
d(HP.) F. = K,Q Pt· = K,Q(P m - Pp)05
d(Q) = K( - 2.9 KvQ") = 0, Q = 0; = K,Q(P,,, - KpQ")05 = K,(PmQ' - K"Q"t'
hence, (C3)
HP. is maximum when Q = 0 (A6) d(F.) K(2P mQ - 3.9 KpQ")
= 0;
d(Q) 2(P m Q' - KpQ''')O''
2P mQ'PI = 1.95 KpQ:,:, (C4)
SIZE AND FLOW RATES Pm = 1.95 KpQ:,;:, (C5)

Pm or P, = p. + P"
Po opt =:Pm - Pp opt
= K.Q' + KvQ'9 = Pm - 0.51 P'" = 0.49 P'" (C6)
= k.A-'Q' + kv d QU
(B2) o
= (0.51
Kp P"')"" (C7)

P,. = 2.9 Kv Q~:, = 2.9 k vd Q:,:, ; (B3) F, = K; Q P m O. 5 (C8)


where pI = standard density of K. and K p , and
p2 = actual density.

= 0.506 K,p .. ,·03 K p-O. 53 (CIO)

Qop' = (~~
lJ2 K.
1 066 P )0"
CASE 2 = ( :2 T. (hydraulic horsepower) . (E2)
(Q .. < Q < Q~ ; P,Q =constant)
1 049 P )0.5
F. = KiQ P.o· = K,Q (P, - Pp)0.5 =
( pP2 'K • m (jet impact) ... (E3)


= K,(CQ - KpQ3')0. .... (Cll) Pp = p .. - p. = p .. - K.Q' = KpQ' . . (E4)
d(F.) K,(C - 3.9KpQ'9) p2 p2
d(Q) = 2(C Q _ KpQ3')0' = O. ---prPp = Pm - prP.
3.9 KpQ:';, = C =P, op,QQP' = 3.9 Pp op,Qop,; pI
Pp = p2 Pm - p •.
P, op' = 3.9Pp op' (CI2)
At optimum flow rates,
p. op' = P, op' - Pp op' = P, "1" - 0.26 p., "I"
=0.74P. QP' (C13) Pp = p2 Pm - Po op' . . . . . . (E5)
_ (0.26 P, op1 )0.53
Qop, - K .... (C14)

F, = K,Q p,o.• = K,(C Q)o •. (C15) APPENDIX F

F. op' = K,Qop,(P. op,)0.5
= K iQop,(0.74 P, op,)OO
= 0.84 K,(CQop,)o,
= 0.84F, . . (C16)
(Q. < QoP,<Qm; P = Pm; depth = d)
(HP.) op'; p. = 0.66 Pm
Pp hp = Pm - Pp = 0.34 Pm = Kp(Qop,)~; . (Fl)
MAXIMUM JET VELOCITY (F.rop,; p. = 0.49 Pm

CASE 1 Pp , = Pm - p. = 0.51 Pm = Kp(Qov')/" (F2)

(0 < Q < Qm; Pm = constant) Hence,
V = ( -- Po"'.
)0.• (DO Kp(Qop,)~;
K p (Q o V')""
= KvP.o .• = Kv(P m - Pp)o .•
= Kv(P m - K pQ'·9),". . . (D2) (Qop,),P = 0.805(Qop.), (F3)
d(V) Kv( - 1.9 KpQo,) (P. ov')'v = 1.347(P. oP')" . (F4)
d(Q) = 2(P .. _ KpQ'9)05 = 0, Q = 0;
V is maximum when Q = O. . . . . (D3) HORSEPOWER AT CONDITIONS OPTIMUM FOR
(Q .. < Q < Q'.. ; P, Q = constant) AVAILABLE AT OPTIMUM JET-IMPACT
V = KvP:" = Kv(P. - Pp)0.5 CONDITIONS

= Kv( ~ - KpQl·r5 (D4)

