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Umi Fatonah.

Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar Muatan PPKn Menggunakan model kooperatif

tipe number head together Bagi Siswa Kelas IV A SD 1 Bantul Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017.
Bantul. SD I Bantul. 2016.

Umi fatonah, The Improvement of Learning Achievement in Civics Education Through

Cooperative Learning Model Number Head Together Type For Students Grade 4A in Bantul
1 Prymary School 2016/2017 Academic Year. Bantul. Bantul 1 Primary School.2016.


Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini bertujuan menerapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif

tipe number head together untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar pada siswa kelas IV A SD 1

The purpose of this classroom action research is to apply co-operative learning model
number head together type in order to improve grade IV A students’ learning achievement in
Bantul 1 Primary School.

Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 27 siswa kelas IV ASD 1 Bantul pada semester I tahun
pelajaran 2016/2017. Tindakan dilakukan dalam dua siklus. Masing-masing siklus 3 kali
pertemuan, setiap siklus terdiri dari rencana, pelaksanaan, pengamatan/ observasi, dan
refleksi.Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis kuantitatif untuk menganalisis hasil belajar
siswa dan analisis kualitatif untuk menganalis hasil pengamatan, catatan lapangan yang
dilakukan oleh peneliti maupun kolaborator.

The subject of this research is 27 students of grade 4A in Bantul 1 Primary School in

which it was conducted on odd semester in 2016/2017 academic year. The research was
conducted on 2 cycles. Each cycle has 3 meetings and divided into 4 points such as plan,
implementation, observation, and reflection. Quantitative and qualitative analisys are used to
analyze the date. Quantitative analysis is used to see the result studies of the students and
qualitative analysis is used to analyze the result of the observation and field notes which was
done by both researcher and collaborator.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan model kooperatif tipe number head
together secara efektif dan efisien dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa kelas IV A SD
1 Bantul. Hasil penelitian Hasil evaluasi pada siklus I sudah ada peningkatan dari nilai pra
siklus dan memenuhi target ketuntasan.

The results showed that the application of the number head together type cooperative model
effectively and efficiently could improve the learning achievement of the grade IV A students
in Bantul 1 Primary School.The result of the study and the result of the evaluation showed
that there was improvement from the score in the pre cycle to the first cycle and it has met the
target of completeness.

Presentase ketuntasan siswa mencapai 77,78% dari jumlah 27 siswa kelas IV A SD 1 Bantul
dan rata-rata nilai ulangan siklus 1 sudah 79,5. Dengan demikian pada siklus I sudah tuntas. ,
karena ketuntasan belajar siswa sudah mencapai tolok ukur keberhasilan yaitu ketuntasan
belajar mencapai 75%. Aktivitas mengajar guru pada pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT
masih kurang maksimal dalam pembimbingan ketika siswa diskusi kelompok.

The students’ completeness percentage reached 77.78% of the total 27 students of grade IV A
in Bantul 1 primary cchool and the average score of the students’ evaluation score in the first
cycle was 79.5. Thus, the students’ evaluation score in the first cycle has completed since the
students’ mastery learning have reached the benchmark of success, namely mastery learning
reaches 75%. Teacher teaching activities in NHT type cooperative learning are still not
maximal in mentoring especially when students are in the group discussions.

Hasil belajar siklus II presentase ketuntasan siswa mencapai 96,3 % dari jumlah 27 siswa
kelas IV SD I Bantul. Dengan demikian pada siklus II dipandang cukup, karena ketuntasan
belajar siswa telah mencapai tolok ukur keberhasilan yaitu ketuntasan belajar telah mencapai
75% dan keaktifan anak dalam kerja sama kategori sudah membudaya juga sudah mencapai
66 % dari 60% yang ditargetkan.

The learning results in the second cycle showed that the percentage of students' completeness
reached 96.3% of the total 27 grade IV students in Bantul 1 Primary School. Thus the second
cycle is considered sufficient, since the students’ mastery learning has reached a benchmark
of success, it has reached 75% and the students’ activeness in collaborative categories has
become a culture and it has also reached 66% of the 60% targeted.

Kata kunci : Model kooperatif, Tipe number head together, prestasi belajar PPKn.

Key word : Cooperative model, type number head together, Civic learning achievement

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