(HP. op,).p = K(P. op,).p (Qop,).p
=K 1.347 (P. oP'.) , 0.805(Qop,),
d(V) Kv( - C Q-' - 1.9 KpQo,) = 1.085 K(P. op,) f (Qop,) f
d(Q) = 2(C Q 1 _ K/9)05 = 0; = 1.085 (HP. op,), . . . . (F5)
- C Q-2 - 1.9 KpQ09 = 0, Q = 0;
V is maximum when Q = 0 . (D5) AVAILABLE AT CONDITIONS OPTIMUM
OPTIMUM FLOW RATE = K, 1.242 (Qop,).p 0.86 (P. oP.) o~~
._ p2 , = 1.07 K,(Qop,),P (P. oP'):;
p. op' - prK.Q op' . . . . . . . . (E1)
=1.07 (F.op,),P • . . . • • (F6)

VOL. 219, 1960 247




The significance of a set of rules creased as the nozzles were de- pear that the quantity to be maxi-
aimed at maximizing either the ve- creased from 3 X 9/16-in. to 3 X mized is the power of the jets; but,
locity, the impact or the power of 1/2 -in. even though the power was as shown previously, power alone
the jets at the nozzle exits depends increased. ) cannot be the complete criterion.
on whether or not these quantities A general idea of the actual cri- The power also should be distributed
are valid as criteria for optimum util- terion, which also puts the velocity, effectively, in such a way that a max-
ization of the rig's hydraulic sys- impact and power "criteria" in their imum fraction of it is used directly
tem and, if so, whether or not it is proper place, may be formed from for the removal of the cuttings. This
possible to select from these quanti- a study of the role of the jets in the optimum condition obviously will ex-
ties the proper one for given operat- drilling mechanism. ist for one specific nozzle size, and
ing conditions. Consider a drilling system where it may be expected to vary with the
Some evidence for the validity of the jet velocity and the total area power of the jets. Therefore, the
the assumption that velocity, impact of the nozzles are the only inde- quantity to be maximized is not just
and power may be critical quantities pendent variables. If it is conceded the power but, rather, is a function
in jet-bit hydraulics is found in the that the jets affect the drilling solely of the power and the nozzle area.
literature on the subject. The data by their capacity to control the ac- The general shape of this function
cumulation of drilled particles at the (z) can be determined from the
show that the drilling rate often in-
creases if anyone of these quanti- bottom of the hole and on the bit knowledge that it must approach
ties is increased and that it may teeth, the work required for the zero for small nozzles, reach a maxi-
reach a maximum coinciding with removal of these drilled particles has mum at a larger nozzle size and then
the maximum of the velocity, im- to be supplied by the kinetic energy decrease as the nozzle size increases
pact or power, depending on the of the jets. To minimize the accumu- (Fig. Dl). As, for a constant nozzle
conditions under which the experi- lation and, thus, improve the pene- size, an increase in power will always
ments are performed. This last qual- tration of the bit in virgin rock, the produce an increase in Z, it follows
ification is important; its omission cuttings have to be removed rapidly. that curves for constant power do
has led to the erroneous conclusion For rapid removal, the work has to not intersect (except at the origin).
that velocity, or impact or power be done at a fast rate; hence, ade- The z-function, which might be
should be "the criterion". It is easy quate power should be available for called a generalized power criterion,
to show, however, that none of the this purpose. Therefore, it would ap- contains the velocity, impact and
three quantities can lay claim to power "criteria". To demonstrate
this title. Suppose, for instance, that this, write these three as special
the power of the jet were "the cri- forms of the generalized power cri-
terion". This would imply that a terion. The "velocity criterion" be-
larger power is always preferable comes z = V = (HP / A )'/', the "im-
z pact criterion" z = AV' = HPI'A'/3
to a smaller power, irrespective of
the manner in which this power is and the "power criterion" z = HP.
made available. The power is pro- These various "criteria" have been
portional to AV', where A is the plotted in Fig. D2, and it becomes
total area of the nozzles and V is evident why different "criteria" seem
the velocity of the jet at the nozzle to govern the problem of jet-bit hy-
exits. A V' could be held constant for draulics. * At small nozzle sizes, the
two different sets of nozzles of dif- actual criterion may appear to the
ferent areas by adjusting the velocity. experimenter as a "velocity criter-
If one such set of nozzles had ex- _A ion", for intermediate nozzles as a
tremely small diameters, it would be FIG. DI-GENERALIZED POWER CRITERION. "In both figures, HP,>HP,>HP,.
illogical to assume that the jets is-
suing from these small nozzles
would affect the drilling rate in ex-
actly the same way as would jets of
larger diameter. Hence, the power
criterion cannot be valid for all noz- z z z
zle sizes. The general validity of the f------------H P2
velocity and impact criteria can be
disproved by the same reasoning. 1------------ HP I
The term "extremely small diameter" HP3
is used loosely, as an illustration. It
does not signify that such nozzles L __
-====== HP I
-A -A
would be outside the range of prac- "VELOCITY CRITERION" "IMPACT CRITERION" "POWER CRITERION"

tical interest. (Ref. 10 shows an ex- FIC. D2 - THE VELOSITY, IMPACT AND POWER "CRITERIA" WHICH
ample where the drilling rate de- COMPRISE THE FUNCTION.


"power criterion", and for larger noz- then, for the same range of nozzle the problem of designing a jet-bit
zles as an "impact criterion". sizes and the same power, z could program is that he should maximize
Although actual z-curves could be increase with nozzle size in one series pump pressure or pump power-
plotted by varying nozzle sizes at of experiments and decrease in the no matter what the rate of circula-
constant power, such curves would other. To the investigator, it would tion and the jet velocity may be. In
be of little practical value because appear that the "impact criterion" the actual choice of the rate of cir-
they would only be valid for the con- was valid in the first, and the "ve- culation, which then determines the
ditions under which the experiment locity criterion" in the second case. jet velocity, he shOUld be guided by
was performed. Changing rotary Considering the complexity of the the drilling progress observed at the
well. The flexibility of such a pro-
speed, bit size, bit type or other drill- problem and the unreliability of "cri-
gram would give him a chance to
ing variables would change the flow teria" suggested in the literature take maximum advantage of the rig's
pattern beneath the bit and, hence, (none of which could be valid for hydraulic system, a chance he would
the drill-cutting removal. For in- anyone well), it seems that, at the forfeit had his program been based
stance, if two series of experiments present time, the best advice to be on a velocity, impact or power "cri-
were made at different rotary speeds given to the operator faced with terion".


H. D. Outmans' questioning of reasoned that very high jet velocities ducible under field restrictions - a
the validity of velocity, impact and would be of little value at very low possibility illustrated in his analysis.
power as critical quantities is well flow rates. Therefore, it is not at all The use of impact factor (QV)
founded, illuminating and worthy of unreasonable to expect that, at some originated,,2 not from fundamental
discussion. The first papers'·2 on jet- values of V and Q, drilling rate considerations but, rather, from the
bit usage showed increasing drilling would be less than at others, even need to take advantage of the effects
rate with increasing flow rate at con- though power or impact were held of both increased flow and velocity
stant jet velocity. Drilling rate also constant or even increased! Speer'· on drilling rate in jet-bit programs.
increased with increasing jet velocity apparently found such a case, al- Use of the factor allowed maximiza-
at constant flow rate, jet velocity hav- though the preponderance of data in- tion under the rig conditions of lim-
ing the larger effect. * The two var- dicates an increase in drilling rate ited pump capability where increases
iables studied are fundamental, and whenever power"s". or impact'·2,4 is in the variables can only be produced
these statements still constitute the increased in the range of velocity at the expense of energy loss in the
best bases for jet-bit program de- and flow rate producible on rigs. As circulating system. Use of a power
sign. It should be noted that the Outmans indicated, each of the cri- factor (QV') serves the same pur-
statements do not infer an increase teria may appear to be correct, de- pose. Use of a velocity criterion al-
in drilling rate with an increase of pending upon the conditions of the lows maximization of velocity at con-
one variable if the other is decreased. experiment; but, from a field-use stant, minimum annular flow rate.
It is generally accepted that increas- view, the question is not the over-all It would be possible also to maxi-
ing jet velocity is of little value be- validity of the criteria but, instead mize velocity at any other selected
low 200 ft/sec, and it readily can be flow rate. There appears to be no
whether or not correlation exists in
reason, from a design viewpoint, of
• AlI at maximum effective bit weight. the range of flow and velocity pro-
volunteering reductions in Q and/or
V below the limited values obtain-
at IN.{Oa)
600 r MIN. FLOW

able under field restrictions, and this
is an inevitable result of attempts to
use jet bits without selection of some
arbitrary criterion upon which to
base pump loading.
t) ~MIN. FLOW 12t IN. (Oa) For example, take the suggestion
of the discussor, wherein either
u.. pump pressure or power would be
maximized and flow rate varied un-
':400 til the maximum drilling rate was
t) found. The pump could be loaded
o...J only by selecting one nozzle size,
> producing loading at some arbitrar-
ily selected flow rate. Flow rate could
-:> not be increased without increased
power and pump overloading; and,
if flow rate were decreased, jet ve-
200 locity and flow rate would be rapidly
reduced. Probably the fastest drill-
400 SOo 800 ing rate would occur at the arbitrar-
FLOW RATE, (GAL/MIN) ily selected flow rate.

VOL. 219. 1960 249

eludes the necessity of incorporat- best, and another will be best under A line has been drawn in Fig. lA
ing arbitrary criterion; until the role other conditions. The authors did to illustrate an interesting possibility
of hydraulics in cutting is better un- not intend to present a brief for any of very conveniently designing a pro-
derstood, programs will need to be or all of the programs; but, because gram that takes advantage of maxi-
designed accordingly. of the extensive but incomplete ef- mum pump-pressure operation (or
It may be of interest to some to forts of others to maximize the cri- maximum economic pressure) and
point out that, comparatively, maxi- teria and utilize pump horsepower, tends to average the velocities and
mum-impact (QV) programs em- it was felt that it would be valuable flow rates of the three maximum pro-
phasize flow, maximum-velocity pro- to show how this could be done com- grams. A single nozzle size can be
grams produce maximum velocity pletely. selected that loads the pump at Qm
under the restriction of minimum Fig. lA shows possible variations (or at maximum flow at maximum
annular flow, and maximum bit- in velocity and flow for the field economic pressure). This one nozzle
power (QV2) programs place inter- problem of the paper, under condi- size could be used at constant sur-
mediate emphasis on velocity and tions of maximum pump loading and face pressure, letting flow rate de-
flow. This represents a range of em- the restriction of minimum annular crease as pipe is added until total
phasis that can be field-tested if flow rate. Values resulting from use depth or minimum flow rate is
pumps are operating in the constant- of each arbitrary criterion are illus- reached. The results of such a se-
pressure region; however, it was in- trated. Maximum drilling rate prob- lection on bit horsepower are illus-
tended to show in the paper that, in ably occurs in some interval along trated by the 3 5/16-in. nozzle line
the constant-horsepower region of each depth line, and it would be
of Fig. 3. In view of the uncertain-
pump operations, this largely loses most helpful if this could be defined.
significance and that the same pro- Possibly this is the intent of Out- ties of each maximized program, this
grams tend to result from each de- mans' recommended procedure; but, may be just as good a choice. It
sign objective. It is conceivable that to keep the pumps loaded and vary should be remembered that this is
with one set of rig equipment or flow, variable-sized nozzles would be applicable only in the constant-pres-
conditions one program will appear required. sure region of pump operation. ***


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